Mary Balon quickly replied.

Dr. Mu Qilin lowered his head and glanced at Mary Balon.

"Then everyone, there is nothing abnormal about the growth of the princess, so let's end the interview here. Please go back."

General Jagu left with the other three captains.

Seeing that General Jagu left satisfied, Mary Balon said to Mu Qilin,

"Dr. Mu Qilin, we must turn this girl into a princess of Galonia, let her grow into a 20-year-old princess in three months, and give her terrifying power."

Mary looked at the sleeping pupil outside the nutrition warehouse.

"But this girl is the daughter of the people on Earth, and we can't make her a Princess of Garonia with our method."

Dr. Mu Qilin shook his head.

"So I just want to ask you to find a way. Is there no other way?"

Mary Balon said excitedly.

"If you have said so, please take this girl to the Valley of Miracles."

Dr. Mu Qilin remembered the magical place of the Valley of Miracles in the world of demons.

"Valley of Miracles? Valley of Miracles in Klexis."

Mary Balon also remembered the rumors about the Valley of Miracles, but she had never been in contact with the Valley of Miracles before.Because the Valley of Miracles is generally not used.

"If she is handed over to the gods of the Valley of Miracles, this girl will become a Clexis and possess terrifying power."

Dr. Mu Qilin told the magic of the Valley of Miracles.

"But the Valley of Miracles is in the Demon Realm. Whether you want to enter the Demon Realm or come back from the Demon Realm, you need the permission of General Jagu."

Mary Balon touched her chin and said.

"Catch the secret."

The chief cabinet robot Chakram suddenly appeared behind Mary Balon and Dr. Mu Qilin.


Mary Balon looked at the little robot and felt bad.

"Ah, General Jagu."

When Mary Balon saw Chakram, she knew what she just said was heard by General Jagu.

"Mary Balon, I heard all the truth from Dr. Wood Qilin."

General Jiagu took the scepter and came to the nutrition warehouse where Xiaotong was closed.

"That's about Princess Garonia."

Mary Balon looked at Dr. Mu Qilin angrily. She didn't expect that Dr. Mu Qilin would tell General Jia Gu about what she had ordered thousands of times.

Mary Balon felt her eyes go dark, and she sat on the ground clutching her chest.

"Everything is my fault, no matter what kind of punishment, I will accept it."

Mary Balon felt disheartened, guessing that her failure to take good care of Princess Garonia had already caused her doom.

However, Mary Balon intends to bear it alone, not because Mary Balon is so selfless, but because Mary Balon will definitely not be able to escape this matter. Once she really wants to expand her position, General Jagu, the other three captains, and Mary Balon Long's family may be implicated.

Mary Balon is willing to bear it alone, so that her family may receive some care from General Jagu in accepting the punishment on her own.

General Jia Gu quietly looked at Xiaotong in the nutrition warehouse, leaning on the staff, and didn't speak for a long time.

"Isn't Princess Galonia lying here quietly?"

If General Jagu didn't speak, Mary Balon couldn't believe it when he spoke.

"What did you say?"

Mary Balon wanted to reconfirm whether she had heard it wrong just now.

"This girl is Princess Garonia."

General Jagu said it again,


Before Mary Balon finished speaking, General Jagu interrupted what she was going to say next.

"Mary Balon, I forgive you, you quickly take this girl to the Valley of Miracles. Mu Qilin, open the entrance to the Demon Realm."

General Jagu ordered.


Mary Balon and General Jagu said in unison.

Mary Balon saw that the entrance to the demon world was opened,

"General Jagu."

"Mary Balon, those other girls you capture will be sent to the empire to be the maids of Princess Garonia. Go, Mary Balon."

When Dr. Mu Qilin opened the exit to the demon world, General Jagu had already arranged all the plans.


Mary Balon put her fist on her chest and agreed.

Mary Balon entered the world of demons with her little pupil in the nutrition warehouse.

"Mu Qilin, you ask Gardison to send the strongest robot, and once Kamen Rider bckrx or delta comes to make trouble, ask Gardison to stop them.

And you asked Persia to grab the g crystal in the hand of Dr. Samar. If you take it back, the environment of the earth people and us will be reversed. .

We Klexis people can live on the earth in large scale. "

General Jagu has been staring at Mary Balon who has entered the demon world. This operation can only succeed and not fail. If it fails, everyone will die. g

Chapter 65 Re-entering the Demon Realm

Li Qinghe fell into Lingzi's gentle hometown these days, and indulged in Lingzi every day.And when Lingzi saw Nan Kotaro, she would take the initiative to hug Li Qinghe and stimulate Nan Kotaro.

Under such stimulation, Nan Kotaro lost the idea of ​​​​rescuing Xiaotong.Xiaotong is Xiaoling's younger sister, Xiaoling is not in a hurry, and Kotaro is even less worried, Kotaro said to himself.

"Dad, is this the Earth?"

Dr. Samar came to the earth with his daughter in a space transfer vehicle.

The space transfer vehicle they were riding on also exploded after reaching the earth.

"Dad, we can't go back."

Dr. Samar's daughter said sadly.

"Daughter, it doesn't matter if you can't go back. If you go back, you will die. Just stay on the earth. Is the g crystal in your hand still there?"

Dr. Samar asked.

"Here. Ah, why is it gone?"

Dr. Samar's daughter took out the box containing the g crystal and found that the box was empty.

"It seems that it may have landed nearby, let's go find it."

After the G crystal arrived on Earth, Li Qinghe opened his eyes, "What a powerful energy, what exactly is it?"

Li Qinghe woke up and saw that Xiaoling was still sleeping happily, so he got up quietly and left the room.

"Yongzhi, I felt a powerful energy wave just now. Come and see with me."

Li Qinghe suggested.

"Yes. Would you like to ask Kotaro to go with you?"

Kiba Yuji asked.

"Hey, don't use it for now."

Thinking about Xiaoling's matter, Li Qinghe took advantage of others and created a estrangement between himself and Kotaro.

Li Qinghe and Kiba Yuji led a small group of Leo knights and walked towards the place where Dr. Samar fell.

What Li Qinghe and the others didn't know was that because of a bad mood, Nan Kotaro just came out to relax, and suddenly found the burning space transfer device, found a green gemstone, and felt that this gemstone contained great power. Just put it away.

"Dr. Samar, hand over the g crystal."

Dr. Samar and his daughter Ji Lala searched around the space transfer device, but they encountered the strange beast Flamigulami who was sent by General Jagu to search for the G crystal.

"Impossible, we won't give it to you."

Although Dr. Samar didn't have the G crystal in his hand, he still rejected Flamigulami's request with righteous words.

"I don't know good from bad. Come on."

Vlamigulami asks Chap beside him to catch Dr. Sama and his daughter Kirara.

Dr. Samar was not a person in charge of fighting, and his combat ability was very weak, so he was quickly held down by Chap.

"Ji Lala, go quickly, if the g crystal is handed over to them, everything will be over. Do you understand?"

Dr. Samar urged Ji Lala to leave quickly.

Ji Lala glanced at her father, Dr. Samar, and ran away, with dozens of Chap chasing after him.

Minami Kotaro played with the emerald in his hand, and could feel the powerful energy from it.

"It would be great if this power entered my body. Hey, what's the sound."

Nan Kotaro walked in the direction that Dr. Samar had just instructed Ji Lala.

Vlamigulami brought Dr. Samar to his hand, "Dr. Samar, I don't want to be rough, where is the g crystal?"

"Don't think about it, I won't tell you, I don't have a g crystal on me. Haha."

Dr. Sama's words angered Flamigulami, "Since the g crystal is not on you, it is on your daughter."

"I won't tell you the location of the g crystal."

Dr. Samar said stiffly.

"Since you don't tell me the location of the G crystal, then there is no need for you to exist."

Flammigulami inserts his tentacles into Dr. Sama's heart.

Ji Lala, who was escaping from Chap's pursuit behind her, felt a sharp pain in her heart, and she couldn't help feeling uncomfortable and wanted to cry, which was the same feeling as Ji Lala's mother when she passed away.


Ji Lala ran while crying and didn't stop. After all, Chap behind him didn't care if you were uncomfortable or not.

Ji Lala, a little girl, was still surrounded by Chap after all.

"Catch her."

These chaps rushed to Ji Lala.

"Bang bang bang", one after another light bullets wiped out Chap who was holding Ji Lala.Li Qinghe and the others heard Ji Lala's cries, and looked for Ji Lala's direction, just in time to meet the besieged Ji Lala.

"It's fine."

Li Qinghe pulled Ji Lala who was lying on the ground up.

"Who are you? You don't look like a person from Earth."

Li Qinghe saw Ji Lala's special costume and asked.

"I'm from Clexis, and my father is Dr. Samar, a scientist from Clesis. In order to prevent the g crystal from falling into the hands of those bad guys, he came to Earth.

Unexpectedly, the g crystal is still lost, please save my father, please? "

Although Ji Lala guessed that her father had been killed, she still thought about what if her father was still alive.

"G Crystal? Forget it, go first and save Dad."

Li Qinghe saw such a cute girl begging himself, and after feeling that the girl was not in danger, Ji Lala led the way to their space shifter.

Minami Kotaro saw Dr. Samar who was killed by Flame Gulami at a glance.

"Klexis, what are you doing shameless again?"

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