After being rescued by Kiba Yuji, Minami Kotaro returned to Earth.

Frustrated, he was walking aimlessly alone when he suddenly heard a cry for help.

"I can't even save myself, how can I save others."

Nan Kotaro ignored the call for help and continued to walk forward. The more Nan Kotaro ignored the call, the closer he found the call for help.

Nan Kotaro couldn't bear the conflict in his heart, so he went to save people.

"what happened to you?"

Kotaro Minami found a little boy whose legs had been broken and who was acting with perseverance.

"Save my parents, and my sister."

After Xing Nan was crushed by his parents, he recalled their changes and guessed that he might have encountered danger during the time he was away, which was probably related to the butterfly he just met.

It's really rare for such a young child to think of these things!

"Special locust."

Nan Kotaro rode a motorcycle and sent Xingnan to Kyoko and the others.

What Nan Kotaro didn't expect was that after he left, a man with a golden dragon badge hat on his head came out.

"Is this Kamen Rider bckrx?"

Kotaro went to Kyoko's apartment and found that the patrol officers sent by Kiba Yuji were still working diligently.

"Kotaro, where is Qinghe-kun?"

Yue Ying You Jiali found out that only Nan Kotaro came back alone, and Li Qinghe did not come back, so he asked worriedly.

Nan Kotaro shook his head, and then told what happened between himself and Li Qinghe in the demon world.


Lily couldn't accept this fact and fainted.

Kyoko and the others sent Lily back to her room to take good care of her.

After Nan Kotaro finished talking about Li Qinghe, he began to solve what happened to Xingnan.

"You said that your parents don't want you anymore, and they want to kill you and break your legs. They don't seem to know me, and they said that the base was discovered by me.

Before I saw a cave near the campsite, there were many butterflies flying, there were also beautiful flowers, and there were two guys who looked like faceless monsters, talking about energy and the like. "

Kotaro Minami, Kyoko, and Katsumi Kida listened to Konan's story.

"It should be a conspiracy by the Clexis."

From Kotaro Minami's description, he felt the aura of Clexis.

"I'll take you to see your parents tomorrow. You're in the car, don't get out."

Nan Kotaro considered the danger that Xingnan may encounter, and Xingnan's leg has been injured, and now he is wearing a bandage.

The next day, Kotaro Minami drove to Xingnan's house, and after ringing the doorbell, Xingnan's father came out, and saw yesterday's "son" sharply.

"Son, who broke your leg, didn't you tell you not to fight with those bosozoku?"

Xingnan's father said sadly.

"Bosozoku? Fight?"

Minami Kotaro was a little confused.

"Mom, come out and have a look and take him back."

Xing Nan's mother ran out, opened the car door, gently hugged Xing Nan, and brought her home.

"Brother Kotaro..."

Xing Nan wanted to say something, but before he could finish, he was taken home by his mother.

"Yes, this kid loved to fight and deceive people since he was a child, thank you for bringing him back-."

After Xingnan's father finished speaking, he immediately entered the room and locked the door, leaving Minami Kotaro in astonishment outside the door.

"Something is wrong, why is the door locked?"

Kotaro Minami felt something was wrong when he heard the sound of locking, and the reaction of Xingnan's family was a bit strange.And I just saw a butterfly mark on Kaimen Xingnan's father's neck.

"You didn't die. You can survive if you broke your leg yesterday, but can you survive with a broken neck?"

Xingnan's mother threw Xingnan to the floor.

"Ah, help."

Xing Nan dragged his injured leg and stepped back.

Xingnan's sister held down Xingnan, and his father turned Xingnan's head around with his powerful hands.Xing Nan's brain dropped.

"This kid may have told Namkotaro our news. We must act quickly."

Xingnan's sister just finished speaking.

Minami Kotaro jumped in from the window of the room.

"Xing Nan, I'm here to save you."

As soon as Kotaro Minami came in, he found a corpse whose head and body were separated, and at first glance, the head belonged to Konan.


Minami Kotaro clenched his fists.

Xingnan's father drew a pair of knives from his body and slashed at Kotaro, who quickly avoided.

"Kill him, Kotaro is an obstacle to our rule of the earth."

After Xingnan's mother finished speaking, she rushed towards Kotaro. Kotaro grabbed Xingnan's mother and threw it against the wall. Xingnan's mother was thrown to death, and the butterfly attached to Xingnan's mother flew out.

Nan Kotaro grabbed him and crushed him to death.

"You killed Nazha. I want to avenge her."

Xingnan's father angrily threw the knife in his hand at Kotaro Nan.

Kotaro Minami kicked the spinning knife, and the knife was kicked, hitting Konan's father on the forehead.

Xingnan's father also fell down, and the butterfly attached to him was just about to leave when Kotaro Nan caught him and tore the butterfly into several parts.

Only Xingnan's sister was left, and Xingnan's sister looked at Nan Kotaro with grief and indignation.

Minami Kotaro was about to continue to attack, when the butterfly possessed by Xingnan's sister flew out, Minami Kotaro was about to shoot, and suddenly thought of using this butterfly to track the source of these butterflies, and gave up the attack.

Nan Kotaro followed the butterfly by himself. Because the energy was exhausted, the butterfly could only leave Xingnan's sister and came to their hidden cave.

Kotaro Minami followed closely, and saw that it wasn't just a butterfly returning, but many butterflies in the form of Klexis soldiers returned to the cave one after another, and began to collect the pollen of those flowers to restore energy.

Kotaro Minami watched in amazement as the butterflies recharged their energy,

"These words are your energy source. Go back, go back to the demon world, go back. That is your hometown."

Minami Kotaro asked.

But these butterflies were transformed by the most loyal Klexis soldiers, so they naturally ignored Kotaro Minami's request and attacked Kotaro Minami instead.

"Transformation, the Emperor Stone shines."

Namkotaro quickly transformed into Kamen Rider Bckrx, using the Emperor Stone flash, the butterflies in front of him were illuminated by the Emperor Stone flash, destroying the genetic combination of these soldiers from the inside, and those butterflies fell to the ground one after another and died.

"Damn it, Nan Kotaro, dare to spoil my good deeds!"

The monster Jimera Gomera jumped out from the side.

"Who are you and what do you want to do?"

Kotaro Minami was asking the monster Jimera Gomera.

"I am the monster Jimera Gomera. This time I came to invade the earth and transform the earth into an environment suitable for the survival of us Clexis."

The monster, the different monster, Chimera Gomera said arrogantly.

"Don't even think about it! Your attempt to invade the earth by turning the Clexis into butterflies attached to humans is impossible!"

Kotaro Minami punched the top head of the monster and monster Chimera Gomera, causing the Chimera Gomera to scream strangely.

The monster Jimeragome started to fight back, spitting out light from his mouth, and the multiple light attacks knocked Namikotaro out of the hole.

Nan Kotaro got up from the ground, escaped the light attack from the monster Jimera Gomera's mouth, came to the side of the monster Jimera Gomera, lifted him over his head and fell heavily to the ground.

Before the monster and the monster Jimera Gomera got up, Minami Kotaro sat on the monster and the monster Jimera Gomera, and punched Kemera Gomera on the head.

The monster Jimer Lagome covered his top head with his hands, and the two big mouths on the left and right of his body bit Namkotaro's two attacking fists.

The strange monster threw Nan Kotaro off his body, took advantage of the situation, wrapped his tail around Nam Kotaro's neck, and dragged Nan Kotaro to the ground, trying to drag him to death.


Minami Kotaro grasped the tail around his neck tightly, gathered strength with his right hand, and cut off the tail of the monster Jimera Gomera cleanly with a knife in his hand, freeing himself from the restraint of the tail.

Enduring the pain of having its tail cut off, the monster Jimera Gomera turned around and spewed fire at Kotaro Minami from three mouths.


Kotaro Minami used the knight jump to jump into the air, and kicked the top head of the monster Jimera Gomera.

Taking advantage of the dizziness of the monster Jimera Gomera, "Spin the sword."

Minami Kotaro took out his own weapon from his waist—the phantom laser sword.

Nan Kotaro pierced through the body of the monster Xenomono Kemeragome with a sword, and pulled the phantom laser sword out of his body.


The monster Jimera Gomera exploded and died.

"You are the Kamen Rider bckrx? Is this all your strength?"

A man in a dark blue cloak with a golden dragon helmet on his head flung the cloak and appeared in front of Kotaro Minami.

"Are you sent by Klexis?"

Minami Kotaro cautiously looked at the young man in front of him. .

"I am Das Madada, the special inspector directly under Emperor Klexis. This is the first time I will let you see my power, and of course it will be the last time I will let you see my power."

Das Mada pulled out his own sword. If Li Qinghe was there, he could tell at a glance that it was the sword that finally disappeared after he was severely injured in the demon world.

Chapter 72 Raid of Xia Zhiqiao

While Dasma kicked at Kotaro who turned around, he also swung the sword at Kotaro.

Minami Kotaro jumped up, jumped behind Das Mada, and used the phantom laser sword to chop off Das Mada's head.

Without turning around, Dasma put his sword on his head, blocking Minami Kotaro's attack.

Das Mada hit his own sword hard, pushed Namkotaro's phantom laser sword away from the top of his head, turned around and slashed Namkotaro's body with the sword.

Nan Kotaro was hit by this sword, white gas came out from the wound on his body.

Nan Kotaro felt that his strength was beginning to flow away, "What's the matter with this sword?"

Kotaro Minami held his wound and confronted Dasmada.

"Minami Kotaro, you can't escape. Suffer death."

Das Mada aimed at Namkotaro's wound and continued to attack. Namkotaro used the phantom laser sword to resist desperately again and again, but if he only defended, he would lose if he defended for a long time.

Minami Kotaro and Das Mada used their respective weapons to launch a transposition attack, and the positions of the two sides changed.

The moment Kotaro Minami turned around, Das Mada attacked his back again.

Minami Kotaro half-kneeled on the ground.

"Haha, I thought Kamen Rider bckrx is so powerful, rx, this time I will take your head off, once you die, Klexis' plan to invade the earth can be realized, die."

Das Mada took the sword and aimed at Minami Kotaro's head and cut it.

"Special locust."

At the critical moment, Minami Kotaro's good partner, the idiosyncratic locust rushed from behind Das Mada who thought he was sure of winning, and knocked Dasma to the side. Minami Kotaro seized this opportunity and jumped on the idiosyncratic locust.

"Thank you, Special Locust."

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