Minami Kotaro jumped right in front of Flamigulami.

"Minami Kotaro, don't get in the way."

Flamigulami came to find Crystal G this time, not to fight.Naturally, I don't have time to take care of Nan Kotaro.

"You think I'm in the way?"

Minami Kotaro became angry immediately, and threw himself on Flamigulami.

Flammigulami quickly got up and used his tentacles to blow Minami Kotaro away.

"If you dare to be so arrogant without transforming, then I will teach you a lesson."

After Flamigulami finished speaking, he saw g crystals falling out of Minami Kotaro who was blown away.

"It turns out that the g crystal is on your body, and it's not a waste of effort to get it."

Flamigulami stared at the fallen g crystal.

"Is that called G crystal? But it's mine. Transformation."

Kotaro Minami transforms into Kamen Rider Bckrx.

Flamigullami first asked Chap to delay Kotaro Minami, and put away the G gemstone himself.

"Give me the g gem."

Kotaro Minami punched the two chaps beside him, turning them into ashes, and faced Flamigulami.

"If you want a g crystal, you can wait until you hit me."

Flammigulami used his tentacles to throw Dr. Sama's body towards Kotaro Minami.

"Knight kick."

Kotaro Minami used his own trick on Flame Gulami.

Vlamigulami didn't panic at all, "Chapus, you stand in the way, Chapu who died for me, I will take good care of your family."

After Flamigulami finished speaking, a dozen or so Chap formed a line and stood in front of Flamigulami.

After Minami Kotaro's knight kicked through seven people, his strength weakened, and his legs were bound by Flamigulami's tentacles.

Flamigurami used his tentacles to throw Minami Kotaro to the stone beside him, and threw him to the ground.

Nan Kotaro couldn't get up with one foot, and was knocked down as soon as he stood up, and fell down again when he stood up again.

Kotaro Minami was defeated by Flame Gullami and transformed back into human form.

At this time Li Qinghe came, and the knight Leo next to him broke the tentacles binding Nan Guangtaro's feet.


Minami Kotaro endured the pain in his body and transformed into Kamen Rider Bckrx.

Nan Kotaro put his hands on his waist, and his belt was twirling wildly.Black smoke began to rise from Nan Kotaro's body, and an evil breath came from him.

"I am the Demon Prince."

Nan Kotaro was able to control his reason a little this time, and took out his spear from his belt.With one shot, Chap, who was standing in front of Flamigullami, was strung together with Flamigulami.

"Kamen Rider bckrx, even if I die, I won't give you the g crystal. You don't know, right? The power of the g crystal can make the earth people and us Clexis people exchange the living environment.

Although I didn't bring such a device, I can still activate part of the power of the g crystal, allowing you to stay in the demon world for a few more days. "

Flamigullami took out the green G crystal, chanted a spell, and threw the G crystal far away in Minami Kotaro's direction after the chanting.

At this time, Li Qinghe discovered Nan Kotaro and asked the others to stay and help Nan Kotaro himself to ease the tense relationship between the two parties.

Li Qinghe just ran to Nan Kotaro.As a result, the G crystal formed a vortex after it fell to the ground, sucking Li Qinghe and Nan Kotaro into it.

The culprit of all this, after laughing out loud three times, exploded.


Seeing that the president disappeared again, Kiba Yuji hurried to the place where Li Qinghe disappeared.

"Ah, where is this?"

Minami Kotaro rubbed his shoulders and stood up.

"No matter where it is, let's talk about it after surviving."

When Li Qinghe looked up, he saw Chapu, who was surrounded by no less than [-] people, forming ten large square formations to surround Li Qinghe and Nan Guangtaro.


Nan Kotaro looked up and was stunned. He had never seen such a big "welcome" scene. He played hundreds of them on weekdays. , I met thousands of Chaps, and most of those Chaps were wiped out by the Leo Knights brought by Kiba Yuji.

"Kamen Rider Bckrx, Kamen Rider Delta. I hereby announce that you will be sentenced to death, execution."

General Jagu issued an order to Chap's subordinates at Fort Klessis.

"It's impossible not to transform. Transform."

Li Qinghe touched the belt, the delta belt appeared on the waist, and Li Qinghe transformed into Kamen Rider Delta.

Li Qinghe and Nan Kotaro back to back.


Chapu Cheng, who surrounded Li Qinghe and the others, surrounded them. .

"These chaps seem to be different from the ones we encountered."

Minami Kotaro observed the aura of Chapu's subordinates swearing to death.It was different from the chaps he usually met.

Chapter 66 Rescue

"The ones we usually encounter are ordinary Chap's subordinates, who are equivalent to spies. Their main task is to obtain information. Naturally, they are different from these fighting Chap."

While explaining, Li Qinghe used the sword energy from the Satan Sword to kill Chapu in front of him one by one.However, Li Qinghe was quick to kill, and Chapu's men were also quick to replenish.What Li Qinghe killed was just a drop in the bucket, and he didn't scare Chap behind him.

Nam Kotaro is relatively weaker. Although Kamen Rider Bckrx transformed into Demon Prince, his strength has been greatly enhanced, but he still cannot compare with Li Qinghe.

Kotaro Minami used a long spear to pick up Chap who was approaching him, or pierce it, or hit him with the body of the gun.

"This is Kamen Rider Delta. Compared with Kamen Rider Bckrx, Kamen Rider Bckrx is almost not one or two points."

Boss just looked at Li Qinghe who was killing all directions and said in amazement.

"Yeah, fortunately, this accident attracted them to the Demon Realm. General Jagu, you wisely mobilized your men to attack them."

Gaidorion patted General Jagu's flattery hard, which made General Jagu very useful.

Li Qinghe immediately understood that he was no longer on the earth, and should be in the demon world.

Back to Kiba Yuji.

At this time, a huge battleship appeared in the sky. If Li Qinghe was there, he would be able to recognize it as his drawn base vehicle at a glance.

Because of Li Qinghe's request for help, Nagata Yuka felt that it was unreliable to send a small team of Leo knights, hesitated again and again, and activated the emergency transmission mechanism to forcefully relocate the Red Police base.

The Red Police base began to shrink, becoming a warship slowly flying away from the world of Kamen Rider 555.

The Red Police base took off like a Kirov airship. After flying to a certain height, it used camouflage to cross the barrier of another dimension and entered the world of Kamen Rider bck.

As soon as Nagata Yuka entered the world of Kamen Rider bck, the podium sensed Li Qinghe's position.

The sound of "beep beep beep", marking the disappearance of Li Qinghe's position.

"What, how is it possible, where did Lord Qinghe go?"

Nagata Yuka said anxiously.

"Go to the reserved location and land, and open the Kamen Rider 555 teleportation array."

Although Yuka Nagata was anxious, she was able to calm down and found a suitable place for the Red Police base, which was a deserted place on the outskirts of Tokyo.


Kiba Yuji and the Leo knights around him quietly waited for the Red Police base to arrive at the designated location and land.The arrival of the Red Alert base was not noticed by anyone in this world.

The gate of the Red Police Base opened at once, and countless Leo knights poured out from the Red Police Base, surrounded the outside of the Red Police Base in an orderly manner, watching the wind and grass outside.

Nagata Yuka waited until the Red Police base had been settled, and started the positioning of the world space jump with Kamen Rider 555.

"Positioning successful."

Although a small-scale shuttle has been successfully researched in the world of Kamen Rider 555, it is not safe to use a small-scale shuttle without accurate positioning.

This time the Red Alert base landed here, giving the small-scale shuttle a precise location.A large number of Leo Knights came to this world using the small-scale shuttle of Kamen Rider 555 World.

Seeing that the surroundings were safe, Nagata Yuka walked out of the Red Police base and looked at Kiba Yuji who lowered his head.

"Yuji, where's the president?"

Nagata Yuka asked sternly.

"President, the president has been teleported to the demon world."

Kiba Yuji was ashamed and ashamed.I made a guarantee ticket, saying to protect Li Qinghe, but Li Qinghe was sent to the demon world by Klexis' tricks in front of Kiba Yuji.

"The demon world? Fortunately, I'm here to bring this."

Nagata Yuka came here secretly this time, and did not inform Kageyama Yako, the truth, Nagata Yuka wanted to enjoy the first time with Li Qinghe alone.

However, the sudden departure of the Red Police base and the sudden transfer of personnel must have been noticed by Kageyama Yazi and the others. It is possible that they are the next batch of personnel sent over.

Nagata Yuka slipped the crimson ring onto her palm,

"This is a device that can open a different dimension that has just been closed for a short time. It cannot be opened after more than three hours, Kiba, take me to the place where the president disappeared just now. Quick."


Knowing that he lost his composure, Yuji Kiba took Nagata Yuka and ran towards the place where Li Qinghe disappeared.

Li Qinghe seems to be able to handle [-] Chapu alone, but only he knows the hardships and dangers. Li Qinghe's injury from the demon last time was not healed, it just stopped the deterioration of the injury. This transformation, The injury intensified further.

Li Qinghe endured the pain all the time, and killed the Chapus around him, but among the [-] Chapus, there were not only ordinary Chapus, but also some powerful subordinates sent by the four major captains of General Jiagu to sneak in. went in.

"General Jagu, Kamen Rider Delta, after fighting for so long, the body must have consumed a lot of energy. We feel that we need to use our elite fighters."

Mary Balon suggested.

"Well, you can arrange it."

General Jagu nodded.

"General Jagu, leave this task to me. I will definitely be able to bring back the heads of Kamen Rider Delta and Kamen Rider Bckrx this time and dedicate them to you."

Gardison pleaded.

"Since you have said so, then Gardison's task will be entrusted to you to complete, and I look forward to your performance."

General Jagu said to Gardison Ming.

"Yes, General Jagu.

Monster robot Disgalon, Toripron No. [-] and No. [-], you go to the demon world and find the right opportunity to kill Kamen Rider Delta.

Of course, don't forget the Kamen Rider bckrx.He is also our enemy, you seize the opportunity to eliminate them in one fell swoop. "

Gardison happily ordered to his subordinates.

As time passed, Li Qinghe felt more and more powerless, the speed of the Satanic sword he was waving began to slow down, and the sword energy he emitted was not as sharp as before.

Li Qinghe is like this, not to mention Nam Kotaro, there is almost no sun entering the demon world, fortunately Nam Kotaro turned into a demon prince, if it is Kamen Rider bckrx, then in places where there is no sunlight, the energy will be quickly consumed exhausted.

"Senior, senior, are you okay?"

Minami Kotaro asked out of breath.

"I'm sure I'm not well."

Li Qinghe said angrily.

"Senior is still so funny, senior, I probably won't be able to go out this time, if I don't go out, Kyoko and the others will be taken care of by you."

Nan Kotaro said.

"It's your business to take care of Kyoko. Don't try to rely on me. You will go back alive, and so will I. Yes, that's it."

Li Qinghe cheered himself up and encouraged himself. Li Qinghe's physical injuries were already serious, but this time he forcibly changed his body and made his injuries worse.

Li Qinghe could already imagine that even if he survived this time, without the treatment in the medical room of the Red Police Base, his strength might not be one in ten.

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