Xiaomao asked.

"I am you. I can help you do what you are not good at. I can help you do what you can't do."

The fake Xiaomao seduced.

"No, I am me, you are you, I don't need you."

Xiao Mao rejected the counterfeit Xiao Mao's proposal. Xiao Mao became mature after his parents were killed by the Klexis Empire.

"Since you don't agree, go to death."

The fake Xiao Mao showed his fierce face, with a fierce look in his eyes, he grabbed Xiao Mao's neck with one hand, and pressed Xiao Mao against the tree, his face was flushed.

Xiaomao found that Xiaomao's strength in that mask was not something he could break free at all, so he struggled desperately, but it was useless.

Xiao Mao is obviously not as tough as Nan Kotaro.


Xiao Mao was strangled by the fake Xiao Mao and died.

"Okay, you eat the real Xiao Mao, and you have everything about him, except for the memory. Everything on him is the same, sneak into the place where Kamen Rider Delta is, and pass information to us.

By the way, slowly trick other people to come over, so that Kamen Rider Delta and the people around Kamen Rider Bckrx are slowly replaced. "

The strange creature Dogma Logma said to the fake order.


The fake Xiaomao said.

The fake Xiao Mao slowly walked towards the apartment where Li Qinghe was.

Clexis Fortress.

General Jia Gu held the golden scepter and watched the fake Xiao Mao on the screen "safely" enter Li Qinghe's apartment.

"Guidorion, you did a good job this time. Dogma Logma was able to make a replicant like this, which was beyond my expectation. You also have a strange beast that you can look forward to."

General Jagu praised Gedorion.

"With all sincerity, General Jagu, this is what I should do. Without your support and support, General, how could I have reached my current height."

Gaidorion jumped up and down happily when he heard General Jagu's praise, but he still didn't forget to thank General Jagu.

"Well, Gadorion, is your fake clone Xiaomao really okay?"

General Jiagu expressed concern about whether the fake Xiaomao could be discovered.

"However, it's really no problem. If Mary Balon can really use that clone, she can break into Kamen Rider Delta and Kamen Rider Bckrx."

Persia just asked Mary Balon.

"Are you doubting my intelligence ability? That Xiao Mao's parents died in the battle with Kamen Rider Delta and Kamen Rider Bckrx and us.

Kamen Rider bckrx is the boyfriend of Xiao Mao's sister Xiao Ling.In this way, Kamen Rider Bckrx will attach great importance to Xiaomao and relax his vigilance against Xiaomao, while Kamen Rider Delta will relax his vigilance against Kamen Rider Bckrx.

So if the fake replicant can really get in, he can definitely get into their interior, get their information, and defeat them.

But shouldn't the most important thing now be to talk about whether the clone of Dogma Logma sent by Geidorion is really reliable?Once discovered by Kamen Rider Delta or Kamen Rider Bckrx, there is no need to carry out the plan. "

Mary Balon looked at Guydorion.

"Mary Balon, are you doubting my ability? Once the clones of Dogma Logma are eaten by the clones, they can be the same as the clones, except for the loss of memory, and they are completely loyal to us. Lysis is different.

Dogma Logma's ability to replicate, especially after the replicator devours the person being cloned, even rx's perspective ability cannot see through it.Don't be afraid of being found out. "

Gadorion said excitedly.

"Then start with that kid, and replace Kamen Rider and everyone around them with clones one by one, so that Kamen Rider Bckrx and Kamen Rider Delta can all be sent to hell."

Gedorion fantasizes that his Dogma Logma will wipe out all the Kamen Riders, and then he will inherit the position of General Jagu.

"General Jagu, Captain Gadorion, will surely succeed in the battle. I will bring the heads of Kamen Rider Delta and Rx to you."

Gadorion clasped his fists, full of anticipation.

"Well, if the Kamen Riders are taken away, then it's only a matter of time before this Earth becomes our Clexis Empire's property.

I'm looking forward to your performance, Gadorion, don't let me down, like Persian, Gardison and Mary Balon have already lost their battles, I look forward to hearing good news from you.go. "

With a wave of his hand, General Jagu made the four captains retreat.

After Xiaomao went through the checkpoints set by Yuji Kiba one after another, he confirmed that it was him, not a fake, and returned to the apartment, but he couldn't find his own room.

"Brother, you sneaked out again."

Xiaomao's younger sister saw Xiaomao sneaking past one room after another, and then left again.

"Shh, I just got back and just forgot where my room was."

Although Xiaomao's clone didn't recognize Xiaotong, since someone called him brother, he followed Xiaotong's words and "acted" as Xiaotong's brother.

"Brother, you and I chose the room together, how can you forget? You are so sloppy, if mom is..."

As soon as Xiaotong mentioned her mother, she remembered that her parents were killed by Clexis.Tears welled up in my eyes.

"Ah, what's wrong with mom?"

Xiao Mao's clone has no idea that Xiao Mao's parents have passed away.

Xiao Tong saw that her brother was not sad at all, it was not like before, whenever she cried, Xiao Mao would come to comfort her instead of looking at her blankly.

"Brother, what's wrong with you?"

Xiaotong wiped away tears and asked.

"I'm a little tired now, take me to my room first."

Xiaomao's replica knew the truth that too much talk would lead to loss, so he didn't say much, but let Xiaotong take him back to the room.

As soon as Xiaomao returned to his room, he opened the refrigerator, found a tomato, and ate it with big mouthfuls.


Xiaotong looked at Xiaomao who was eating tomatoes, and felt that his brother Xiaomao was no longer the old brother, and he became so strange.

Xiao Tong saw that her brother Xiao Mao ignored her, Xiao Mao sat on the bed after eating the tomato, staring straight ahead.

Xiaotong felt that her brother was a little strange, and she was a little scared and hurriedly left.

Xiao Tong met Nan Kotaro and her sister Xiao Ling on the way out.

"Xiaotong, what's the matter? You are running so fast."

Minami Kotaro put a hand on Xiaotong's shoulder and asked.

"Brother Kotaro, I found that my brother has changed, and he has become very scared."

Xiaotong saw that it was Kotaro and his sister in front of him, so he expressed his worries.

"Xiaotong, what happened to your brother Xiaomao?"

Xiaoling hurriedly asked, Xiaoling had lost her parents, and she was left with herself, a younger sister, Xiaotong, and a younger brother, Xiaomao, and she could no longer let them leave her.

"Is there a problem, Xiaomao?"

Nan Kotaro also accepted Xiaoling's father's entrustment to take good care of Xiaoling, Xiaomao and Xiaotong.

"Brother, I just came back from outside, and I didn't find my room. I didn't say what he was doing outside."

Xiaotong continued.

"And when I mentioned my parents, my brother didn't feel sad at all."

"Xiao Mao sneaked out to play football again. He must have encountered something unhappy. Don't be careful, Xiaotong."

Nan Kotaro persuaded.

"Not only that, but my brother also ate tomatoes in big mouthfuls, my brother hated eating tomatoes the most in the past.

My brother just came back to his room and sat on the bed, his legs didn't swing back and forth. Before, my brother kept shaking his legs when he sat on the bed.My mother said many times that he couldn't change it. "

Xiaotong said all the problems he observed about the fake Xiaomao.

After listening carefully to what Xiaotong said, Nan Kotaro looked at Xiaoling.

"Xiao Ling, is Xiao Mao like this?"

"That's right, Xiaomao doesn't like tomatoes the least. Once my mother accidentally put tomatoes in the dinner dish, Xiaomao didn't eat dinner."

Xiaoling also recalled that her younger brother Xiaomao didn't like tomatoes the least.

"In this case, then I'll go and see Xiao Mao, Xiao Ling, you go back first with Xiao Tong."

Minami Kotaro is going to check on Xiao Mao alone.

"No, Xiaomao is my younger brother. I worry about him more than anyone else, and I'm going too."

Xiao Ling shook her head, broke away from Nan Kotaro's hand, and walked towards Xiao Mao's room.

Nan Kotaro immediately caught up with Xiaoling, kissed Xiaoling fiercely,

"Xiaoling, be obedient. Your father entrusted you to me, and I will take good care of you with all my heart. Can you take Xiaotong away first? If Xiaomao really has a problem, I will solve it. You and I are at this time My heart is the same, Xiaomao is also my younger brother."

Minami Kotaro let go of his mouth, persuading him.


Xiaoling looked in the direction of Xiaomao's room, and left with Xiaotong.

Nan Kotaro quickly found Xiaomao's room and found that the patrol team patrolling near Xiaomao's room had a fight.

"Please stop, what happened?"

When dissuasion was ineffective, Nan Kotaro had no choice but to transform.


Kotaro Minami turned into Kamen Rider bckrx and quickly separated the two pairs of fighting patrols.

"What happened? Why did you fight in the same room just now?"

Namkotaro asked puzzledly. .

"Their team's patrol codes tonight don't match up, and they can't even call our names, so we need to arrest them."

Said the captain of the patrol.

Chapter 61 Brain array


The person pointed at by the captain of the patrol team ran away from Kotaro Minami and was about to escape.

"Sure enough, there is a problem. Quickly notify the president and the others. Those who escaped will be executed on the spot."

Said the captain of the patrol.


The few people who were about to escape were quickly surrounded by patrols transformed into Leo knights.


After a burst of gunfire, those who fled turned into steaming blue liquid.


Hearing the sound of the siren, Kiba Yuji who rushed over happened to see this scene.

"Report to the captain, Wang Zhengzhong, the knight captain of the third team, is reporting to you."

The captain of the patrol team saw Kiba Yuji coming and immediately saluted.Tell Kiba Yuji what happened just now.

"Search, search all the rooms and find the cloned people."

Soon those cloned people were found out, some in the toilet, some under the bed, but they were all in a coma.

"Go, wake them up."

Kiba Yuji asked others to wake up the cloned people.

"Where is this?"

"Why are we here, shouldn't we be patrolling?"

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