General Jagu entered the Valley of Miracles.

"Well, let's go."

Princess Garonia looked at General Jagu indifferently.

"Your Highness, this is a welcome ceremony for you, please come and inspect."

Mary Balon bent down, put a fist across her chest, and said with a smile.


Li Qinghe, as Chapu who protected Princess Garonia, also followed General Jagu to the highest mountain near the Valley of Miracles.

Li Qinghe didn't stare straight away like other Chapus, but looked at the Chapu soldiers below who participated in the performance.

These soldiers are the [-] personal guards of General Jagu, forming ten phalanxes, some with shields, some with guns and artillery, some with cavalry and mounts, and some with motorized phalanxes.

"It seems that the Klexis Empire has a lot of heritage over the years."

After the performance, Li Qinghe, as the personal guard of Princess Garonia, also entered the Clexis Fortress.

This is the first time for Li Qinghe to enter the Clexis Fortress. Looking at this high-tech warship, Li Qinghe was a little shocked, "It really is the core fortress of the Clexis Empire."

Li Qinghe's room was allocated near Princess Galonia.

At this time, Li Qinghe and Princess Galonia participated in General Jagu's invasion of the earth.

"General Jagu, I don't think this battle will be successful. If Kamen Rider Bckrx is as stupid as your subordinates, I think it will be fine."

Das Mada mocked General Jagu's battle plan.

"Dathmada, it's a little too much for you to say that."

Princess Galonia said dissatisfied.

Princess Garonia and General Jagu are in the same lineup, and as General Jagu's boss, she naturally has to speak for General Jagu.

As the clone of Emperor Klexis, Das Mada saw the moment when Princess Galonia was created by the fountain of miracles.

Das Mada or Emperor Klexis already knew that this Gallonian princess was not his daughter, because she did not have her own blood in her body.

There is only pure Clexis blood that does not contain any human blood, but Das Mada did not expose this matter, because Das Mada saw General Jagu through the Galonia princess formed by the power of the Miracle Spring Their silent rebellion against themselves.

"General Jagu, do you think this woman can get rid of my control over you?"

Dasma said heartily.

Das Mada looked at Princess Galonia who grew up from small pupils, "This is Her Royal Highness, she is so beautiful, she is the real number one beauty of Klexis."

"Das Mada, pay attention to your words. Although you are the agent of His Majesty Emperor Klexis, you can't be so rude. I will inform His Majesty the Emperor of what you said. However, it is still necessary to punish you. Necessary."

General Jagu didn't know the true identity of Das Mada, so he pointed the scepter at Das Mada.

The scepter sent out a yellow lightning, and Dasmada pulled out his sword to block the lightning. Not only that, Dasmada launched a mind attack on General Jagu with his right hand.

General Jagu was attacked by Das Mada's thoughts, and took a few steps back.

"Dathmada, you..."

Mary Balon didn't expect Das Mada to take action against General Jagu.

A red light flashed in Princess Garonia's eyes, and Dasmada sensed the danger, and quickly jumped aside.

However, Princess Galonia's attack followed Dasmada closely, and was restricted by General Jagu's command room. Dasmada was still hit by Princess Galonia's invisible thoughts.

Princess Garonia saw that Das Mada was attacked by herself, so she stopped attacking.

"This is punishment for doing it in front of me."

Das Mada stood up, he didn't expect that the Garonian princess transformed by the Miracle Spring was so powerful.But Das Mada was also attracted to Princess Garonia.

"As expected of Princess Galonia, I want to marry you, and I will propose to His Majesty Emperor Klexis."

Das Mada said this beyond anyone's expectations.

"What? Impossible."

Both General Jagu and the four captains disagreed with Dasmada's request, and finally found someone who could check and balance Dasmada. The situation is definitely worse than it is now.

"But before that, you dared to attack His Majesty's agent, you will be punished, even if you are His Majesty's daughter."

After Dasma finished speaking, he also sent out a mind attack to Princess Galonia.

Princess Galonia didn't expect that Das Mada, as the prosecutor of Klexis, would attack her unpretentiously, so she naturally didn't take precautions.

But Li Qinghe didn't just watch the show just now, when Li Qinghe was attacking by Das Mada, a red light appeared in Li Qinghe's eyes, and the power of thought came out of his eyes, which counteracted the power of thought sent by Das Mada.

Das Mada didn't expect that anyone other than Princess Galonia would dare to resist him, so he fought against him through his mind power, and was pushed back seven steps by Li Qinghe's mind power.

Li Qinghe didn't expect that the avatar of His Majesty Klexis would have such a strong mind power, so he took six and a half steps back.

Li Qinghe's retreat immediately exposed his existence.

However, Das Mada was attacked by General Jagu and Princess Galonia successively today, and his heart was already full of anger.

Das Mada belonged to the kind of person who couldn't afford to lose, because he had never lost before, who would dare to disrespect him as the clone of Emperor Klexis.

Das Mada launched his thoughts with both hands towards Li Qinghe who was wearing white Chap clothes.

Li Qinghe did not show weakness, in order to also stretch out his hands to send out the power of thought, the two sides competed in power of thought.

"This is……"

General Jagu looked in surprise at the man who appeared suddenly and dared to confront Das Mada.However, after seeing Princess Galonia showing her first smile after entering the Klexis Fortress, she understood that this was Princess Gallonia's person.

Princess Garonia saw that Li Qinghe protected her, and her heart was filled with sweetness. She didn't expect Li Qinghe to be so bold and not afraid of Das Mada.You know, before coming here, Princess Garonia had already informed Li Qinghe of the identities of General Jagu, the four captains, and Das Mada.

After tens of minutes of confrontation, the duel between Li Qinghe and Das Mada was forced to stop.

Because Das Mada sent the news here to Emperor Klexis, His Majesty the Emperor did not expect that General Jagu and the others would dare to resist him, so he became angry and directly initiated a monster communication. In order not to expose Das Mada as his clone, The duel was aborted.

"Hmph. Who are you to dare to attack me?"

Das Mada questioned Li Qinghe.

"He is my personal guard, responsible for protecting my safety, Das Mada, why do you have any objections?"

Princess Galonia stood in front of Li Qinghe and said to Das Mada.

"Okay, very good, I have no objection, but Your Royal Highness, you have to be careful of these unknown people, they may cause you harm."

Dasma gritted his teeth and said.

"Then go ahead, let's continue to discuss the plan to invade the earth, Commander Darth Madada, do you want to negotiate together?"

Princess Galonia runs on Das Madada Road.

"No need, Princess Garonia, I will propose to His Majesty Emperor Klexis."

Darth Madra flicked his cloak and left.

"General Jagu, tell me about your plan to invade the earth this time. If this plan fails, then whoever should be responsible will be the one."

Princess Garonia is not an idiot either. From the series of battles she was involved in just now with Dasmada, she didn't know that she might be used by General Jagu to check and balance Dasmada.

"Yes, Your Royal Highness."

General Jagu bowed his body.

"Gardison's plan this time is up to you to make."

General Jagu ordered Gardison.

"Yes, this time I will send the strongest robot Sklyde to destroy rx and conquer the earth."

Just as Gardison finished speaking, Guydorion laughed.

"Guidorion, why are you laughing? Do you really doubt me?"

Gardison asked angrily.

"Sclyde, I remember that His Majesty Emperor Clexis personally ordered to destroy him. He has already been dismembered. You actually want to use him."

Guy Dorion jumped in front of Gardison and taunted him.

"Gardison, tell me why you chose him as the candidate to fight rx this time?"

General Jagu asked.

"General Jagu, I can maximize the resentment that Sklyde has been sealed in hell. For this battle, please rest assured, General Jagu and Princess Galonia, my battle will not fail this time."

Gardison said with a mechanical hand on his chest.

"I believe you, Gardison, one day, there will be 50 billion people from our Clexis Empire living on this earth. We can't let this rich planet be ruined by stupid earthlings."

General Jagu looked at Princess Garonia and asked symbolically, "Your Highness, do you have any suggestions?"

Princess Garonia said, "You can arrange it. I'm tired and I'm going back to rest."

Chapter 78: Escape from Klexis Fortress

Princess Garonia is obviously a powerful puppet now, and she has no right to use the senior fighters of the Klexis Empire, and can only use the people she brought to the Klexis Fortress.

"Congratulations to Princess Garonia."

General Jagu and the four captains watched Princess Garonia leave.

General Jagu ordered to Mary Balon, "Mary Balon, go to the empire to investigate the real identity of the person who just confronted Darth Mada, I want to see who has such strength and courage to fight Darth Mada The motor confrontation. There is also the matter of catching those fish that slipped through the net last time, so we can't relax."


Mary Balon knew that the fish that escaped the net mentioned by General Jagu were those Leo knights who rescued Li Qinghe last time and did not leave the Demon Realm.

Mary Balon was allowed to open the entrance to the Demon Realm and entered the Demon Realm to investigate the origin of Princess Garonia's powerful bodyguard.

"Gardison go down and act. You step down too."

After General Jagu issued the order, he asked them all to retreat.

"Your Majesty Emperor Klexis, why did you come here in such a timely manner, otherwise Das Mada would have died in the hands of that person."

General Jagu thought in his heart.

That's right, General Jagu was under one man and over ten thousand people in the Clexis Empire. Suddenly, an immediate boss came and deliberately made trouble for him. He even shot him, although he didn't suffer serious injuries.However, General Jagu's prestige among the four captains has been challenged.

Just now, Persia just looked at General Jagu's eyes, and his fear is not as good as before.General Jagu already has killing intent on Das Mada, but General Jagu is an old fox who hides deeply.

If the monster communication from Emperor Klexis came later.Then General Jagu would definitely have killed Das Mada just now, and then deal with Li Qinghe, and put the blame on Princess Galonia.

General Jagu began to have doubts about Das Mada's identity, "Das Mada, I'm afraid he is not a simple prosecutor. I have never seen His Majesty Emperor Klexis give the prosecutor such power before."

Thinking of this, General Jagu sent it to Mary Balon through the monster communication, asking her to inquire together with Das Mada's information.

Tokyo city.

Nagata Yuka sitting in front of the newly established Shenglong Group headquarters is the truth, Kageyama Yako, Kiba Yuji, Kimura Saya and the others.

"Yongzhi, you mean the president, there are other women in this world."

Nagata Yuka rested her chin in one hand and reviewed the document with the other.

"Yes. They live with the Kamen Rider bckrx of this world, and I also sent Leo Knight to protect them."

Kiba Yuji said.

"I know that he is a heartless man, there must be many women, sisters, what do you think?"

Nagata Yuka looked at Kageyama Yako and the others.

"Let's take them over. I think they are happy to join our big family, and I welcome them too."

Yazi Yingshan said that, not to say that she was not jealous, originally they could pretend not to know that Li Qinghe had other women in this world, but once they knew, they had to protect them.

Through Kiba Yuji's introduction, Kageyama Yako wanted to pull these women into her team, and this was Kageyama Yako's idea.

"Sister Yazi, I also want to see the world and see what kind of woman Qinghe Jun likes. Let's go together."

Nagata Yuka said with a smile.

"Let's go together then."

The truth also came in, and the truth has grown a lot during Li Qinghe's absence, at least not as pure as before.

Truth and the others headed towards Li Qinghe's place where women in this world lived.

But Nan Kotaro encountered a new crisis. In order not to let the Kamen Rider bckrx stop his actions, General Jagu decided to act first, and sent the monster robot Sklyde warriors to solve Nan Kotaro.

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