"Ofienuo wants to survive in the world, and someone has to kill a piece of soil for Orfienuo to survive. And the law enforcer is the sword that expands the soil! Someone has to sacrifice for Aofeienuo. "

Seeing that the two stopped fighting, Li Qinghe said that he was a law enforcer, meaning to let himself be a law enforcer. .

But I have done well as the vice president of Baishui Company, and I don't want to be a law enforcement officer at all.As for the rise and fall of Orfienuo, it is not a matter of him alone, and it will not affect any of him if he is more or less.

But it was obvious that he couldn't intervene in the conversation between the two of them.

Chapter 56 Meet the Parents

"Shun, are you willing to fight for the rise of Orfienuo?"

Yazi Yingshan turned to Li Qinghe and asked.

"Can I say I don't want to?"

Li Qinghe asked weakly.

Hinako Sasaki made a decision for Li Qinghe, "Of course not!"

Li Qinghe said "Oh", since it's not possible, why do you ask me.

Yingshan Yazi saw Li Qinghe's reluctance, "Shun, don't you want to be a law enforcement officer?"

Li Qinghe nodded.

"Hinako, you don't have to worry about my brother. I'll go and talk to Murakami."

Since Li Qinghe didn't want to go, Yazi Yingshan knew that Shancun would not change her mind, but she still wanted to give it a try for her younger brother.

"Okay, since you have intervened, let's do this first. Shun, I am looking forward to our next meeting. Next time, your sister may not be by your side."

Sasaki Hinako stuck out her little tongue at Li Qinghe before leaving.

Li Qinghe knew that this was Sasaki Hinako's girlish heart attack, so he didn't care too much.

After Sasaki Hinako left, Kageyama Yako asked, "Brother, do you want to go back with me first, or stay in your company."

Li Qinghe thought for a while, "Sister, I want to stay in Baishui Company and make this company my company."

Yazi Yingshan is not an outsider, so Li Qinghe explained the reason why he stayed.

"Well, if you have any difficulties, you can come to me. If someone hinders you, you can take action and ask my sister to help you."

Yazi Yingshan is still very supportive of his brother Li Qinghe's ideas.Boys have to go out and make a career. Maybe Baishui Company will become a company like Zhinao Group.Although this may be small.

Kageyama Yako threw this unrealistic fantasy out of her mind.

Li Qinghe shook his head and said, "Sister, you don't need to take action. Now I am already controlling the company step by step. It won't be long before this company will become your brother's."

After bidding farewell to Kageyama Yazi, Li Qinghe returned to Baishui Company.

"Qinghe, you are back."

Seeing Li Qinghe's return, Toyotomi Shimizu threw himself into Li Qinghe's arms happily, not caring about the opinions of the people around him at all.Every time I see him, I am not afraid of anything.

"Why, you miss me after not seeing me for a while."

Li Qinghe shaved Feng Chen's fragrant nose.

Toyotomi Qingxiang gave a low "hmm".Feng Chen Qingxiang didn't know if she fell in love with Li Qinghe, but she knew that she couldn't leave him anymore.Isn't this "love"?

Toyotomi Qingxiang got off Li Qinghe, waved the others away, and led Li Qinghe into the office.

"Qinghe, my grandma wants to see you."

Toyotomi Qingxiang said shyly.

Li Qinghe is also very grateful to the old lady who lost his memory that night.

"Why, what does he want to see me for?"

Li Qinghe sat in the seat of the chairman of Fengchen Qingxiang, and Fengchen Qingxiang sat in Li Qinghe's arms.Obviously, this kind of intimacy is not the first time for the two of them.

"I, I told my grandma about the two of us. She said, she said she wanted to see you. Qinghe, what do you think?"

Marriage is a major event, and it is inevitable to meet the parents of both parties.

"Then let's go, when will we go?"

Li Qinghe said.

Toyotomi Qingxiang's face was flushed like a small apple.Li Qinghe couldn't hold back and took a bite.

"You hate, you hate."

Fengchen Qingxiang hammered Li Qinghe Yuexiong's mouth with her small fists.

"Then go now."

Fengchen Qingxiang was taken advantage of so much by Li Qinghe, she didn't dare to let Li Qinghe continue.

Grandma said that men are big pigs, and you will fall in love with one you meet.If there are good things, you can't give them all at once, otherwise he will love the new and dislike the old.

"Grandma likes something, let's go buy something."

"No need, grandma doesn't like those vain things, it's fine when she arrives."

Toyotomi Qingxiang dragged Li Qinghe out of the company.

Along the way, Li Qinghe felt deeply moved when he saw the crowds of people in the busy traffic outside the window.

Not long ago, I was doing nothing like those ordinary office workers. If there were not so many accidents, I would have lived a mediocre life until I was old.

However, in today's current position, Li Qinghe feels a sense of emotion when he sees those ordinary people.How can you not work hard to climb up as a human being?

After I officially become the president of Whitewater Company, my words and deeds will have a great impact.It is very likely that thousands of people will be laid off with just one sentence.

"Qinghe, what are you thinking?"

This time it wasn't Li Qinghe who drove the car, it was because he had been in a car accident for so long just now.It is better to let a blind man drive the car than to let him drive it.

"I'm thinking about the first time we met."

People, after success, always look back on their ordinary life before.

"Ah, at that time, at that time, I didn't really know you. You won't be angry with me because of what I did before. "

Toyotomi Qingxiang asked cautiously.

"How come, let him pass the past, don't we have a new tomorrow? Don't think too much, just concentrate on driving."

What Li Qinghe thought and what he said were naturally two different things.Good things in the past can naturally pass.But for bad things, we will settle them slowly in the future.

Li Qinghe and Feng Chen Qingxiang came to grandma's house.



Li Qinghe and Fengchen Qingxiang saw the grandma who specially greeted them.

Grandma Toyotomi Qingxiang's room was not bad either, it was a small apartment.

"It's fine if you come, it's fine if you come, come in quickly."

Toyotomi Qingxiang's grandma welcomed Li Qinghe and her granddaughter warmly.

"The second boy of the Kiba family, he looks more and more handsome. I don't know which lucky woman will marry him in the future."

Hearing grandma praise him like this, Li Qinghe was really a little embarrassed. He really shouldn't have listened to Toyotomi Qingxiang's words. This time he didn't bring anything to the old man when he came here, it's too bad.

"Grandma, what are you talking about. He's already in his own right now."

Feng Chen Qingxiang put her arms around Li Qinghe's arm, swearing her sovereignty.

"I see, that's not bad. After all, you two were engaged before. Qingxiang, come over and help me. Today I will give you a taste of my specialty - Mapo tofu."

Grandma called Toyotomi Qingxiang to the kitchen and closed the door, while Li Qinghe waited on the sofa.Li Qinghe also wanted to go to help, but grandma said that Feng Chenqingxiang would be enough to help. .

Although grandma is old, her hands and feet are still flexible, so she didn't call a nanny to take care of her.

The soundproofing effect of this kitchen is quite good.Toyotomi Qingxiang followed grandma into the kitchen.

Chapter 57 What to do if parents disagree

"Qingxiang, your father and younger brother are gone. If our Toyotomi family wants to survive, we need to find a strong partner.

Why did you choose this idiot from the Kiba family? You are useless.Didn't it mean that you killed him after you finished using him? "

Speaking of the deaths of Toyotomi Hattori and Toyotomi Naruto, grandma didn't feel sad at all.

"Grandma, do you think Qinghe is not good?"

Toyotomi Qingxiang listened to grandma outside, thinking that grandma was satisfied with her choice, but now it seems that is not the case.

People grow old.Toyotomi Qingxiang's grandma was such a person, she was very friendly in front of Li Qinghe, but it was not clear what she was thinking behind the scenes.

"Okay? Is it okay to be poor and white? You silly boy, you won't like him."

Grandma looked into Toyotomi Qingxiang's eyes and found out the answer.

"This person is not suitable to be your man. Now that you have fallen in love with him, grandma will help you break this desire. You are the only direct blood of the Toyotomi family, and your combination must make the Toyotomi family stronger stand up!

In the matter of choosing a spouse for marriage, I will not let you be willful.After a while, I will poison the wine, you will act with my eyes. "

Seeing grandma's serious tone, Toyotomi Qingxiang begged, "Grandma, can you stop doing this, he is really not an ordinary person. I really like him too."

"Like? Can love be eaten? You can choose him or me. Today, you can figure it out. Compared with your brother, you are far behind.

If it wasn't for the death of your brother and your father, and my old age, how could the company be handed over to you. "

Toyotomi Qingxiang watched grandma inject the poison into the wine bottle.

Toyotomi Qingxiang understood after listening to grandma.Everyone around him knows that he has a younger brother, but he is the only one who doesn't.

She couldn't help but feel chilled, she always thought that she was the most favored person in this family, but now it seemed that it was all her own opinion.

"Grandma, I see."

After hearing that Toyotomi Qingxiang agreed, grandma fell silent.Qingxiang, you silly boy, grandma is doing this for your own good.If you choose a powerful husband-in-law, your life will be much better than it is now.

Soon a table of sumptuous meals was ready.Between Li Qinghe and Feng Chen Qingxiang was her grandmother.

Before eating a few mouthfuls, grandma enthusiastically poured a glass of wine for Li Qinghe, and poured a full glass herself.

"There is no man in my Toyotomi family who can't drink. Come, let me see how you drink."

Li Qinghe looked at the wine in his glass, looked at Toyotomi Qingxiang, and found that she didn't dare to look at him.

Are you guilty?No, don't feel guilty, otherwise after I get poisoned, it will be hard to get revenge!

That's right.The conversation between Feng Chen Qingxiang and her grandma was overheard by Li Qinghe once and for all.No way, after becoming a native Orfi Enoch, her hearing is so developed.

It turned out that this old thing had bad intentions for me when we first met!Fortunately, I thought she was a kind old grandma.You are a bad old woman, you are very bad!

Li Qinghe picked up the wine glass with different expressions, drank the wine in one gulp, and waited for the poison to take effect.

But Toyotomi Qingxiang's grandmother seemed to be afraid that one glass would not be enough to poison Li Qinghe, so she asked her granddaughter Toyotomi Qingxiang to pour Li Qinghe a glass of wine.

"Qingxiang, come and pour Qinghe and me a glass of wine."

Toyotomi Qingxiang got up slowly, first poured Li Qinghe a glass of wine, and then poured a glass for grandma.

"Grandma, the doctor said, you can't drink too much."

Hearing Fengchen Qingxiang's persuasion, grandma thought it was because she didn't want to drink poisoned wine to Li Qinghe.What can I do, drink a few more glasses of poisoned wine, and directly poison him to death on the wine table.

This is also a kind of wine table culture, how can you end if you are not drunk.

"It's not in the way, it's not in the way. I'm such an old bone, and I live and make money every day. Qinghe, you don't think it's just me and you drinking here."

Toyotomi Qingxiang's grandma said.

"Of course not."

Li Qinghe wanted to see what other tricks this old thing had done besides poisoning the wine.

The two drank several cups in a row, and Toyotomi Qingxiang watched what grandma wanted to say, but she didn't say it.

Li Qinghe saw all this.Sure enough, do you still feel sorry for your grandma's body?Alright, it seems that this old woman was poisoned by alcohol, and there is no other way.After all, I came here quite suddenly today.

It's just, why hasn't the "poison" on my body flared up yet.Could it be that it is a chronic poison, and you have to wait for yourself to die from the poison after a sixty years?

"Qingxiang is a good girl, most people are not good enough for her. You have to work hard...er, uh."

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