Minami Kotaro and Kyoko went to the supermarket to go shopping together, and found that a child who lived near him pushed the bicycle he was riding to the ground and stepped on it hard.

"What happened to Masaki-kun?"

Kyoko walked over and patted Masaki-kun's head and asked.

"No, don't worry about him, Xingzi, this kid's old bicycle can still be ridden. But he wants to buy a new bicycle, and he keeps arguing. He is not sensible at all, and he doesn't know how hard his father earns money."

Masaki-kun's mother came over and said.

Nan Kotaro also came over and helped the bicycle on the ground up.

"But everyone rides a five-speed transmission. I'm the only one who rides this old bike. I'll be laughed at."

Masaki-kun pouted and said.

"Why are you being laughed at? Why are they laughing at you?"

Masaki-kun's mother asked.


Masaki-kun hesitated and couldn't tell, because Masaki-kun wanted to buy a new one, more to show himself in front of the girl he liked.

"Masaki-kun, I understand your feelings, but there are many poor places in the world, and there are many poor people who can't even ride a bicycle."

Nan Kotaro comforted Masaki-kun.

"But that has nothing to do with me. My family is not poor. I want a new bicycle."

After Masaki-kun finished speaking, he pushed his old yellow bicycle and left.

At this time, in a nearby place, a Chap was watching Nan Kotaro and the others through a telescope. Minami Kotaro probably felt a little uncomfortable because he was far away, so he looked around and found nothing.

Masaki rode this bicycle to a remote place, threw the old bicycle and left, but did not notice that after he left, the lights of the bicycle suddenly flashed a few times.

In the middle of the night, Masaki slept on the bed and dreamed that the bicycle he had thrown came back, saying that he wanted to seek revenge on himself. Masaki was so frightened that he broke out in a cold sweat and was awakened by the nightmare.

"It turned out to be a dream. Sure enough, how could it be real?"

Masaki opened his eyes, opened the curtains and glanced at the bottom of the room, but he didn't realize that he had thrown the bicycle away.

When he was about to turn around and continue to sleep, his eyes were dazzled by the light, and Masaki covered the glare with his hand.

"how could it be possible."

Masaki screamed and was sucked into the bicycle. The bicycle gained stronger mobility by absorbing Masaki's vitality.

The next day Masaki's mother looked around for her missing son and asked Nan Kotaro if he had found her son.

Nan Kotaro entered Masaki's house alone. With his hearing far superior to others, Nan Kotaro quickly heard Masaki's cry for help.

"Brother Kotaro, go, go, my mother has been killed."

Nan Kotaro walked out following the sound, and found that it came from the bicycle he saw Masaki riding yesterday.

Kotaro Minami went downstairs to approach the bike, which began to move on its own.Minami Kotaro chased after him, and the bicycle ran ahead.

After Nan Kotaro left Masaki's house, Masaki's mother smiled "haha" and turned to become Mary Balon. As for the real Masaki's mother and father, after Masaki was sucked into the bicycle, Mary Balon let Cha Putting it out, so as not to affect my plan.

Nan Kotaro trotted all the way and entered a garbage collection station, which was a trap set up by the monster robot Sklyde.

A disused motorcycle wheel hit Nan Kotaro from behind, and Nan Kotaro turned quickly, but was still hit on the right arm.

Not only discarded tires, broken light bulbs, dust collectors, etc. also hit Minami Kotaro.


Minami Kotaro transformed into a Kamen Rider bckrx and avoided the attacks of these garbage.


Minami Kotaro saw the robot Sklyde commanding the garbage to attack him.

"That's right, I'm the Klexis monster robot Sklyde. Let rx die."

After Sklyde introduced himself, he rushed towards Minami Kotaro with the bicycles and other garbage bound.

Kotaro Minami kicked the bicycle away.

"It hurts, it hurts."

Masaki's painful voice came from that bicycle.


Kotaro Minami used the scanning eye and saw Masaki in the bicycle, as well as the people who were sucked into the body by other garbage.

"Bang, bang."

When Lex took advantage of Namkotaro's avatar to observe Masaki and the others, two shells were fired from both hands and hit Namkotaro.

"Don't move, Kamen Rider bckrx, can you rescue the people locked in the garbage by me, Scrader? It depends on your actions."

Sklyde's words made Minami Kotaro stop preparing to attack.

"A message from the strongest warrior of Klexis, Master Sklyde, who was resurrected from hell, are you afraid?"

Sklyde said.

"Let Masaki and the others out quickly."

Kotaro Minami said in a commanding tone.

"I hate orders the most, because I also made Emperor Klexis angry, and I told him not to talk when he spoke in such a great tone."

Sklyde said uncomfortably when he heard Minami Kotaro's commanding tone.

A rope made of iron appeared in Sklyde's body, binding Minami Kotaro's neck, and the cannonball was fired again.

Kotaro Minami was sent flying, and Sklyde pulled Kotaro Minami back again through the iron rope around Kotaro Minami's neck. One hand turned into a claw, aiming at Kotaro Minami's waist.

Sklyde's claws spun quickly, like a drill, trying to pass through Minami Kotaro's body, but found that the drill could not pass through Minami Kotaro's body, so he pushed Minami Kotaro away.

Nam Kotaro had just stood up when two cars appeared in front of him and blocked Nam Kotaro.

Sclyde's legs had muzzles.

Sklyde's missile was launched, and the wheels of Masaki's bicycle, which had fallen on the ground, spun quickly, and the bicycle stood up suddenly, rushing in front of Kotaro Minami. .

"Kamen Rider rx, avenge me and my parents."

Seeing that Kamen Rider Bckrx was in danger, Masaki thought that only Kamen Rider Bckrx could avenge himself, and suddenly became anxious. In desperation, he forcibly controlled the bicycle and rushed to Minami Kotaro.

Chapter 79 Ledesky the spineless

"Boom" sound.

Unsurprisingly, the bicycle that Masaki was on was blown to pieces, Kamen Rider bck. rx was also swept away by the shock wave of the explosion.

"Special locust."

Nan Kotaro is now seriously injured, and has no ability to fight with Sklyde anymore, so he can only move strategically.

"Damn it. You ran away this time, and I will never let you go next time."

Sklyde was unwilling to watch Kotaro Minami leave on the special locust.

And Princess Garonia, General Jagu, Captain of the Four Majors, and Dasmada in the Klexis Fortress saw that Kotaro Minami was defeated.

"It's wonderful, Gardison. When I heard that you revived Sklyde, I thought about punishing you. I didn't expect that monster to defeat Kamen Rider bckrx. Now no one will stop our plan. "

General Jagu laughed heartily.

"Kamen Rider Dleta is still in the demon world, Kamen Rider Bckrx has been seriously injured, and it is impossible to come and make trouble again. Kamen Rider A did not appear after Kamen Rider Dleta disappeared, so don't worry about it. Thanks to Jia The wise decision of General Gu."

Gaidorion flattered Jagu.But he forgot Princess Galonia, and didn't see Princess Galonia's angry expression.

Of course, Darth Mada's face on the side is not good, because Ledeski defeated the Kamen Rider bckrx undoubtedly slapped himself in the face. Dath Mada made a decision in his heart. After completing the task this time, he must disintegrate Ledesky, dissolve him again, so that he has no chance of resurrection.

"This is the credit of Princess Galonia, how dare I take the credit."

General Jagu is very experienced and gave the credit to Princess Garonia.

"Yes, yes, yes. Princess Galonia made the right decision for this operation."

Gaidorion immediately knew where he was not doing enough, and quickly made up for it.

"Yes, Princess Galonia took the lead in this operation."

Bosigang also admired Princess Galonia in the same way.

"Hmph, this battle isn't over yet. It's not appropriate to celebrate so early."

Das Mata said angrily.

"It seems that Das Mada Cha is doubting that Princess Galonia's decision cannot be successful?"

Gaidorion said so, leaving Das Mada speechless.

"No, I very much hope this operation succeeds."

Das Mada couldn't stand Gadorion's ridicule, so he gave Gadorion a hard look, turned and left.

"See that guy's face just now? It's funny to think of it. Hahaha."

Gadorion smiled smugly.

Kageyama Yako and his group headed for Yueying Yugali.

Suddenly a message was played urgently.

"For unknown reasons, a large amount of garbage began to attack humans. Tokyo citizens are asked to evacuate nearby. More than 500 people have died so far."

The charity channels on the streets of Tokyo all emphasized this sentence, and the tape recorders also sent out such messages from time to time.

This time Tokyo's garbage attacked humans on a large scale, and the attack range was very large, even Yukari Yukage and Truth were also affected.

An abandoned TV smashed into Yuka Nagata.

Nagata Yuka was about to make a move, and Kiba who was leading the way had transformed into Kamen Rider A and blew up the TV. As for the people inside, they were naturally dead, not to mention that Kiba didn't know there were people inside, just Know it will blow up.

With Kiba's transformation, the Leo knights who followed Kiba also transformed, as well as protecting Nagata Yuka, and the men around the truth and the others all transformed into Leo knights to protect what they wanted to protect. people.

Fortunately, Moon Shadow was from Gary, Lily and the others, and a few pairs of Leo knights were left to protect them.Otherwise, Nan Kotaro is now seriously injured, staying with the specific locust and unable to fight.Lily and the others may be attacked by trash.

"God help me too. Originally, I didn't have the authority to use the Red Police fighters, but I can mobilize the Red Police fighters by turning on the defense mode."

Nagata Yuka said happily.

Nagata Yuka also saw such news in the newly established Holy Dragon headquarters in this world.

Although the island government sent a large number of self-defense forces to protect the citizens of Tokyo, the effect was not ideal.Most of the self-defense forces sent by the island government lost contact and were killed by garbage.

What is the definition of garbage.Garbage is unwanted or useless solid and fluid matter.In a densely populated metropolis, Tokyo has an unimaginable amount of garbage.

Banana peels, rotten eggs, broken glass, unusable benches are all rubbish.However, the garbage that Ledesky handles are some daily necessities commonly used in production and life.

Even so, the Self-Defense Forces were unable to resist and quickly collapsed.

However, Yuka Nagata dispatched [-] Leo knights through the shuttle, and quickly eliminated all the garbage that attacked people near the Shenglong Group, and cleaned up the garbage on a large scale.

"What? How did they appear here."

Mary Balon's face was pale, and she lost her previous shock, because on General Jagu's podium, she saw densely packed Leo knights cleaning up the garbage sent by Ledesky.

Knight Laio is not Nan Kotaro, he doesn't care about the people inside, he has used methods such as burning, blowing up, crushing, etc. to dispose of all the garbage that attacked people.

"I'm Ledesky, the monster robot under Klexis. Who are you?"

The place where Ledesky manipulated the garbage was very close to the truth and the others, and was suddenly discovered by Kiba Yuji, so he found Ledesky, the culprit.

"You don't deserve to know."

Before Kiba Yuji's transformed A made a shot, Takuro Yiro had transformed into a Kamen Rider Syga and descended from the sky, and Takuma used the power potential energy from the sky to press Ledesky's lower body into the ground.

"How dare you speak to me in such a tone."

Ledesky struggled desperately, but it was useless. As Kiba Yuji cut off Ledesky's two arms that fired the cannonball with the Emperor Sword, Ledeski became a little scared.

People who have experienced the abyss of hell, but want to experience it again. The last time Ledesky was forcibly dismembered because he disobeyed the order of Emperor Klexis, he knew how lucky he was to be alive.

Moreover, once it is destroyed this time, according to General Jagu's thinking, there is no need for waste to exist, and Ledesky may never appear again.So Ledesky doesn't have the courage of a robot to fear death.

"It seems that your machine head is still a little redundant."

Kageyama Yako was still dressed in a bartender's outfit as before.

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