Although Xiangzi is protected by the Shenglong Group and is not threatened by water shortages, Xiangzi comes from his father's love of water, which is beyond the reach of ordinary people.

Even Li Qinghe beside him could feel Xiangzi's strong thoughts.

Under Xiangzi's strong call, a crack appeared on the ground, and a rolling spring spewed out from the crack.

"This is……"

Xiangzi looked at his hand in disbelief, unable to believe that it was made by himself.

Xiangzi pointed to other places, "Here comes the water."

The place Kyoko pointed to had a gap in the ground, and a torrent of water spewed out.

"I did it."

Xiangzi gradually calmed down after the initial excitement.

"Yes, you did it. Xiangzi, will the water you summon keep gushing?"

Li Qinghe asked.

"Yes, I can feel that as long as I don't stop, the water I summon will flow out continuously."

After Xiangzi finished speaking, she ordered "Stop."

Following Xiangzi's order, the water summoned by Xiangzi stopped flowing out.

"You have the ability to summon water. Xiangzi, you succeeded."

Li Qinghe said to Xiangzi.

The amount of water that Xiangzi summons is not just a little bit, but as her mental power grows, the cracks in the water storage can be continuously expanded, thereby increasing the amount of water.

After Li Qinghe returned to the Shenglong Group, he announced Xiangzi's superpower to the outside world. Just as Li Qinghe thought, they couldn't help the most anxious Klexis.

Last time, because he was concerned about the strength of the Holy Dragon Group, Klexis did not forcefully rush into the Holy Dragon Group to take back Princess Galonia who had mastered the Miracle Spring. Instead, he chose to collect water from the earth and transmit it to the Demon Realm.

During the last time when troops from all over the world fought against Krasis, Li Qinghe did not move and did not participate. Krasis thought that the Holy Dragon Group was showing weakness.

This time, after learning that a person with the ability to summon water appeared on the earth, Klexis couldn't sit still.

Not just Clexis, but countries all over the world celebrated the news.This means that the countries of the world no longer need to be constrained by Clexis, and the backlog of anger at Clexis spewed out all at once.

Countries around the world have started new operations, and many scientists have calculated the trajectory of the Klexis Fortress, and they finally have a trajectory.I believe that it won't be long before we can speculate on the location of the Klexis Fortress.

In order to prove the authenticity of the world, Li Qinghe asked Xiangzi to demonstrate it himself in the center of Tokyo.The cracks in the ground were still spraying water continuously.

Clexis Fortress.

"General Jiagu, you have seen it too, do you think the news is true or false?"

Das Mada asked with a sword at his waist.

"I think it's true. Otherwise, I can't explain why Shenglong Group has excess water resources for sale."

General Jagu thought for a while and said.

"Then, I want to clean up this person, you won't disagree."

Dasma asked.

"Of course, as long as you don't use my soldiers and men, it's up to you."

General Jagu tactfully put aside Das Mada's desire to fight Li Qinghe again.

"It's impossible not to borrow it. Remember, all soldiers belong to His Majesty Emperor Klexis. They are not your private property."

Darth Madra warned.

"Hmph, I know, I don't need you to remind...Bosigon, Gardison, you two are helping Dasma this time."

Das Mada left after hearing that General Jagu was willing to send troops to support him.

It was three o'clock in the middle of the night.

Five hundred chiaps came out from the Klexis fortress, along with Gardison, Persian, and Darth Mada.

"Dathmada, with such a small number of people this time, can we take back Princess Garonia? I think it's too few."

Boss just looked at the team behind him and said.

"Bosigang, don't worry. For this plan, I have already worked out the most suitable battle plan with Gardison. You just need to follow us."

Das Mada said proudly.

"You, Gardison, you actually betrayed General Jagu, secretly with Das Mada, have you thought about the consequences?"

Persia was very angry when he heard that Gardison and General Jagu had made a battle plan behind their backs.

Gardison didn't say a word, but followed behind Das Mada.

"With this time, you should think about how to attack the Shenglong Group and welcome the princess back to the princess."

Das Mada reprimanded Persian.

Boss just hummed, left, and went back to the room to report the situation to General Jagu.

Das Mada took Gardison, Bosigang and a group of subordinates, knocked out the guards outside the Shenglong Group, and followed in thinking it was safe.

"This is the deployment plan of Shenglong. Let's go directly to the president's office to see if Li Qinghe is there. If he is, kill him directly. Then we will find Princess Galonia."

Das Mada and his team began to march towards Li Qinghe's office cautiously.

"Commander, you see that you have pushed Klexis into a hurry, and they have implemented a beheading plan."

Nagata Yuka looked at Das Mada on the surveillance screen and said with disdain.

"Then they must be able to come to me. Seeing them walking so fast, we need to set up some obstacles for them."

Li Qinghe's office is brightly lit, and the four newcomers of the Wu Gengji World Wind, Fire, Thunder and Lightning, Ophelia Enuo, are ready for battle.

"President, I am willing to defeat those Klexis who are attacking."

Zhuo Mo Yilang took the lead in pleading for orders.

"President, please entrust this task to me. I will definitely let them know how stupid it is to be an enemy of Shenglong Group."

Xi Tian also stood up, not only Xi Tian, ​​but Feng Huo Lei Dian also stood up, rushing to eliminate those Das Mada and others who dared to attack Li Qinghe.

"Haitang, you go and have a few tricks with them, Dian, you go too."

Li Qinghe was trying to match Haitang Zhiya who had always been in love with Dian.

"Yes, President, I will let them know the true strength of Captain Leo Knight. Ye Yu, look at my current strength."

Haitang straightened and stroked her hair as if she was playing handsome.

"I said working hours, please call me."

Dian said seriously, although Dian also has some affection for this funny-looking Haitang, but during working hours, Dian seems to be a different person. .

"Understood. Dian, you go first."

Haitang Zhi also pushed open the door, and after Dian left, Haitang Zhi also waved to Li Qinghe and closed the door.

Chapter 90 Assault on Water City

Das Mada pointed his sword at Nishida's chest and stabbed through it.

Nishida hit the stabbing sword with his right fist, Dasmada only felt numbness in the hand holding the sword.

Taking advantage of the numbness in Das Mada's hand, Xi Tian fired a set bullet and hit Das Mada.

Das Mada felt that his actions were restricted, unable to move, and the crisis of death was getting heavier.

"Blade Storm."

Nishida used kaixa's nirvana to pass through Darth Mata's body.

"I'm so sorry, but I'll be back."

Das Mada's body turned into a pool of black mist, drifted out of the Holy Dragon Group, and flew back to the Klexis Fortress.

The wind confronts the white ghost ginseng, and the white ghost ginseng uses its own skeleton staff, and the eyes of the skeleton staff emit red light.

Feng quickly dodged, moved behind Bai Guishang, opened his sharp eagle claws, and penetrated into Bai Guishang's head.

The skeleton staff on the white ghost ginseng shattered into bone chips following the white ghost ginseng.

Huo turned into a fire-breathing frog-shaped orhonch, spitting out fire from his mouth, forcing Bangu Gonggu to retreat again and again.Banggu Gonggu tried to become a shadow and blend into the surrounding environment, but he was surrounded by flames, and the transformed shadow changed back again.

"If you have the ability, don't breathe fire, and fight me fairly."

Banggu Gonggu said loudly in the circle of flames.

"In that case, I'll give you a chance."

The fire stopped breathing fire, and Banggu Gonggu turned into a shadow, wanting to enter the shadow of the fire.

After Banggu Gonggu moved a few steps, the tongue of fire stretched out and pierced into the body of Banggu Gonggu who was moving furtively.

"How could you find me."

Bang Gu Gong Gu looked at the fire unwillingly.

"I won't tell you."

Huo wouldn't tell him that fire-breathing frogs are particularly sensitive to moving objects, even if Bangu Gonggu's slight movement is dead, it's not easy for Huo to perceive it.

Lei transformed into a bear-shaped orhonch, stretched out a thick bear paw, and pressed the praying mantis to the ground with one palm.There were bursts of thunder on Gai Na Mantis' body, and Gai Na Mantis was paralyzed by the palm of the thunder.

Lei lifted Gaina Mantis up and pulled it hard. Gaina Mantis' upper body and lower body were separated, and sticky blood was everywhere.

Li Qinghe nodded after seeing Lei kill the last person sent by Klexis.

"That's right, it's time to fight back against Clesis. It's time to change hands for the water city of Clesis. Yuka Nagata, go and arrange people.

Taking advantage of the fact that Klexis had just been defeated, he made an overnight assault and blew up the city of water, so that the water on the earth would no longer be under the control of Klexis. "

Li Qinghe said to Nagata Yuka.

It's not that Li Qinghe doesn't want to control the water, and then control the world, but because Li Qinghe has control of the water, he isolates Shenglong and is easy to be attacked by all countries in the world.

Li Qinghe is not Krysis, Krysis has the Krysis Fortress to escape from, but Li Qinghe is here to conquer this world, not to live in this world.

"Yes. I will arrange combat personnel now."

After Nagata Yuka worked hard for a while, he mobilized [-] Leo knights.

"This time, I personally sit in town, win the water battle, and force Klexis to have a face-to-face decisive battle with us."

Li Qinghe patted the table heavily.

With the help of Shenglong's satellite system, Li Qinghe quickly found the specific location of the water capital.

Li Qinghe looked at this water capital covered with pipelines and heavily guarded by Chapu soldiers.

"Who would have thought that the location of this water capital is actually underground. If a part of the pipeline is not exposed, it would be really hard to find."

Li Qinghe used a large number of excavators to bypass the heavily guarded position and directly came to the core control area of ​​the water capital.

"It's actually here, no wonder the countries have not been aware of the true location of the water capital."

"You invaders dare to destroy the water capital of General Jagu. I am ordered by General Jagu to destroy you."

Medahebi came out from his hiding place, and a thousand-degree-degree flames spewed out from his mouth.

"I'll compete with him to see who is stronger."

Huo stood up and competed with Mei Dahei to fight the flames.However, the temperature of the flame is still higher than that of Meida Hei, and the flame of the fire is suppressed.

"Fire, I'll help you."

The fan flapped its wings, and a sudden strong wind blew towards Meidahebi in the direction of the fire.The wind assisted the fire, and the fire spurted out. Because of the wind, the fire overwhelmed the Medahebi at once.

Meida Heibi saw that his fire could not give full play to its advantages, so he stopped breathing fire.The two arms suddenly separated into a spinning top shape and flew towards the direction of the fire.

Two bursts of explosions sounded, and in front of the fire was a person shining with golden light. Kamen Rider A transformed by Yuji Kiba made a move and blocked the fire.

The raid that resulted in Metahebi had no effect.

"Go to hell. Split electric palm."

Before Meida Heibi could react, the electric and light figure had already blown Meida Heibi's mechanical head with a palm.

"The explosion just now should have been noticed by Chap here. All Leo knights are ordered to kill the enemies here."

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