Gadorion said excitedly.

"Our Klexis empire's battle plan to invade the earth has been laid out since ten years ago. One of them is the hibernating person of the Camela tribe. I put this person into the earth ten years ago. It is time to use this Chess pieces."

"Guidorion, I will leave this matter to you."

General Jagu ordered Gaidorion.

"General Jagu, I have already acted ahead of time. This hibernating Camela man you sent out got married on Earth and gave birth to offspring.

But he didn't know that there was already a Lexdong in his body, which was produced by the index finger of the special ability fighter Lekbark of our strange beast brigade, hiding there. "

Gadorion said excitedly.

"What's that, Lexton?"

asked Gardison.

"This is a special energy body that will produce [-] million infections after infection. This energy body can infect the cells that become the food of the alien beasts to the people on the earth, turning the people on the earth into food. I Let's see how they deal with us. Hahaha."

Gaidorion was very excited when he thought of the scene where his alien beasts treated the earthlings as food, their strength increased rapidly, and they finally unified the earth.

"Okay, this time we must let this newborn sacred dragon organization become the food of our Clexis. Let the people on earth know who the ruler of this earth is. Gaidorion, I will leave this event to you gone."

General Jagu said to Gaidorion.


Gaidorion happily accepted the order and was about to retreat.

Das Mada suddenly launched a mental attack on Li Qinghe.

Chapter 81 Reunion with Yuka Nagata

Fortunately, Li Qinghe has been vigilant since he came to Klexis Fortress, and blocked Das Mada's attack with a mind barrier.

"Darth, what are you doing?"

Princess Garonia protected Li Qinghe.

"Princess Garonia, no, you will be my wife from now on. I have already proposed to Emperor Klexis, and His Majesty has already agreed. For your safety, there is no need for such unidentified people by your side." people."

Das Mada continued to increase his mental power to attack Li Qinghe.

Li Qinghe was wearing a white Chap costume, only one pair of eyes could be exposed, but the aura on his body could not be changed, so he was directly attacked by Das Mada.

"I won't agree."

Princess Garonia's eyes glowed red, and she sent out a telekinetic attack on Das Mada.

Li Qinghe is not the kind of person who only takes beatings and never fights back. After being attacked for no reason, Li Qinghe wanted to kill Das Mada, and kept fighting against himself.

Das Mada suffered double attacks from Li Qinghe and Princess Galonia.

"General Jia Gu, why are you still standing there?"

General Jagu heard Dasma's paging, reluctantly took out the scepter, and pointed it at Galonia, and the scepter emitted yellow lightning.

Princess Galonia was caught off guard by General Jagu's scepter behind her.

"General Jagu, you..."

Princess Garonia was seriously injured, and she looked at General Jagu unwillingly.

"General Jagu?"

Not only Princess Garonia, Mary Balon, Gardison, Gadorion, and Persia Gang are very puzzled by General Jagu's actions.

"Dathmada has discovered that Princess Garonia is not a real princess, and that the princess who really has the blood of Emperor Klexis has died, and Dasmada has already found out.

If we don't help Dathmada this time, then Dathmada will tell His Majesty the Emperor.I'm sorry, Princess Garonia. "

General Jagu pointed at the sky above Galonia, and a cage made of special materials immediately covered Galonia.

"Protect the princess."

At the critical moment, Princess Galonia's maid came out and released Princess Galonia.

These girls brainwashed by the earth became the guards of Princess Garonia, very loyal.Temporarily withstood General Jagu's attack. To be precise, General Jagu deliberately released the water.

"His Royal Highness, hurry up, this is a device to pass through the earth, you..."

Before finishing speaking, the maid's body has been inserted into Das Mada's knife.

Princess Garonia did not hesitate, and came to Li Qinghe's side. As for Das Mada, other maids stopped her.


Princess Galonia pressed the teleportation device in her hand, and Li Qinghe and Princess Galonia disappeared from Fortress Klesis.

"General Jia Gu, what did you do to let them escape?"

Das Mada went on a killing spree, and soon killed all the female guards protecting Princess Galonia.

"Dathmada, we didn't expect this to happen. What you said counts."

General Jagu asked.

Das Mada hummed unhappily, which meant that Emperor Klexis could not attribute the failure of protecting Princess Lonia to General Jagu, and thus the plan to take back military power from General Jagu could not be implemented.

"General Jagu, you announced that Princess Galonia is seriously ill and has gone to the imperial headquarters for treatment. Greatly recruit famous doctors from all over the country to treat Princess Galonia."

Dasma thought for a moment and said.

"Dathmada, why didn't you announce the death of Princess Gallonia, but said so."

Boss just asked.

"This is not what you should know. You should step up your search on the earth for the person who left with Princess Gallonia. If you find any, immediately capture Princess Galonia and kill that man directly."

Dasma said.

"Mary Balon, this matter has to be entrusted to you. You have a heavy task."

General Jagu said earnestly.


Mary Balon accepted the quest and left.

Li Qinghe and Princess Galonia arrived near Osaka, an island country, and were soon discovered by Chap.

Of course, it was discovered by Nagata Yuka and the others.The two forces quickly dispatched a large number of manpower.

As the Black Hawk helicopter descended from the sky, Li Qinghe ignored the hundreds of chaps surrounding him.


Kiba Yuji jumped off the Black Hawk helicopter, hugged Li Qinghe excitedly, and cried.

Li Qinghe patted Kiba Yuji on the shoulder, "I am not missing any arms or legs, why are you crying, big man?"

The hundreds of Qiap who surrounded Li Qinghe were dealt with quickly by the Leo knights who rushed over like autumn leaves.

"Mr. Qinghe."

Nagata Yuka got off the Black Hawk helicopter.This time, Nagata Yuka suddenly activated the Black Hawk helicopter after receiving a signal from Li Qinghe in Tokyo.


Li Qinghe and Nagata Yuka glanced at each other, everything was kept silent.

"Is this my new sister? My name is Nagata Yuka, and I'm Qinghe-kun's personal secretary."

Yuka Nagata took Princess Garonia's hand familiarly.

Princess Galonia was very uncomfortable with Nagata Yuka's enthusiasm, but because of Li Qinghe, she didn't break Nagata Yuka's hand away.

"Let's go, go back and talk."

Li Qinghe took Princess Galonia and Yuka Nagata and left in a Black Hawk helicopter.

Not long after Li Qinghe left, Das Mada came here with the four captains.

"Where are the people you're talking about? Ah. Where did they go?"

Das Mada vented loudly at Mary Balon.

General Jagu frowned and looked at Das Mada,

"Das Mada, you can see that there are traces of our soldiers fighting nearby. It should be that the people we sent to intercept Princess Galonia were all wiped out."

Das Mada forced himself to calm down, looked at the traces around him, and found the ashes that would only appear after Chap's death, but these ashes only stayed in the bottom, and most of them were blown away by the wind.

Mary Balon touched the small convex and concave holes on the tree made by the light from Leo Knight's accelerated light gun.

"If I'm not mistaken, the Holy Dragon Group should have sent the Leo Knights, and they rescued Princess Garonia and that person."

Mary Balon analyzed.


General Jagu listened to Mary Balon's analysis and nodded.

"Are you sure you can take Princess Galonia back from the Holy Dragon Group?"

Dasma asked.

"Without knowing the strength of the Holy Dragon Group, I don't recommend forcibly taking back Princess Gallonia. Das Mada, why do you insist on getting Princess Lonia back?"

General Jagu expressed his doubts.

"This, this is an order from His Majesty the Emperor Klexis. I told His Majesty the Emperor that Princess Garonia was missing. His Majesty the Emperor Klexis was very angry and asked me to find it in the shortest possible time."

Das Mada gave his explanation.

"Oh, I see."

General Jagu does not believe Dasmada's statement. First of all, if this matter is really told to His Majesty Emperor Klexis, then with His Majesty's temperament, I don't know whether General Jagu and the others can survive, but Dasmada, as Chase The prosecutor will definitely be punished by His Majesty the Emperor, and the lightest punishment is death.

Besides, if His Majesty Emperor Klexis wants to issue such an order, General Jagu should be informed the most, because General Jagu can use a large number of manpower, which is far from being comparable to Das Mada.

The reason why Das Mada insisted on retrieving Princess Galonia was because Princess Galonia had mastered the Valley of Miracles, powerful power and all the inheritance of the Klexis Empire. Without the blood of His Majesty the Emperor Klexis, she is also the princess of the Klesis Empire.

If Das Mada can make Princess Galonia his wife, he can obtain the sacred power of the Miracle Spring from Princess Galonia and gain the support of that person.

There are two gods in Clexis, one is the god that Emperor Clexis claimed, and the other is the person who masters the mysterious power. It is from him that Princess Galonia mastered the Valley of Miracles.

"General Jagu, let's implement that plan first. I want to make Tokyo a food area for our strange monsters."

Das Mada said to General Jagu.

"Well, Das Mada, don't worry, I have ordered Gaidorion to carry out the plan, and he has found that person. Just wait for our good news."

Li Qinghe returned to the headquarters of the Holy Dragon Group established by Yuka Nagata in this world Tokyo. It's the same as that world.

Li Qinghe walked out from the hatch of the Black Hawk helicopter.

All the Leo knights and armed soldiers outside the door saluted in unison.

"Welcome President."

Li Qinghe looked at the Leo knights around him, and there were more soldiers secretly protecting him. They were obviously much stronger than when he left, and nodded.

"Nagada Yuka, thank you for your hard work."

Li Qinghe said with emotion.

"What's the hard work, you're still so polite to me."

Nagata Yuka secretly pinched Li Qinghe's arm.

"Okay, you don't have to work hard, don't work hard."

Li Qinghe hurriedly asked, Princess Galonia watched Li Qinghe flirting with Nagata Yuka, and felt that Zizi was isolated and a little uncomfortable.

Nagata Yuka felt that Princess Garonia's mood was wrong, and let go of Li Qinghe's hand.

"Sister, you are here, this is your home, and each of us is your relative."

Nagata Yuka comforted Princess Garonia.


Princess Garonia was arranged by Nagata Yuka to go to another place to get acquainted with the new environment, while Li Qinghe was occupied by herself. .

"Mr. Qinghe, you haven't seen me for so long, do you miss me?"

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