Since the death of Toyotomi Hattori and Toyotomi Naruto, it is strange to say.The outside pressure on Whitewater suddenly disappeared.

Toyotomi Qingxiang was able to sit firmly in the position of president.And Li Qinghe was promoted from being a bodyguard to the vice president.

Although many veterans objected, Toyotomi Qingxiang, who holds 50.00% of the shares of Baishui Company, directly made a decision.While Li Qinghe was protecting her, he was also learning how to manage a company well.

Ever since she saw the power of non-human beings, Toyotomi Qingxiang always took the No. [-] bodyguard with her when she traveled.In the past, her father never traveled so extravagantly.

But Toyotomi Qingxiang thought to herself, isn't money just for spending?No amount of money can be overstated when it comes to your own safety.

Li Qinghe, who was working in the company, received a call, which was displayed as "unknown call."

Li Qinghe didn't hang up the phone because this number was his personal mobile phone number.There are very few people who know his mobile phone number.

Li Qinghe answered the phone, "Guess who I am?"

A playful voice came.

"You are—Sakura Girl!"

Li Qinghe reacted immediately.

"What is Sakura girl, my name is Sasaki Hinako. Listen carefully, I have sent your information to Brain Group.

Someone should contact you today, I hope you will be a smart person.Only smart people can live longer. "

Li Qinghe listened to Sasaki Hinako say this inexplicable words, but it seemed to have other meanings.

"Miss Hinako, what do you mean by that?"

Li Qinghe asked.

Hinako Sasaki asked, "Would you rather be a human being, or a noble Orpheeno?"

Li Qinghe did not reply directly, but instead asked, "What is the Ophelia you are talking about! Which one did you choose?"

"I forgot to tell you, Orfienuo is similar to the form you transformed last night. Only those who die and come back to life are Orfienuo.

As for me, of course the noble Orpheenoch.I have got rid of the lower form of human beings, and naturally I am no longer human.

There is nothing wrong with being Orfienuo, as long as you kill a few people every day, no one will trouble you. "

Hinako Sasaki reminded Li Qinghe that this was actually a foul.Of course, if no one gets to the bottom of it, there's nothing wrong with it.

"I'm a human being! I'm not the Orfienuo you speak of! Human beings are not playthings. They have feelings, hobbies, and relatives just like you!"

Originally, Li Qinghe also wanted to say that I would also like to be a noble Orfi Enoch, but Sasaki Hinako's contempt for human beings aroused the resentment in his heart! !

Yes, I can say that on the surface, I also want to be a so-called Orfi Enoch, but in fact I still regard myself as a human being in my heart.

But if he was arranged to slaughter human beings for no reason, he couldn't do it, so he would just say it straight.

Chapter 53 Acknowledging relatives

"You, you really pissed me off!"

Li Qinghe on the other end of the phone could feel Hinako Sasaki's panic, and the other party hung up the phone directly.

The phone had just hung up when another phone rang.

"Is that Mr. Kiba Kiyokawa?"

This time, the voice on the other end of the phone has a unique, feminine voice.

"It's me. You are..."

Li Qinghe asked.

"It doesn't matter who I am, the important thing is that you don't want to recall your lost memory? Are you willing to live in such a hazy way? I know your past."

Regarding his past, Li Qinghe's claim that he didn't care was a lie.But didn't Sasaki Hinako just say that the Intellectual Brain Group has already sent someone to contact him.This is not a trap to lure myself out.

"what do you need?"

Li Qinghe asked calmly.

"Me, girls, I want crocodile bags, designer clothes, and high-end cosmetics the most. So I need 5000 million r yuan, don't say you don't have it."

When Li Qinghe saw the other end of the phone, it seemed that he had nothing to do but seek money, which meant that there was no danger.

And even if he meets Ofi Enuo, as long as he is not too perverted, he can at least escape.

It's impossible for that intellectual brain group to send the same perverted Orfienuo like Sasaki Hinako to deal with him.

"I said yes. Where are you now?"

Li Qinghe asked.

"I'm in Longhua New District Park."

Without giving Li Qinghe any room for negotiation, the other end of the phone hung up.

Li Qinghe and Toyotomi Qingxiang talked and left the company.

"Then you have to pay attention to safety and come back early. I'll wait for you."

As soon as Toyotomi Qingxiang left Li Qinghe, she was afraid that Toshio Saeki would kill him, and became more and more dependent on Li Qinghe.

Li Qinghe drove to the Longhua New District Park, parked his car, and entered the park.

There are few people in the park today.

Li Qinghe didn't think much about it, and stopped by a lake after walking a few steps.

I have already arrived, just wait for that woman here.This place is not far from the exit, and the surrounding area is open, so it is clear at a glance whether there is an ambush, and more importantly, it is convenient to escape.

Li Qinghe saw several elderly people fishing, and he didn't want to disturb them fishing, so he stayed away from them.

"You came."

A familiar voice came from behind Li Qinghe.

Li Qinghe turned around and saw Yazi Yingshan with a sweet smile.

Why is this woman so familiar, I don't have any fear when I see her.

"I, did I know you before? I always feel like I've seen you somewhere."

The first time Li Qinghe saw Yazi Yingshan, he was convinced that she was not lying to him.

This is a familiar stranger, who must have known him before amnesia.I just don't know how she can restore her lost memory.

"Kageyama Shun, your real name is Kageyama Shun, and you are my younger brother."

Yazi Yingshan spoke bluntly as soon as he opened his mouth, which surprised Li Qinghe.He is her younger brother?Although I have always felt that my name is not Kiba Kiyokawa, but hearing Shun Kageyama's name seems a bit awkward!

"My name is Shun Kageyama? Do you have proof!"

Li Qinghe asked.

Yazi Yingshan took out a black box and handed it to Li Qinghe.

After Li Qinghe opened it, there were three photos of him inside, some of him sleeping at home, and some of him bartending.

But in a group photo of a bar photo, Li Qinghe saw someone he didn't want to see - Zhuo Mo Yilang.

He will not admit that this person is wrong, it is the man who has been trying to kill him.And it can also transform into Orfi Enoch.

Seeing Li Qinghe looking at a photo, he didn't let go for a long time.Kageyama Yako thought he remembered something.

"Shun, did you remember something?"

"This man, he wants to kill me.

I was kidnapped by another Orfienuo to an unknown mountain, and then this person transformed into the centipede Orfienuo and killed the person who kidnapped me, who was also the centipede Orfienuo.He was going to kill me and asked me if I knew you. "

Li Qinghe pointed to Zhuo Xiangyilang who was drinking in this photo.

As soon as Yingshan Yazi heard it, he knew that what Li Qinghe was talking about was what happened on Daiguan Mountain.

Domoto Jing, who was the first to report to him that he had information about his younger brother, was also in the form of the centipede Ophelia.

After receiving this news, J still smiled and said whether that boy would become a man who entered the four-leaf clover, but he didn't want to annoy him, thinking about it.After thinking about it that day, he was quite unhappy.

"Sure enough, it's you, pondering."

When Kageyama Yako went to Daikanyama Bookstore last time, she saw the book that she was thinking about, so she marked it.

But when Yako Kageyama looked at the collection of poems written by Chuan Moyilang again, and found that the nail prints left by him were gone, maybe he was thinking too much.

Afterwards, Kageyama Yako also asked Zhuanmo where he went that day.But Zhuo Mo Yilang said that he was at home, and there was not enough evidence to prove that Zhuo Mo Yilang had come to Daikanyama that day.

That matter was over.But now Li Qinghe clearly said that Chuanmo Yilang wanted to kill himself.

That means that I guessed right, the person who went to the Daikanyama Bookstore that day was really thinking about it.Moreover, he was rushing to kill his brother directly.

"do you know him?"

Li Qinghe saw Yazi Yingshan's performance, and guessed that she might know that centipede Ophelia.

"Yes, he is your sister and my suitor. I really didn't expect him to kill you next time. My good brother, you have suffered."

Yazi Yingshan was about to hug Li Qinghe and confess his heart, but Li Qinghe avoided him.

"Didn't you say that you can restore my past memories?"

Li Qinghe asked.Although Yako Kageyama looks very familiar, and these few photos are not enough to prove that she is his sister, although he has already believed it six points.

"This medicine stimulates the brain. If you take it, there is a high chance that you will recall your lost memories."

Kageyama Yako took out a blue pill with no production date.

Li Qinghe took the medicine to make himself look comfortable, he wouldn't hurt himself, right?

Li Qinghe swallowed it directly.

"After taking this pill, my head will hurt a little."

Yazi Yingshan said after seeing Li Qinghe took the medicine.

"It hurts a little?"

Li Qinghe said that he was not in pain.

"Ah, it hurts. It's over, it's over, it hurts, it hurts like hell."

Li Qinghe felt in his mind, as if a brain-eating worm was sucking his own brain.

Li Qinghe couldn't stand up because of the pain, but his brain received such a great stimulation.Some forgotten fragments appeared in his mind.

He only recalled a part of the memory, and this part of the memory was after he lived in Yazi's house in Kageyama. .

After a long time, Li Qinghe opened his eyes, but his head was still aching.

He found himself lying in Kageyama Yako's arms.

Chapter 54 Misunderstanding

"Sister, I remember you. It's just that I haven't remembered my childhood memories yet."

Why do you have to get up when you can lie comfortably in my sister's arms.

"It's okay, brother. I'll buy some medicine in a few days. You should remember everything."

Kageyama Yako was very happy to see that his "brother" remembered him.

Kageyama Yako thought to himself, don’t think about your childhood memories.This doctor dog's medicine is quite effective, but ordinary people can't use it, and they can't bear the effect of the medicine at all.The next time I ask him how many pills to block his memory, he must not remind him of his childhood memories.

"Sister, don't bring me that medicine yet. By the way, how did you find me? My phone number is impossible for ordinary people to find."

Li Qinghe asked.

"Show you this."

Kageyama Yako took out a VCR similar to a handheld computer, inserted the cassette, and there was a message about Kiba Kiyokawa in it.

The task name is Kiba Kiyokawa.

Medium strength.

Potential is top notch.

The task is to recruit the other party into the company.Once it fails, kill on the spot.

It also attached Li Qinghe's recent battle commentary, and of course his photos are indispensable.

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