These few people looked perplexed, not knowing how they got here.

"stand up."

Kiba Yuji gave an order.Those people stood up immediately, in standard military posture, and stopped talking.

"You tell me what happened before you fell into a coma, how did you become comatose?"

Kiba Yuji randomly picked a person and asked.

"Report to the captain, when we were patrolling that area, when we passed the door, suddenly a few puddles of blue liquid attacked us, and then we didn't know anything."

The man recalled images of himself being attacked.

"Where were you attacked?"

Kiba Yuji asked.


Those who were attacked by the blue liquid all pointed their hands not far from Xiaomao's room.

"There, there should be only Xiao Mao living alone. Yes, Xiao Mao, go and see if he has been attacked."

Kiba Yuji remembered that Xiao Mao might also be attacked.

Kiba Yuji pushed Xiaomao away and found Xiaomao collapsed under the bed.

Kiba Yuji did not go to help Xiaomao immediately, but watched vigilantly for any movement in Xiaomao's room.

The other team members quickly followed Kiba Yuji in, and Minami Kotaro quickly helped Xiao Mao up.

"Xiao Mao, what's wrong with you?"

Minami Kotaro asked eagerly.

"I, who are you? Where am I, who am I?"

Xiao Mao looked at Nan Kotaro suspiciously.

"Xiao Mao, it's me, what's wrong with you?"

Nan Kotaro can see that Xiao Mao really doesn't know himself.

"Kutaro, you can ask the doctor to come and take a look. You go and see Xiaoling, protect them, and don't let them get hurt."

Yuji Kiba pulled Nan Kotaro up, saying that he was going to the hospital, and secretly sent the fake Xiaomao to Li Qinghe who knew that the place where he lived had undergone great changes.

"Brother, this is not a hospital."

The fake Xiao Mao looked at the person in front of him suspiciously.

The moment Li Qinghe came in from this fake Xiaomao, he discovered that Xiaomao was a fake.

"Crexis's hand is so long, it even dares to reach into my claws."

Li Qinghe said in his heart, but on the surface he said with a pleasant face,

"My son, I'm your father. What's wrong with you? Your mother left early, and you are like this now. How can I be worthy of your mother under Jiuquan?"

Li Qinghe talked nonsense as soon as they met, let's see how much this fake Xiaomao knows.

"Are you daddy?"

The fake Xiaomao asked happily.

"That's right, son, that's your favorite tomato."

Li Qinghe has already confirmed that Xiaomao is a fake, so he asked his subordinates to inform Kiba, Nankotaro, and Xiaoling. After all, Xiaoling is related to him. If it was someone else, Li Qinghe would have already solved the fake Xiaomao up.

"Dong dong."

"come in."

Li Qinghe saw that Yuji Kiba, Kotaro Nanami, and Xiao Ling had already arrived, so he stopped making friends with the fake Xiao Moxu.

As soon as Xiao Ling came in, she heard Xiao Mao say to Li Qinghe while eating tomatoes, "Dad, I want to hug you."

Li Qinghe didn't say much, and the Leo knight next to him stood in front of Li Qinghe.

"President (Senior), you asked us to come, what's the matter?"

Seeing Li Qinghe calling them back, Kiba Yuji looked very serious, and guessed that there should be something wrong with Xiaomao.

"Xiao Ling, Kotaro, I have some bad news for you."

Li Qinghe stood up.

"This Xiaomao is a fake, he is not real."

"What? Impossible. Xiaomao can't be fake."

When Xiao Ling heard what Li Qinghe said, she immediately retorted.

"I have been with Xiaomao day and night for 14 years. Can I not recognize Xiaomao's breath?"

Xiaoling said loudly.

"Senior, let me take a look and transform."

Kotaro Minami turned into Kamen Rider bckrx and looked at Shigeru.

"Compound eyes."

Minami Kotaro used perspective to look at Xiao Mao.

"Ah, no problem."

Nan Kotaro looked at Li Qinghe.

Li Qinghe looked at Xiaomao, "Come on, Dad hugs you."

Hearing Li Qinghe's words, Xiaomao unconsciously showed a smile of success.


The fake Xiaomao walked towards Li Qinghe, and when he was approaching Li Qinghe, a cloud of blue liquid flew towards Li Qinghe.


Li Qinghe took out the ultra-fast light gun from Knight Laiou, and hit the flying liquid with one shot, and the liquid slowly condensed on the ground and formed his body.

"Revealed its true form? The minion sent by Klexis."

After Li Qinghe hit the ball of liquid, the ball of liquid formed Dogma Logma, a strange creature.The Leo knight beside him stood in front of Li Qinghe.

"Damn it, you wait, although I can't kill you, General Jagu will definitely kill you."

After speaking, Logma, the monster, monster and beast, rushed towards Li Qinghe.


Yuji Kiba transformed into Kamen Rider A, and used the Didi Sword to penetrate from the back of the strange monster Dogma Logma, and after throwing Dogma Logma out of Li Qinghe's room, many An explosion occurred after Gema Logma's death, but it did not affect Li Qinghe's room at all.

After Yuji Kiba killed Dogma Logma, the fake Shigeru passed out again.

Nan Kotaro was about to go up and help Xiao Mao.

"Stop, Kotaro, this is not Xiao Mao, although he has Xiao Mao's aura, but his soul does not belong to Xiao Mao, it is him. The sage shines!"

Li Qinghe pulled out the Satan sword, and the Satan sword emitted a brilliant light, and the masked Xiao Mao let out a scream.


The fake Xiaomao turned into blood, and the blood bubbled all the time, and soon formed a new Dogma Logma.But this new Dogma Logma is very weak, at least half the size of the one just killed by Kiba Yuji.

"How is it possible, how did you find out?"

The newly emerged Dogma Logmar let out a piercing scream.

"Mingxiu plank road, secretly crossing Chen Cang and using a clone that can be regarded as you to cover up the real you. But where is the real Xiaomao?"

Li Qinghe questioned.

"The idiot who didn't cooperate with our Clexis Empire has been executed. The clone Xiaomao you just saw has already eaten that child. That's why rx's perspective can't see through mine. camouflage.

But how do you know I'm a fake? "

asked the newly emerged Dogma Logma.


With a "bang", after Li Qinghe knew the news of Xiaomao's death, there was no need to say more, he picked up the accelerated light gun and shot Dogma Logma.

"Damn it, just a little bit."

Dogma Logma also stalled for time by talking to Li Qinghe. If there was a little more time just now, Dogma Logma could form a liquid that exploded into dozens of drops of blue. If one escaped, the one that escaped The avatar will become the main body and continue to live.

"Xiao Mao."

After Xiaoling heard that her younger brother Xiaomao was killed by the Klexis Empire, she couldn't bear such a blow and passed out.

"Kutaro, take Xiaoling back to her room and take good care of her. She has suffered a lot these days."

Li Qinghe asked his subordinates to burn the body of the newly formed Dogma Logma.

"Yes, senior, I'm leaving."

Nan Kotaro left with Xiaoling in his arms.

"President, are these people reliable? Clexis got in with them."

Kiba Yuji waited until Nan Kotaro left, and asked Li Qinghe.

"Reliable? We need his power now. With his help, it will be much easier for us to defeat Klexis. When most of our troops come to this world, even without his help, we will not be afraid of Krysis." The Sith Empire.

The Klexis Empire, our duel has just begun. "

Li Qinghe said with his hands behind his back.

The Klexis Empire is a country with 50 billion people, and it cannot be dealt with by Li Qinghe and Nan Kotaro alone.

The reason why it is so easy now is because there is a problem within Kleiss, and the Kleiss Empire did not send out real men for some reason, otherwise Li Qinghe would have been hiding in Tibet.

"Hey, did the battle fail again?"

On General Jagu's podium, there was a picture of the strange beast Dogma Logma being finally shot and exploded by Li Qinghe.

Thunder and lightning issued from General Jagu's scepter punished Gedorion.

"Guidorion, didn't you say that the clone would not be discovered? How did it get discovered so easily? Is that why you let me expect your success?"

General Jagu vented his anger at the failure of the battle on Gedorion.

"Ah, I'm sorry, General, please forgive me. I promise that next time, I will not let you down."

Gaidorion pleaded with General Jagu.

General Jagu retracted the lightning from the scepter.

"Kamen Rider Delta is our greatest enemy to rule the earth, far more terrifying than Kamen Rider Bckrx.

If it weren't for Kamen Rider Delta this time, our battle would have been successful, but it ended in failure. "

On General Jagu's battle podium, the battle scenes of Kamen Rider Delta, Kamen Rider Bckrx and Klexis are shown again and again.

"However, human beings have weaknesses. We can try to find his weaknesses. Fortunately, the weakness of Kamen Rider Bckrx has been found, and it is this woman Reiko Hyakori.

This woman is Kotaro's girlfriend, we can start with Kamen Rider bckrx, if we can control this woman according to our wishes, then..."

General Jiagu held the scepter in his palm and looked at the four captains.

"General Jagu, for this, I, Mary Balon, have selected a very strong fighter from the Demon Demon Squadron, and urgently recruited him."

Mary Balon said.

"Then what's his name?"

General Jagu asked without a trace of expression.

"Dreams in human beings, that is, in the subconscious mind, have been invaded and controlled, and can control people's minds according to their own will.

The brain formation has divided his life into four clones, which entered the dreams of Kamen Rider Delta, Kamen Rider Bck, Kamen Rider A, Bihume, one of the original three priests, and Reiko Shiratori. .

Eggs cannot be put in one cage. Even if a plan fails in one place, we can implement it successfully elsewhere.

Once we succeed, we will break into the inside of Kamen Rider Delta, and we can know the origin of the people who rescued those women in the demon world last time. "

Mary Balon sent his chaps to monitor Li Qinghe and the others, but as soon as those chaps approached Li Qinghe's apartment within 100 meters, they were killed by the Leo knights.

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