"General Jagu, the next battle should start."

Das Mada urged.

"Das Mada, as the inspector of His Majesty Emperor Klexis, I think you need to make a little effort. Don't you always blame us for the failure of the battle? You should plan this operation."

General Jagu said.

"General Jagu... well, if this is the case, then I will take command of this operation.

The most important thing for both Earthlings and us Clexis people is water resources, no one can live without water.So in this battle we can start with controlling the water source. "

Das Mada grinned grimly.

"Water? It is indeed a good battle plan, but there are many ways to obtain water. How do you control the water source?"

General Jagu asked curiously.

"I'm going to trouble you to worry about it. I've already thought about it. Then this time, I'll borrow it from the four captains."

Das Mada glanced at the deflated General Jagu and left with a big laugh.

After experiencing the zombie chaos, the number of people in Tokyo has not decreased but increased. Tourists from all over the world have interviewed the residents here, wanting to know more.

Therefore, more and more people settled down in Tokyo, and the population loss caused by the zombie chaos has been filled here by the population from other places.


A cute, pretty girl in a white school uniform with sparkling eyes got out of the car and walked over to his father.

"Xiangzi, you're here too."

The father asked his daughter Xiangzi.

"Yes, school closes early, so I want to have lunch with Dad."

Xiangzi took his father's hand, coquettishly.

Xiangzi's school is located in the south of Tokyo, just to avoid the zombie chaos, and the influence of the zombies did not pass through the Shenglong Group in the middle.


Xiangzi's mother also came out of the car, holding camping equipment, she was a beautiful woman.

"I'm so happy, okay, let's go."

Xiangzi's father took Xiangzi and the others to find a quiet place to camp.

Xiangzi looked at the water in the water storage field near the tent, admiring the beauty nearby.

"What's the matter, Xiangzi. Looking at the water will calm your mind."

Xiangzi's father also looked at the clear water in the water storage field.


He nodded and agreed with his father's words.

"Water is the life of human beings. Dad thinks it is very proud to be the director of this water storage field. I hope Xiangzi can cherish water well."

Xiangzi's father taught Xiangzi.

"Wow" sound.

A monster in the shape of a shrimp, Yi Warcraft, jumped out of the water storage field.

"I'm Mengdi Gundi, a monster and a monster. Clexis wants the water from this water storage field."

Mondi Gundi issued a manifesto of his own.

"Xiangzi, Shui Hui, let's go."

Shuihui is Xiangzi's mother, and like Xiangzi, she was protected by Xiangzi's father behind her.

Seeing Xiangzi and the others wanting to leave, the monster Mengdi Gangdi jumped in front of Xiangzi's father, grabbed Xiangzi's father with its sharp shrimp claws, and threw him far away.


Xiangzi's mother, Shui Hui, shouted from behind.

"Shui Hui, Xiangzi, please."

Xiangzi's father was inserted into his chest by something similar to a syringe spit out from the nose of the monster.

After Xiangzi's father finished speaking, he fell to the ground unwillingly.

"President, shall we go up?"

Zhuo Mo Yilang couldn't wait to do it.

The moment Mengdi Gangdi jumped out, Li Qinghe had already brought Zhuo Mo Yilang here.

"What a beautiful pair of mother and daughter flowers."

Li Qinghe was immediately attracted by Xiangzi's pure appearance and her mother's gorgeous appearance.

"President, do I need to kill that man?"

Seeing that Li Qinghe had thoughts about Xiangzi's mother and daughter, Zhuo Mo Yilang was going to kill that man and take him away.

"Think about it, don't worry, someone will help us."

Sure enough, Monty Gundy killed the man as soon as he came out.

Xiangzi and Shuihui ran all the way into the studio of the nearby water storage field.

"Help, there are monsters, there are monsters."

As soon as Shuihui and Xiangzi came in, they shouted at the staff inside.

"Ma'am, monster, where is the monster?"

A staff member asked, everyone here knows that Xiangzi and Shuihui are the daughter and wife of their factory director.

Before the staff member could finish speaking, Mengdi Gundi rushed in.The claws went through the staff member's chest, throwing the staff member out of the studio.The other staff members were all killed by Mengdi Gangdi, leaving only Xiangzi and Shuihui.

Mengdi Gangdi walked towards Shuihui and grabbed Shuihui's neck.

"This time I will rescue them, and you will clean up other miscellaneous fish."

Li Qinghe said to Zhuomo Yilang.


Zhuo Mo Yilang led the Leo knights around him, and rushed towards the Chaps who were following Mengdi Gundi and trying to destroy the water storage field.


Li Qinghe transformed into Kamen Rider Delta.


Shuihui heard her daughter Xiangzi's scream, just when Shuihui herself had given up hope of living and was about to be strangled to death.

The Kamen Rider Delta transformed by Li Qinghe entered from the roof of the water storage field studio and kicked Mengdi Gangdi through the wall of the studio.

"It's alright."

Li Qinghe helped Shui Hui to his feet, and Xiang Zi hurried over to support Shui Hui, who was pinched by Mengdi Gangdi, whose face was flushed. .

"Are you Kamen Rider Delta?"

In Xiangzi's class, some boys adore Kamen Rider Bck and Kamen Rider Delta who protect people. Xiangzi always thought that Kamen Rider Bck and Kamen Rider Delta were fictional, and didn't believe it.

Chapter 86 Becoming a Heroic Delta

But Xiangzi looked at the Kamen Rider Dleta in front of her, dressed in the basic colors of black and silver nesting, strong and powerful.

Especially after saving himself and his mother, Shui Hui, Xiangzi admired Li Qinghe very much. Beautiful women always worship heroes, which is why Li Qinghe was unwilling to act early.


Mengdi Gangdi saw Li Qinghe supporting Shui Hui without knowing his life and death, and attacked Li Qinghe without paying attention to his back.

"Knight, be careful."

Xiangzi reminded Li Qinghe loudly.

Li Qinghe deliberately pretended not to react in time, took the blow forcefully, and was sent flying by Mengdi Gangdi's paw.

However, Li Qinghe took out his voice-activated weapon deltahone from his waist during the shooting.


Li Qinghe shot Mengdi Gangdi, who was about to continue killing Xiangzi, his mother and daughter, into the air three times in a row.

Li Qinghe quickly stood up from the ground and retracted the dletahone.

"Satan Sword."

Li Qinghe drew out the Satan sword, and cut off Mengdi Gangdi's limbs with ease.

"Catch it back."

Just after Li Qinghe finished speaking, Mengdi Gangdi exploded. It is not known whether it was self-destruct or controlled by Klexis and the others.

Li Qinghe lifted his transformation, Zhuan Mo Yilang also led Leo Knights to deal with Chap who followed Mengdi Gangdi to destroy the water storage field.

"Thank you. Delta."

Shuihui walked out of the office of the water storage field with Xiangzi.


Xiangzi and Shuihui knelt beside the dead man and cried.

"Don't be sad, you have to cheer up."

Li Qinghe patted Xiangzi and Shuihui on the shoulders.

"This is my business card. If you have any difficulties, you can come to me."

Li Qinghe gave Xiangzi his business card, and asked his subordinates to help Xiangzi and the others pack up Xiangzi's father's body and send it to the funeral home.

After Li Qinghe left, he showed a strange smile,

"You are mine. Zhuanza, you can make arrangements so that Shuihui will remain unemployed."


If it was Yuji Kiba, he might refuse Li Qinghe's request.But thinking that Yi Lang was Li Qinghe's loyal henchman, he didn't hesitate to kill and set fire for Li Qinghe, so such trivial matters were naturally handled properly.

In Shuihui's family, Xiangzi's father usually works alone and takes care of the whole family.After dealing with her husband's funeral, Shuihui found that she couldn't find a job, and every time she went for an interview, she would not be hired due to her lack of experience.

Xiangzi also saw that her mother, Shui Hui, went out to look for a job every day but failed, and her face became haggard.

Xiangzi remembered that Kamen Rider Dleta once gave herself a business card, saying that she could find him if she had any difficulties.

"Li Qinghe, the president of Shenglong Group."

Because the Shenglong Group has not risen for a long time, it is not known to the public. It was only known to the outside world when it showed its style in the zombie incident.

This is also the second time Xiangzi has heard of this company. Although he feels that this company is a bit unfamiliar, the deltas are all in this company, which shows that this company is fine.

Xiangzi found out the business card Li Qinghe gave her, saw that her mother Shuihui had left, left the room, and walked towards Shenglong Group.

"President, what you told me has been done. As long as she looks for a job, we will have people reject her for various reasons."

Zhuo Mo Yilang reported the latest information.

"I know, you go down first."

Li Qinghe played with the pen in his hand, "If that's the case, then it's time for her to come."

"Jingle Bell."

The phone in Li Qinghe's office rang.

Li Qinghe picked up the phone.

"President, there is a girl named Xiangzi who wants to see you."

"Let her in."

After Li Qinghe finished speaking, he hung up the phone.


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