"Princess Galonia is exposed to special growth-promoting light."

Dr. Mu Qilin replied.

"I'm afraid it's not just that, Dr. Mu Qilin."

Mary Balon also knew a little bit about the training plan for Princess Galonia.

"There is no doubt, Princess Garonia, we are giving her great power as our ruler."

Dr. Mu Qilin didn't hide anything, and said directly.

"That's fine, but she's really a lovely princess, and what a beautiful princess she'll be when she grows up.

Hey, Dr. Mu Qilin, what is that mole on the princess's neck? "

Mary Balon saw the mole on Princess Galonia's neck sharply and asked.

"Lord Marie Balon, that mole is the proof of His Majesty's bloodline. According to the results of our investigation, His Majesty's neck must have such a mole in the same place."

Dr. Mu Qilin explained.

"Really? That's fine."

Mary Balon had just finished speaking when she heard a sound.

It turned out that Chap, who was holding a plate, accidentally knocked down an unknown instrument under his feet.

This Chap panicked and squatted down quickly to straighten the instrument. When he raised his head, he broke a line of the control console next to Princess Gallonia's nutritional meal.

The detachment of a seemingly ordinary circuit suddenly caused the collapse of all circuits, and the nutrient solution in Princess Galonia's nutrition warehouse stopped releasing nutrient solution.

Princess Galonia's nutrition warehouse must keep providing nutrient solution continuously until she becomes an adult, without any interruption. Once interrupted, Princess Galonia will be fatally injured.

Obviously, this Chap's flustered behavior just led to such a result. The nutrition warehouse of Princess Garonia stopped the supply of nutrient solution.

Mary Balon saw sparks flying from Princess Galonia's nutrition storehouse, and Princess Galonia groaned in pain.

He hurried to Princess Galonia and grabbed Dr. Mu Qilin.

"Dr. Mu Qilin, what are you doing, quickly think of a way. Hurry up and save people."

Mary Balon was about to cry anxiously. Princess Galonia was the jewel in the palm of His Majesty the Emperor Klexis. Once the Emperor Klexis found out, not only her, but everyone else would be involved.

It was also the first time for Dr. Mu Qilin to encounter this. He was infected by Mary Balon's panic. He opened the nutrition warehouse in a panic and closed it again immediately, shaking his head.

"What are you dawdling about, isn't the princess in pain? Dr. Mu Qilin."

Seeing that Dr. Mu Qilin closed the nutrition compartment again, Mary Balon said eagerly without taking any measures.

"Lord Mary Balon."

Dr. Mu Qilin was also frightened by the sudden behavior just now, regardless of Mary Balon being his boss, he said loudly.

"It's too late. You also know that Princess Galonia's nutrient solution can't last for a quarter of an hour. I'm exhausted."

Dr. Mu Qilin sighed helplessly.


Mary Balon held back her tears and opened Princess Galonia's nutrition store, ready to touch the poor Princess Galonia.

Mary Balon's hand had just approached Princess Gallonia, and Princess Galonia had already been turned into ashes, leaving behind only a necklace bestowed by Emperor Klexis.

Holding the necklace in the palm of her hand, Mary Balon turned her head and looked angrily at Chap who accidentally broke the line of the nutrition warehouse of Princess Galonia just now.

That Chap, who was all in white, also knew that he seemed to have done something very wrong, so he turned around and was about to run away.

"You idiot, you still want to leave."

A feather appeared on Mary Balon's head, she took it off with her hand, and shot it directly at the head of Chap who had done something wrong and was about to escape.

That Chap's body trembled and stood still.

After Mary Balon killed Chap who had indirectly killed Princess Galonia, the anger in her heart calmed down a little.

"This matter must be kept secret, otherwise if His Majesty Emperor Klexis finds out, it would not be enough for me to lose my life alone. Starting with General Jagu, our four captains will all be executed.

Emperor Klexis has always wanted to give up the military power of General Jagu, so this matter must not be rumored.Do you understand?Ladies and gentlemen, this matter must be kept secret. If anyone leaks out, this person will be his fate. "

Mary Balon went to the errant Chap who had just inserted the feather, pulled the feather back, and the chap fell to the ground and was reduced to ashes.

Mary Balon used this dead Chapp as a warning to others.

"Just like this Chap, I will punish him with death. Hurry up and find out, the girl who was born on the same month and the same day as Princess Garonia...

Six-year-old girl with the same mole takes her for a Gallonian princess, and that's the only way we'll survive, hurry up, Chaps, and split up. "

Dr. Mu Qilin trembled beside him with fright.

Chapter 63 Digging the Wall


All Chapp put his hands on his chest in acceptance of the order and left.

These chaps monitor a wide area, not just Tokyo, but the entire island country.Even Li Qinghe's was the same.Although you can't see it up close, Chap can see it with a telescope.

"Little Tong, the mole on your neck seems to have grown."

Xiaoling helped her younger sister Xiaotong take a bath in the bathroom, and found a mole on Xiaotong's neck.

"I grew up, and all the moles got bigger."

Xiaotong said happily.

"Yes, it must be so."

Xiaoling is infected by Xiaotong's happiness, and temporarily forgets the sadness of her younger brother Xiaomao being killed.

However, the mole on Xiaotong's neck was accidentally seen by the sharp-eyed Chappell with a telescope.

That night, all the hundreds of thousands of Chaps on the Clexis Fortress were dispatched. If it weren't for the fact that they could not open the demon world to dispatch troops privately, they would have sent even more Chaps.This is the time when the Klexis Fortress dispatched the most soldiers.

That night, many six-year-old girls who were born on the same day as Princess Galonia and had moles on their necks were taken captive by Chap to Fortress Clesis.

Mary Balon looked at the little girls who had been captured, and Mary Balon shook her head after just looking at them.

"No, no, not at all, none of these girls can become Princess Gallonia. Shut up."

Mary Balon stopped Chap, who wanted to explain.

"Even if the girl you found has a mole, she doesn't look like Princess Galonia at all, and she doesn't have the temperament of Princess Galonia. Hey."

Mary Balon covered her head.

"General Jagu, General Jagu."

Mary Balon heard the message from the chief cabinet robot, Chakram, and hurried to General Jagu's command room.

After waiting for Mary Balon to enter, General Jagu leaned on the scepter.Gardison, Gedorion, and Persian are all here.

"Mary Balon, Chip's been acting weird lately. Is something happening?"

General Jagu asked suspiciously.

"No, there is nothing abnormal at all. I just asked the Chips to try their best to collect information on Kamen Rider Delta, Kamen Rider RX, and Kamen Rider A."

Mary Balon tried to muddle through.

"That's right, that's good, but Mary Balon, Princess Galonia is growing up smoothly."

General Jagu walked behind Mary Balon and asked.

"Yes, of course."

A smile was forced on Mary Balon's face, trying not to let herself show any flaws.

"That would be the best. I just want to see what Princess Galonia is like. Mary Balon, take me there."

General Jagu said.

When Mary Balon heard what General Jagu said, her face turned pale with fright. Fortunately, Mary Balon's face was already pale, and it wasn't obvious.

"General Jagu, for Princess Gallonia, now is the most important time, please wait for a while to see her."

Mary Balon spoke a little excitedly at first, and her voice was a little louder. After realizing her tone, Mary Balon said in a gentle voice.

"Mary Balon, we also want to pay a visit to Princess Gallonia, it doesn't matter if we look at it from a distance."

Persia just felt a little inappropriate from Mary Balon's tone, and made a request to see Princess Galonia.

"Yes, the princess will be our commander in the future, how can we do it if we don't know her face."

Gardison put his hand on Mary Balon's shoulder all of a sudden, making Mary Balon tremble in fright.

"Mary Balon, let us meet the princess."

Gaidorion also said in front of Mary Balon.

Mary Balon pushed Gardison's hand on her shoulder away, "General Jagu, the princess is currently sleeping, absorbing knowledge about the Klexis Empire, and giving her great power as a commander. No matter what There is still a week to go, please wait a week."

Mary Balon asked General Jagu.

"Since you have said so, then I will wait for a week."

Mary Balon breathed a sigh of relief when she heard that General Jagu agreed.Put your fists on your chest,


General Jagu overtested and asked Mary Balon to back down, not knowing what to think.

After Mary Balon resigned, she returned to Princess Garonia's training room.

"There is still a week to go, and we must find a girl who is similar to Princess Garonia."

Mary Balon put her hand on her forehead in distress.

At this time, a chap in black was hurriedly sent to report like Mary Baron.

"Master Mary Balon, I have found the person you asked to find. He is Zuoyuan's daughter, Xiaotong."

"What? It's her. Let me see what she looks like."

Mary Balon touched a mirror, and the mirror showed her sleeping pupil, swaying in Xiaoling's arms.

"It seems that this is simply the newly born Princess Galonia. This temperament, this appearance, is really the prototype of a princess."

Mary Balon watched Xiaotong through the mirror.

"Dr. Mu Qilin, come and see if he looks like you."

Mary Balon dragged Dr. Mu Qilin over.

As the person who has observed Princess Galonia for the longest time, Dr. Mu Qilin is most familiar with Princess Galonia's appearance.

"This, isn't this Princess Galonia? The temperament and appearance are exactly the same. You can see that even the mole on the neck is the same."

Dr. Mu Qilin said excitedly.

"But, that girl is under the protection of Kamen Rider Bckrx, Delta. It is very difficult for us to catch that girl."

Mary Balon frowned and said.

"Then what should we do? If we don't find a suitable candidate quickly, not only us, but everyone else will die too."

Dr. Mu Qilin paced back and forth, like a drowning man grabbing a life-saving straw, only to find a crocodile waiting for him in front of the straw.

"I can only capture it by force. I use the mirror light technique to rush into Xiao Tong's place. Dr. Mu Qilin, you lead someone outside to meet him."

It's not that Mary Balon doesn't want to use the mirror light technique to go through the mirror, grab Xiaotong, and upload it immediately, but the mirror light technique has a cooldown time.After use, there is a cooling time of half an hour.

In other words, after Mary Balon used the mirror light technique to enter, she couldn't use it again within half an hour, so she could only sit and wait.

"However, that is very dangerous, and using so many people, it is likely to alarm General Jagu."

Dr. Mu Qilin said in confusion.

"I have no choice but to do this, otherwise I dare not imagine what will happen in a week. If His Majesty Emperor Klexis finds out, it may affect my family."

Mary Balon could not imagine the consequences.


Dr. Mu Qilin nodded.

Li Qinghe is not a god, and the world of Kamen Rider bck has already changed the plot of the world because of his intrusion.Li Qinghe also couldn't predict the actions of the Klexis Empire Marie Balon.

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