
General Jagu nodded in satisfaction.

"I hope that this battle will not be the same as before."

Das Mada sneered and left.

In the place where the vampire happened in the urban area of ​​Tokyo, Persia brought Sarabisara, a strange beast from the demon world. here.

Chapter 83 Persia Gang who grabs the credit

"Guidorion, let's see who is the best? I deserve half of the credit for this time. Sarabisara, you should complete this battle."

Boss just gave an order to Sarah Bisam, who was similar to Momonga.


Sarah spread her wings and flew away.

Sarabi Sara flew over a man who opened the door to escape, opened her mouth, and bit the man's neck.

After the man fell to the ground, he stood up quickly, his eyes were blank, his fangs spit out from his mouth, he held down the elementary school student who had just escaped beside him, and bit down.

New situations similar to zombies caused by Sarabisara also began to spread.

A large number of people with flying squirrel syndrome caused by Sarah and the crowd similar to vampires caused by Clark actually fought.

Cory Tono and his son Akio will not attack the vampires produced by sucking human blood, but treat them as the same kind, but the patients caused by Sarabi Sara will not care about this either.

Cory Tono was bitten by four or five people with flying squirrel syndrome, and his son Akio was even worse, being sucked blood by seven or eight people with flying squirrel syndrome.

Corytono thought, if you bite me, I will bite you too, and began to bite the necks of those suffering from flying squirrel syndrome, sucking blood.

Neither Gedorion nor Bosigang had thought of it, because after the virus emitted by Clark and the virus emitted by Sarabisara intersected, a mutation occurred.

A new infection virus - the zombie virus - was formed.Those with two kinds of viruses in their bodies also became zombies, and the power of these zombies was very fast. The people who had Clark and Sarabisara all became zombies, and the infection speed was faster.

"Qiu Nan, what's wrong with you, are you alright?"

All of Akio's blood had been sucked by those suffering from the flying squirrel syndrome, Corytono hugged his son, enduring the pain in his head.

The two viruses in Akio's body were fighting each other, "Ah."

Akio turned into a monster with spikes on his back, a haggard face, and a red body all over his body. His fingers became slender and his nails were very sharp.

Akio has mutated, but he has retained his human memory and wisdom.

"Dad. What's wrong with you?"

In the end, Corytono couldn't bear the power of the two viruses, and became a monster that lost his wisdom and memory. He stood up and looked for fresh blood nearby.

"What's going on? It shouldn't be like this."

Clark appeared near Akio.

"It's you, it's you who made me like this, it's you who made me such a monster."

Akio's claws entered Clark's body before Clark could react.

Akio's big mouth parted his lips, startling Clark's internal organs into his stomach.

"Sarabi Sarah, you did a good job. I didn't expect that the people infected with flying squirrel syndrome by you would be so destructive. Go and spread the flying squirrel syndrome to people."

Persia just didn't know that such a result was the joint product of Sarabi Sara and Clark.

Sara, Sara, flew to the side of Akio who was tearing Clark's internal organs.

"It's a very familiar breath, like Clark's breath."

Sarabisara stopped for a moment, Qiu Nan was no longer human, with a bloated body and sharp claws, and the sharp fingers of the two claws were inserted into Sarabisara's eyes.

Akio opened his bloody mouth, which tore the corner of his mouth, and bit off Sarabi Sara's neck.

Unlike Gaidorion, Persia just thought that he was sure of victory, and didn't care about the safety of the subordinates he sent out.

Persia felt it the moment Sarabisara's breath disappeared.

Through the camera, Boss just saw the monster that Akio on the ground turned into. Now Akio, the bony spurs on his back have developed wings like Sarabisara, and he can soar into the blue sky.

The moment Bosi first saw Qiu Nan, Qiu Nan felt it keenly and turned his head towards the camera.

"What kind of monster is this?"

Persia just sent a group of Chap under him to try to capture Qiu Nan.

However, Qiunan has the ability to command zombies, and those Chapus were all infected as zombies before they approached Qiunan.

"What? Chap was also infected, and the infection was so fast. If this virus went to Clexis, then...

What's more, the earth is where Klexis wants to invade. If it is occupied by this virus, the plan to invade the earth cannot be implemented at all. "

Persia just knew he was in trouble.

"Bosigang, you idiot, what have you done. Come to me right now."

Don't think that no one found out what Persia just did, at least Mary Balon, an intelligence officer, found out and reported it to General Jagu.

"Bo Sigang, you should be punished."

As soon as General Jagu saw Bo Sigang, he couldn't help the anger in his heart, and his good plan was messed up by Bo Sigang.

General Jagu raised his scepter to punish Bo Sigang.

"General Jagu, if punishing Persia can solve this incident, I will do it without you. Now it's time to think about how to solve this disaster."

Das Mada stopped General Jagu from punishing Bo Sigang. Das Mada pleaded with Bo Si Gang this time, so that Bo Si Gang could stand on his side.Sure enough, Persian looked at Das Mada with gratitude in his eyes.

But Bo Sigang didn't expect how much trouble Bo Sigang caused, otherwise he might have the heart to kill Bo Sigang.

It was the first time that Das Mada received a summons from General Jagu for combat. As soon as he came, he saw that General Jagu was about to punish Bosigang, and General Jagu's anger made him feel it when he first came to the war room.

"What's the matter? General Jagu, did you fail the battle again? As I said, you will fail in this battle in all likelihood. It seems that His Majesty Emperor Klexis knows the details of this battle."

Das Mada continued to make sarcastic remarks.

"Dath Madada, this time Persia has just caused trouble. If you sue the emperor, it will be enough to punish his ethnic group. Do you want to know more about it?"

Jagu suppressed the anger that was about to explode.

"Oh, what made General Jagu so angry."

Dasma asked.

"look by youself."

General Jagu broadcast the tragedy of Tokyo on the combat command platform.There are zombies everywhere in Tokyo, biting the crowd, and a group of zombies wearing Chap's clothes are chasing Chap, who was just sent by Tokyo City Mary Balon to investigate.

"General Jagu, what's the matter? Can you explain?"

Das Mada looked at the rioting Tokyo and asked.

"This is the good thing that Persia just did. It secretly sent out Sarabisara to take credit, which led to the combination of Clark's virus and Sarabisara's flying squirrel syndrome.

This new virus will make people crazy about fresh blood. Once ordinary people are caught, they will join them, and the infection speed is extremely fast.

It’s fine if it’s a human being. Have you seen that even Chap can be infected by this virus? If Chap is infected with this virus, he will search for Chap immediately and infect it. If you can’t find Chap, Only ordinary humans will be hunted down.

Once these people infected with the virus escape from Tokyo, they will spread to all parts of the world. Have you noticed that those people infected with the virus will become stronger as the number of infections increases.

This is the strongest of the infected.Akio, the son of Cory Tono, the remaining queen of the Camera tribe that was put on the earth before. "

General Jia Gu cut the camera to Qiu Nan, who looked at the camera keenly.

"This is not easy to solve. We can let all the chaps on the earth return to the demon world first, let all the humans on the earth die, and then extract the blood of Clark and Sarabisara to develop a vaccine."

Das Mada quickly came up with a countermeasure.

"Dasma, first of all, Clark and Sarabisara were eaten by Akio, and there were no research subjects, so we couldn't develop a vaccine.

And the virus in Tokyo, we have already caught a person infected with this virus. After Dr. Mulong's research, this virus will continue to evolve and quickly adapt to the environment. Once those Chap who entered the demon world Infected with this virus, then the tragedy in Tokyo will happen in the demon world.

The physical fitness of our Clexis people is far from comparable to that of the people on Earth. Once infected, the consequences will be disastrous.

If this virus is allowed to multiply, then the earth will soon fall, how can we Clexis invade the earth.Even if it is invaded, we need to spend a lot of money to solve those evolved viruses.

According to computer calculations, if we do not stop it, the probability of the situation I just mentioned happening is 90.00%. "

Mary Balon said the consequences seriously.


Das Mada pulled out his sword, pointed it at Persian, and drew it back.

Das Mada finally realized the extent of Persia's mistake.

"What should I do?"

Dasma asked.

"If it's not that we can't find a way to the earth, our army can't be deployed on a large scale, hey.

At present, we can only look at the army of the island country. We have detected that the self-defense force of the island country has dispatched a third army. It was originally intended to deal with the Shenglong Group, but the combat goal has been changed now. "

Gardison sighed.

The island country army on the outskirts of Tokyo City was originally thought to be used to forcibly control the Shenglong Group, but it turned out that such a catastrophe occurred in Tokyo.

Even the big men in the army have to consider comprehensive factors, not to take action against the Shenglong Group for the time being, but to let this group army go to rescue Tokyo City.And in order to prevent the virus from spreading to other cities, the first, second, and fourth armies were sent out again to blockade Tokyo. .

If the city of Tokyo is divided into east, west, north, south, and middle, the Shenglong Group happens to be in the middle, the zombies are located in the north of Tokyo, and the third army is coming from the west side of Tokyo.

The Third Army arrived quickly and organized the special police and police in Tokyo to set up a line of defense and evacuate the crowd.

Chapter 84 Zombie Attack

The zombie's keen sense of smell smelled the fresh blood of the [-] soldiers gathered by the third army, and rushed towards the third army.

"Nagata Yuka, have you found the weakness of these zombies?"

Li Qinghe saw that these monsters infected with Clark and Sarabisara were similar to zombies, so he simply named them zombies.

"I didn't expect that Shenglong Group would have to deal with zombies."

Li Qinghe said.

From the camera in the north of Tokyo, Li Qinghe saw the miserable sufferings of the citizens of Tokyo. No matter whether they hid at home or in the toilet, even if they didn't make any noise, they could be found by these zombies.Of course, the citizens who entered the sewer have not been found so far.That counts as luck.

"Well, yes, I have divided these zombies into three levels according to the degree of evolution. The first level has the same speed as ordinary people, and the strength is 15 times that of ordinary people. The second level is twice as fast and three times as powerful as ordinary people. There is only one third level, and that is him."

Nagata Yuka also found the monster that Akio transformed into.

"These zombies, no matter the first or second level, the weak point is the head, and the effect of hitting other parts is not obvious."

"Well, then you can send these materials to the third army. With their resistance, we will have more time to call in the army from the 555th world. This time, the virus must be wiped out."

Li Qinghe said.

"I'll arrange it right away."

Nagata Yuka sent the weaknesses and information of these zombies to the third army.

The combat computer of the Third Army was easily hacked by the Shenglong Group, and the weakness of the zombies was transmitted.

"This is the information about the monsters outside."

Sasaki Akino, the combat staff officer of the Third Army, looked at these materials. As the commander-in-chief of the army this time, Sanxiang Takahashi felt overwhelmed. He originally accepted the plan of the Holy Dragon Group, but it turned into a battle to stop the monsters outside.

To be honest, Takahashi Sansho didn't want to participate in this plan. Seeing those monsters outside, Takahashi Sansho wanted to run away from the bottom of his heart. He asked himself to come here when those people said they wanted to protect the lives and properties of citizens. block.In fact, they are all afraid of their black hats, because if they don't do anything to protect the citizens of Tokyo, they will lose their lives.

Whether you can protect it or not is two different things from whether you protect it or not.

"Report sir, those monsters have arrived, but they are mixed with the citizens. Please instruct me whether to shoot or not."

A soldier walked in outside the door and asked for instructions.

Takahashi Sanxiang saw that the information sent by the Shenglong Group recorded that once a person is scratched by those monsters, he will quickly become one of those monsters.

Gao Qiaosan held a dubious attitude towards the information sent by Shenglong Group, and regardless of caution, he still believed the information sent by Shenglong Group.

"Let the army block the road, shoot at those monsters, don't let anyone go."

Combat commander Sanxiang Takahashi rubbed his temples, and ordered to the soldier.

"But, there are still some citizens who haven't come out yet."

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