Mary Balon went ahead and brought dozens of chaps into Reiko's room through the mirror.

The moment Mary Balon came in, Li Qinghe instantly sensed the extra energy around him, the energy on Mary Balon, and the extra energy on Chap.

It was quickly detected by the Leo Knight patrol.

"Abnormal energy fluctuations have appeared here. Captain, Captain, ask for support."

The ten Leo knights who were closest to him quickly spotted Chap in Xiaoling's room.


The ten Leo knights broke in and found that Xiaoling and her sister, the main target of this event, Xiaotong, had been controlled.

"Stop, or I'll kill them."

Mary Balon plucked the feathers from her head and aimed at Xiaoling's fair neck.

Because of Xiao Ling and Xiao Tong, this small team of Leo knights could only monitor Mary Balon and report the situation to Li Qinghe by the way.

When Li Qinghe heard about the emergency, he came out of the room in his pajamas and took Byhum with him.


The first to seventh teams were all dispatched, Kiba Yuji and Minami Kotaro also came out, and the remaining three pairs of Leo knights were protecting Kyoko, Tsukage Yugari and the others, lest they fall into the Krysis Empire's plan to turn the tiger away from the mountain .

"Mary Balon, you are so brave, you dare to come here."

Li Qinghe did not transform, and stood in front of Mary Balon and said.

"You are the Kamen Rider Delta, right? You are no stronger than our Clexis Empire, so submit to us as soon as possible."

Mary Balon wanted to stall for time by wooing Li Qinghe, waiting for Dr. Mu Qilin's response.

"Come on, Mary Balon, you want to delay time, there is no way, come on."

With Li Qinghe's order, the first, second and third teams rushed towards Mary Balon.

"Kamen Rider Delta, you are crazy, we have hostages, don't you care about their safety?"

Li Qinghe turned a deaf ear and let Leo Knight kill Mary Balon.

Naturally, it was impossible for Mary Balon to attack Xiao Tong, she could only attack Xiao Ling who was next to her.

Just as Mary Balon was about to make a move, Kiba Yuji had already turned into Kamen Rider A, and shot Mary Balon in the arm with a single shot.


Xiao Ling took the opportunity to ask Mary Balon to run to Li Qinghe.

The other Chapu wanted to intercept Xiaoling, but was wiped out by the other knight squads of Luezhen with accelerated light guns, and turned into ashes.

"Dr. Mu Qilin, if you don't come, I won't be able to hold on."

Mary Balon didn't expect that she would be detected just after arriving in Xiaoling's room.

Originally, Mary Balon had made two plans, one was to enter Xiaoling's room by herself, and if she was not found within half an hour, she would take Xiaoling and Xiaotong back to Fort Clesis from the mirror.

The other is, if unfortunately found, then fight on the spot, by holding Xiao Ling and Xiao Tong hostage, and let Kamen Rider Delta cast a mouse to delay time.Waiting for Dr. Mu Qilin's reinforcements.

However, Mary Balon did not expect that she would be discovered just after she acted. It was too early to be discovered, and Li Qinghe, a lunatic, actually ignored the safety of the hostages in his hands and played cards out of common sense.

Li Qinghe guessed Mary Balon's plan to delay time, so naturally he couldn't let her succeed.This time Mary Balon came here just for the little pupil in their hands, so she won't hurt her.As for Xiaoling, Li Qinghe is still capable of saving her.

Li Qinghe saw that Mary Balon had actually protected Xiaotong, and he already knew what Mary Balong was planning. Should Xiaotong be arrested?

It's just that Li Qinghe didn't expect that Xiaotong would still be the substitute of the dead Princess Garonia.After all, the plot has changed a lot, Li Qinghe can only lament that the small trend can be changed, but the general trend remains the same.

Because of Li Qinghe's decisiveness, all the chaps brought by Mary Balon have been wiped out by the Knights of Leo, leaving only Mary Balon holding Xiaotong.

Mary Balon was shot by an accelerated light gun behind her, and she fell to the ground holding Xiao Tong.

Nan Kotaro was about to go to rescue Xiao Tong, when there was a sound of motorcycles, thirty skeleton monsters riding motorcycles knocked away the Leo knight beside Mary Balon.

Dr. Mu Qilin was among them,

"Lord Mary Balon, get on this motorcycle and leave. Come down and stop."

Dr. Mu Qilin asked all the skeleton monsters who came to get off the motorcycle to fight with Leo Knight, while Dr. Mu Qilin took away Mary Balon holding Xiaotong on the motorcycle.


Li Qinghe immediately asked Kiba Yuji and Namko Taro to chase Dr. Mu Qilin.

However, after Dr. Mu Qilin left Li Qinghe's apartment, the guiding light of Fort Clexis came from above his head.Dr. Mu Qilin, Mary Balon and Xiaotong disappeared, leaving only an abandoned motorcycle.

"Xiao Tong."

Minami Kotaro knelt on the ground and hammered hard on the ground.

The remaining thirty skeleton monsters used sickles to fight the remaining Leo knights.

The orderly battle sequence of Leo Knight quickly separated these skeleton monsters into ten battlefields.

After seeing Mary Balon leave, Kiba Yuji immediately returned to help Li Qinghe.

As soon as Kiba Yuji entered the arena, the morale of the Leo knight was greatly boosted. Kiba Yuji used the Emperor Sword to pass through a skeleton monster in front of him.The skeleton monster exploded immediately.

"Be careful with these skeleton monsters, they are quite powerful in self-destruction after death."

Kiba Yuji changed the way of fighting, using ahone to fight remotely.Leo Knights used a special shield to form a giant shield. Once the skeleton monster died, he would block the direction of the shield, greatly reducing the threat of the skeleton monster's explosion.


A quarter of an hour later, all the skeleton monsters were wiped out, and Li Qinghe discovered that Nan Kotaro hadn't returned yet.

"Xiao Ling, do you know where Kotaro likes to go?"

Li Qinghe had just finished asking when Nan Kotaro came back with a dejected look on his face. He had lost his fighting spirit and drooped his head like a defeated rooster.

"Kutaro, are you alright?"

Xiaoling asked with concern.

"Leave me alone. Xiaoling, I officially break up with you from now on. You are no longer my girlfriend."

Nan Kotaro pushed Xiaoling to the ground at once,

"It hurts. Kotaro, you..."

Xiaoling's leg was scratched, Li Qinghe ran over to help Xiaoling up.Xiao Ling cried angrily when she heard that Nan Kotaro had decided to break up.

"Bihume, go back and help Xiao Ling apply some medicine, I'll go see Kotaro."

Li Qinghe walked into Nan Kotaro's room and found Nan Kotaro lying on the bed, staring blankly at the ceiling. .

"Kotaro, what's wrong with you?"

Li Qinghe found a chair and sat on it.

Chapter 64G crystal

"Senior, do you think I'm a warrior?"

Minami Kotaro suddenly asked this question.

"Kutaro, you are an excellent fighter."

Li Qinghe replied.

"Then why, I can't even protect my family, starting with Kumakura Taro, then Xiaoling's parents, and Xiaomao, this time it's Xiaotong. They left me one by one, but I could only watch helplessly." Watching them leave, powerless to do anything.

As a soldier, why can't I even protect my family.What kind of fighter am I.If it wasn't for you this time, Xiao Ling might have been captured by Klexis too.

I don't want Xiaoling to be hurt again because of me. "

Namkotaro said sadly.

"So, you decided to break up with Xiaoling?"

Li Qinghe asked.

"Yes, I don't want Xiao Ling to be caught in the battle of Klexis."

Regarding Nan Kotaro's decision, in the past, Li Qinghe must have persuaded him to make peace and not to persuade him to break up, but since Bihume intervened that night, Li Qinghe had an idea about Xiaoling.

Now that Nan Kotaro and Xiao Ling are together, Li Qinghe can fill the vacant place that Nan Kotaro has in Xiao Ling's heart.

"Alright, leave Xiaoling to me. Protect Xingzi and the others. The reason why fighters are fighters is because they have the belief to fight for their loved ones."

Hearing what Li Qinghe said, Nan Kotaro remembered that he still had Kyoko and the others worried about him. He was with Kyoko and Katsumi Kida, and Xiaoling didn't care about it, and was willing to be with him.

But he himself abandoned Xiaoling, and when Xiaoling had no relatives, Nan Kotaro regretted what he said just now in a hurry.

"Since you have made your decision, I will support you. Xiaoling, I will take care of you from now on."

Li Qinghe thought that Nan Kotaro was fine, and before Nan Kotaro repented, he left immediately, and there was Xiao Ling waiting for him in front of him.Maybe we can win Xiaoling in reality tonight.

"The color of food."

Li Qinghe is a man who always has the desire to pursue beauty.

Li Qinghe treated Nan Kotaro very well. He didn't poach Xiao Ling when he was with Nan Kotaro. This time, he only chased after them after they broke up, so there was no problem.

Li Qinghe returned to the room and saw Xiaoling's red and swollen calf, "Bihume, you go out, let me come."

Li Qinghe took the iodine from Bihume's hand and put it on the other side.

Bihume left with a look of "I understand you", and closed the door firmly, not to disturb Li Qinghe's "good deeds".

A healing ball gushed out of Li Qinghe's palm, and Li Qinghe put the hand with the healing ball on Xiaoling's bruised calf.

Xiaoling felt itchy at the wound, and after Li Qinghe let go of her hand, Xiaoling found that the scratched part of her calf was touched by Li Qinghe, and there was no trace of scratch.

"Thank you senior, senior, what happened to Kotaro? Why did you propose to break up."

Xiaoling looked at her legs sadly.

Li Qinghe gently hugged Xiaoling from behind.

"Kutaro, he's fine. However, he has made up his mind to tell me that he wants to break up with you."

Li Qinghe said while slowly holding Xiaoling in his arms.


When Xiaoling heard Li Qinghe's words, she hugged Li Qinghe and cried.

"Don't cry, he doesn't want you, I want you. I'm your support."

Just like last time in the dream, Xiao Ling half-pushed Li Qinghe into her world.

Clexis Fortress.


Mary Balon patted her chest, "Finally came back and found Xiaotong. This time, I don't have to worry about Emperor Klexis and General Jagu's inquiries."

Mary Balon put the little pupil into the nutrition warehouse of the former Gallonian princess.

"Yeah, I finally came back. It's so dangerous, Lord Mary Balon. If I hadn't rescued you in time. You almost didn't come back. Why did you expose yourself so quickly?"

Dr. Mu Qilin still had lingering fears when he thought of the scene of fighting with Li Qinghe's Leo Knight just now.Dr. Mu Qilin is a scientist with extremely poor combat ability, similar to the people on earth. This time, he tried his best not to be noticed by His Majesty Emperor Klexis.

Mary Balon shook her head, "I don't know, I just entered Xiaotong's room, grabbed Xiaotong, and saw people surrounded outside the room.

I didn't expect Kamen Rider Delta to have such a strong detection ability. "

"General Jagu, General Jagu is here."

The voice of the robot Chakcham came.

Mary Balon and Dr. Mu Qilin stood in awe.

General Jagu walked in with a scepter, followed by Gaidorion, Gardison, and Persia Gang.

General Jiagu walked around Xiaotong's training room.

Mary Balon's heart was raised, for fear that General Jagu would find out that something was wrong.

"Well, Marie Balon, is this Princess Galonia?

It was a miracle that such a beautiful princess was born from only one cell of Emperor Klexis.Well done Mary Balon, His Majesty the Emperor will be happy with this. "

General Jagu praised Mary Balon.

"Yes, thank you for your compliment, Princess Galonia is our future ruler, this is what I should do."

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