And Kageyama Yako was able to recognize him so quickly, thanks to this photo.

It is very possible to find a few people who look exactly the same in the world.But they look exactly the same, and they still belong to Ophelia, so the chances of winning the first prize are lower than buying lottery tickets in Huaguo.

When Yingshan Yazi sent Li Qinghe, who was in a serious car accident, to Zhinao Group to be resurrected by implanting the mark of Ophelia Enoch, he saw Li Qinghe suddenly regained his life, so he decided that Li Qinghe was a natural Ophelia Enoch .

This task was originally done by sartdy.But since she was on the Whitewater issue the previous few times, it was all screwed up.Therefore, Murakami Kyoji decided to make a substitution this time.

He sent the task to the bar to see who was free to complete it.

In the end, Kageyama Yako saw it.Kageyama Yako never expected that she would find her missing brother here.

This time, she put down all the work at hand and rushed over without saying anything to anyone.

Sasaki Hinako knew because Murakami Kyoji had planned to let her recruit Li Qinghe.

But at that time, Sasaki Hinako happened to be dealing with a traitorous Orfienuo, so this task mentioned the bar.

Of course, Hinako Sasaki only knew that someone had accepted the task of recruiting Li Qinghe, and she didn't know who was in charge.

But she still cared about this "newcomer" very much, so she kindly reminded her.But unexpectedly, Li Qinghe was so ignorant that she hung up the phone in anger.

"Are you here on behalf of Zhinao Group?"

It's not that Li Qinghe didn't know about the Zhinao Group, but what he knew was only what the Zhinao Group wanted outsiders to know.

For example, this company mainly produces and sells technology products.

"That's right. I hope brother, you can join in too."

Kageyama Yako said.

"What does the Intellectual Brain Group do? And that sister, you also joined the Intellectual Brain Group?"

"The Intellectual Brain Group is a formal gathering place of our Orfienuo. As long as you join the Intellectual Brain Group, even if you commit a crime outside, someone will settle it for you. I can also say that I have joined the Intellectual Brain Group."

Li Qinghe listened to Yazi Yingshan tell the "secret" of Zhinao Group.It turns out that there is a gathering place for abnormal humans.It is equivalent to the official organization of Orfi Enoch.

"Then sister, do you want me to join in?"

"Of course. In this way, the Whitewater Company you work in won't be swallowed up by the Intellectual Brain Group. These days, the Intellectual Brain Group has not continued to target the Whitewater Company, and has already released a friendly attitude."

Li Qinghe finally understood why Baishui Company suddenly went smoothly these days.

"Since my sister has said it all, then I will definitely agree. Sister, is there any difference between me being a human and being Orfienuo?"

Li Qinghe asked.

"It doesn't matter if you are human or Orfienuo. Anyway, you are my younger brother and you can't run away."

The boy said with a smile.

For other people who came to recruit Li Qinghe, there must be only one identity, and that is Ophelia.

Because now the Intellectual Brain Group, under the management of Kyoji Murakami, is operating with the attitude of Ophelia and Connaught.

But Kageyama Yako belongs to the lucky four-leaf clover, and Murakami Kyoji can't control her.Besides, this is her younger brother, and his younger brother is still a native Orfi Enoch, what a privilege.

Whether in the human world or in the world of Orfienoch, privileges and ranks exist.

"Brother, do you lie down comfortably? Don't get up yet."

Li Qinghe got up quickly, but it felt so good lying in his sister's bed.I feel a little bit evil!

"Brother, let me see your fighting form. Although it is also in the information, my sister is still very curious."

Kageyama Yako said.

Li Qinghe nodded and transformed into the wild boar Ophelia.

It's just that when seeing Li Qinghe's transformation, Yazi Yingshan burst out laughing.

Can you imagine a wild boar without a tusk?After Li Qinghe summoned a samurai sword last time, he lost one of his fangs.

After this transformation, Li Qinghe could still feel that he could easily summon a samurai sword.It seems that a weapon can also be summoned, but it has not been able to summon it yet.

Li Qinghe didn't know what Yazi Yingshan was laughing at.

But looking at the lake, there was originally a pair of fangs on his mouth, but now there is only one left.

Li Qinghe quickly covered his fangs, no way, he must saw them off next time, now that he looks at himself, he feels too ugly.

"Sister, what do you look like after you transform?"

Li Qinghe asked.

Kageyama Yako transforms into the lobster Orfi Enoch.

"Do you want us to learn from each other?"

Yako Kageyama summoned his long lobster sword.

Li Qinghe waved his hand, "Sister, it's better not to, I'm afraid I'll hurt you."

Li Qinghe didn't know Yazi Yingshan's strength, and was afraid of hurting her.

"Don't be afraid of hurting me, then let me see your strength."

Kageyama Yako is ready to make a move.

At this time, a bunch of cherry blossoms appeared in front of Yako Kageyama, and a cherry blossom hit her long sword.

"Hinako, what are you doing?"

Yazi Yingshan stuck the long sword to the ground.

Kageyama Yako naturally knew Sasaki Hinako.

"Sister Yazi, can you give him to me?"

After the cherry blossoms disappeared, Sasaki Hinako appeared with a small red schoolbag on her back.It seems that she is still in school.

"No, he is my younger brother. You law enforcer, don't think about doing anything to my younger brother."

Kageyama Yako only has good feelings for handsome and handsome boys, but she has no good feelings for Sasaki Hinako who is also one of the strong women! !

On the contrary, it seems that based on the principle that the same sex repels each other, Kageyama Yako somewhat dislikes her.

"Your brother owes me his life."

Chapter 55 The Law Enforcer's Situation

Hearing what Sasaki Hinako said, Kageyama Yako mistakenly thought she was going to make a move.

Youdao is not speculative, so Kageyama Yako took the lead and didn't give Sasaki Hinako any chance to speak.

It's all about beating, anyway, she can't beat herself anyway, so just use this opportunity to teach her a good lesson, so that she can stop thinking about her brother.No one can take my younger brother away this time!

Kageyama Yako stabbed Sasaki Hinako's hill with a sword.The same is a woman, how can I not make things difficult for you!

Sasaki Hinako is also true, she transformed into Sakura Orpheus.

"Others are afraid of you, but I am not afraid of you!"

Sasaki Hinako's weapon is a dart in the shape of a cherry blossom.

Sasaki Hinako took the initiative to distance herself from Kageyama Yako, as long as the distance was far enough, Kageyama Yako would be a moving target.

But will Kageyama Yako let her distance herself?Obviously impossible!

Kageyama Yako swept away the three cherry blossom darts that were attacking with a sword, and another six cherry blossom darts flew in a line, but Kageyama Yako bent over at ninety degrees and dodged them.

The fighting scene between the two is like a running game, Sasaki Hinako is a constantly moving terminal, and Kageyama Yako is the breaker.

Li Qinghe followed the two fighting closely, but this battle was really kind and pleasing to the eye, much better than his rude opponent.

However, according to the current battle situation, it seems that Kageyama Yako's victory is in sight, and she is getting closer and closer to Sasaki Hinako.

"you lose."

Kageyama Yako's long sword blocked a cherry blossom dart flying towards her Tianling Gai, and kicked Sasaki Hinako.

Sasaki Hinako's body immediately turned into cherry blossoms, dodging this attack.

After the attack was over, Sasaki Hinako formed Sakura Orpheino from Sakura.

At this time, Kageyama Yako was very close to Sasaki Hinako.

Kageyama Yako no longer needs to worry about Sasaki Hinako's darts, step forward!

Kageyama Yako stabbed Sasaki Hinako's throat with her long sword.

A butterfly fan made of cherry blossoms appeared in Sasaki Hinako's hand, blocking the blade.

The same butterfly fan appeared in Sasaki Hinako's other hand, flew towards Kageyama Yako, and hit Kageyama Yako's Zuo Yuexiong mouth.

Kageyama Yako didn't even think about dodging, and took the blow forcefully.

But at the same time, her long sword opened Sasaki Hinako's butterfly fan, and a slanted sword crossed Sasaki Hinako's right shoulder to left waist.

Sasaki Hinako took back the other butterfly fan that flew back, and waved it again at Kageyama Yako.

Kageyama Yako used his long sword to pick up the nails of the flying flower butterfly fan, and with the help of force, threw it to Sasaki Hinako's Zuo Yuexiong.

Sasaki Hinako was knocked to the ground by her own fan.

Kageyama Yako held the long sword and pointed it at Sasaki Hinako's throat.

"You lost, my brother will be protected by me in the future, there is no need for you, a law enforcement officer, to check."

"That's not necessarily true."

Hinako Sasaki canceled her transformation, and the two of them were just fighting for a fight. If they really wanted to fight to the death, they both had their own backhands.Of course, Sasaki Hinako understood that even if she tried her best, she was still no match for Kageyama Yako.

There is nothing worthless under the reputation, as expected, the members of Lucky Clover, everyone is ridiculously strong.

"Why, if you still want to fight again, don't think that I dare not kill you!"

Yazi Yingshan said sharply, it was completely different from the gentle attitude towards Li Qinghe.

"I've already applied to Murakami to become a trainee law enforcement officer. Sooner or later, he will be in my hands."

Sasaki Hinako pushed aside Kageyama Yako's long sword with her hand, and patted her clothes.

"I'll talk to Murakami. Shun will never be a law enforcement officer."

Offi Enoch's enforcer sounds majestic and domineering, yes.In fact, it is also very imposing, but when completing tasks, there will be high risks.

Ofe Enoch's law enforcement officers will kill not only Ofe Enoch, but also senior government officials who obstruct the operation of the Brain Group.

But some high-ranking officials are not easy to kill, and they are not policemen, but soldiers.Those soldiers are soldiers secretly trained by the island country, equipped with the most advanced personal weapons of the island country.

Of course, limited by the development of the times, their weapons are still firearms, but the bullets inside are not trivial.

After many attacks by Orfienuo, a potion that can temporarily inhibit the transformation of Orfienuo has been developed and filled into the bullet.Quite a number of Ofi Enoch have been captured by the government for research and then killed.

Some low-level Orfi Enoch used to be sent to death.In a word, Yazi Yingshan didn't want Li Qinghe to accept such a dangerous task.

"Sister Yazi, do you know? Now I am the only law enforcement officer left."

Sasaki Hinako said with a wry smile.

"Impossible, wasn't there more than 30 people last year, where is your leader?"

Kageyama Yako has an unbelievable expression on her face!

"Death, defection, defection. Some offienuo took the initiative to defect to the government, and now the entire team of law enforcement is maintained by me alone.

After the failure of the last assassination attempt, besides me, my guide and the last five enforcers were also captured and killed by humans.It just so happened that I went abroad to hunt down another defector, Ophelia, and escaped that catastrophe. "

Both Kageyama Yako and Sasaki Hinako knew that Orfienuo was not immortal, it could also be killed.

"Then my younger brother must not be a law enforcement officer."

Kageyama Yako said.

"Don't worry, before the law enforcement team is rebuilt. The law enforcement officers don't need to carry out the mission. Of course, if you want to carry out the mission, then let's talk about it.

Murakami already has the idea of ​​reorganizing the law enforcement team, and I will be the leader.And he was a member of the first law enforcement team.

It's useless even if you talk to Murakami about it.I think you have worked together for so many years, you know Murakami better than me. "

Kageyama Yako fell silent after hearing my words from Sasaki Hinako.

"Is it necessary to reorganize the law enforcement team? Since this team has disappeared, it means that it is no longer suitable for this era. Why should it be given vitality again."

Kageyama Yako withdrew her sword and canceled the transformation.

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