Xiangzi followed the front desk staff and took the elevator into Li Qinghe's office.

Xiangzi saw a large number of armed soldiers patrolling along the way, as well as people wearing the overalls of the Shenglong Group coming and going.

"Is this the Shenglong Group?"

Xiangzi began to be full of curiosity about Shenglong Group.

"Dong dong."

Li Qinghe heard a knock on the door.

"come in."

Xiangzi pushed open the room, walked in, and found Li Qinghe sitting in the office reviewing documents.

Yuka Nagata asked for more than a week's leave, saying that she would go to an island country in this world for a week to relax, and Li Qinghe naturally agreed.It doesn't matter if you don't agree, Yuka Nagata cut it first and played it later, and asked for leave after they all left.

As a result, Li Qinghe had to do everything for more than a week.

"Please sit down."

Li Qinghe pushed away the documents that were yet to be approved.


Xiangzi sat on the sofa beside him cautiously.

"Is there anything you need my help with?"

Li Qinghe asked.

"It's like this. I want to find a job, but I haven't found a suitable job."

Li Qinghe thought Xiangzi was looking for a job for her mother at first.But when Li Qinghe saw it, Xiangzi was already a young beauty, and she could look for a job.

"That's it."

Li Qinghe drew his tone and did not speak.

Xiangzi looked at Li Qinghe nervously, waiting for Li Qinghe to speak.

"Then come to be my secretary for a week. My secretary-general, Tian Yuhua, is out on a trip. You will temporarily take over her job."

Li Qinghe said.

"Yes, but I have no work experience."

When Xiangzi heard that Li Qinghe asked her to be his secretary, she immediately refused.

"It's okay. If you don't work, how can you get work experience? Try it first. This is this month's salary. Considering your family situation, I will give it to you in advance."

Li Qinghe gave Xiangzi a bank card.

"It's not good."

Xiangzi couldn't resist Li Qinghe's insistence, and finally accepted.

"So when do I start working?"

Xiangzi asked.

"Of course it is now, from now on. I am very thirsty, you go and get me a cup of tea."

Li Qinghe said to Xiangzi.


Xiangzi poured tea in a hurry.

Xiangzi poured a cup of hot tea over, Li Qinghe shook his head, and was about to say something.Zhuo Mo Yilang walked in.

"President, it's not good."

Zhuo Mo Yilang looked at Xiang Zi.

Li Qinghe waved his hand, "Xiangzi, go outside and change into a formal business attire. Someone at the door will take you there. You say I ordered you. Go."

After Xiangzi left, Zhuomo Yilang said,

"President, something happened to Shui Hui. Although we tried our best to make Shui Hui unemployed, Shui Hui submitted a wide range of resumes to find a job. She was spotted by a real estate company. The HR manager asked her out for dinner at noon today. "

"What is the name of this company? They don't know. Am I not going to let Shuihui find a job?"

Li Qinghe frowned and said.

"President, they know that this company is a company that mainly sells cars, called Sanleng Group.

This company, after the emergence of our Shenglong Group, has been singing against our company.Secretly belittled our company all the time. "

Zhuo Mo Yilang explained.

"Against us, it seems that there are other people behind to rely on, otherwise how dare you be so bold. But if you dare to resist us, then be prepared to be trampled to death by me.

Zhuo Mo, take me to the place where they and Shui Hui had dinner. "

Li Qinghe said to Zhuomo Yilang.


Zhuo Mo Yilang guided Li Qinghe to the restaurant where the HR manager sent by the Sanleng Group met with Shui Hui.

Yoshi Yamashita, manager of the personnel department of Sanleng Group, stared at Shuihui sitting in front of him, not hiding the desire in his eyes, which made Shuihui very uncomfortable.

"Excuse me, did you agree to my job application by asking me out?"

Shui Hui asked a thin monkey-like middle-aged man in front of him.

"I have seen your resume, your husband passed away last week, and you have a daughter at home, you need money urgently.

You don't have any work experience. If our company makes you an employee, it will take a lot of money to train you. "

When Shui Hui heard Yoshi Yamashita say this, she thought that she had failed in her job search again, and was about to leave.

"However, I can give you a chance. Our company recently had a car show. I think you can appear as a model in our company's car show, and the salary is very high, which is enough for you and your daughter to live. It depends on whether you are willing or not. gone."

Yoshi Yamashita said.

"I do, I do."

Shui Hui finally found a job, so she naturally didn't want to lose it, so she agreed quickly.

"Let's have a glass of wine to celebrate."

Yoshi Yamashita raised his wine glass. Although Shui Hui didn't know how to drink, but seeing Yoshi Yamashita raised his glass, naturally he couldn't refuse his future boss.

Shuihui picked up the wine glass, touched Yoshi Yamashita's wine glass, and drank in one gulp.

"Good drinker, come again."

Yoshi Yamashita praised Shuihui, and filled Shuihui with wine again, pouring wine into glasses. Although Shuihui knew that Yoshita Yamashita had bad intentions, he still couldn't refuse Yoshita Yamashita's invitation.

She thought Yos Yamashita would not do anything to her in public.However, Shuihui didn't notice that Yoshi Yamashita put an aphrodisiac in her wine when she was drinking in a daze.

Shuihui looked at Yaosi Yamashita's brighter smile and was about to drink this cup and leave.

"I'm sorry, I still have children waiting for me at home, I have to go home."

After drinking this cup, Shui Hui felt dizzy, thinking that she was drunk and hurriedly prepared to leave.

"Then I'll take you back."

Yoshi Yamashita said.

"No, I'll take a taxi back by myself."

Of course Shuihui disagrees.

"Come with me."

Regardless of Shuihui's objection, Yamashita Yoshi is going to take Shuihui to the hotel to open a room.

"You scum, let her go."

Li Qinghe walked up to Yaosi Yamashita, and pulled Shuihui into his arms.

"It's you? You're here."

Shui Hui's blurred eyes saw Li Qinghe coming.

"It's me, leave everything to me."

Shui Hui nodded obediently, and leaned into Li Qinghe's arms.

Zhuo Yilang, who was beside Li Qinghe, had already invited all the guests out of this restaurant, leaving only Yaosi Yamashita.

As for the waiters in the restaurant, Li Qinghe contacted the owner of the restaurant and left work early today. .

"Who are you? You don't know that I am the HR manager of Sanleng Group. I can make you unemployed with one word."

Yoshi Yamashita roared at Li Qinghe.

Chapter 87 Clexis' Minions

"I'm Li Qinghe, the president of Shenglong Group."

After Li Qinghe finished speaking, Yaosi Yamashita's mind, which was a little bewildered from drinking, suddenly woke up.

"What? You're here. Is there anything you want me to do? I'll do it for you."

Yoshi Yamashita immediately changed his attitude and flattered Li Qinghe.

"Then what's the matter with her? Zhuanmo, you can communicate with him for me, and I'll leave first."

When it was night, Shui Hui woke up in a daze, and Li Qinghe fell asleep next to her.Shui Hui remembered what happened before she fell into a coma, and knew that she lost her virginity to Li Qinghe.

Shui Hui didn't shout like a normal woman, but hugged Li Qinghe behind her back.

"Shui Hui, I will take care of you from now on."

Li Qinghe announced domineeringly.

"Well, my daughter is still waiting for me at home."

Shui Hui saw that it was getting late, so she got up quickly and got dressed.

"I'll take it to you."

Shuihui didn't object, and Li Qinghe drove Shuihui back home.

"Come in and sit down?"

Shui Hui invited.

"No, rest early. I will come again, this is my living expenses for you. Password 5210."

Li Qinghe gave Shuihui an anonymous bank card and left.

The reason why Li Qinghe left was because he remembered that Xiangzi was still working as a secretary in his company, and he would definitely not be able to return home without his permission.

Li Qinghe drove back to Shenglong Group and went directly to his office.

Li Qinghe pushed open the door of the office, and found that Xiangzi was wearing a secretary's attire, with a curvy figure, and Li Qinghe couldn't help being stunned for a moment.

"President, can I leave? My mother must be worried about me. This time I came out to find a job, but my mother didn't know."

Xiangzi asked.

"Xiangzi, I'm sorry, there are a lot of things today, I'll take you back."

Seeing Li Qinghe apologize to him, Xiangzi quickly waved his hands, "It's okay, I can go back by myself."

"I'll take you back. It's night now. It's not safe for you to go back alone."

Xiangzi looked at the night outside, and it was already late, so he agreed to Li Qinghe.

Li Qinghe sent Xiangzi to the door of his house from a distance,

"President, can you promise me, don't tell your mother, do I work here? Mom actually doesn't want me to come out to work so early."

Xiangzi asked Li Qinghe.

"of course can."

Li Qinghe thought the same way, and he didn't want Shui Hui to know, after all, he was eyeing her daughter just after he got married with Shui Hui, which was not good.

Li Qinghe watched Xiangzi change his work clothes in the car and put on the clothes he had when he came here.

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