Li Qinghe looked at Wulu who lowered his head and asked.

"I choose you."

After struggling for a long time, Ulu made up his mind.

"Oh, can you tell me why you made this choice? You must know that your parents made you loyal to the Klexis Empire."

Li Qinghe asked.

"Because my parents didn't know how to adapt and were blindly loyal to the Klexis Empire, they died in a battle with political enemies. I don't want to die meaninglessly like this."

Wulu raised his head and looked at Li Qinghe with piercing eyes.

"Okay, from now on, you are mine."

Li Qinghe said to Wulu.

"Thank you sir."

Li Qinghe turned his head and saw the unconscious Xia Zhiqiao.

"This man is the prisoner named by the Empire to arrest."

Li Qinghe said to himself.

"Originally, I didn't need to agree to your request, but I still agree to your request this time. Remember what you said, whoever is the winner is your man."

Li Qinghe took advantage of the situation and rode on the same horse as Princess Serra.

"Then let's go back together. Drive."

Li Qinghe twitched the horse he was riding, and the horse under him started galloping.

Li Qinghe and Princess Serra ran far away on horseback, and Chapu and Princess Serra's guards behind them couldn't catch up.

"Princess Sera is here."

Hearing Li Qinghe's voice, Elder Rama led the Lijia tribe to find him. At the same time, Chapu, who was sent by Princess Garonia to protect Li Qinghe, also rushed here.

Seeing Li Qinghe, those Chapus all knelt down, and Ulu put his hands on his chest: "My lord, it's just as long as you're fine."

Li Qinghe helped Wulu up, "From now on, you will be my servant, responsible for protecting me."

Li Qinghe's words meant that Ulu had become Li Qinghe's confidant.After hearing this, Ulu happily knelt on the ground and kowtowed.

In the Klexis Empire, the hierarchy was stricter. The emperor ordered the minister to die, and the minister had to die.

"Princess Sera, are you okay?"

Elder Rama asked with concern.

Although Elder Rama was extremely strict with Princess Serra on weekdays, it was all for the good of Princess Serra, so that she could take on the important task of guiding the Lijia tribe in the future.

"Elder Rama."

Princess Sera cried when she saw Elder Rama, like an angry daughter-in-law seeing her parents.

"Princess Sera, what's wrong?"

Elder Rama asked with concern.


Before Serra could answer, Li Qinghe said first, "Princess Serra's horse suddenly went crazy, and I finally rescued Princess Serra from the horse, and the horse also left. But Princess Serra was also sprained because of it." foot."

Although Li Qinghe's answer was full of loopholes, Elder Rama did not dare to raise any doubts, because Li Qinghe was the emissary of Princess Galonia, the daughter of Emperor Klexis.

Li Qinghe can fully exercise the power of the princess, which is not something the small Lijia clan can afford. If something goes wrong later, making Li Qinghe dissatisfied may lead to the extermination of the Lijia clan.

It is not unheard of to offend the nobles of the Klexis Empire like this.In the past, a member of the Vila tribe offended Mary Balon because of a trivial matter, and Mary Balon declared the family extinct.

As a result, all the resistance members of the Vila family were killed, and the remaining men who surrendered were dispatched to places with harsh environments such as southern Xinjiang, while women were treated as slaves and sold to merchants at a low price or given to other nobles.

"It's getting late tonight, there's no place to stay."

Li Qinghe sighed deliberately in front of Elder Rama.

"My lord, this area is the territory of our Lijia tribe. I wonder if our Lijia tribe will have the honor to invite you to stay here?"

Elder Rama immediately understood what Li Qinghe meant, and said hastily.

"Okay, let's go to your place then."

Li Qinghe said with some disgust.

Under the leadership of Elder Rama, Li Qinghe went to the territory of the Lijia tribe.

The outside of the Lijia tribe's settlement was already full of people, and these people were obviously waiting for Li Qinghe.

When Li Qinghe appeared, those people all knelt on the ground.

"Your Excellency is welcome."

A fat man who seemed to be the person in charge trotted up to Li Qinghe.


Li Qinghe's eyes twitched a little when he heard Princess Sera on his body calling the fat man in front of him like this.

"It's unscientific that this dead fat pig can give birth to such a beautiful Sierra."

Li Qinghe looked at this fat man who trembled every time he spoke.

"Your Excellency will stay with you tonight, and you have made arrangements."

Uru said to Princess Sera's father.

"My lord, this way please."

Li Qinghe soon arrived in a cellar, a magnificent cellar, really surprising!

I didn't expect that Princess Serra's father would enjoy it, that's right, otherwise how could he be so fat.

During Li Qinghe's healing period, Li Qinghe learned from the guards accompanied by Princess Galonia that most people in the Klexis Empire were skinny, a small number of people could reach the standard of normal people, and even fewer people were talented. It is possible to gain weight.

There is no doubt that this fat person must be a rich man, and Princess Serra's father is such a person.Li Qinghe saw Princess Serra running into the arms of a charming woman.

Li Qinghe looked at this woman who was similar to Princess Serra.

"Who is that?"

Li Qinghe whispered into Wulu's ear.

Wulu immediately understood what Li Qinghe meant. "My lord, don't worry."

Ulu quietly left, muttering to Elder Rama.Li Qinghe was taken to the place where he usually lived by Sera's father.

"Are you satisfied?"

asked Seth, Princess Serra's father.


Li Qinghe frowned and said.

Uru whispered something in Seth's ear.

"Don't worry, she will accompany you tonight."

Sai Tuo clapped his hands with some heartache, and a woman with a silk scarf on her face came in front of Li Qinghe with her waist twisted like a water snake.

Li Qinghe stared at this woman intently, as if he had seen this woman before.

"You go back."

The moment Sai Tuo stepped back and turned around, Li Qinghe sensed a murderous aura from Sai Tuo's body, and the murderous aura was directed at him.

"The Lijia people are really beautiful. It would be a pity if they were destroyed."

Li Qinghe said to Saituo who was about to leave.

When Sai Tuo heard what Li Qinghe said, several drops of sweat dripped down his face, and he left with trembling legs.

After seeing Sai Tuo leave, Li Qinghe pulled the woman that Sai Tuo ordered into his arms.

Li Qinghe opened the woman's silk scarf, "Selah?"

Li Qinghe looked at this woman who was similar to Sera.

"No, you're not Serra."

"who are you?"

Li Qinghe looked at this beautiful woman with a hint of mature woman and asked.

"My name is Elena, and I'm Sera's mother."

"Did Seth call you here?"

Li Qinghe supported Elena's chin with his hands.

"Then Elena, do you know why Seth asked you to dress me?"

Without waiting for Elena to answer, Li Qinghe said:

"Because the life and death of the Lijia tribe is in my hands. If you want to leave, I will not stop it. But everyone in the Lijia tribe will die because of you, including your daughter Sera."

When Li Qinghe mentioned Sera, Elena bit her lower lip with her white teeth, and stopped turning around to leave.

"Let my daughter go, I can promise you anything you ask."

Elena softened.

"Then you know how to do it."

"You are mine tonight."

Somewhere in the dark.

"I handed over my wife to that emissary. What do you want to do by bringing this man here?"

Seth looked at Elder Rama angrily.

"Patriarch Saituo, once again, that man was not brought by me, but by your daughter. I am for the entire Lijia clan, please remember your mission, what you want to protect is the entire Lijia clan, not You are a small family."

Elder Rama stared at Patriarch Seth and said.

"But this breath, I can't swallow it."

When Patriarch Sai Tuo thought of his wife being happy in Li Qinghe's arms, his heart felt like a knife was piercing him.

"If you can't swallow it, you have to swallow it. You are for the Lijia clan, otherwise you really thought you could marry Elena?"

Patriarch Seth fell silent when he heard Elder Rama's words, and let Elder Rama leave.

"Set, I hope you don't do something stupid."

Elder Rama looked at Seth who stepped into the darkness and sighed.

"If I don't take revenge, am I still a man? Even if you are the envoy of Princess Galonia, you have to die. The dead will not send messages to the outside."

Sai Tuo felt that his head was green, and it was said that the hatred of taking his wife was utterly irreconcilable. .

Not to mention what plan Seth was secretly planning, Li Qinghe had a very comfortable night, and Elena had a different flavor compared to the young Sera.

After waking up the next day, Li Qinghe finished his breakfast, took Elena out of the room, and went to eat in the private dining hall prepared for him, and happened to see Sera on the way.

Chapter 75 The Last Laughing Player

"Mother, you, you beast."

Sera looked at Elena in Li Qinghe's arms, and looked at Li Qinghe's expression as happy as eating honey. Sera was not a three-year-old child, so why didn't she know what happened.

"Selah, let's eat together."

Li Qinghe said with a smile.

"Impossible, you let her go."

Princess Serra said angrily.

"Okay, I'll let her go and see if she wants to leave."

Li Qinghe sent the hand holding Elena, and Elena looked at Sera bitterly, "Daughter, I voluntarily."

After speaking, Elena caught up with Li Qinghe and took Li Qinghe's arm.

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