The maid next to Princess Gallonia immediately understood what the princess meant, and let the healer leave.

"Retire too."

Princess Garonia asked the maids around her to also retreat.

After seeing that Li Qinghe was the only one left, Princess Garonia sat next to Li Qinghe, and used the spring water from the Valley of Miracles to wash away all the filth and residual blood on Li Qinghe's body. .

Princess Garonia threw away Li Qinghe's blood-stained clothes, and changed into a new costume of the Klexis nobleman.

"It's strange, why, I have a familiar feeling with you."

Princess Galonia pressed her head on Li Qinghe's chest. .

Mary Balon did not expect that although the memory of Princess Galonia was erased, Princess Galonia's subconscious attachment to familiar people could not be erased.

Li Qinghe protected Xiaotong and the others many times, and created a deep sense of attachment in Xiaotong's heart, and this impression was different from that of Namkotaro as a big brother.

Chapter 69 Treatment

This led to the fact that although Princess Galonia met Li Qinghe for the first time, the moment Princess Galonia saw Li Qinghe, she felt an inexplicable feeling towards Li Qinghe. Feel.

Princess Galonia has inherited all the knowledge passed down from the Klexis Empire, but Princess Galonia's brain cannot absorb it all at once.

Therefore, most of the inheritance is sealed, leaving only a small part of knowledge for absorption. If there is necessary knowledge, it takes time to find out from the sealed inheritance in the mind.

The part of the inheritance that Princess Garonia absorbed happened to have knowledge about how to reproduce the next generation, which involved information about love.

"Did I fall in love with him? Is this love at first sight?"

Princess Galonia lay on Li Qinghe's chest, listening to Li Qinghe's thumping heartbeat.


Princess Garonia stood up, left Li Qinghe blushing, and returned to her room.

Kamen Rider 555 world.

"What did you say? She actually found the president before me?"

Kageyama Yako asked to Takumo Itachi in front of him.

"No, I just speculate that that woman is the president's personal secretary, and her position in the president's heart is incomparable to anyone. This time she left suddenly, and I discovered a large-scale change of the Leo Knights. Their I don't know where to go."

Thinking about the one in her mouth, she obviously meant Nagata Yuka.

Takuma Yilang was the first to discover Nagata Yuka's departure and a large number of personnel transfers.

"No, I'm going too."

Kageyama Yako took the documents in her hand and went to find Yuka Nagata to check the situation.

With a "Zi", a call request from Yuka Nagata was sent from the computer in front of Akiko Kageyama's office.

At the same time, not only Kageyama Yako, but also Shinichi and Nagata Yuka received a call request from Nagata Yuka.

Kageyama Yako and the others each got through the phone, and found that each other's love rivals were there.

"Nagata Yuka, what's the matter with you suddenly looking for us this time?"

Truth was the first to hold back, and the first to ask.

"I found Qinghe's location."

Nagata Yuka stated the breaking news she released in a simple and clear manner.

"Where is Lord Qinghe?"

Kageyama Yako asked impatiently.

"He is in another world. I have already gone to that world, but the president was captured by other forces in this world. After I received the message for help, I was already one step ahead and sent Kiba Yuji to help. Unfortunately... ..."

Nagata Yuka said helplessly.

"Then quickly lead Leo Knight to rescue him."

Nagata Yuka was distraught when she heard that Li Qinghe had been taken away.

"I tried to rescue him once, but it failed, and Kiba Yuji was also in a coma. So I need your help, use a small-scale shuttle to come to this world, and go to the demon world to rescue the president."

Nagata Yuka seems to have great rights, but the exercise of all rights requires the consent of Li Qinghe.And Li Qinghe has not been in the world of Kamen Rider 555 for a long time.

In rescuing Li Qinghe this time, Nagata Yuka has used her rights beyond the scope. She can mobilize soldiers for daily training, technology research and so on.

Nagata Yuka remembered the organization founded by Kageyama Yako.

Mainly recruit those previous s

A company's personnel.

There is also the Meteor Organization formed by Truth based on Meteor's classmates, (the leader is Truth, work skillfully, Nishida.) Nishida is an ambitious person, and under Nishida's persuasion, Truth began to create his own new organization - Meteor what.The recruits are Orfi Enoch who are idle in the society.

In the end, Nagata Yuka used her iron-blooded skills to establish an organization - the Assassin's Alliance, to help Li Qinghe deal with people who needed to disappear in the dark.

These three organizations are all members of the world of Kamen Rider 555. In an emergency, Nagata Yuka had to let Nagata Yuka and the others come to the world of Kamen Rider bck to rescue Li Qinghe.

"Okay, let's go right away."

Truth, Nagata Yuka, and Kageyama Yako mobilized their elites to use small-scale shuttles and soon came to the world of bck.

As soon as they came out, they found that Nagata Yuka was already waiting for them.

"This is the Leo Knight system that you have always wanted to obtain. It can be used by your people, but it will be taken back after use."

The Laiou Knight system is an important combat unit for Li Qinghe at present, and naturally it will not be obtained by others. Even if Kageyama Yazi controls the original s

Company a's scientific research institutions increased their investment in scientific research, but they couldn't develop a knight system capable of combat, so they had to give up.

At present, the relationship between the three truth organizations and Li Qinghe's government organization is like the difference between a servant army and a regular army.The truth is that their organizations serve the government, and the government will pay them accordingly.

Yazi Yingshan brought [-] fighters, and she and Zhuo Mo Yilang each commanded half of them.

Zhenzhen and the others brought [-] combatants, half of which were led by Zhenzhen and Ganqiao, and half by Xi Tian.

Yuka Nagata has the least number of people, only 1000 people, but they are all elites, and you can feel the strong killing spirit from the people brought by Yuka Nagata.

At present, the Leo Knight system has already achieved mass production. If the mass production of faiz and kaxia belts is being studied, it must not be as powerful as the original version.It is expected to be stronger than Leo Knight.

Not to mention Nagata Yuka and the others who are preparing to implement the next rescue plan outside.

It was the first time that Li Qinghe suffered such serious injuries, and his consciousness was in darkness. Li Qinghe was sitting cross-legged in that dim environment, when a ray of light suddenly shone in.

Li Qinghe opened his eyes, and found a long-haired beauty sitting beside her. Her thick black shawl hair hung in the air like a black waterfall, and her beautiful crescent eyebrows were faintly frowned, and appeared on her delicate face. A noble and icy aura added a daunting aura to her originally surprisingly beautiful face.

"Who are you?"

Li Qinghe found that his throat was making a hoarse sound that didn't belong to him.

"Don't talk, your throat is badly injured."

I don't know where you are, you were so badly injured, but you are saved by me now, and you are mine from now on. "

Princess Galonia said in an orderly tone.

"What? Impossible."

Enduring the burning sensation in his throat, Li Qinghe directly rejected the request of the woman in front of him.

"Bold, you dare to refuse Her Royal Highness's order. Your life was saved by Her Royal Highness, and you don't know how to be grateful."

The maid next to Princess Galonia said angrily when she saw Li Qinghe being so "uninterested".

"You dare to refuse my request, aren't you afraid that I will kill you?"

Faced with Li Qinghe's unhesitating refusal, Princess Garonia was not angry.

"I'm afraid, but I don't think you will kill me. If you want to kill me, you don't have to save me."

Li Qinghe didn't say bluntly that he wasn't afraid. If he angered the woman in front of him, he might lose his own life. What he said just now was just to increase his weight in Princess Gallonia's heart.

If Li Qinghe's words were changed to, "Don't be afraid, a scholar can be killed but not humiliated, if you have the guts to kill me."

It is very likely that no matter how much Princess Garonia has a crush on him, she will have murderous intent because of these words, and will kill him again after being saved.

After finally killing Li Qinghe, Princess Garonia might say again, "I saved you to kill you once." In this way, Li Qinghe died very unjustly.

"You are very smart, but I will not agree to your request. No one can refuse my request in Krysis except Emperor Krysis. Do you understand?

Now I give you two choices, either be my man or die.I saved your life, so it doesn't matter if I kill you again. "

After Princess Garonia finished speaking, she looked at Li Qinghe's performance.

Li Qinghe was very smart, he didn't refute, but fainted cleverly.

"Healer, come and have a look."

Princess Garonia asked the medical staff to check on Li Qinghe's injuries.

"Your Highness, this person just suffered a huge shock in his heart, and fainted from exhaustion. The injury has not deteriorated so far."

After examining Li Qinghe's condition, the medical specialist came to a conclusion.

"Well, back off."

Princess Garonia made everyone else retreat, and looked at the unconscious Li Qinghe.

"Although I don't know who you are, I saved your life, and you are mine from now on. If you don't speak, it will be regarded as your acquiescence."

Princess Garonia looked at Li Qinghe and said to Li Qinghe.

Li Qinghe just fell into a "coma", so naturally it was impossible to speak anymore.

Clexis Fortress.

"Mary Balon, have you caught those who escaped in the Demon Realm last time? I have already handed over the battle screen of the last battle defeat to His Majesty Emperor Klexis.

His Majesty the Emperor is very interested in this strange force, and asked us to find out the base of this force, and then eliminate them. "

General Jagu said to Mary Baron in front of him.

"General Jagu, we have found some of those who escaped last time, but if those people cannot escape, they will explode themselves. So far, we have not caught a single one alive."

Mary Balon half-kneeled on the ground, feeling her own incompetence.

"Mary Balon, this matter has to be handed over to you. You have to hurry up. The source of those people must be known. We need to know the power and power of those people.

There is also Kamen Rider Delta, who should have wandered into the demon world, and you need to investigate as soon as possible. I heard that Emperor Klexis intends to send someone to supervise my work. "

General Jagu didn't blame Mary Balon for this. Only after fighting the Knights of Leo, could he deeply perceive the difficulty of the Knights of Leo.

"General Jagu, did Emperor Klexis distrust you by doing this?"

Boss just asked. .

"However, General Jagu has devoted so much to the Cresis Empire all his life. His Majesty the Emperor Cresis has done so, it is very heartbreaking."

Gadorion said dissatisfied.

Chapter 70 Prosecutor Darth Mada

"Guidorion shut up, you are not qualified to comment on Emperor Klexis. You will be punished."

General Jagu aimed his scepter at Gaidorion, and a thunderbolt shot out from the scepter, which was powerful but harmless.

Gaidorion can be the captain of the four majors. If he hadn't called his brain, he would still be with his companions in the darkest underground.

Gaidorion let out a heart-piercing wail after being punished by lightning.

"Guidorion, this is your punishment, are you satisfied?"

General Jagu looked at Gaidorion, who usually looked silly, with satisfaction, but unexpectedly he was very witty.

Mary Balon has commanded the four captains for many years and knows the four captains very well.

Speaking of which, among the four captains, Persian wanted to replace General Jagu, Mary Baron was an admirer of General Jagu, Gadorion was very grateful for General Jagu’s support, but he only listened to Jagu The captain ordered by the general.Gardison is loyal to the Klexis Empire, not to a certain person.

In the Valley of Miracles, Li Qinghe was taken care of by the medical staff sent by Princess Galonia day and night, and his injuries were completely stabilized.

And Li Qinghe could feel that the Miracle Fountain controlled by Princess Garonia actually had the effect of consolidating the body and increasing lifespan besides healing wounds, and Li Qinghe had not discovered other effects.

Li Qinghe will soon be able to go to the ground, except that he can't transform, he can be the same as a normal person.

"It seems you're all right, what's your name? Where are you from?"

Princess Garonia asked Li Qinghe as if checking her household registration.

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