Gaidorion stood in front of General Jagu.

"General Jagu, my allegiance is to the Krasis Empire, not you or His Majesty the Emperor Krasis. Even you cannot bear the crime of killing Princess Galonia."

Just as Gardison was about to shoot, Mary Balon spoke.

"Gardison, put down your weapons. Princess Galonia's death was an accident, not General Jagu. If you want to blame it, blame me for not taking good care of Princess Galonia."

"What? Mary Balon, it's you? General Jagu, what should I do?"

Persia swallowed just now. Once His Majesty the Klexis Empire knew about the death of Princess Gallonia, everyone would die. .

It doesn't matter whether you are General Jagu or the four captains.

Persia is a pure Cresis nobleman, a person from Cresis, and knows better about His Majesty's cruelty. I don't know how many old nobles have been copied because they opposed His Majesty. Chopped.

Chapter 68 Li Qinghe was rescued

A group of old aristocrats fell, and the Bosigang family entered the eyes of His Majesty Emperor Klexis as a new aristocrat, and became a new aristocrat.Persia just knew that if this trouble is not good, even his own family will suffer.

"Bo Sigang, don't panic."

General Jagu saw that Persia, whom he usually admired quite a bit, panicked, and persuaded him.

"General Jagu, what's the matter? Last time we went with you to visit Princess Galonia, it was fine, why did you suddenly say no?"

Gadorion asked suspiciously.

"Guidorion, in fact, the last time you met was the newborn Princess Galonia."

General Jagu said.

"The newborn Galonia princess?"

Persia just reacted.

"General Jagu, you actually did this, but once you are discovered, then..."

Persia has just guessed what General Jagu did. After all, he has served General Jagu for so many years, so he can still guess a little.

"If you can't find it, Dr. Mu Qilin, come out."

General Jagu shouted to Dr. Mu Qilin outside the door.

Dr. Mu Qilin came in from the door.

"General Jagu."

Dr. Mu Qilin put his right hand on his chest and bowed to salute.

"Dr. Mu Qilin, get up, don't be too polite."

Dr. Mu Qilin straightened up.

"Dr. Mu Qilin, tell me about the newborn Princess Galonia."


Although the Galonia princess this time is of the blood of the Earthlings, her appearance and temperament are better than the original Garonia princess.

And like the original Galonia princess, she was born in the same year, the same month and the same day, and has a mole on her neck. We speculate that Emperor Klexis also has a mole on his neck.

In order to make the newborn Galonia princess powerful as our commander, I let her go to the Valley of Miracles, replace her blood, and become our noble Clexis, and accelerate her growth to have With terrible power.

Princess Garonia should have succeeded by now.Everyone can take a look. "

General Jagu said that he pointed to the screen on the podium, and the screen showed the growth of Xiaotong, no, that is the situation of the current Princess Galonia growing up.

Princess Galonia had just come out of the bath and changed clothes at this time, when she suddenly sensed that someone was watching her.


Princess Garonia's eyes glowed red, and she looked towards the Clexis Fortress.

"His Royal Highness, it is me, General Jagu, who pays respects to you."

General Jagu lowered his head.

"General Jagu, what's the matter?"

Princess Gallonia already had the inheritance of the Klexis Empire in her mind, and it was normal to know General Jagu.

"His Royal Highness, General Jagu and the four captains Mary Balon, Gardison, and Gadorion, Persia just sent their greetings to you."

General Jagu expressed his praise.

"Okay, there's nothing else, just step back."

Princess Garonia said domineeringly.


Before Gaidorion finished speaking, he was stopped by General Jagu.

"Yes, I will take my leave."

After General Jagu finished speaking, he monitored the equipment of Princess Galonia. All the monitoring equipment failed, and the screen was blank.

"This is our princess? She is too rude to you. Besides, we can no longer monitor Princess Garonia's every move."

Gadorion said a little angrily.

"Guidorion, no matter what, she is also our princess, our commander who is about to appear. If you can't monitor it, then you don't need to monitor it. With the current power of the princess, even Kamen Rider Delta may not be able to defeat her. she."

Mary Balon secretly shook her head at Gedorion, signaling Gedorion not to say any more.


Gadorion hummed unconvinced.

"General Jagu, will Princess Galonia remember what happened on Earth before? Once she remembers, it will be difficult."

asked Gardison.

"Don't worry, I've wiped all the memory of that girl, she won't recognize her relatives anymore, hahaha."

Mary Balon laughed haha.

"Mary Balon, what are you laughing at? Is there anything funny about Her Royal Highness?"

Boss just asked.

"Bosigang, guess who the earthling I chose is?"

Mary Balon said happily, "No need to guess, it's Xiaotong, the younger sister of Nan Kotaro's girlfriend."


Except for General Jia Gu and Dr. Mu Qilin who knew in advance, everyone was surprised.

"You actually took a girl back from Kamen Rider Delta to be our princess, can't it be someone else?"

Gadorion asked a little unconvinced.

"No, among all the girls who were born on the same month and the same day as Princess Galonia, only that girl is the most suitable, and the other girls are not good, so I let them be Princess Galonia's maids."

General Jagu and the four captains were discussing something about the newborn Princess Galonia.

Valley of Miracles.

After Li Qinghe was thrown away by the giant hand, his body fell towards Princess Galonia.

"What's the sound. Go out and have a look."

Li Qinghe fell heavily out of a human-shaped crater, bleeding everywhere on his body.

Princess Garonia, who was about to rest in the cave of the Valley of Miracles, heard the sound and asked the maid next to her.

"Princess Qibao, a man who was seriously injured suddenly fell from the sky."

The maid beside him reported Li Qinghe's situation to Princess Garonia.

"The man who fell from the sky is interesting. Go out with me and have a look."

Princess Garonia became a little interested when she heard the maid mention the man who fell from the sky.

Princess Garonia walked out of the cave and saw Li Qinghe who was unconscious.

"It feels so familiar."

According to Princess Garonia's original idea, after seeing the difference in the injured man, she would kill him directly.Princess Galonia's legacy also affects some of her personality.

However, after Princess Garonia saw that it was Li Qinghe, she felt a sense of warmth, which made her put away her killing intent.

"Bring this man back and treat his injuries properly."

Princess Garonia said to the maid beside her.

"Princess, but he is an outsider, why not kill him."

asked a maid beside her.

"I am responsible for this man's affairs, and no one is allowed to disclose this man's affairs."

After finishing speaking, Princess Galonia returned to her room, thinking: It feels so familiar, why can't I have the heart to kill him.

"Princess, princess, come on, this man is dying."

Princess Garonia had someone treat Li Qinghe's injuries, and just returned to her room when she heard the maid's hurried voice.


The red light in Princess Garonia's eyes flashed, and she teleported to the room where Li Qinghe was treated.

"what happened?"

Princess Garonia questioned the medical practitioner who treated Li Qinghe.

"His Royal Highness, this person was seriously injured before, but this time for some unknown reason, new injuries were added to his body, and the injuries added to his body. It is not easy to survive until now. Even if he is saved, he may be a useless person. Princess, please think twice."

The healer knelt beside Princess Garonia.

"Is there any way to save him?"

Princess Garonia thought about it and decided to save Li Qinghe.


The medical doctor hesitated, not daring to speak directly.

"Your Highness, the spring water from the Valley of Miracles is needed to restrain this man's injuries. But using the spring water requires your permission. Now all the spring water from the Valley of Miracles is at your disposal."

The medic lowered his head and whispered.

"Then use it, and save this man first."

Princess Galonia didn't care about the preciousness of the spring water in the Valley of Miracles.The spring water in the Valley of Miracles seems to be a lot, but in fact it has been accumulated bit by bit for countless years.

The healer knelt before Princess Galonia and took out a dark container, "Your Highness, please grant me the spring water from the Valley of Miracles."

Princess Garonia pointed at the container, and spring water began to gushes out of the container, soon filling the entire container.

The medical doctor muttered some unknown spells.

The spring water in the container floated up and became individual droplets.The little water droplets melted into Li Qinghe's body after the healer finished reciting the incantation.

"Doctor, how is this man?"

Princess Gallonia asked the sweaty medical practitioner.

"Your Highness, this man's injury is worse than I expected, and this treatment can only delay the deterioration of his injury.

More spring water is needed to restrain his injury, but is it worth using so much spring water to save this strange man? "

The healer said at the risk of being punished by Princess Galonia.

"You don't need to worry about this, you just need to save this man."

Princess Garonia filled the container with spring water again.

After continuous treatment by ten medical practitioners, the deterioration of Li Qinghe's injury finally stopped.

"Report to Her Royal Highness, this man's injuries have stopped."

After the tenth medical doctor finished treating Li Qinghe, seeing Princess Gallonia's satisfied expression, he was relieved, and he didn't have to worry about being punished.

"You go back."

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