"Mother, I hate you."

Sela left crying.She didn't expect her mother to be such a dissolute person.

After eating breakfast, Li Qinghe realized that he didn't see Saito, thinking of Sera's murderous intention towards him yesterday, he smiled mysteriously.

Time flew like an arrow, and it was noon soon.

Li Qinghe was sitting on the fighting platform, eating delicious food and drinking wine, and hugging a beautiful woman.

"Bring him up."

Li Qinghe ordered to Wulu.


Wulu ordered Chapu to bring up Xia Zhiqiao, the person who robbed Li Qinghe's mount yesterday.

"Who are you? How dare you snatch my horse? But that's not important anymore. What's important is that if I beat you, she will be mine."

Li Qinghe pointed to Sera.

"Xia Zhiqiao, come on, beat him."

It seems that the encounter of fate cannot be avoided, Sera still met Xia Zhiqiao, and fell in love with Xia Zhiqiao.

Originally, Sera had released Xia Zhiqiao secretly, but Xia Zhiqiao was worried that her own reasons would implicate the Lijia tribe, and in order to protect her lover-Serra, Xia Zhiqiao resolutely turned back.

Xia Zhiqiao was tied up with her hands, and was pushed forward by Chap behind her.

Li Qinghe looked at another platform, where Seth, Elder Rama, and Sera were sitting.

"I will defeat you and save Sera. I already know what you did to Sera and her mother, and I cannot tolerate it."

The anger in Xia Zhiqiao's eyes could be felt from so far away.

"Okay, let's talk about it after you beat me. Bring him into the fighting arena."

Li Qinghe watched Chapu push Xia Zhiqiao into the closed fighting arena.

Li Qinghe took off the cloak on his body and handed it to Elena beside him.

"wait me back."

After Li Qinghe finished speaking, others could see Sai Tuo's dark and inky face.

"You won't come back, wait until you die, this duel field is your time of death, at worst I will join the anti-Klexis guerrillas."

Seth thought viciously in his heart.

Li Qinghe sensed a strong and unconcealed killing intent from Sai Tuo,


He can't even hide his killing intent, and he still learns from others.

Li Qinghe walked into the duel field, and the gate of the duel field was tightly closed.

Li Qinghe saw Xia Zhiqiao whose hands were tied.

"Can you let me go, let's have a fair duel."

Xia Zhiqiao was not afraid, and walked towards Li Qinghe.

"It's okay...it's strange."

When Li Qinghe was in the middle of speaking, he suddenly kicked Xia Zhiqiao with his hands bound to the ground.

Li Qinghe was about to step on Xia Zhiqiao's chest, but he thought that the rope behind Xia Zhiqiao's back was untied.

Xia Zhiqiao threw the broken rope at Li Qinghe, who turned sideways to avoid it.

Li Qinghe looked at Xia Zhiqiao who had untied the rope, quickly got up from the ground, and confronted Li Qinghe.


Xia Zhiqiao kicked Li Qinghe in the chest, and Li Qinghe grabbed the leg that kicked him with his right hand and pinched it hard.

With a "click", Li Qinghe crushed the bone of the calf of the leg that Xia Zhiqiao kicked towards him.


Although Xia Zhiqiao has undergone Klexis' transformation experiment, she still feels severe pain.

Li Qinghe grabbed Xia Zhiqiao's broken leg and ruthlessly threw it against the wall of the duel arena.

Xia Zhiqiao struggled to stand up, walking towards Li Qinghe with one leg dragging the other.

Li Qinghe didn't say a word, Xia Zhiqiao didn't make a punch but just a leg, the leg that was pinched and broken.

Li Qinghe readily accepted this, since you are not afraid of pain, come here.Li Qinghe also stretched out one leg and kicked Xia Zhiqiao's injured leg.

Needless to say, Xia Zhiqiao's injured leg was more serious this time, and Li Qinghe kicked her kneecap to pieces.

Xia Zhiqiao couldn't even stand still, Li Qinghe didn't hold back his hands, got up and kicked Xia Zhiqiao, aiming at Xia Zhiqiao's head, and kicked Xia Zhiqiao away.

This time Xia Zhiqiao couldn't get up on the ground for a long time, struggling.

Li Qinghe beat Xia Zhiqiao like this without any pressure. Li Qinghe approached Xia Zhiqiao, lifted him up with one hand, and was about to throw him away again.

As a result, Xia Zhiqiao surprised Li Qinghe, and Xia Zhiqiao's hand that had not launched an attack showed two double flying forks, and stabbed Li Qinghe.

Li Qinghe was really in no hurry to dodge, it seemed that he could only transform himself to avoid this fatal attack.But as soon as she transforms, her identity is really exposed, and maybe even Princess Galonia can't keep herself.

Li Qinghe's eyes turned red in an instant, and a familiar but somewhat unfamiliar thought power came out of Li Qinghe's eyes, and Li Qinghe's head actually grew out the same horn as the Clexis.


Li Qinghe looked at Xia Zhiqiao who was blown away by his thoughts.

Li Qinghe's mind power was not as strong as it is now, and his use was not so flexible. It used to be sent out through his hands, but now he can use his mind power through his eyes.

Li Qinghe guessed that this might be the cause of the fountain of miracles because of the power of thought and the horns on his head that were the same as those of the Clexis.

The Spring of Miracles can make Xiao Tong grow up quickly and become a mature princess of Garonia. Naturally, the blood belongs to the Kelexi people. This is the magic of the spring water in the Valley of Miracles, which can change a person's bloodline.

Li Qinghe saw Xia Zhiqiao fell to the ground, picked up the double flying fork and prepared to continue attacking himself.

Li Qinghe walked up to Xia Zhiqiao step by step, and grabbed Xia Zhiqiao's attacking double flying fork that was dragging his injured leg.

"If you like this pair of flying forks so much, I will return them to you."

Li Qinghe inserted the double flying fork into Xia Zhiqiao's thighs, then pulled it out, and then inserted it again, several times in a row.Xia Zhiqiao's legs were bleeding profusely, and Li Qinghe, the main artery in his legs, naturally did not let go.

Xia Zhiqiao fell to the ground clutching her legs, and the blood on her legs flowed onto the ground, except for Li Qinghe's body.

Li Qinghe finally inserted the double flying fork into Xia Zhiqiao's eyes.

Because Li Qinghe used his thoughts to form a barrier to block the gushing blood.


Princess Sera looked at the inhuman Xia Zhiqiao tortured by Li Qinghe and cried.

"Xia Zhiqiao, I only blame you for meeting me, I only blame you for falling in love with someone you shouldn't like."

Li Qinghe took a long knife thrown by Wulu, and Li Qinghe was about to insert it into Xia Zhiqiao's head, and completely dealt with Xia Zhiqiao.


Sera rushed down, crying while hugging Xia Zhiqiao who had lost too much blood and was about to die.

"Sera, let's go."

When Li Qinghe was about to leave, he pulled Sera up, and the moment he left, he plunged the long knife into Xia Zhiqiao's head. Xia Zhiqiao watched her lover being hugged by Li Qinghe, dying with regret.

"Burn him."

Li Qinghe didn't want any accidents, and was going to watch Xia Zhiqiao's body being burned in person.

With a "bang" gunshot, Li Qinghe fell down clutching his chest, and Sela, who was holding him, fell from Li Qinghe's body to the ground.

Whether it was Sera, Elena, Ulu, or Elder Rama, they all looked at Li Qinghe who fell down clutching his chest in disbelief.

"Haha, clansmen, kill all the guards brought by this man."

Seth's fat body overturned the table in front of him, holding a gun in one hand that was prohibited from being used by civilians in the Clexis Empire, and pointing at his hand with the other hand to issue orders.

Following Seite's order, a large number of young men of the Lijia tribe appeared from all corners, armed with axes and other weapons, and attacked those Chapu who were protecting Li Qinghe.

The chaps brought by Li Qinghe fell into a disadvantage at the beginning, after all, they were attacked by surprise at the beginning, and the terrain here was not conducive to the battle of chaps.

The fall of Li Qinghe made the situation out of control.

"Clan Chief Seth, you are doing this for the Lijia clan..."

The scene Elder Rama least wanted to see appeared.

"How dare you kill the envoy sent by Princess Gallonia."

Elena looked at her man in disbelief.

"Damn him, he dared to occupy my woman and spy on my daughter. Haha, it's better to die. Boys, kill."

Seth laughed wildly.

"Oh, is that all you want me to die for?"

Li Qinghe rubbed his chest where he was hit by the gun Saituo was holding, and said in his heart, "Fortunately, I sensed the danger just now, so I used my mind to block it in front of me."

The barrier of Li Qinghe's thoughts directly covered his whole body, just like a layer of clothes, but unlike the clothes, it didn't have any gravity and had a protective effect.

"You, you didn't die, die, die, die."

Seeing the "resurrected" Li Qinghe, Sai Tuo shot at Li Qinghe frantically, shouting "Kill him, kill him, or we will all die."

Elder Rama also saw that Li Qinghe was "resurrected". Looking at the horns on Li Qinghe's head that belonged to Klexis, and thinking about Li Qinghe's identity, Elder Rama made a wise and meaningful decision.

Seth didn't see Elder Rama behind him nodding to Elena.

"Set. Stop it."

Elena called to Seth.


Seth turned his head when Elena called him.


The sound of a sharp knife entering the body.

Seth saw the owner of the knife with puzzled, suspicious and angry eyes, "Lama, you...".

"Sett, we don't need to die with you, I still have my lover, my wife, and my child, so I can only let you die."

There was a fierce light in Elder Rama's eyes, he drew out his dagger, cut off the hand holding the gun of Saituo, and pushed Saituo from the stage to the audience.

Chapter 76 Seth's Failure

Seth's fat body rolled down from the stands.

"Everyone put down your weapons."

Elder Rama is also considered a very prestigious man, and he quickly stopped the young Lijia warriors.

Li Qinghe waved his hand, causing Chapu under him to stop as well.

"My lord, I have frightened you. I will leave this person to you. Please forgive me."

Elder Rama stepped down and knelt down in front of Li Qinghe.

"Get up, since you have caught the mastermind behind the scenes, this time you will make amends."

Li Qinghe dragged the reluctant Sera to Saituo who had broken his arm.

"I didn't expect that it was you who dared to plan this murder. It is an unforgivable crime."

Li Qinghe picked up the gun that Patriarch Sai Tuo had just used from the ground, and pointed it at Sai Tuo.

"No, no."

Seth felt the crisis of his life.

"Hmph," Li Qinghe sneered, "killing you dirty my hands."

Li Qinghe threw the gun at Elena's feet.

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