
The elders next to Princess Serra saw Li Qinghe's performance and knew that Li Qinghe was attracted by Princess Serra.

"Respected Messenger of Princess Garonia, what are your orders?"

Elder Rama put his hands on his chest and asked Li Qinghe respectfully.

"We came this time to catch this man. This man dared to attack the messenger of Her Highness the Princess."

Li Qinghe didn't speak, but Chapu next to him said.

"His Royal Highness, you can take this man away at any time."

Elder Rama didn't want to offend Li Qinghe, the envoy sent by Princess Garonia, because of this man.


The person sent by Elder Rama to Xia Zhiqiao helped Xia Zhiqiao up, and was about to hand Xia Zhiqiao over to Chapu who was in front of Li Qinghe.


Princess Sera said loudly, preventing Elder Rama from making a claim.

"Princess you."

Elder Rama was very dissatisfied and looked at Princess Sera.

"What? Bold, are you going to question Princess Serra's order?"

Li Qinghe didn't speak, so naturally someone around him spoke for him.

Chap in front of Li Qinghe said sharply to Princess Serra.

"No, it's like this. This man is my fiance. You may have mistaken him."

Princess Serra said to Li Qinghe without changing her face.

"Are you questioning us?"

Chap next to Li Qinghe asked angrily.

"No no."

Elder Rama knew the power of the Klexis Empire, and could easily wipe out the Lijia tribe.But Princess Sera didn't understand the true strength of the Klexis Empire, and believed that she was the future patriarch of the Lijia tribe, and the Klesis Empire would give herself a face.

This is the gap in the scope of knowledge. Elder Rama has lived for an unknown number of years, and his understanding is much higher than that of Princess Serra. Although Princess Serra is young and smart, the gap in age determines the gap in knowledge.


Li Qinghe watched the confrontation between Princess Sera and Elder Rama with interest and clapped his hands.

"You are?"

Princess Sera looked at Li Qinghe who was sitting on the horse and asked curiously.

"I'm Kiba Kiyokawa, Princess Serra's servant, and I'm here this time to arrest this escaped prisoner."

After Li Qinghe finished speaking, suddenly many Chapu appeared beside him, surrounding Li Qinghe and Princess Serra.

"You are arrested on the orders of Mary Balon."

Some chaps surrounded Xia Zhiqiao, startling Princess Sierra next to her.

"It seems that you are also the accomplices of this prisoner."

The new Chap obviously didn't know Li Qinghe's identity, and planned to catch Li Qinghe and the others together.

"Presumptuous, do you know who he is?"

Chapu beside Li Qinghe shouted loudly.

"We don't know, we just know that we need to catch him, that's enough."

Those new Chiaps are going to take Li Qinghe and Xia Zhiqiao away.

Li Qinghe took out the token that Princess Galonia gave him.

When the newcomers Chapp saw the token, they all knelt down.

"I have seen the princess."

These new chaps didn't dare to be presumptuous anymore, and waited for Li Qinghe to issue an order.


At first, Princess Sera and Elder Rama didn't understand the arrival of the new Chapp.

"This person dared to attack me. I am going to take this person away for interrogation. Do you agree?"

Li Qinghe took out his token and asked the newcomer Chap.

"Hear the princess' orders."

Said one of the captains of those newcomers who captured Xia Zhiqiao.

"Okay, go and arrest this man and execute him tomorrow."

Li Qinghe asked those new Chapus to arrest Xia Zhiqiao.

"Hmph, in the original book you were Namkotaro's comrade-in-arms, but Namkotaro has me and doesn't need you anymore, so you'd better die. That Princess Serra shouldn't belong to you, she belongs to me."

Li Qinghe didn't intend to kill Xia Zhiqiao at first.But seeing that Princess Sera should have fallen in love with Xia Zhiqiao, Li Qinghe felt jealous.

Such a beautiful woman should belong to me.

Li Qinghe didn't realize that with the sudden increase in his strength, his temperament also slowly changed.

Li Qinghe would never have thought of this approach before.

With Li Qinghe's order, Xia Zhiqiao was arrested.

Li Qinghe saw that Xia Zhiqiao was caught, and a smug smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.


Princess Serra stood in front of Xia Zhiqiao.

"Princess. What are you doing? That's Klexis' prisoner!"

Elder Rama looked at Princess Sera in puzzlement.

"You are?"

Li Qinghe asked.

"I am Princess Sera, the daughter of the patriarch of the Lijia clan, the future patriarch of the Lijia clan."

Princess Sierra said proudly.

"What's the matter with you?"

Li Qinghe looked greedily at Princess Serra.

Seeing Li Qinghe's gaze, Princess Sera turned her head in disgust, because Li Qinghe's gaze was the same as those of those in her clan who admired her, obviously impure thoughts.

"I beg you to let him go."

Princess Sierra raised her head and said, not like a request at all.If it's someone else, whoever is not allowed to kill her immediately.

Because there is no brain!

"Why? You and him should be meeting for the first time."

Li Qinghe jumped off the horse and walked in front of Princess Serra.

"I don't know, I just don't want him to be killed like this."

Princess Sierra spoke her mind.

"You have to know that giving and receiving are equal. What qualifications do you have for me? You have to know that I am the guard of Princess Galonia, representing Princess Galonia. You and I have no equal status. That is Say you have no right to speak."

Li Qinghe looked at Princess Serra.

"However, I am the future patriarch of the Lijia clan. I use my rights as the elder of the Lijia clan to ask you to let this man go. I am willing to pay any price."

Princess Serra knelt on the ground and begged.

"is it?"

Li Qinghe hugged Princess Serra, "I want you, can you give it to me?"


Princess Sera looked at Li Qinghe in disbelief. No matter how greedy other people in the Lijia tribe looked at her, they would not dare to speak to her like this, but Li Qinghe said so.

"I want you, and if you promise me, I'll let him go."

Li Qinghe said with a smile.


Princess Serra looked at Li Qinghe angrily.

"It seems that you don't want to save him."

Li Qinghe lifted Xia Zhiqiao up, and threw Xia Zhiqiao heavily to the ground.

Although Xia Zhiqiao was unconscious, she still felt the pain in her body.


Princess Sera didn't expect Li Qinghe to be so shameless, threatening herself through Xia Zhiqiao.

"If you don't want to, forget it, come and execute this person on the spot."

Li Qinghe ordered to Chap beside him.

"Hold on."

Princess Serra said to Li Qinghe.

"What? Regret it?"

"What's the matter? It seems that this man has to die."

Li Qinghe cut his neck to Chap next to him, meaning to kill Xia Zhiqiao.

"Wait a minute, I promise you, but I have a request."

A sly smile flashed across Princess Serra's face.


Li Qinghe watched with great interest what Princess Serra had to say.

"I hope you can have a competition with this man, and the winner can marry me. My man must be a strong man."

Princess Sierra said seriously. .

"Okay, I agree with you."

Li Qinghe nodded in agreement with Princess Serra's statement. If he can defeat the man Xia Zhiqiao, not only can Nan Kotaro lose a future comrade in arms, but he can also kill Xia Zhiqiao, the man Princess Serra loves, and win Sera. The princess's heart can kill three birds with one stone.

Chapter 74 Seth's plan

So Li Qinghe agreed to the request.

"You don't have to agree to this request. You can completely ask the Lijia tribe to hand over this woman. For the Lijia tribe, it is a great honor to be able to climb up to you."

Chapu next to Li Qinghe said to Li Qinghe quietly.

Li Qinghe suddenly realized that he was still being tricked after all. After all, seeing Princess Serra being so stubborn, he thought that there was really someone behind Princess Serra. It turned out to be a bluff.

A cold light flashed in Li Qinghe's eyes, and he was plotting against him.But it's okay, let's just play a game.

"Well, I know, but I want to play. What's your name, you shouldn't be a nobody because of your talent."

Li Qinghe looked at Chapu, who had been reminding himself all the time, with a heart of love for talent.

Chapu next to Li Qinghe said to Li Qinghe.

"My name is Ulu. My parents joined Chap and gave their lives for the Krysis Empire. Before they died, they told me to be loyal to the Krysis Empire."

Ulu lowered his head.

"Then if you were to choose an object of allegiance between me and the Klexis Empire, who would you choose?"

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