The soldier argued.

"For the sake of the overall situation, you don't want everyone to turn into those monsters, do you?"

Sanxiang Takahashi patted the soldier on the shoulder.


The soldier who came in to accept the instructions gritted his teeth, nodded, and left.

Following Takahashi Sansho's order, the soldiers who had arranged for the citizens to leave set up fences to block the citizens who hadn't left yet.

"Let us leave quickly, the monsters behind are coming, save us."

"Open the barrier quickly."

An officer from the Third Army came out and shouted, "Citizens, please go back to your room, close the door, and wait for rescue, wait for rescue."


The citizens below did not know who fired and hit the officer who was shouting.

"They just don't want me to leave, go, go, or we'll all die."

The citizens below began to attack the third army.

"Bang bang bang."

In this way, the conflict between the army and the citizens began. These citizens did not die in the mouths of the zombies behind, but died in the hands of the army protecting them.I have to say it is a kind of irony.

Countless citizens were suddenly killed by the army, and their losses to the army were minimal, and the biggest loss was the consumption of some ammunition.

At this time, the zombie brigade following the citizens followed, and all the citizens passing by turned into zombies and rushed towards the third group army.



The intensive firepower of the third group army hit those zombies, but the zombies went forward one after another, and those behind stepped on the corpses in front to move forward.

The pile of corpses exceeded the height of the fence erected by the army, beyond the expectations of the Third Army.

"Ah, ah."

Those zombies broke through the first layer of defense circle of the third group army.

"Back, back, into the second layer of protection."

The Third Army came in a hurry and didn't have enough time, so only two protective circles were arranged.

The first protective circle has been broken by zombies, and the second protective circle is 80.00% complete.

"Fire, fire."

The Third Army used tanks and covered the first protective circle with shells.It caused a lot of damage to the zombies, and a helicopter appeared in the sky, pouring gasoline under the zombies.

A helicopter flew a little low, and when it passed the five-story building next to it, more than a dozen zombies jumped down from the upstairs and grabbed the helicopter.The zombies behind pulled one by one, dragging the helicopter to the ground.

A shell hit the location where the helicopter had thrown gasoline, and a raging flame ignited on the ground, burning bigger and bigger.

But they underestimated the tenacious vitality of the zombies, and they lost their sense of touch.These zombies rushed out of the flames and rushed into the third army with the flames.

Although we know that the weakness of zombies is the head, not every soldier is a sharpshooter. Most soldiers can only guarantee to hit the zombies. Whether they can hit the head or not depends on luck.

Therefore, the zombies were not effectively killed. Some zombies fell down after being attacked, and then stood up again.

The Third Army's plan to stop the zombies failed, and the zombies chased the Third Army.

"Hey, the battle has failed, let's go. Let the tank brigade stay behind to block."

Commander Takahashi Sansho got tired and stood up, escorted by his subordinates to leave Tokyo.

The tank brigade of the Third Army stayed behind to block the zombies. The tanks crushed the rushing zombies back and forth, but the second-level zombies among the zombies appeared. They avoided the crushing of the tanks, jumped onto the tanks, and wanted to enter the tanks.

After being unable to get in, the zombies overturned these tanks, and those tank brigades that stayed to stop the zombies were wiped out.

Considering that Tokyo is the capital, the military department has not passed the order to use bombers for combat.

The Third Army suffered heavy casualties, and the remaining defeated generals wanted to leave Tokyo directly with Takahashi Sansho, but the roads in Tokyo were full of exploding cars, making it impossible to leave.He had no choice but to retreat to the nearby high-rise buildings, laying out firepower layer by layer, thinking of contacting the group army outside to rescue himself.

However, the group armies responsible for sealing off Tokyo City all said that they were responsible for their duties and could not go to the rescue, so they asked him to take care.

"When these bastards get together on weekdays, they share the difficulties. When the key is to use them, they dare to do this."

Takahashi Sanxiang angrily threw away the hung up phone.

"The group of monsters are chasing us. What should we do? Let's run away."

Chief of Staff Akino Sasaki looked at the zombies running around downstairs and said in fear.

"Flee, where are you going?"

Takahashi Sansho is on the highest floor of this building, No. 18.However, the zombies below broke through layer by layer, and the defensive soldiers arranged couldn't stop them at all.

"Dong dong dong."

Takahashi Sanxiang listened to the sound of zombies banging on the door outside, and the screams of soldiers on the nearby floors.He took out his pistol and closed his eyes.

"These monsters will not attack the dead."

Takahashi Sanxiang recalled the news in the materials sent by Shenglong Group,

"I thought this information was useless, but I didn't expect it, hehe."

Sanxiang Takahashi aimed the gun at his temple.


Combat staff officer Akino Sasaki hurried over to snatch Takahashi Sansho's gun.

"Sasaki, these monsters don't attack dead people. I want a full body, I don't want to be those monsters outside, just this request. Is that okay?"

Takahashi Sansho said in a requesting tone.

Akino Sasaki stopped in his tracks, acquiescing to Takahashi Sansho's suicide.


After Takahashi Sanxiang committed suicide, the zombies outside the door knocked open the door, and Akino Sasaki let out a scream.

The disastrous defeat of the Third Army was widely publicized by the island media, to be precise, the media controlled by the Shenglong Group, and spread to other places along with the tragedy in Tokyo.

"Nagata Yuka, since the Third Army is so weak, let's take action, and wipe out all these zombies."

Following Li Qinghe's order, 555 Leo knights and 30 armed soldiers were sent from the world of Kamen Rider [-] to cooperate closely.

Leo knights are in the front row, fighting zombies in close quarters, without fear of zombie bites.The armed soldiers in the back row wiped out the zombies in the distance.

The number of zombies began to decrease a lot, and the zombies were pushed back to the place where the outbreak started, north of Tokyo.

"This detector shows that there are three zombies in this room, two behind the door and one on the bed."

Using the zombie locator researched by the engineer, all the zombies have nowhere to hide, and when they are found, they are all killed.

Li Qinghe's Laiou knights shined in this operation, and Li Qinghe publicized it.

In order to stabilize the political situation, the island government made Li Qinghe the mayor of Tokyo and allowed the establishment of the Tokyo Defense Force to protect the safety of Tokyo. .

This is what Li Qinghe hoped, so Li Qinghe attributed the credit for eliminating the zombies to the island government.

Soon all the zombies in Tokyo were wiped out except for Akio and his son at the beginning.

Chapter 85 The Scramble for Water

"Dad, Dad, wake up."

Akio transformed into a monster to protect his unconscious father.

Because this was the last zombie, Li Qinghe simultaneously broadcast the battle to the outside world.

"These are the only two remaining zombies, and their strength has reached the third-level strength we announced. However, our Shenglong Group has the confidence to eliminate them and protect the safety of everyone's life and property."

Li Qinghe listened to the commentator explain the live broadcast of the battle between Shenglong Group and Qiunan.


After precise blasting, the room where Qiunan and his father were was blasted open, and Qiunan flew out holding his father.

"I don't want to kill people, you go away."

Akio is not afraid of the armed soldiers outside, he believes that with his own strength he can break everything.

"kill him."

Knight Laio attacked Akio with an accelerated light gun. Although Akio tried his best to protect his father Cory Tono, who was the same as a first-class zombie, he was still attacked.Corytono became a corpse.

"Father, it's you, I'm going to kill you."

Qiu Nan roared loudly, and the powerful sound wave attack caused the eardrums of the surrounding armed soldiers to bleed out.

The Leo knight's protection was in place, and the Leo knights surrounding him did not suffer any damage.

Leo Knights use dagger mode, a small group of Leo Knights and Akio fight in close combat.

Akio's speed was very fast, he caught a Leo knight's dagger with his hand, ignored the pain, broke the Dawn's dagger, and when the Leo knight was about to leave, he pierced the Leo knight's chest with his claws .

The Knight of Leo was reduced to ashes.

However, there were so many Leo knights around him, and Li Qinghe sent five thousand Leo knights to kill him, so he regarded him very seriously.

Other Leo knights who are not in charge of close combat use accelerated light guns to attack Akio's wings, eyes and other vital points.

After Akio killed seventeen Leo knights in exchange for death, he felt that the injuries on his body were getting worse, and he left his father's body unwillingly, preparing to take revenge in the future.

Akio spread his wings and flew up, strangely no one attacked him in the process.

Qiu Nan just flew up above his head and felt a severe threat.

"Knight kick."

Zhuo Mo Yilang kicked Qiu Nan who was trying to escape from the air with a kick of the belt of the sky.

Akio fell heavily to the ground, and a big pit was formed on the ground.

Akio climbed out of the pit.

"Why, why did this to us, what did we do wrong."

After Qiu Nan finished speaking, flames ignited on his body, and his body was burned to ashes.

The people of the island country, who were staring at the TV, cheered when they saw that the last zombie had also been wiped out.

After the last zombie died, Li Qinghe asked Leo knights and armed soldiers to burn the corpses and objects that might have the zombie virus.

The citizens of Tokyo also spontaneously supported and burned objects that might contain zombie viruses.The tragedy that happened in Tokyo this time directly caused one tenth of the people in Tokyo to disappear completely, and countless families were broken.

"Your fault is that you are too weak, and being weak is the original sin."

After Li Qinghe finished speaking, he closed his eyes and began to meditate.

This zombie incident allowed Li Qinghe to officially enter the political circles of the island country, from obscurity to becoming a famous mayor of the island country.

Clexis Fortress.

"Unexpectedly, the strength of the Holy Dragon Group is so strong, there are actually [-] Leo knights, so our plan to welcome back Princess Garonia has to be considered in the long run."

General Jagu looked at the screen above the podium, and Knight Leo neatly resolved the zombie incident that even Klexis felt a headache about.

Das Mada is staring at the pattern of the Holy Dragon Group,

"Is it strong? Our Clexis Empire is the strongest. No matter how strong the Holy Dragon Group is, their members are also human beings, and humans will not be stronger than our Clexis."

Das Mada thought silently in his heart, but he still didn't object to what General Jagu said.

"Mary Balon, I asked you to investigate how it is."

General Jagu asked Mary Balon.

"General Jagu, someone saw that Princess Galonia did not come out after entering the Holy Dragon Group, and the new mayor of Tokyo is the Kamen Rider Delta we have been looking for. He was the one who escaped Princess Ya.

Only in this way can he get out of the demon world. "

Mary Balon analyzed.

"So it is."

General Jagu looked at the Knight Leo displayed on the screen on the podium and wondered what he was thinking.

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