Nagata Yuka pushed Princess Garonia away, and stood in front of Li Qinghe mischievously.

Chapter 82 Alien Beast Sarabi Sara

"Yes I do."

Li Qinghe hugged Nagata Yuka by the waist, "Not only do I think about it in my heart, but I also think about it here."

Li Qinghe carried Nagata Yuka to Nagata Yuka's room, and all his thoughts were actually in action.

"You are so bad, you are so bad when you come back, you don't know how much people worry about you."

Nagata Yuka lay in Li Qinghe's arms and said.

"Yuka, I want to do it again."

Li Qinghe pressed Nagata Yuka under him.

"Wait a minute, you go and meet them first, they don't even know about your return this time."

Nagata Yuka asked his subordinates to bring the truth and the others into his usual office.

"You are looking for us..."

Truth came in first, and before he finished speaking, he saw Li Qinghe sitting in the position of the former president.

"What's the matter, truth, it's me, I'm back."

After Li Qinghe finished speaking, Truth rushed over and hugged Li Qinghe.

At this time, other women also came in, and they found Li Qinghe all at once.

"Mr. Qinghe."

Kageyama Yako covered her mouth excitedly, tears streaming down her face.

Li Qinghe is here to deal with the affairs he provoked.

At this time, Gedorion had already secretly gone to the location of the last member of the Camela tribe in Tokyo with the strange beast Kebak.

"Who are you? What are you doing?"

A middle-aged man, looking at the strange man in front of him, protected his son Qiu Nan.

"Haha, have you forgotten who I am?"

Gadorion jumped out from behind Kebak.

"It's you, why is it you."

The middle-aged man suddenly remembered that his whole family was preyed on by Gaidorion with the strange monsters as food. His parents and relatives were all eaten by the monsters. Dao fled and was captured by Chap and survived.

When he woke up again, he had already arrived on the earth, met a kind woman, married and had a child from then on, unfortunately, the woman died of illness, but fortunately gave birth to Qiunan, and he was with him.

"That's right, it's me, Captain Gaidorion, the monster monster. I'm here this time to ask you to do something."

Guy Dorion jumped in front of the middle-aged man.

"I remember your name is Cory Tono."

Gadorion said.

"How do you know my name?"

Cory Tonuo backed away holding Qiunan in his arms.

"I don't know everything about you, including how you arrived on Earth. If this matter is done well, I will let you and your son go. If it fails, you and your son will be Kebak's food."

Gaidorion threatens Corytono.

"As long as you let my son go, I will do anything."

For the sake of his son, Cory Tonno agreed to Gaidorion's request.

Clark grabbed Cory Tono and dug his sharp fingertips into Cory Tono's neck.Clark behind Cory Tono entered into Cory Tono's body.

Cory Tono curled up on the ground uncontrollably.

"Dad, what's wrong with you?"

Akio vigorously shook Cory Tono on the ground.

With two fangs protruding from his mouth, Kolitunuo's face was blue, like a zombie, he grabbed Qiu Nan, his eyes full of struggle.

"He's my son, I can't do that."

That's Cory Tono's idea.

"Quick, go and suck your son's blood, so that you don't feel so uncomfortable, go, look how sweet and charming the blood on that neck is."

Clark, who entered Cory Tono's body, tempted Cory Tono.

"Dad, you scratched me."

Qiunan struggled hard to leave Cory Tono.

"Guidorion, please let my son go, even if I die, I will not drink my son's blood."

Cory Tono shook his head vigorously.

"Really? Do you think I can't do anything to you?"

Gaidorion scratched the artery in Akio's neck with his paw, and the blood flowed unstoppably from the artery.

"I fought with you."

Corytonno tried his best to control his body, seeking revenge from Gaidorion.

"Kolitono, if you drink your son's blood, your son will become like you and will not die, but if you refuse, then your son will bleed to death.

And if you complete our mission, I'll make you and your son normal, your choice. "

Gaidorion pressed Corytonno's head on his son Akio's neck.

"Don't lie to me, or..."

Cory Tono's fangs bit into Akio's neck, sucking Akio's blood.

"It's delicious and fragrant."

After Cory Tonno stopped, he found that his son Qiunan had become a mummy, and Gaidorion had disappeared.

"Ah, ah."

Cory Tonno changed back to human form, "Son, son." Cory Tonno cried while hugging his son.

Suddenly the mummy moved, pushed Cory Tono away, stood up, opened the door and rushed towards a passerby outside.

"What the hell is this. Ahhh."

The passerby's blood soon found its way into Corytono's mummified son.

Qiunan's withered body gradually plumped up, while the passerby lost a lot of blood and fell on the road.

Passers-by on the road looked at such a tragedy as if nothing happened. They chatted and took pictures, but they didn't call the police.

"Dad, what's wrong with me?"

Akio asked his father.

"It's okay, it's okay, you're okay."

Cory Tonno hugged his son Qiu Nan to comfort him.

The passerby who fell on the ground did not turn into a mummy, but his face was pale, he stood up from the ground, and then rushed into the neighbor's house near Qiu Nan, and the screams rang out again.

Gaidorion stood on a tall building and watched such a tragedy.

"Look, this is the credit of my Guy Dorion. No one can compare."

"Boom." A gunshot rang out.

Gaidorion was shot down from the roof by a sniper from the Holy Dragon Group with a sniper rifle.

"Report to the captain. The suspected target has been knocked down from a tall building, please give instructions."

The sniper reported.

At this time, Shenglong Group ushered in several uninvited guests.

"Your Shenglong Group has a large number of firearms in violation of regulations. We received an order from the military department to confiscate them all. If there is any resistance, you will be executed on the spot. At the same time, your Shenglong Group has been officially taken over by us."

An island soldier said to Li Qinghe with an order issued by the military department.He was accompanied by the police, as well as other government officials.

Li Qinghe knew that it was because in the last trash attack, the Leo knights sent by Nagata Yuka were so brilliant that they were targeted by the island government, and the government couldn't eat such a large amount of fat, so it ate it with the military. , in an attempt to control the Shenglong Group.

"You guys are really greedy, if that's the case, go to hell."

How could Li Qinghe bear to disturb the good times of Li Qinghe and the girls, and even try to take over the Shenglong Group.

After Li Qinghe finished speaking, Nagata Yuka took a pistol, shot it a few times and fell to the ground.

At the same time, there was a crackling sound outside, and the soldiers surrounding the Holy Dragon Group, as well as the police, were all killed or captured by the armed soldiers of the Holy Dragon hidden in various places.

The police cars and explosion-proof vehicles near Shenglong Group were all bombed.The corpses of policemen and soldiers were intertwined and lay on the street.

Some officers of the military department of the island country said angrily, "Then send the army to destroy them and let them know whose territory this is."

Immediately afterwards, the military department of the island country sent the troops it had already arranged to drive towards Tokyo with tanks.

"That's not good, it's the capital after all."

The mayor of Tokyo tried to dissuade him, but he regretted his actions and might have led wolves into the house.


The mayor of Tokyo fell into the hands of his own people.

"Women's kindness."

"You killed them. It's not your usual style."

When Nagata Yuka saw that Li Qinghe had a disagreement, he killed the executive sent by the island government.

In the past, Li Qinghe's style tended to use plans, but head-to-head.

This time the island government was too greedy. Seeing the tip of the iceberg revealed by Shenglong, they couldn't wait to take over the Shenglong Group.

Different from the 555 world, many people in the government capital of the 555 world have used orhonch medicine and have become orhonch. The 555 world has already belonged to the Shenglong Group.Gradually, the countries of the world will merge together and realize global integration in the true sense.

"I've had enough of this world. Now that the government of a mere island country wants to empty hands and take away my foundation, let them die."

Li Qinghe said domineeringly.

"No matter what you decide, I will support you."

Nagata Yuka encouraged.

"Well, no, something happened."

Zhuo Mo Yilang hurried into Li Qinghe's office.

"Think about it, speak slowly."

Li Qinghe told Zhuo Mo Yilang to calm down.

"President, look, this kind of thing actually happened."

Li Qinghe took the materials that Zhuomo handed over. There were many humanoid monsters similar to vampires in the photos. These vampires reproduced new vampires by sucking human blood, and began to spread in Tokyo.

Li Qinghe looked at these newly-appeared vampires and pondered, "Did Klexis give me this big gift just after I came back?"

On the other side of the Klexis Fortress.

"Guidorion, you did a good job. The battle was very successful."

General Jagu praised Gedorion.

"It seems that I also need to do something. Das Mada doesn't like General Jagu. To be precise, Emperor Klexis wants to deprive General Jagu of his military power.

Based on the fact that General Jagu can't beat Das Mada, then I need to do something to be the next general. "

Boss just thought of it in his heart.

"General Jagu, this is all due to you, I just executed it."

Gaidorion did not hesitate to attribute this credit to General Jagu.

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