Li Qinghe ordered.


The [-] Leo knights brought by Li Qinghe fought with Chap who quickly rushed to the core control area of ​​the water capital.

Chap, who is in charge of guarding here, is the personal guard of His Majesty Klexis, with advanced weapons, especially after absorbing the technology from the earth, there are all kinds of rocket launchers and miniature missiles.

Li Qinghe's Laiou Knight, although the combat ability of a single player is higher than Chapu, but the number of Chapu makes up for this deficiency.

"This is the core of the city of water, and the console of the city of water must also be here. Everyone should find it separately, and the time is limited."

This time Li Qinghe was conducting a blitzkrieg, and he needed to make a quick decision, otherwise, once General Jagu reacted, he might be counterattacked by Kleiss.

In fact, after Li Qinghe killed Meida Heibi, General Jagu had already discovered the anomaly in the water capital.

"Damn it, Gardison and Persia just suffered a backlash because of the emergency use of the mirror light technique, and they are still in a coma."

General Jagu walked up and down in his combat command room.

"Mary Balon, Gadorion, you are here."

General Jagu saw Mary Balon and Gaidorion, heard his urgent message, and hurried over.

"General Jagu, what's the matter? It's so urgent. Isn't Das Mada taking Bosigang, Gardison and a few senior fighters to attack the Holy Dragon Group tonight?"

Mary Balon asked.

"Don't mention that matter, Das Mada and the others were ambushed by the Holy Dragon Group after they entered the Holy Dragon Group, and all the people they took with them have died in their line of duty.

In order to escape for their lives, Bosigang and Gardison forcibly used the mirror light technique that had not yet been successfully performed, and suffered a backlash, and are still in a coma. "

General Jagu has received the entire process of Das Mada's battle.

"So, what about Das Mada? He is mainly responsible for this failure."

Mary Balon said.

"Dathmada, although he wanted to run, he failed, and was killed by a new strange knight from the Holy Dragon Group."

General Jagu said.

"Who said that. How could I die so easily."

A cloud of black smoke floated in front of General Jagu. It turned out to be Dasmada, but at this moment, Dasmada's face was pale, and the cloak behind him was gone, and he could barely walk.

"Dathmada, you did a good deed. If you make a mistake, you will be punished. You must be responsible for your actions. Go to death. Only your death can make up for your mistakes."

General Jagu was furious, and a yellow light of punishment came from the scepter.

"Jiagu, how dare you do this..., ah."

This time, Das Mada didn't have the slightest power to resist. Under the attack of General Jagu, the clone of Emperor Klexis died in the hands of "his own people".

Seeing that General Jagu was so furious, Mary Balon and Guy Dorian didn't dare to say anything, and they all looked at the ground.

"It really deserves death."

Originally, General Jagu was unhappy with Das Mada, but this time Das Mada's failure made General Jagu find an excuse and deal with him directly, which Das Mada did not expect.

Das Mada is the doppelganger of His Majesty Emperor Klexis, so he has always been arrogant and domineering.This time, Das Mada was seriously injured and continued to come back to recuperate. Unexpectedly, General Jagu took the opportunity to kill him.


It turned out that somewhere in the Krasis Empire, Emperor Krasis trembled violently after sensing that his clone had been killed by General Jagu.

"General Jagu, you asked us to come, is it a mission?"

Mary Balon waited for Das Mada to die for a long time, and saw that General Jagu had calmed down, so she asked cautiously.

"The capital of water."

When General Jagu heard Mary Balon's voice, he suddenly remembered that the original intention of calling Mary Balon was because the capital of water was under attack.

"Mary Balon, Gedorion, and the Water Capital were attacked. According to the news from Meidahebi, it should be the Holy Dragon Group, but not many of them came.

I order you to quickly rush to the core control area of ​​the Water City, and drive out all the members of the Holy Dragon Group before the Holy Dragon Group finds the console of the Water City. "

General Jagu urgently issued an order.


Knowing the urgency of the situation, Marie Balon and Gadorion rushed to the outskirts of the Water City through Fortress Clexis, because the interior had been blocked by the Holy Dragon Group.

"Guidorion, you lead Chap to a feint attack to attract the firepower of most of the Leo knights. I will lead some Chap to find the route closest to the control core to stop the actions of the Holy Dragon Group."

Mary Balon said to Gaidorion.

"Okay, I'm in charge of the feint, you go to stop their plan, I will contact other monsters from the demon world as soon as possible to support."

Gaidorion also knew that the situation was serious and agreed to Mary Balon's plan.

Mary Balon took a part of Chap and rushed forward quickly. He would stop his own knight, Leo Knight, and either destroy it himself, or let Chap delay it.From the route of Mary Balon, you can see the battles of Leo Knight and Chap everywhere.

Chapter 89 Will vs General

Because the Leo Knights expanded to 20, Haitang Zhiya is currently serving as the captain of the No.13 brigade.

Das Mada and Gardison walked for so long, and found that the Shenglong Group was surprisingly quiet, which is how vigilant the Shenglong Group is. As a large company, it is very unusual if there is no security patrol at night, let alone the Shenglong Group. big company.

"Dathmada, are you sure you're heading in the right direction? Why haven't I seen anyone after so long. The silence around here is a bit scary."

Persia just walked further and felt that there was a crisis ahead, so he couldn't help asking.

"You guys, go ahead and explore the way."

Das Mada stopped and said to Chap behind him.

The five chaps quickly headed towards Li Qinghe's office in front of Das Mada.

"Plop, plop," several times.

The bodies of the two Chapps who were walking in front of Darth Motor were thrown in front of Darth Motor.Of course, the remaining three were also dealt with by Haitang Naoya and Dian.

"who are you?"

Das Mada looked at the person in front of him and blocked himself, which was not shown in the information collected by Mary Balon.These two dared to face Das Mada alone, and their strength would naturally not be too bad.

"Master, my name is..."

Before Haitang could finish speaking, she was punched in the stomach by electricity.

"Watch your words."

Den retracted the punch that was thrown out at an extremely fast speed.


Haitang rubbed her belly, and hurriedly made amends, so as not to leave a flaw in front of her goddess.

"I'm Naoya Haitang, the captain of the No. 13 brigade of Leo Knights. I'm here to destroy you."

Haitang Zhi also said.

"I am electricity."

Dian introduced himself in three words. For Dian, if he is an enemy, there is no need to say more.

"Begonia Naoya, electricity?"

Das Mada looked at Bosigon and Gardison, who also looked blank, and it was obvious that Gardison and Bosigon didn't know either.

"You are the person sent by Shenglong Group to stop us. It seems that you are ready."

Das Mada is not a fool, he immediately realized that the Holy Dragon Group took back the patrol team and let them in on purpose, probably to catch them all.

"The monster robot Disgalon, Toripron No. [-] and No. [-], you go."

After Gardison finished speaking, the three Chaps behind him took off their disguise and showed their real bodies.

"You left and I right."

Dian said to Haitang Zhiya.

"Hey, why don't I go to the right and you go to the left?"

Hai Tang Zhi also asked.

"Don't you know the male left girlfriend?"

Dian playfully replied.

"Ah. That's it."

Haitang was also attracted by Dian's playful smile, but was knocked into the air by the monster robot Disgalon.

"You dare to attack me while I'm distracted, I'm angry."

The angry Haitang Naoya, instead of transforming into a Leo knight, transformed into a serpentine orhonch.

"What kind of monster is this?"

Bosi just looked at the transformed Haitang and said in surprise.

Haitang Zhiya caught the punch from the monster robot Disgalon with one hand.

"Even if you're a robot, you can't forgive."

Haitang Zhiye held the mechanical arm of the monster robot Disgalon and pulled it hard, a flash of fire flashed, and one arm of Disgalon was removed by Haitang Zhiye.

The hook on Disgalon's shoulder hooked Naoya Haitang at once, and the surviving arm, a red light flashed at the joint of the arm and knee.

The strength of Disgalon's hand suddenly increased, and he lifted Haitang straight up.


Haitang Zhi also used her passionate attitude to become a giant python, and immediately sent Disgalon flying.Disgalon was knocked out of this floor by this blow, and fell downstairs of the Shenglong Group.

After falling, Disgalon struggled to get up.


The Leo knights who had already been arranged on the periphery had already surrounded Disgalon.Countless firepower points attacked Disgalon's body.

As soon as Disgalon stood up, he was blown up.

"Disgalon. You are despicable, you actually set a trap."

Gardison blames Haitang Naoya.

The scene of Disgalon's death in battle has already been transmitted to Gardison's mind and to the Clexis Fortress.

On the other hand, Dian directly transformed into a knight of Leo.

"Knight Fist."

Electric's fists are full of electricity, just in time to restrain mechanical units.

Tolipron [-] and [-] are connected together, and the speed and strength are [-] times that of a single individual.

But they did not expect that electricity is best at lightning.

Tolipron [-] and [-] are connected together, which happens to be the perfect conductor.

There was a "thunderbolt" sound, and black smoke came out from the bodies of Tolipron No. [-] and No. [-].

"Knight kick."

Dian used the knight's special skills that belonged to the knights of Leo's self-practice, and added his own special energy, electric energy, and kicked Toripron No. [-] with one blow.

After the electric kick exploded Toripron [-], he turned around and pulled out the accelerated light gun on his body, and introduced electricity into the accelerated light gun.


With a gunshot, Tolipron II also became scrap metal.

Compared with Naoya Haitang, Dian's clean and neat moves, three moves KO Toripron No. [-] and No. [-], surprised Das Mada incomparably.

"Haitang, when fighting people, you must always be vigilant. You can't let your emotions interfere with your actions."

Although Den was fighting just now, he also saw Naoya Haitang fighting.Dian pointed out the shortcomings of Haitang's fighting.

"Go and block them. Let's keep going."

Das Mada already knew that his way of retreat was cut off. If so, he might as well break into Li Qinghe's office and hold Li Qinghe hostage.

Gardison and Bo Sigang also knew this, and Gardison took out his pistol and fired several shots at Haitang Naoya and Den.

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