Chapter 51 Unsteady Hearted and Unsteady

"Sorry, you got the wrong answer. None of the three knives belong to you. You don't have a butcher's knife, only I do."

Li Qinghe's answer made Saeki Toshio feel like he was being fooled, and made him even more annoyed!


After Li Qinghe finished speaking, he transformed into the wild boar Ophelia, but this time he lost one fang, but he had a silver-white katana in his hand.

At this moment, the samurai sword had reached Saeki Toshio's waist, but it didn't penetrate.Sure enough, after becoming the form of Ophelia, the defense power of the body has been greatly enhanced, and even the weapon that belongs to Ophelia can't penetrate it.

In this contest between the spear and the shield, the shield won.

Although it was not found, this stab still caused considerable damage to Saeki Toshio.

Li Qinghe leaned against the wall and kicked Saeki Toshio's head.

Saeki Toshio did a 360-degree flip, and there was a dog eating shit without any image.

Li Qinghe seized the opportunity, a "wild boar descending the mountain", sat down on Saeki Toshio's back, with the samurai sword in his hand stabbing his body wildly!

See if you die, die or not!

Toshio Saeki was crushed by Li Qinghe and had no chance to get up.In the end, he was "forked" to death by Li Qinghe.

After Toshio Saeki died, he turned into a pile of white ashes.

Li Qinghe quickly got up from the ashes,

"Fortunately, my strength has improved a bit, otherwise I would have been killed by him."

Li Qinghe looked at the comatose Fengchen Fubu. This person was Ofi Enuo just like himself. Now that he has passed out, what should he do now.

Li Qinghe took a silver-white samurai sword, walked towards Feng Chen's service department, and stabbed him on the head.

Toyotomi Hattori must die, he has no reason to live.If they survived, Baishui Company will always be under the control of Toyotomi's service department.This old fox is not easy to deal with.

At present, the current chairman of Baishui Company is Toyotomi Qingxiang.But as long as Toyotomi's service department returns, the whole company will still be his.

Li Qinghe hoped that Fengchen Qingxiang would continue to be in power, because Li Qinghe had the ambition to occupy Baishui Company.

Why can Toyotomi Qingxiang tease and tease herself again and again.Because her family is rich and powerful.

After going through the crisis of life and death, Li Qinghe saw clearly what he needed.You need money, you need power, and you have both.There is nothing in the world that you can't get.

As long as he marries Toyotomi Qingxiang, he will not only embrace a beauty, but also control the entire Baishui Company.

As for how to do it, Li Qinghe already had a plan.

But the premise of everything is that Toyotomi Hattori must die!

After Li Qinghe stabbed down with his sword, Toyotomi Fubu opened his eyes.His eyes were full of unwillingness, and he muttered "Why, why!"

He wanted to transform, but after being fatally wounded, his body's energy was insufficient, so he transformed into Orfienuo.

Li Qinghe pulled out his samurai sword and lowered it with a knife and fork. His face was calm, and he had nothing to say to the dead.

After being stabbed three or four times in a row, Toyotomi Hattori was reduced to ashes.

After Li Qinghe released his transformation, he lay on the ground without any image.

"I didn't expect you to be able to kill that idiot Saeki Toshio. You also killed Toyotomi Hattori.

I just sent his message up, waiting to receive the reward.In the end, you killed him, and I was at a loss.You said, should you compensate me for my life? "

Hinako Sasaki turned back at some point, or she didn't leave at all!Just watching the play over there, the kind that I still enjoy watching.

If she wants, she can save Toyotomi Hattori and Saeki Toshio.At present, it seems that she is unwilling, otherwise she doesn't have to stand by.

"Didn't you say, let me go this time?"

Li Qinghe really doesn't have the strength to fight now, if possible, he doesn't want to say anything.

Of course, even if he had strength, he was no match for this mysterious woman.

"That's right, didn't I let you off last time I met? I mean what I say, you see how destined we are.

I just walked a few steps and met you again.It seems that God does not want to take you away from me. "

Hinako Sasaki tilted her head and looked at Li Qinghe who was lying on the ground.

"You, kill if you want. Don't look at me like this."

Since it doesn't make sense, Li Qinghe can only declare that he is waiting to die.

But for Mao, Sasaki Hinako kept staring at herself with a smile, and didn't do anything. Didn't she mean to kill herself?

"I think you are very interesting. Therefore, you owe your life first. Next time we meet, you must give me some surprises, or I will really kill you."

Sasaki Hinako patted Li Qinghe's face, got up and left.

What are you doing, didn't you say you want to kill yourself, why did you leave again.Although I don't know the reason, it's good to be alive.

After resting for a few hours, Li Qinghe returned home holding the only surviving Toyotomi Qingxiang.

It's just that there are bullet holes and bullet marks everywhere in this home.

More than 70 people died in various ways, and their corpses were scattered all over the place.

From the outside of the hall to the sofa in the living room.

Li Qinghe found a clean room that hadn't been "damaged", and put Feng Chenqingxiang on the bed.

After a while, Toyotomi Qingxiang still woke up.

Li Qinghe simply took a glass of cold water and poured it directly on Feng Chen Qingxiang's face.

"Why am I here?"

Toyotomi Qingxiang woke up in a daze, and when she opened her eyes, she found that she was still alive, and in her room, Li Qinghe was standing in front of him.She also didn't bother to blame Li Qinghe for splashing water on herself.

"Of course I got you back."

Li Qinghe said.

"Then you defeated that weirdo?"

Toyotomi Qingxiang asked, she was already unconscious at that time.

"No, after your father woke up, he and I severely injured the monster and drove him away, but your father was killed by him."

Toyotomi Hattori, I let you make a good impression on your daughter after you die, which is also my compensation for killing you.

The guilt in Li Qinghe's heart completely disappeared.I am an egoist, even if I do good things, I have to pay back.


Toyotomi Qingxiang feels even more guilty when she hears that her father, who finally shouted to kill her, saved her.

After her father was declared dead by outsiders, she didn't even go to see her. She was really an unfilial daughter.

"Can you take me to see my father's body?"

Li Qinghe was alone here, and Toyotomi Qingxiang did not hide her weakness, tears streaming down her face.

"Are you sure you want to watch it?"

Li Qinghe didn't know, whether the ball of ashes was still there or not, it was not clear whether it was blown away by the wind.

"What? My father died ugly?"

Toyotomi Qingxiang asked.

"You'll find out when you come and take a look."

Li Qinghe said.

At this time, there was an obvious staggering sound of walking.

"Miss, where are you?"

It was Miki Nakatani's voice.

"I'm here.".

Toyotomi Qingxiang hurriedly replied when she heard Nakatani Miki's voice.

Nakatani Miki pushed open the door and saw Toyotomi Qingxiang safe and sound.

Chapter 52 is Orfienoch

"Miss, it's good that you are fine. I also..."

Before Miki Nakatani finished speaking, she turned into white ashes all over the place.

"Ah, ah!"

Seeing a living person suddenly turned into a smear of ashes, Toyotomi Qingxiang hugged Li Qinghe in fright.

At this time, it is more reliable to have a man by your side.

"Your father's body is like this."

Li Qinghe pointed to the ashes belonging to Miki Nakatani on the ground and said.

Li Qinghe was also a little sad in his heart. The woman who took his first time died in front of him like this, but he couldn't do anything about it.

Li Qinghe became more enthusiastic about power. If he had subordinates who were also Ophelia, then the predicament he faced today would not be a problem at all.

Toyotomi Qingxiang couldn't see his father's body even though she wanted to see it now. It was like this when he became Ophelia Enoch. He didn't even have a whole body when he died.

Watching Nakatani Miki die in front of her, Toyotomi Qingxiang's legs went limp, and all the energy in her body seemed to be taken away.

His father died, his younger brother whom he met not long ago also died, and Miki Nakatani who grew up with him also died.There is no one else around me.

Li Qinghe patted her on the shoulder and comforted her, "It's okay, it's okay, everything is over. Don't you still have me?"

This is a stupid way to deepen Toyotomi Qingxiang's impression of herself.

Under Li Qinghe's comfort, Toyotomi Qingxiang's emotions slowly calmed down.

"asleep again"

Seeing this, Li Qinghe put Fengchen Qingxiang on the bed, and fell asleep beside her.

When Toyotomi Qingxiang woke up again, she found that there was an extra man beside her, and it was Kiba Kiyokawa at first glance.Look at yourself still wearing clothes, that's good, that's good.

Feng Chen Qingxiang pushed Li Qinghe down and woke him up.

"You, why do you sleep here, this is my room."

Toyotomi Qingxiang was also very surprised, why couldn't she get tough with Li Qinghe now.Could it be because he found out that he can transform into a "monster"?

"If I don't sleep here, where else can I sleep. I was worried that the weird man would come back last night, but luckily he didn't come back."

You've all heard the phrase "raise the bandit's self-respect."Li Qinghe lied that Saeki Toshio was not dead, just to make Toyotomi Qingxiang need him.

Let her need to protect her by herself, and protect her personally all the time, especially when she sees that more than 70 elite bodyguards who have experienced many battles can't defend against that monster.

Thinking of the monster, Toyotomi Qingxiang hurried out of the room, the traces left by the hail of bullets outside were still there, proving that what happened yesterday was not a dream.

And the corpses that were all over the ground disappeared.

Toyotomi Qingxiang walked out of the living room and came to the manor, but saw some ashes that had not been blown clean, scattered on the ground.These remaining ashes made Toyotomi Qingxiang couldn't help but wonder if this could belong to her bodyguards.

"It seems that the people he killed also turned into ashes after death."

Li Qinghe also came out, and what made him puzzled was that all the corpses in the living room had disappeared.Outside, there were piles of ashes.

Perhaps the truth of all this can be learned from that woman's mouth.

Li Qinghe guessed that the woman would come to find him.

Hinako Sasaki, who left, uploaded Li Qinghe's photos and information, and found no living Orfienuo members, especially the "wild" ones, who were rewarded.

Of course, she also passed on the information of the dead Toyotomi Hattori and Saeki Toshio.Although the reward belonging to Fengchen's service department was gone, the reward for Li Qinghe, a potential stock, was much more than that of Fengchen's service department.

As Li Qinghe, who can break through in battle and has extraordinary abilities, he naturally attracted the attention of the Zhinao Group.Someone from Zhinao Group will come down to contact him later.

With so many deaths in this manor, it would be unlucky to live here again.

After Toyotomi Qingxiang disposed of the corpses here, she abandoned the manor.Before the new manor was built, she returned to the place where she lived before.

In the next few days, Toyotomi Qingxiang began to preside over her father's funeral.

When she woke up the next day, her father's ashes had long since been blown away by the wind.So she can only use an empty coffin.

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