Li Qinghe estimated that it would be difficult for him to survive, the injury was too serious.

"Senior, do you have a way out?"

Nan Kotaro asked with a hopeful tone, thinking that he had difficulty finding Li Qinghe.

But this time Li Qinghe disappointed him, "Yes, but we can't figure it out right away. We can only persevere until we figure out a solution. Kotaro, come on."

Nan Kotaro naturally heard the meaning of Li Qinghe's words, that is, there is no way at present.


Minami Kotaro waved his spear mechanically.

Li Qinghe has killed [-] or close to [-] Chaps in more than an hour with the Satan Sword, which seems to have killed one-fifth of the [-] Chaps. However, in order to ensure the success of this operation, General Jagu , not falling short like the previous few times.

Let [-] chaps surround Li Qinghe and the others first, and then send out another [-] chaps to form a second encirclement to tightly surround Li Qinghe and the others.

And the three fighters Gardison sent out were in the second encirclement.

Gardison was also very cautious. If it was before, he would have let three robot soldiers attack, and now he was holding his breath.

"Listen, if Kamen Rider Delta and Kamen Rider Bckrx get to the second encirclement, you'll mix in Chap and attack them. Understand?"

Gardison gave an order to the monster robot Disgalon he sent out, Tolipron No. [-] and No. [-].


The monster robot Disgalon, Toripron No. [-] and No. [-] accepted Gardison's order.

"Gardison, you don't have to be so careful. Look at Kamen Rider delta, his sword speed is getting slower and slower, and Kamen Rider bckrx, you see his hands shaking the weapon, why? Not yet. Could it be that you were scared out of your wits?"

Boss just questioned Gardison's approach and said in a joking tone.

"Hmph, Bo Sigang, you don't need to teach me, I know how to do it myself."

Gardison snapped back.

"General Jagu, I think Kamen Rider Delta and Kamen Rider Blackrx still have their last strength left, so I think we should let Chap continue to consume their energy first.

We have already lost too many powerful fighters on Kamen Rider Delta and Kamen Rider Balckrx, I think we should not underestimate their power, what do you think, General? "

After returning to Persia, Gardison asked General Jagu for instructions.

"Well, then do as you think."

General Jagu felt that what Gardison said was not unreasonable. There were many previous failures because they underestimated Li Qinghe's strength.General Jia Gu is now becoming more cautious about Li Qinghe and his team's operations.

The four captains at General Jiagu's side were still discussing how to deal with Li Qinghe and the others, while Nagata Yuka brought three thousand Leo knights to the place where Li Qinghe disappeared. .

"Please let me participate in this operation. If the president cannot be saved, I will not come back."

Kiba Yuji knelt on the ground and begged.

Chapter 67 The Newborn Galonia Princess

"Kiba, hey, I came here in a hurry this time, all the Leo knights are not fully equipped, and I didn't bring the other captains, only you can lead the team.

Yuji Kiba, this time you will lead three thousand Leo knights to the demon world to rescue the president. "

Nagata Yuka brought a total of [-] Leo knights with her this time, leaving [-] Leo knights to guard the Red Police base, and brought [-] knights to rescue Li Qinghe.


Kiba Yuji accepted the order and brought three thousand Leo knights on motorcycles ready to go.

"Attention, the time to open the demon world can only last for 15 minutes. Time is urgent, if you can't come back, you can only stay in the demon world. Are you ready?"

Nagata Yuka saw Kiba Yuji nod and threw the ring to the place where Li Qinghe disappeared. The ring shattered and a black hole with a radius of about three meters appeared.

This is the second time for Kiba Yuji to go to the demon world, and he has experience, "Come with me, time is limited, go."

Li Qinghe was really at the end of his rope. After he swung the strength of his last sword, the Satan sword automatically merged into Li Qinghe's body, and Li Qinghe fell down powerlessly.

"Senior, what's wrong with you? Hold on."

Minami Kantaro had just finished speaking, and after piercing three chaps with his waving spear, he paused for a moment, and was caught by other chaps with their spears.

"I didn't expect that I would fall here."

Li Qinghe couldn't restrain the injury on his body anymore, the delta on his body sensed the state of the wearer at this time, and forcibly canceled the transformation.

Nan Guangtaro pulled back the spear forcefully, Chapu in front of Li Qinghe threw a big net at Li Qinghe, trapping Li Qinghe all at once.

Nam Kotaro kicked Chap away who was holding onto the net, and guarded Li Qinghe.

"Bang bang bang."

Chap, who appeared behind Minami Kotaro, took out a cannon and attacked Minami Kotaro from behind, and Minami Kotaro was knocked into the air.

Just as Kotaro Minami was about to get up, Chapu next to him pressed down Kotaro Minami with his body.

"Kutaro, I'm afraid Klexis is not trying to kill us, but to catch us."

It was only when Li Qinghe took out the bazooka from Chap that he discovered Kleiss' intentions. He deliberately said that he wanted to kill Li Qinghe and Nam Kotaro, which aroused Li Qinghe's desire to survive and exhausted Li Qinghe's strength. , making arrests.

"Let go of the president."

Seven or eight meters above Li Qinghe, Kiba Yuji rushed out of the black hole with the Leo Knight on a motorcycle.

"Kiba, you're finally here."

Li Qinghe relaxed his body and lay down on the ground.


Yuji Kiba turned into Kamen Rider A and jumped off the motorcycle, kicking Chap away who was trying to drag Li Qinghe away.

"President, hold on."

Kiba Yuji used the ahone with his left hand to eliminate Chapu in the distance, and his right hand used the Emperor Sword to clean up the Chapu next to Li Qinghe, protecting Li Qinghe.

With the appearance of three thousand Leo knights riding motorcycles, General Jagu's first encirclement of 3 people was broken away.Three thousand Leo Leo knights carried out a massacre against the remaining 2 Chiap.

However, after Chapu faced Li Qinghe and Nan Kotaro, their combat power rose rapidly, and many Leo knights were pulled off the motorcycle by Chapu with chains.However, Chap's strength still cannot be compared with the unit combat capability of the elite group Leo Knights.

Seeing Li Qinghe and Nan Guangtaro being rescued again, General Jiagu's mouth twitched.

"Let the peripheral elite [no] [yes] annihilate them in one fell swoop, this time they cannot escape."

General Jagu gave an order, and the [-] Chapus on the periphery revealed a chilling aura, and they also had their own special weapons.

"Kill all enemies in front of you."

General Jia Gu was also furious. It seemed that Li Qinghe and Nan Guangtaro would not be captured alive. If that was the case, they would take their heads first.

The [-] Chap's men on the periphery are much stronger than the [-] just now, which can be regarded as a motley army.

These [-] Chap's subordinates are the direct descendants of General Jagu, and they are usually responsible for defending General Jagu and the safety of Fortress Clexis.

General Jagu can still control the 200 million miscellaneous troops of the Clexis Empire. If personnel such as the intelligence department are counted, the number of people in charge of General Jagu can be doubled.

This is also why Emperor Klexis has always been very scruples about General Jagu, thinking of ways to weaken General Jagu's military power, but he has never succeeded, and was avoided by General Jagu, an old fox, in various ways.

These [-] descendants [no] [yes] were divided into three different square formations.

"Throwing, 3, 2, 1."

Chap of the third formation pointed his rockets at the sky, and fired all the rockets at the same time. The target position: Leo Knight who was fighting with the remaining [-] men.

Li Qinghe didn't expect General Jia Gu to be so cruel and disregarding his own people.However, it's not that Li Qinghe has never done such a thing. It seems that General Jia Gu was cornered.

The carpet bombing of a large number of rockets caused huge losses to the Knights of Leo.In an instant, at least half of the Leo knights were emptied, and as for the [-] Chiap miscellaneous men, they all disappeared.

"President, let's go."

Kiba Yuji blocked the rocket attack with his body, really worthy of the title of the belt of the earth.

"What, that is Kamen Rider A, is it stronger than Kamen Rider Delta and Bckrx? Why is it okay?"

Gadorion looked at the standing Yuji Kiba in surprise.

"Melee [no] [yes], come on, hold them back, don't let them go."

General Jagu issued an order to the first phalanx.

Chap in the first phalanx drew his long sword from his body and rushed towards Knight Leo.

"Block it, protect the president from leaving."

Kiba Yuji carried Li Qinghe on his back, let other men carry the fainted Namkotaro, and ran towards the black hole that came in.

The remaining [-] remaining knights formed a circle. The Leo knights outside were holding special shields, and the Leo knights inside were shooting with accelerated light guns.

At the same time, there was an organized evacuation from the inside out, and Li Qinghe was naturally the first group to evacuate.

"If you want to leave, stay."

A giant hand descended from the sky and grabbed Li Qinghe from Kiba Yuji's back.


Kiba Yuji was angry, "Di Di Zhan."

Kiba Yuji used all the energy in his body, gathered it into a giant yellow sword, and slashed at that hand, splitting that hand

"court death."

The owner of that hand felt a pain in his hand and threw Li Qinghe away. Li Qinghe was thrown away by that hand to an unknown place.

Yuji Kiba also passed out after using Didi Zhan. Fortunately, the surrounding Leo knights had sharp eyes and left without hesitation with the fainted Yuji Kiba.

When the remaining [-] Leo knights were evacuated, the time was up, and the passage was slowly closed, which meant that the remaining Leo knights could only stay in the demon world.

"Use contingency plans."

The remaining Leo knights activated the emergency plan. The so-called emergency plan means that in case of danger, the Leo knights will throw themselves to various places.

"Seize the remaining resisters. Otherwise, this operation will not be able to report to His Majesty the Emperor Klexis."

General Jia Gu said that although Li Qinghe and Nan Guangtaro could not be caught, it was a great achievement to catch those rebels.

After all the Leo knights who stayed in the demon world activated the emergency plan, their feet started to jet, and they flew to the distance one after another, escaping the pursuit of Chap's men sent by General Jagu.


This was the first time General Jagu lost his composure in front of the four captains.

"Listen, these people must be in the empire, so follow them up. Once found, arrest them quickly."

General Jiagu knew that the world of monsters and demons was huge, at least one person could not explore it to the end even after spending his whole life.Only one side is desert.


The four captains under the name of General Jagu saw that their chief was angry, and all of them kept their eyes on each other, not daring to make a sound, so as not to be used as a punching bag by General Jagu.

"Mary Balon, how is Princess Galonia?"

General Jagu asked Mary Mary.

"General, there are so many people here? Do you see?"

The news that Princess Galonia has died is still being blocked. Only General Jagu, Mary Balon, and Dr. Mu Qilin know that Chap, who accompanied Mary Balon to witness the death of Princess Galonia, is already in Jagu General Gu gave an order and all disappeared.

"Let's talk, it's okay for them to know."

General Jagu said.

"Excuse me, General Jagu, what happened to Princess Garonia?"

Boss just took the lead to ask.

"Bo Sigang, don't be rude."

Mary Balon accused Persian of being rude.

General Jagu waved his hand, signaling Mary Balon not to intervene.

"I can tell you clearly that the former Galonia princess is no longer here."

General Jagu announced.

"Not here? General Jagu, what do you mean, did you kill the princess?"

Gardison drew out the pistol on his waist and pointed it at General Jagu.

"Gardison, what are you doing. Want to rebel?"

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