Mary Balon did not make decisions without knowing the origins of those people.

"Well, the origins of these people really need to be clarified, and the matter of Mary Balon is entrusted to you."

General Jagu entrusted Mary Balon with the task of finding out the origin of Knight Leo.


Mary Balon withdrew.

In the whole day since the monster dogma Logma was eliminated, nothing else happened.

Although the brain array divides itself into five people, they can communicate with each other and transmit energy and information.

The five avatars of the Brain Formation acted simultaneously and entered the dreams of Li Qinghe, Minami Kotaro, Kiba Yuji, Bihume, and Momo Reiko.

The brain array entered the dream of Minami Kotaro,

"Ah, this is the sun. How is it possible. His dream..."

The brain formation that got into Nan Kotaro's dream was instantly evaporated by the light of the sun stone.

Nan Kotaro opened his blurred eyes, "I'm so sleepy, let's go back to sleep, it must have been an illusion just now. I actually heard screams."

Get into Minami Kotaro's mind and die.

Another mind drilled into Yuji Kiba's dream, and found that there were many monsters living in peace with humans in Yuji Kiba's dream. He didn't know that those monsters were Orfienuo who became human after death.

Yuji Kiba had already discovered the brain array before the brain array found him.

"Who are you, bold enough to invade my dream? Court death."

The Orfienoch pattern on Kiba Yuji's face appeared faintly. .

"I'm the head of the Krysis Empire's monster monster clan, Kamen Rider A, are you willing to serve us Krysis?"

asked the mind.

Chapter 62 Finding


It is naturally impossible for Kiba Yuji to agree to the request of the brain array.

"Then you go to hell, I will let you know that my brain is powerful."

Mind array drew its own sword.

"Come on, speed kills him."

Kiba Yuji said to the Leo Knight under his banner in the dream.Because Kiba Yuji felt that someone was spying on him.

Just hundreds of Leo knights shot, "knight kick", dozens of knights kicked, and this brazen brain burst.

Enter Kiba Yuji's mind and die.

The third brain array entered Byhum's dream.

"Hehe, you dare to enter my dream, you are quite courageous."

Bihume was a great priest who was in charge of countless eccentrics. Naturally, some eccentrics have the ability to manipulate dreams. For example, the tapir eccentric who was afraid of light when he tried to use Kyoko's life to supplement Shadow Moon's vitality could manipulate people's dreams. .

Bihume used his thoughts to pull out the brain formation hidden in the darkness.

"Tell me, what is the plan in my dream."

Seeing that he could not escape Bihume's control, the brain array blew itself up after failing the battle.

Bihume opened his eyes after the brain burst in his dream exploded.

"Sure enough, someone is manipulating the dream. The direction of the dream is Qinghe-jun, and the direction of Bainiao Reiko, then I will help Qinghe-jun."

A white thread appeared in Bihum's hand, and the two ends of the white thread were aimed at Li Qinghe and Bainiao Lingzi, and then the white thread disappeared.That white thread can link people's dreams, let Li Qinghe enter Bainiao Lingzi's dream, or let Bainiao Lingzi enter Li Qinghe's dream.

"Tonight, Mr. Qinghe should be able to sleep well."

Byhum clapped his hands and continued to close his eyes.

Entering the brain formation in Li Qinghe's dream, he was strangled by the light stone in Li Qinghe's body and the dark stone of Satan's sword. Without Li Qinghe noticing it, the brain formation was killed.

After killing the brain formation, Li Qinghe found a white door in his dream. After opening the door, he found that the door disappeared and appeared in a place filled with black smoke.

"This is where?"

Li Qinghe looked around, seeing that there was a black mist, and suddenly heard a cry for help.

"Help, don't come here, don't come here."

"It sounds like Reiko's voice."

Li Qinghe walked over following the cry for help, and found that there was a person in front of Bainiao Lingzi, his face was covered with black mist, and he could only see it clearly when he got close.

Li Qinghe came to Bainiao Lingzi and helped Bainiaolingzi up.

"Senior? Is it you?"

Bainiao Lingzi leaned against Li Qinghe, and Li Qinghe looked at the person in front of Bainiaolingzi.


Li Qinghe didn't transform himself, and knocked down the pretending man to the ground with his thoughts. Li Qinghe took Bainiao Lingzi's hand and walked into the man.

"How is it possible, it's you."

Bainiao Reiko found that the one who had been chasing and killing her was Nan Kotaro.

Li Qinghe trampled to death the Nan Kotaro who was disguised by the brain array in his dream.

After the brain array in Bainiaolingzi's dream was killed, Li Qinghe and Bainiaolingzi did not leave the dream.

"It's all right now, Xiaoling, you're safe."

Li Qinghe smelled the fragrance of Xiaoling's body, and immediately hugged her.

"What are you doing? I'm Kotaro's girlfriend."

Xiaoling struggled.

"I know, but what does it matter?"

In the dream, Li Qinghe ignored Xiaoling's resistance and forcibly took Xiaoling.After it was over, Li Qinghe fell asleep in his dream with Xiaoling in his arms.

After waking up the next day, Li Qinghe stretched out comfortably, went out to meet Xiaoling, and found that Xiaoling blushed when she saw him.

"Senior, good morning."

"Well, it's early. Xiaoling, you got up very early."

Li Qinghe said with a smile.

After Xiaoling greeted her, she left in a hurry, not daring to look at Li Qinghe's face again.

"Did she have the same dream as me last night?"

Li Qinghe muttered.

Li Qinghe met Byhum just around the corner.

"You got up very early."

Li Qinghe hugged Byhum.

"How was your dream last night?"

Bihume stroked his hair and asked.

"Last night, you made a fool of yourself. I said that Xiao Ling blushed and left when she saw me. Xiao Ling is Kotaro's girlfriend. Isn't it good to do this?"

Li Qinghe said with some embarrassment.

"Last night, Krasis sent a weirdo who tried to use dreams to attack everyone. Without your help, Xiaoling might be manipulated by the Krasis Empire.

Besides, last night, I just asked you to save Xiaoling, but I didn't ask you to do unnecessary things. You are greedy for beauty, and you blame me. "

Bihume said arrogantly.

"Yes, yes, then you can accompany me today, we need to have a good communication."

Li Qinghe hugged Bihume.

"But what about your injury?"

There are three stones in Bihum's body: earth, sea, and sky, and he can vaguely feel that there are serious injuries in Li Qinghe's body.

"It's okay, as long as you don't change your body to fight, the injury won't get worse, and the rest of the injury can be healed slowly."

Li Qinghe and Bihume were chatting in the room, a hundred words are omitted here.

Klexis Empire.

"Mary Balon, how do you explain this failure?"

General Jagu asked angrily.

"General Jagu, the battle this time has not failed, please listen to my explanation."

Mary Balon knelt on the ground.

"You said."

General Jagu quietly watched what Mary Balon said.

"General Jagu, this is the picture of the mind array entering Kamen Rider Delta, Kamen Rider Bckrx, Kamen Rider A, Bihume, and Reiko Baitiao."

Mary Balon showed the scenes of the brain array being wiped out one by one.

"Mary Balon, what do you want to explain?"

Boss just asked.

"Bo Sigang, be a little patient, please listen to me. This time the brain array entered the Kamen Rider bckrx, and also entered the Kamen Rider Delta dream, and it was wiped out as soon as it entered.

And in the dream of Kamen Rider A, there is no one, which shows that Kamen Rider A is the weakest among the three knights.

Secondly, through the dream of Kamen Rider A, I found the person who rescued Kamen Rider Delta and Kamen Rider Bckrx in the demon world last time.

Please look at those people, they all listen to Kamen Rider A, it can be seen that Kamen Rider A has his own guards, and there are a lot of them.

There are also those monsters, which are similar to the color we transformed with Yoshitoshi Morita last time, they are all white.Explain that in their base, there are many such people.

The most important point is that I found the shortcomings of Kamen Rider Delta, weak resistance to beauty, first of all, after my investigation, I already know all the girlfriends of Kamen Rider Delta, Tsukage Yukari, Tomoko, Lily, Bihume, and a hip-hop queen named Etsuko.

Except for the girlfriend named Etsuko, everyone else is protected by Kamen Rider dleta, it is difficult to start, we can start from that Etsuko.

Although in Reiko's dream, the brain array was eliminated, but the brain array is a consciousness body, even if the body is destroyed, the consciousness will stay for a period of time, although you can't do anything, you can monitor the surrounding environment space for a while.

Kamen Rider Bckrx's girlfriend is possessed by Kamen Rider Delta in a dream. We can use Reiko to separate their relationship and make them turn against each other. "

Mary Balon is worthy of being an intelligence staff officer, and her analysis is clear and logical.

"Mary Balon, it's your credit this time. That girl named Etsuko can be captured first. Gardison, you go and send someone to capture him. He needs to live."

General Jagu no longer cared about the failure of Mary Balon's battle, and ordered to Gardison.


Gardison left after speaking.

After General Jagu ordered Gardison, he turned to look at Mary Balon.

"However, Mary Balon, how are you taking care of Princess Galonia? Emperor Klexis sent an inquiry."

"General Jagu, please rest assured that Princess Galonia is growing perfectly."

Mary Balon bowed her head and said respectfully.

"That's good. Back off, you two."

General Jagu told Mary Balon and the others to retreat.

After Mary Balon stepped back, she remembered General Jagu's inquiry to Princess Galonia just now, so she called Dr. Mu Qilin and walked towards Princess Galonia's training room together.

Mary Balon entered the public nutrition barn of Princess Galonia.I saw a beautiful girl, Princess Galonia, who was twelve or thirteen years old, lying peacefully.

"Wow, it's grown so much already? It's obviously been sleeping all the time, but it's grown so much more than before."

Mary Balon exclaimed.

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