"No, no no."

Ledesky shook his robotic head.

"Oh, then what value can you have, you can keep your head that makes people want to kick it like a ball."

Kageyama Yako asked while drinking the wine in the glass.

"I can manipulate garbage. I have great value."

Ledesky said quickly, for fear that his head would be decapitated by those unknown people in front of him a second later.

"Gardison, this is the person you sent out. It's a shame. It's ruined the reputation of the Klexis Empire."

From the podium, Dasma looked at Ledesky, who was bowing and begging for surrender on the ground.

"Gardison, let him commit suicide, and let him retain his reputation as an imperial warrior."

General Jagu held the scepter and said.

"General Jagu, because this action was quite sudden, I didn't put a bomb in the robot, so I couldn't make him explode remotely."

Gardison lowered his head and said.

"Then you issue an order for him to commit suicide."

General Jagu yelled at Gardison angrily.


Gardison's voice reached Ledesky's ears, "Ledesky, I order you to blow yourself up immediately."

"Explode yourself, no, I won't obey your orders, I want to live."

Ledesky dismissed Gardison's order and cut Gardison off.

"What? You bastard. How dare you disobey my order."

No matter how Gardison yelled in the command room, Ledesky had already made the decision to defect to the enemy.

For Ledesky, no matter how much torture and injury he suffers, what he fears is that his life will be threatened or even destroyed.

"Okay, you can take him back."

Kageyama Yako gave orders to his subordinates.

Several transformed Leo knights around him used daggers to cut off the legs of Ledeski who had broken his arms on the ground, and walked towards the Holy Dragon Group with Ledeski's neck.

"Ledesky, don't think about escaping. If you want to escape, you have to know what will happen if you fail, and you won't be so good when you are caught next time."

Kageyama Yako warned.

"Yes Yes."

How could Ledesky dare to resist? Since he has rebelled against Clexis, he will definitely die if he rebels against the Holy Dragon Group. Although he does not know how powerful Shenglong is, at least there are so many strong people who dare to challenge Clesis. , the strength is definitely not bad.

Under such thoughts, Ledesky was obediently taken to the new prison of Shenglong Group, and was questioned by the people sent by Yuka Nagata.

With the arrest of Ledesky sent by Klexis, this garbage rebellion finally stopped.

"you are?"

Lily and the others, who escaped the garbage attack, were picking up the garbage all over the floor, and found that the Leo Knight, who was the same as the one who protected them, came to them.

"Are you Mr. Qinghe's women?"

Kageyama Yako was the first to ask.

"Mr. Qinghe? Is it Li Qinghe?"

Tsukikage asked tentatively from Gary, and suddenly found Yuji Kiba next to him, "Hey, where have you been these few days, Yuji Kiba? Where's Kiba-kun?"

"We will take care of Mr. Qinghe's affairs. Now we are talking about your affairs."

Nagata Yuka said with a smile.


Xiao Ling pointed to herself and asked.

"Yes, Klexis and the others are likely to arrest you and threaten Mr. Qinghe. So, I hope you will join us and let us protect you...

We are also Mr. Qinghe's women, your sisters, we are a family. "

Truth followed Nagata Yuka's words.

Chapter 80 Darth Motor's Sneak Attack

"We are protected by Kotaro Minami, and Clexis can't do anything to us."

Akizuki Kyoko and Katsumi Kida stood together, not wanting to go to Kageyama Aiko.

"Kotaro is Kamen Rider Bckrx, right? His strength is too weak, and he was seriously injured by Ledeski sent by Klexis. Otherwise, he should have appeared to protect you just now. You should come together."

Kageyama Yako invited Kyoko and the others.

Shimazaki Akane was still a high school student, she looked at Kageyama Yako and the others timidly.

Kageyama Yako showed a charming smile on her face, and came to Akane Shimazaki, "My sister, you are also Qinghe-kun's woman, what should I call you?"

Akane Shimazaki let Kageyama Akiko pull her to Kageyama Akane, "My name is Akane Shimazaki, you can just call me Akane."

Truth, Nagata Yuka saw that Kageyama Yako had already started to recruit people into her small team, and also started to recruit the rest.

In the end, Lily and Bihume went to Nagata Yuka's team, Tsukage Yukari, Xiaoling went to Truth's team, Shimazaki Akane, and Lily went to Kageyama Yako's team.

The Krasis Empire is surprisingly quiet at the moment.

"This is what you said that this battle will be successful and you celebrated in advance. Is this the result?"

Das Mada couldn't hide the joy in his heart when he saw General Jagu's defeat in the battle, and questioned General Jagu and them.

"Commander Dasmada, there is a reason for this failure."

Gaidorion was about to defend himself, but Das Mada used his mind to grab his body.

"I don't need to explain, His Majesty Kleiss doesn't need to explain. If you fail, you have to accept punishment, right, General Jagu. You actually sent out a trash who rebelled against the enemy. Just for this, kill You are not too much."

Das Mada restrained Gadorion and Gadison, the person in charge of the operation, in mid-air using his mind power, fell down and then pulled up, repeating this behavior.

"Dathmada, that's enough. Are you expressing displeasure with me?"

Princess Garonia is a woman after all, and Xinshan can't see this kind of scene, so she stops Das Mada's punishment.

"Princess Garonia, you should also know that you will be punished if you fail in the Clexis Empire. But since you have already interceded, I will spare these two trash this time."

Das Mada put away his mind power, Gardison and Gedorion fell to the ground, unable to get up for a long time.

"Dathmada, did you see those people who suddenly appeared? This is the main reason for the failure of this mission."

General Jagu pointed to Kamen Rider Syga who was pondering Yilang's transformation on the podium.

"This is?"

Das Mada is the clone of Emperor Klexis, although I have heard that General Jagu once besieged and killed Kamen Rider Delta with heavy troops.But I always thought that General Jia Gu made a big fuss in order not to let his military power be taken away.

But when Das Mada saw the many Leo knights around Yako Kageyama and the others, as well as the many Leo knights displayed on General Jagu's podium fighting against the rebellious trash.

Das Mada felt threatened by these people who had suddenly appeared on Earth.

"General Jagu, can you explain? This failure has been taken over like this, and I will not explain it to His Majesty the Emperor."

Das Mada assured that he was the clone of Emperor Klexis, and that he knew all the Emperor Klexis, so there was no need to report.

General Jagu heard what Dasma said, so he put away the anger that Gadorion and Gardison were punished.

"Dathmada, look at these people, through Mary Balon's efforts, we know that they are called Knights of Leo.

Also, look at the man behind the long-haired girl. He is Kamen Rider A. We don't know the name of the Kamen Rider who appeared this time, but it seems that he is also a very powerful enemy. "

General Jagu introduced to Das Mada.

"General Jagu, the latest information."

One of Mary Balon's subordinates hurried into the combat headquarters and handed the new information to Mary Balon.

After reading it, Mary Balon whispered a few words in General Jagu's ear.

"What? Are they so powerful?"

General Jagu said in shock.

"what happened?"

Das Mata asked suspiciously.

"I have received the latest information that a new organization has emerged in Tokyo, they are called Shenglong Group, and they have publicly exposed our existence.

Moreover, the [-] chaps I sent out in Tokyo have all been found and arrested by these Leo knights. Although the result is unknown, no news from Tokyo has come. "

Mary Balon held her forehead, not knowing what to do next.

"Is there any news yet?"

For the first time, Das Mada encountered an organization that dared to openly confront him. Although there were also anti-Klexis Empire organizations in the Kryssis Empire, those organizations were not to worry about.

Those people can only act underground. If it weren't for the Klexis Empire needing such anti-imperial organizations to attract those who oppose the empire to join, that anti-imperial guerrilla organization would have been wiped out long ago.

"Mary Balon, you are responsible for this matter. Do you have any latest news about Tokyo?"

General Jagu asked.

"Yes, this is the last set of photos sent back by Chap I sent."

Mary Baron handed the photo to General Jagu. General Jagu saw at least tens of thousands of Leo Knights performing missions. This was taken at the headquarters of the Shenglong Group, but it was quickly captured by Leo Knights. Found it, and killed those Chap who were gathering intelligence.

Li Qinghe heard the news from Princess Gallonia, "It seems that Nagata Yuka and the others have already arrived, and it's time to go find them."

If we were in the Demon Realm, Li Qinghe had to find a way to pass through the exit of the Demon Realm, but he didn't have so many worries in the Clexis Fortress, it was very easy to get out, and Li Qinghe had already figured out a way.

"The number of Leo knights who came this time far exceeds the number in the Demon Realm last time, if it weren't for the fact that the Demon Realm and the earth cannot walk together directly.

If there is no way to mobilize legions on a large scale, we will have unified the earth long ago, and there is no need to arrange such battle plans again and again. "

Boss just said with a sigh.

"For this newly emerged organization, we need to step up the collection of intelligence so that we can conquer the earth as soon as possible. Mary Balon, how many people do you need to collect information this time, and they will be transferred directly without reporting to me."

General Jagu said to Mary Balon.

"Mary Balon, if you can collect important information about this organization. I will report your contribution to His Majesty Emperor Klexis. Not only you, but also your family will receive high honors."

For the first time, Das Mada and General Jagu agreed on one goal: to destroy the organization.

"General Jagu, I have a plan to destroy that organization."

Guy Dorion got up from the ground and said tremblingly.

"Guidorion, tell me."

Das Mada directly asked Gador Leon to tell his plan, but Gador Leon ignored Das Mada, but looked at General Jagu, which made Das Mada say no one responded, Darth Ma Da's face turned red and white.

It is true that the generals will not accept military orders abroad.

"Guidorion, with your physical condition, can you still participate in this operation?"

General Jagu asked with a little concern.

"Of course, if it wasn't for General Jagu, how would I be where I am today? I am willing to go through fire and water for General Jagu.

General Jagu, do you remember that race that disappeared in the demon world, the Camela? "

Gadorion asked.

Before General Jagu could speak, Persia just picked up the conversation,

"It was indeed a long time ago when we talked about the Camela tribe. The cells of this tribe can strengthen the supernatural beasts, so it can be said that they are very suitable as food for supernatural beasts.

Gaidorion, this is still a race that you personally command to hunt and then isolate.But they should be eaten up by the alien beasts, and the whole family should be wiped out.Are their remnants on Earth? "

Persia just looked at Gadorion with a sudden realization.


Gadorion was very proud when he heard this incident. Gadorion handled that incident perfectly, which made him one of the four captains.

"I accepted the order from His Majesty Emperor Klexis and wiped them all out, leaving only a few people to be sent to His Majesty Klesis for research."

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