Taking advantage of the moment when Naoya Haitang and Denki dodged, Das Mada, Gardison, and Persia rushed in behind Naoya Haitang and Dennis.

A team of Chaps entangled Haitang Naoya and Den, and the other Chaps followed Das Mada and they attacked.

"You actually came up with such a method, abandoning the car to save the handsome man. I see how many cars you have. Fenghuolei, you go to intercept the people of Kelexi. How many can be intercepted."

Li Qinghe ordered to Fenghuolei.

"Yuka Nagata, it's time to collect the net."

Li Qinghe said to Nagata Yuka.

"Knight Leo, close the net."

Nagata Yuka passed on Li Qinghe's order.

Das Mada took Persia and they didn't go far, but Feng Huo Lei was already in front of them.

"We are wind, fire, and thunder."

Fenghuolei didn't use the Dawn Belt, but used the power of Orhonch.

"The wind blows the clouds."

The vulture-shaped orhonch transformed by the wind, spread its wings, and spun, forming a small whirlwind, blowing all the weak ones in the corridor out of the building.

"It seems that your strength is not bad."

When the wind subsided, only Bosigang, Gardison, Bai Guishang holding a skull staff, Banggu Gonggu, Gaina Mantis, and six people followed Dasma.

"White ghosts come on, Banggu Gonggu, Gai Na Mantis, go and block them."

Das Mada has no intention of continuing to look for Li Qinghe now. There is still a long distance from Li Qinghe's office. I don't know how many traps and Li Qinghe's subordinates are blocking him. Scalon, Toripron one and two, all defeated.

The white ghost joins the battle with the wind, Banggu Gonggu fights with the fire, and Gaina mantis fights with the thunder.

Das Mada was about to do the same trick again, throwing off the wind, fire and thunder that blocked him.

However, when Feng Huolei was entangled, Xi Tian walked out step by step.

"It's boring to leave so quickly. Transform."

Nishida uses the kaixa belt to transform into kaixa.

Just as Gardison and Boss looked at each other, Gardison pushed Darth Mada in front of Nishida.

"How dare you do this."

Das Mada yells at Gardison and Persian.

Persia just took out the small mirror that he carried with him, and Gardison shot the small mirror.The small mirror was shattered by a single shot, and Persia just led Gardison to use mirror light to drill through the shards.

Nishida saw that Gardison and Persia had just escaped, leaving only Das Mada, and immediately launched an attack in order to prevent Das Mada from also escaping.

Nishida transformed into a gun form using a beam saber.

Li Qinghe took out the kaixahone and pressed the "106" button to use the burst gun mode.

After a few shots, Dasma was about to run away, but was interrupted by Kaixa's attack.

"Then let's see who is stronger."

Seeing that he couldn't run anymore, Das Mada simply stopped running and pulled out the sword with curse ability that had seriously injured Li Qinghe.

"Xida, be careful, his sword is weird, don't get hit."

Li Qinghe's kind reminder reached Xi Tian's ears.


Nishida continued to use the gun form to attack Darth Madden.Das Mada took off the cloak on his body to block the light bullets from Nishida's gun.

Das Mada shook the cloak, and the bullet that hit the cloak just now was reflected back in the direction of Nishida.

Nishida was carelessly hit by these reflected light bullets.

Nishida quickly rolled to the other side, transforming his gun into beam saber mode.

Xi Tian slashed from the head with his sword, Das Mada didn't completely dodge, Xi Tian slashed Das Mada's waist and ribs with his sword.

Das Mada took off his cloak with one hand and wrapped it around Nishida's sword.A kick hit Nishida's sword's hand, and the beam saber in Nishida's hand broke away.

Nishida's right fist is wearing a kaixa glove, "a huge impact."

Nishida's punch pierced a hole in Darth Madra's cloak.With his left hand, Nishida took out the beam saber wrapped in Darth Mada's cloak, and with a flick of the sword, completely cut Darth Madden's cloak into scraps.

Immediately afterwards, Nishida used his left foot as a fulcrum, raised his right foot, and kicked Das Mada to the ground with one kick. .

Das Mada quickly rolled around, avoiding the beam saber that Nishida slashed down.

Das Mada struck the ground with his sword, using the sword as a fulcrum, and stood up beautifully.

Chapter 91 Hundred-eyed mother-in-law

In order to find the console of Water City as soon as possible, Li Qinghe separated his staff and led a team of Leo knights to search in other directions.

It has to be said that the area of ​​the water capital is too large. Although Li Qinghe and the others can enter the core control area, they still haven't found the console, and they need to separate and find it as soon as possible.The console contains all the data and operation data of Klexis about the water capital.General Jagu attaches great importance to this.

Mary Balon led Chap into the core control area, and walked straight to the control panel. Once the control panel of the Water City is mastered, the Water City will be destroyed, and the next more complete Water City will be created. The same will be built.

"President, there seems to be someone in front. It's Chap from Clexis."

Li Qinghe followed a Leo knight in front of him, and saw Chapu's last person who had just entered the corner with sharp eyes.

That was the last of Chapp's led by Mary Balon.

"Could it be the person sent by General Jagu to retrieve the Water Capital console."

Li Qinghe guessed right, the men led by Mary Balon walked straight to the console of Water Capital.


Li Qinghe chased in the direction of Mary Balon with a hundred Leo knights behind him.


Mary Balon's keen sense of hearing immediately sensed the Leo knight chasing after her.

"Come out."

Mary Balon didn't want to lead the way for the Shenglong Group by herself, and let the podium be taken away by the people behind.

Li Qinghe didn't expect Mary Balon to be so sensitive. He and Mary Balon deliberately left such a long distance, but Mary Balon still noticed it.

"You really deserve to be Mary Balon, Cleric's intelligence officer."

Li Qinghe walked out with Leo Knight.

"Li Qinghe, it's you."

Mary Balon recognized at a glance, this Kamen Rider Delta who escaped from the Klexis Fortress with Princess Garonia.

"It seems that you have a deep impression on me, why don't you keep going?"

When Li Qinghe talked with Mary Balon just now, he sent a message to the knight Leo nearby who was searching for the command platform of the water capital.

"Hmph, Kamen Rider Delta, I admit that you are quite capable, but you dare to appear in front of me alone, so I will not let go of the credit for this achievement."


Mary Balon was not stupid, and knew that Li Qinghe might be delaying time.To be on the safe side, Mary Balon brought [-] Chap this time to open a gap in the defense circle of the Leo Knights arranged by Li Qinghe.

Li Qinghe saw that Mary Balon asked Chap, an elite group of seven people, to retrieve the console of the water capital, and at the same time let Chap led by her to besiege Li Qinghe.


With a swipe of his belt, Li Qinghe transformed into a Kamen Rider dleta.

"Satan Sword."

Li Qinghe pulled out his own cold weapon, the Satan Sword, from his belt.

Capture the thief first and capture the king first, Mary Balon's fighting ability is not strong, so Li Qinghe slashed in Mary Balon's direction with a sword.

Because Mary Balon was careless at the beginning, she was a little close to Li Qinghe.She couldn't dodge this sword, she could only straighten the whip in her hand and block it in front of her.

What Mary Balon didn't expect was that her whip was cut off by Satan's sword, and the lingering power remained undiminished, and it was chopped off at Mary Balon's head.

"Let go of my granddaughter."

A short old woman with loose white hair and drooling mouth jumped out of Mary Balon and grabbed the Satan sword with her hands.

The eyes on the forehead of this old woman flashed, and Li Qinghe was knocked away by the thought power from the old woman's eyes without noticing it, and fell to the ground, and he took dozens of steps back before stopping and dispelling the thought power.

"Grandma, why did you come out?"

Mary Balon said excitedly.

"If the old woman doesn't come out, you will be killed by that person. I don't want my only granddaughter to be gone."

Although the old woman looked sloppy and swayed all over, she looked like she was going to die.But Mary Balon, nestled in the arms of the old woman.

"Grandma, aren't you in the demon world? How did you get out?"

Mary Balon asked curiously, she would visit her grandma Baiyan every year.

"My dear granddaughter, that's just a prosthesis I left behind to fool Emperor Klexis so that he won't worry. I entered your body when you were five years old."

The hundred-eyed mother-in-law said with a smile.

There has always been a rumor in the demon world that the white-eyed mother-in-law absorbs the life of a young girl every 30 years to maintain her own life.But Baiyan Granny acquiesced, so in the world of demons, Baiyan Granny is the existence that stops children from crying.

When Marie Balon was three years old, she accidentally got lost with her family and entered the residence of Grandma Baiyan.

Although the hundred-eyed mother-in-law looks fierce, Mary Balon is not afraid at all.

Mary Balon remembered the first time she wanted to meet with Baiyan Granny.

"Grandma, aren't you alone? Why are you alone?"

This is what Mary Balon said when she saw the true face of the hundred-eyed mother-in-law.

The hundred-eyed mother-in-law lived for 900 years, and it was the first time she saw a child who was not afraid of her.

"What a fair and tender little girl, if I eat you, I can live another 500 years."

The white-eyed mother-in-law deliberately threatened Mary Balon.

"Grandma, my meat doesn't taste good. If you want to eat it, I can give it to me as a snack every day. Look, these are human-shaped candies my parents gave me. I think they are too pitiful, so I haven't eaten them all the time.

If grandma wants to eat, she can eat them first, and then eat me. "

Mary Balon had a lovely and pitiful expression.

"Hahaha," the Baiyan mother-in-law was amused by Mary Balon's performance at that time, "You are so good. Why did you come out alone, where are your parents?"

"My parents and I got lost. Grandma, I'm so scared."

Mary Balon hugged the hundred-eyed mother-in-law and said.

"what's your name."

The hundred-eyed mother-in-law asked.

"My name is Mary Balon."

Mary Balon whispered.

In this way, Mary Balon lived in Baiyan's mother-in-law's house.

In this way, the hundred-eyed mother-in-law raised Mary Balon. The hundred-eyed mother-in-law had already lived for thousands of years. When she had nothing to do, she would study witchcraft.And Mary Balon likes to watch the hundred-eyed mother-in-law use witchcraft the most.

"Mary Balon, do you want to learn too?"

The hundred-eyed mother-in-law asked kindly to Mary Balon.

"Grandma, I want to play. The things you made look so fun, grandma."

Mary Balon watched the hundred-eyed mother-in-law go from one room to another using the mirror light technique, clapping her hands and saying.

"Since you want to learn, grandma will teach you."

Mary Balon began to learn witchcraft from Baiyan Granny. Mary Balon's talent was very good, which made Baiyan Granny very pleased.

Later, in order to reassure Mary Balon, Grandma Baiyan used dreams every day to let Mary Balon meet her parents.

Until Mary Balon was five years old, Grandma Baiyan received formal education for Mary Balon, followed the advice of Mary Balon's parents, and let Mary Balon return home, and she possessed Mary Balon.

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