Nan Kotaro fainted after finishing speaking, and let the special locusts take him back to the old abandoned factory where Nan Kotaro usually placed the special locusts.

Clexis Fortress.

"That's it again, Gadorion, failed again."

After General Jagu said this angrily, he used the scepter to punish Gaidorion with lightning, but this time the punishment was a real punishment, without any moisture.

Gadorion turned somersault and knelt on the ground.

"General Jagu, please forgive me, please forgive me this time."

Gadorion begged.

After General Jagu punished Gaidorion, he also vented his anger.

General Jagu didn't expect much from Gaidorion's battle. It would be best if he succeeded, and General Jagu would only be depressed for a while if he didn't succeed. Scratch your head.

General Jagu saw that Gadorion had admitted his mistake, and Gadorion had accepted his own punishment, so he was going to spare Gadorion.

"General Jagu, your punishment is too light. It is because you indulged your subordinates like this that the plan to invade the earth failed again and again!"

Inspector Dasmada came to General Jagu's war room.

"You are?"

Mary Balon looked at the man who suddenly appeared in surprise.

"I am Das Mada, the special prosecutor directly under Emperor Klexis, and I am fully authorized to exercise the power of attorney on behalf of His Majesty Klesis.

His Majesty Emperor Klexis is angry at your backwardness in invading the Earth.Let me investigate your work, and you will be punished according to the situation, even General Jagu. "

Das Mada walked behind General Jagu.

"You are so rude."

Mary Balon said to Das Mada dissatisfied.

"It seems that you are dissatisfied with my decision. If you are dissatisfied with my decision, you are dissatisfied with Emperor Klexis, and those who are dissatisfied with Emperor Klexis will be punished."

After Dasma finished speaking, he drew out the sword and placed it on Mary Balon's neck.

"Mary Balon, because you have always done your duty for the Clexis Empire, this punishment will be exempted, no exception."

Darth Mada withdrew his longsword.

"There is no need for that, I believe you will not have that opportunity. We are already preparing for the strategy of invading the earth, and those failures are all the reasons."

General Jagu was going to explain.

"Shut up, losers don't need a reason."

Das Mada stopped General Jagu from explaining.

"Dathmada, although you are an eyesore, there is no way around this mission,"

General Jagu resisted the urge to throw his fist at Das Mada's face.

"In this case, let's deal with the waste that failed this mission first."

Das Mada looked at Guydorion.Pointing at Gedorion with one hand, Gedorion was restrained by the power of thoughts and was thrown into mid-air, he fell down hard, pulled up, and fell down hard again.

"Uh, uh."

Gadorion groaned in pain.

"You did that to him."

Mary Balon said to General Jagu angrily.

"Dathmada is in a sense an agent of His Majesty the Emperor."

General Jagu endured the anger in his heart and said to Mary Balon, and he also said to Gaidorion.

"General Jagu, I will report the failure of this mission to His Majesty the Emperor."

After Das Mada finished speaking, Gaidorion, who was restrained by thoughts, loosened. Gadorion fell down and couldn't get up for a long time, which shows the severity of the punishment this time.

After Das Mada gave General Jagu a disarm, he pushed Mary Balon out of the way and left.

"Guidorion, are you okay?"

Mary Balon helped Guydorion up.

"It's okay, it's okay. Mary Balon, thank you."

Gaidorion said tremblingly, he didn't want to be laughed at by his colleagues, but the trembling from time to time showed that he was in a bad state at the moment.


Just after Das Mada left, Persia couldn't help it, clenched his fists and said angrily.

"General Jagu, this Das Mada is too arrogant. Do you want to teach him a lesson?"

Guy Dorion recalled the punishment Dasma had given him just now, and his uncontrollable anger almost made him lose his mind.

For Gedorion, General Jagu has the right to punish him, and Gedorion is willing to pay for his mistakes.But what is Das Mada, a prosecutor with a chicken feather as an arrow, really thinks of himself as Emperor Klexis.

Neither General Jagu, nor his four captains, nor anyone else knew the true identity of Das Madada, who was the avatar of Emperor Klexis, otherwise, how could Emperor Klexis give Das Mada peace of mind? So much power.

"Guidorion, go down and recuperate first."

General Jagu was also dissatisfied with Das Madada, the prosecutor sent by Emperor Klexis, and did not reprimand Gaidorion for what he just said.

"General Jagu, what should we do next? Das Mada is too arrogant."

Mary Balon asked.

"It seems that it is imperative to welcome Princess Galonia back."

General Jagu quickly came up with countermeasures.

"You want to..."

Mary Balon understood what General Jagu did.

"Mary Balon, Gardison, Persia, you just went to select powerful warriors, put on a big formation, and formed a guard of honor. I will personally welcome the return of the princess.

As for Guydorion, I will inform him.Go down and get ready. "

General Jagu told Mary Balon and the others to retreat.

Li Qinghe was in the Valley of Miracles, enjoying the immersion in the Spring of Miracles every day. His body injuries were recovering rapidly, and he had already recovered [-]% of his usual strength, and he could transform in a short period of time.

Li Qinghe lived a life of recuperating and teasing his sister, and teasing his sister to heal his injury. His relationship with Princess Gallonia heated up rapidly.

Li Qinghe wanted to go out for a walk that day, and Princess Galonia didn't object, and gave him a token, allowing him to travel freely in the Valley of Miracles.

Li Qinghe looked at the token made of a special material, on which it was written in the language of Klesis, "Decree of Princess Galonia of the Klesis Empire."

This piece of token can play the right of Princess Galonia.

Princess Garonia herself didn't know why she gave that extremely precious token to Li Qinghe for use.

But you are not joking, Princess Garonia, as a member of the Klexis royal family, will naturally not regret it.

"You are responsible for taking care of him. If there is anything wrong with him, you don't come back."

Princess Garonia ordered the pair of chaps who protected her to protect Li Qinghe who was traveling.

Of course Li Qinghe knew that this order was more about monitoring, and of course it was about protecting Li Qinghe.One is that she is afraid that Li Qinghe will use her token to escape, but the other is that she is afraid that Li Qinghe will abuse his power.These people can report the situation of Princess Li Qinghe of Galonia at any time.

Li Qinghe didn't want to escape at first, even if he uses the token alone, he can't open the passage to the earth, so it's better to stay with Princess Gallonia to recuperate from his injuries. Li Qinghe came out this time purely to appreciate the Krasis Empire Customs and customs in the territory.

Li Qinghe was dressed in the aristocratic costume of Clexis, and was walking swaggeringly on a steed. Suddenly, a man with a pair of flying forks knocked Li Qinghe off the horse from the side of the stone next to him, and rode up by himself. The fork was inserted into the horse's buttocks, causing the horse to fly.


Li Qinghe is not a good-tempered person, anyone who is pushed off his horse for no reason, disturbs his enjoyment of watching the scenery, let alone rids his mount away, it is unbearable.

Li Qinghe took out the token given by Princess Galonia, took Chap beside him to a nearby village to change horses, and followed the trail of the man just now.

Li Qinghe quickly chased that person with Chap sent by Princess Galonia.

Li Qinghe recognized that person at a glance, it was the good partner of Zhongnan Kotaro in the original work, Xia Zhiqiao.

The horse Xia Zhiqiao was riding collapsed because of excessive bleeding, and Xia Zhiqiao fell off the horse.

At this time, Princess Sera, headed by the Lijia tribe, found Xia Zhiqiao who had fallen to the ground.

"Princess, this man's origin is unknown, let's go quickly."

The elder next to Princess Serra said.


Princess Serra turned the man who fell on the ground over curiously, "So handsome."

The moment Princess Sera saw Xia Zhiqiao, she was attracted by Xia Zhiqiao. .

"Save him away."

Princess Serra said to her subordinates.

Chapter 73 Princess Sierra's plan

"What? Your Royal Highness, the origin of this person is unknown. We should leave immediately. And judging by the behavior of this man, it is obvious that he escaped. He may be a prisoner or slave of a nobleman. There is no need to offend other noblemen."

The elder next to Princess Serra suggested.

"But shall we leave him alone? In this hot weather, if we leave him alone, he may die."

Sera, a princess living in the Lijia clan of the Clexis Empire, naturally cannot be an overly kind person. The only reason is that Princess Serra fell in love with the man on the ground.

"Princess Sera, please pay attention, this man's origin is unknown and he is not worthy of you."

The elders of the Lijia tribe on the side persuaded.

"Elder Rama, please pay attention to your words, I am the daughter of the patriarch of the Lijia clan and the future heir of the patriarch.

I order you to save this man on the ground. "

Princess Sierra is clearly not easy to deal with, playing her own right.

"What? Hmph, even though you are a princess, I still want to tell you that although you are the only daughter of the patriarch, you are not the only one who inherits the patriarch."

Elder Rama looked at Princess Sera who didn't give him face in embarrassment.

"Don't count on those people, only I can successfully inherit the position of patriarch."

Princess Serra replied.

"Go and save him."

Elder Rama ordered the guards around him to rescue Xia Zhiqiao who was on the ground, and put him on his horse.


Chapu brought by Li Qinghe rushed here and said to the soldiers of the Sera tribe who rescued Xia Zhiqiao.

"You are?"

Elder Rama looked at Li Qinghe, who was obviously the captain, and said.

"This is the personal attendant of His Majesty Emperor Klexis, Princess Galonia."

Chap next to Li Qinghe said to Elder Rama and the others.

Li Qinghe took out the token given to him by Princess Gallonia.

"Kneel down."

Chap next to Li Qinghe ordered to Sera and the others.

"I have seen Her Royal Highness."

Princess Serra and the others knelt down.

"Get up."

Li Qinghe asked the kneeling Princess Sera to stand up.

Li Qinghe saw Princess Serra's appearance the moment Princess Serra stood up.A beautiful green-eyed beauty with a graceful figure stood up in a white dress with slightly short sleeves, her eyebrows were enchanting and graceful, and she was indeed alluring.

Li Qinghe didn't expect that in this world of demons, such a beautiful woman could be raised evenly in appearance, but she was inferior to Princess Galonia in temperament.

Li Qinghe was attracted to Princess Sera the moment he saw her.

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