The miss at such a short distance was not because Toyotomi Fubu released the water, but Li Qinghe pushed Toyotomi Qingxiang the moment he saw Toyotomi Fubu draw his gun.

"Do you want to die too? Then you can die."

Toyotomi's service department saw someone "snatching food from the tiger's mouth", and decided to kill this bold person who dared to sew the tiger's hair.

"Wait, she was the one who killed your son. Why didn't you kill her first and then us. Anyway, we can't run away at night. Look at her, she is laughing at you."

Li Qinghe diverted the disaster to the east before Feng Chen's subordinates fired.

As expected, Toyotomi Hattori saw Sasaki Hinako smiling.

In fact, people didn't smile, it's just that smiling is a previous professional habit.

"Laugh at your nose! Give back my son's life!"

Toyotomi Hattori swears at Hinako Sasaki.

Hearing Toyotomi Hattori insulting herself, Sasaki Hinako's face turned cold, and the smile on her face froze.

Sasaki Hinako waved at Toyotomi Hattori, and a cluster of cherry blossoms suddenly appeared, piercing Toyotomi Hattori's throat straight.

Toyotomi Hattori covered his throat with one hand, and shot Sasaki Hinako with the other!

Toyotomi Hattori did not fall down, his eyes became brighter and brighter!

"Not dead? Could it be Orfienuo too?"

Sasaki Hinako guessed.

A cherry blossom appeared in Sasaki Hinako's hand and hit Toyotomi Hattori's gun.

The pistol became a pile of scrap metal.

Toyotomi Hattori was full of violence, threw away the scrap iron in his hand, and roared.


Toyotomi Hattori transforms into the golden monkey Ophelia Enoch.

"it is as expected."

Hinako Sasaki also transformed into Sakura Orfienuo.

"Stop, you are not my opponent. Go back with me and accept the leadership of Zhinao Group."

Toyotomi Hattori saw that Sasaki Hinako could also transform into such a monster.I don't have any fear in my heart, I can't beat him, I know after I beat him, I have to avenge the loss of my son.

Toyotomi subdued his legs, as if on a spring, and jumped five meters high.


After seeing Toyotomi Hattori's performance, Sasaki Hinako said such a sentence.

Hinako Sasaki is still very concerned about the newcomer Orfienuo's companion.The number of Orfienuo in this world is still very small, especially compared to humans.

Toyotomi Hattori jumped down from the sky and stepped on Sasaki Hinako's position.

However, he missed it.Sasaki Hinako turned into a string of cherry blossoms and suddenly appeared behind him, and slapped him on the head.

Toyotomi Hattori was knocked out!

"Isn't it just a son? After becoming the noble Orfi Enoch, many sons can't be born. After all, you will still thank me."

Hinako Sasaki reported the information of the wild golden monkey Ofienuo found, and then canceled the transformation.Killing two unarmed humans would not cause her to use the form energy of Orfi Enoch to fight.

With such a noble status, she would not take the unconscious Toyotomi servant back.

"Okay, the annoying ants are asleep. It's your turn."

Sasaki Hinako looked at Li Qinghe and the others.

"I said I'm a good person, can you not kill me?"

Li Qinghe showed a bright smile, looking harmless to humans and animals.

"Well, good people are rare. After you die, there will be one less good person in the world. It's a pity, so you'd better die.

Don't worry, as a good person, you will definitely be rewarded.I will let you feel the pain before death, and strive to have a good pregnancy in the next life. "

Hearing the first half of the sentence, Li Qinghe thought that this woman would let him go, but he didn't expect to kill him in the end, and tortured himself in a more ruthless way.

"Oh, I still have to..."

Li Qinghe activated the power in his body and became the wild boar Ophelia.

"Pig Clash!"

Li Qinghe's sudden transformation, coupled with Sasaki Hinako's contempt, caused her to be knocked flying more than ten meters by Li Qinghe.

In the face of life and death, there should be no hesitation.

Chapter 50 Only Children Make Choices

Li Qinghe's sneak attack came so suddenly!

The back of Sasaki Hinako's clothes were broken by the impact.

"You bastard! How dare you ruin my old lady's newly bought clothes! How dare you pretend to be a pig and eat a tiger, even if you are a freshman Ophelia, I will teach you a lesson today."

Hinako Sasaki just bought this dress today!As a result, it was broken during the battle...

Toyotomi Qingxiang was stunned!

Are you staying in the human world?How could there be so many monsters? My father wanted to kill himself after becoming a monster.

And the person he looked down on the most turned into a monster.Now it seems that he is protecting himself, of course it is not an exaggeration to say that he is protecting himself.

Hinako Sasaki transformed into Sakura Orpheus, and pushed Li Qinghe from afar,

In front of Li Qinghe's body, three cherry blossoms appeared, hitting him like three heavy blows.

Li Qinghe didn't take a step back, but let out two "humming" sounds from his mouth. It hurts. They are outsiders anyway, so there is no need to hold back the humming, let them see it.

Li Qinghe's transformation of the wild boar Ophelia, the current strength is the transition from the third stage to the fourth stage, very close to the fourth stage, and it is very likely that he will break through and become the fourth stage Ophelia in one battle.

As long as it hasn't evolved to the fourth stage, then it doesn't have its own weapons.

Li Qinghe was much worse than this unknown Hinako Sasaki.Two people fight, one with bare hands and one with a knife, you can tell who suffers.

Of course, Hinako Sasaki didn't use any weapons now, because she felt that she could beat Li Qinghe without weapons.

Li Qinghe's chest twitched for a while, and he finally calmed down.Just a random blow, is it that strong?Is it possible that I have to die here?

Li Qinghe didn't understand that Sasaki Hinako let Toyotomi's service department go, but didn't let this irrelevant person go. He really felt so innocent!

Li Qinghe's transformed wild boar Ophelia took a few steps back to create a distance.Then stomped his feet, apparently gaining momentum, preparing for the next "clash of pigs"!

Sasaki Hinako watched Li Qinghe playing tricks there, and didn't stop her.

I thought, if you bump into me this time, I will eat it in a 360-degree handstand...

Sasaki Hinako saw Li Qinghe sprinting, she wanted to wait until Li Qinghe rushed to her current position, and then teach him a lesson.

Unexpectedly, Li Qinghe was still 30 meters away from her.

"Shadow pig, get on!"

A three-meter-tall black wild boar appeared behind her out of thin air and kicked her hard!

Hinako Sasaki was bumped into Li Qinghe who rushed forward with all her strength.

It's a pity that Sasaki Hinako, who was prepared, was not afraid even if she encountered a surprise attack.

Hinako Sasaki stretched out her fist, punched Li Qinghe's pig's nose violently.

Li Qinghe fell as fast as he came.

After the punch, Sasaki Hinakoko said what I just said, as if if I was hit again, I should eat well and have an extra supper tonight, yes.How beautiful is a girl if she doesn't gain weight!

Li Qinghe was smashed into a wall, unable to move for a while, and exited the Ophelia state.

And after the black ghost wild boar made an attack, it disappeared.

"Handsome guy, what happened to that black ghost pig just now? Your strength is not as good as the awakening talent."

Seeing that Li Qinghe had lost his fighting power, Sasaki Hinako lifted the transformation.

"If, I tell you, will you let us go."

Li Qinghe was still bargaining at this time.

"Hmph, interesting. Tell me who made me a person with a strong desire to learn new things. I'll let you off this time."

Sasaki Hinako agreed to Li Qinghe's request.

"Well, I don't really know what's going on. When that ghost pig was threatened with my life, I had a feeling in my heart telling me that I could summon it. However, it's out of my control."

Li Qinghe said that this shadow pig also appeared for the first time.

"That's it. I see, I keep my word. But next time, you two won't be so lucky."

Sasaki Hinako left here.

After resting on the spot for a while, when Li Qinghe and the others rejoiced that they had escaped from the tiger's mouth, a bloody man came over and saw Naruto Toyotomi who had lost his head and the body of the "dead" Toyotomi Futakubu.

Of course, they also saw Li Qinghe and the others who were still alive.Toyotomi Hattori's family must be killed, so that his daughter can be resurrected!

"Although I don't know why you survived in her hands, I will not let you two go."

Saeki Toshio found this place after killing more than 70 bodyguards.

"You, you, don't come here."

Toyotomi Qingxiang backed away in fear, who would want to die if he could live.

Toshio Saeki turned into the bat Orfi Enoch, after so many days of fighting, he is already a mature third-stage Orfi Enoch.

Toshio Saeki grabbed Toyotomi Naruto's body on the ground and knocked down Toyotomi Qingxiang who was trying to escape.

Toyotomi Qingxiang looked at the headless corpse in front of her, thinking that she was about to die in Huangquan, she fainted on the spot.

"I fainted, so let's deal with you first."

Li Qinghe was still resting stuck in the wall, not wanting to move.

Li Qinghe wanted to buy more time to recover.

"Wait, I'm an innocent person, I have nothing to do with the Toyotomi family."

"Oh, is that so? As far as I know, you are Toyotomi Qingxiang's fiancé!"

Seeing Toshio Saeki walking towards him step by step, Li Qinghe explained

"That's why they recognized the wrong person."

Toshio Saeki saw that Li Qinghe's behavior didn't look like a fake, since there is still time to spare, let's kill him quickly, who has time to listen to your nonsense!

"Oh, you mean that everyone has misunderstood you, that's really aha. Why don't you just die for that person."

Toshio Saeki walked straight to Li Qinghe without stopping a step.

"Wait, when you give me a word."

"Okay. Just finish one sentence before I kill you."

Saeki Toshio did not slow down his movements at all, stretched out his blood-stained claws, and grabbed Li Qinghe's throat.

"Suppose you lost a butcher's knife and I found it. I have a gold knife, a silver knife, and an iron knife here. Which one would you say you lost?"

It's really hard for Li Qinghe to finish this sentence in one breath, and then tilt his head slightly.Because Toshio Saeki's claws had already grabbed it.

"Young man, there is an idiom called picking up gold. Since you picked up my butcher's knife, you should return it to me."

Saeki Toshio stuck his paws into the wall behind Li Qinghe's face.He didn't know that Li Qinghe would be stuck here, and he wasn't interested in knowing.

Li Qinghe was sweating profusely!Hell, it's not easy to pick up money, I'm just a metaphor, if, suppose!And did you eat the answer?

"If you don't give the answer, I will die with regret."

Seeing that Li Qinghe had dodged his own attack, Toshio Saeki withdrew his claws and headshot this time!With such a big goal, you won't miss it!

"Children make choices, these three knives are mine!"

Toshio Saeki's claws are even faster this time!

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