"You can call me Kiba Kiyokawa, I come from a far away place."

Li Qinghe adopted his own name from the beginning of the Kamen Rider 555 world.

"Kiba Qinghe? It's probably not your real name, but it doesn't matter, you don't even think about leaving when you come here."

Princess Garonia said domineeringly.

"Ahem, Princess Galonia, don't you want to leave here? Go see the outside world?"

Li Qinghe seduced Princess Galonia.

"Princess, General Jagu is visiting."

Suddenly a maid ran in and reported to Princess Galonia.

"I don't want to leave here, so just stay here obediently."

After Princess Galonia finished speaking, she turned and left.After Li Qinghe stabilized his injuries, he began to use the Stone of Light and the Stone of Darkness to heal his injuries.

"Your Highness, General Jagu sends you greetings."

General Jagu greeted Princess Galonia respectfully.

"General Jagu, why are you here? What's the matter?"

Princess Galonia asked.

"Your Royal Highness, we need you to come to Fortress Clexis to guide us to success, we need you."

The reason why General Jagu is in such a hurry is because he has received the latest news from insiders that His Majesty Emperor Klexis has sent his agent to supervise General Jagu.

Although I don't know who it is, it must be against General Jagu, and it may be to seize his military power.

General Jagu felt a strong sense of crisis, and wanted to take the first step and invite Princess Galonia back to check and balance the agent sent by the upcoming Emperor Klexis.

"General Jagu, I'm not feeling well recently, so I still need to rest for a while."

For some unknown reason, Princess Galonia didn't want to go to Fortress Clexis, so she made an excuse.

"That's right, then I hope you can go to Fort Clesis to recuperate."

General Jagu made the request.

"Bold, how dare you be so rude to Her Highness the Princess."

One of Princess Garonia's maids scolded.


Persian just drew his sword and pointed it at the maid of the Galonia princess.

"You guys, leave."

Princess Galonia was angry, her eyeballs turned red, and the moment she faced Persia, Persia was knocked out of the door by Princess Galonia's powerful thoughts.

"Princess please calm down, I took the liberty."

General Jagu was overwhelmed by Princess Galonia's powerful power, and then he remembered that this human-turned Princess Clexis was already a real princess. She not only controlled the fountain of miracles, but also possessed great power.

At the beginning, General Jagu tried to control Princess Galonia in vain, but this plan failed after Xiaotong became Princess Galonia.


General Jagu took the four captains and left in despair.

After seeing General Jiagu leave, Princess Galonia came to Li Qinghe's room, and saw Li Qinghe sitting there quietly, with two colors of light and dark circulating continuously on his body.

"what is this?"

Princess Garonia watched the changes in Li Qinghe's body, and did not act rashly, but waited until Li Qinghe finished healing.

"I was just healing."

Li Qinghe briefly explained what happened to him just now.

"You are such a mysterious man."

Princess Garonia moved lightly to Li Qinghe's side in small steps, and put her head close to Li Qinghe.

"Then I hope you don't fall for me."

Li Qinghe quickly pecked Princess Gallonia's face.


Princess Galonia blushed and left.

"No way, Princess Garonia should be Xiaotong, she fell in love with me. I am not a pedophile, but the current Princess Galonia is a grown up pupil, it should be...it doesn't matter. .”

After Li Qinghe finished speaking, he continued to heal his wounds.

Go back to Yuka Nagata.

Although Nagata Yuka couldn't use the red police fighters to fight, it was still possible to deploy troops for defensive operations. A large number of Leo knights and soldiers from Longyuan Kingdom came to the world of Kamen Rider bck.

Because of Kiba's exhaustion and coma, Nagata Yuka and the others didn't know that Li Qinghe also had a woman in this world.

After rescuing the demon world, Kotaro Minami regained consciousness after undergoing emergency treatment, and "quietly" left under the supervision of Nagata Yuka and the others.

With the entry of a large number of people from the world of Kamen Rider 555, Shenglong Group (this is the newly established company of Yuka Nagata) began to officially enter Tokyo.

The new headquarters of Shenglong Group began to be built in an orderly manner.

Clexis Fortress.

"General Jagu, monster communication."

While General Jagu was lecturing the four captains, a communication from the Klexis Empire arrived.

After General Jagu listened carefully, the main content was that Emperor Klexis was very angry that he was invading the earth and did nothing, and had sent his agent, Inspector Das Mada, here.

"General Jagu, what did the monster communication say?"

Gadorion asked curiously.

"It's nothing, it's just that there is an extra prosecutor, he should be here soon."

General Jagu told the content of the monster communication.

"Then, does that mean we have an extra monitor on top of us?"

Boss just asked.

"Yes, so don't let him find out your failure. Go, hurry up and formulate a battle plan to invade the earth to extinguish the anger of His Majesty Emperor Klexis."

General Jagu looked at the four captains below.

"General Jagu, just call me the plan this time, I already have a plan, please rest assured."

Gadorion asked.

"State your plans."

General Jagu said.

"I've gathered a group of pure-blood Klesis men. If the plan is successful, it's time for us Klesis to unify the earth. Please see."

After Gaidorion finished speaking, a group of well-trained Clexis men walked in.

"You are the first batch of pioneers chosen as pioneer fighters to rule the earth."

Gadorion faced Klexis' subordinates below.

"We will use our hands to transform the earth world into a place suitable for our Clexis people to live in."

The leading Captain Klexis is full of fighting spirit to conquer the earth.

"General Jagu, I have sent the monster Chimera Gomera to carry out this battle."

A monster dressed up as a three-headed strange bird came out, and spit out a light from the mouth of Klexis's subordinates below.

Those Clexis subordinates turned into butterflies one after another and returned to the small steel container prepared for them.

"That's right, Gadorion, you go to fight."

After General Jiagu gave his orders, he left.

A large number of butterflies have been transferred to the earth from Klexis Fortress.

A mountainous area outside Tokyo.

A family of four is camping.

"The fire is so small."

Dad looked at the cooking fire and was a little dissatisfied.

"Can this really cook?"

the son asked.

"The rice cooked by the warm fire is delicious."

Mom was peeling an apple beside her.

"Xingnan, just wait a moment."

The boy turned out to be Xingnan.

"Dad, I'll go find some firewood first, you wait."

Xing Nan was about to leave for a while.

"Go, go. Then you come back quickly, or you may have eaten when you come back, hahaha."

The family is full of laughter and laughter.

Xing Nan ran and found a cave by accident.The child was very curious, so he went in and found a place full of flowers.

"it's beautiful."

Xing Nan looked at the flowers growing from the ground in surprise.

Suddenly there was a shock, and a steel glass-shaped container appeared.


Xing Nan quickly hid aside, and found that the container was opened, and many butterflies appeared, flying to the flowers.

Then two Chaps walked in.

"Received the order to carry out combat, able to supply energy."

One of them said Chap.

After the butterflies stayed on the flowers for a while, they spread their wings and flew out of the hole.Xing Nan hid aside and slowly backed out without being noticed.

After these butterflies flew out, they attacked the nearest Xingnan's family. Except for Xingnan's absence, everyone else was attacked. Three of these butterflies flew to the necks of Xingnan's parents and his sister.

Then Xingnan's parents and his sister stood up from the ground, with a butterfly-shaped mark on their necks.

"All right."

When Xingnan's parents, who were possessed by butterflies, and his sister were about to drive away, Xingnan came back. .

"Dad, Mom."

Xing Nan came to his relatives.

Chapter 71 Careless Minami Kotaro

"I just found a cave with strange flowers and butterflies."

Xing Nan said out of breath.

"It seems that our base has been discovered, then - kill him."

Xingnan's father walked up to Xingnan and lifted Xingnan up.

"Dad, let go, let go."

Xingnan's father threw Xingnan onto the road.

Xingnan's mother drove over Xinnan and heard a scream from Xingnan. She thought she had crushed him to death, but in fact she broke Xingnan's leg. Afterwards, Xingnan's parents and sister left.

After waking up, Xing Nan was crawling on the road, calling for help while climbing.

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