A mouthful of black blood spurted out of Toyotomi Qingxiang's grandma's mouth.The food is inedible!

"Grandma, grandma..."

Toyotomi Qingxiang quickly supported her grandma and called the emergency call.

"It's you, it's you..."

Toyotomi Qingxiang's grandmother stared at her, obviously wanting to say something but didn't say anything.

"Grandma, grandma!"

I heard Toyotomi Qingxiang calling grandma's name loudly.There was no sign of intoxication in contact with myself.

Li Qinghe understood everything.There is poison in wine, that's for sure.But the poisoned wine that was supposed to be given to Li Qinghe ended up at her grandma for some reason.

This is also why Toyotomi Qingxiang has been persuading her grandma to drink less.In the end, her grandmother was determined to kill Qinghe and insisted on killing Li Qinghe.

Well, there are a lot of toxins in her body now.The ambulance arrived quickly and sent Toyotomi Qingxiang's grandma to the hospital.

The Toyotomi family is considered a famous family in Tokyo, so the hospital naturally did not dare to neglect and sent the best doctors for treatment.

Only then did Li Qinghe understand that the guilt in Fengchen Qingxiang's eyes was not for herself, but for her grandma.

Toyotomi Qingxiang was waiting for the results outside the emergency room.Grandma, I'm sorry, granddaughter, I also want to pursue my own happiness.Even if I'm not happy, it's my own choice and I can't blame others.

Toyotomi Qingxiang actually hoped that her grandma would be rescued.

She sent her grandma to the hospital because her conscience was disturbed, and her grandma was her only relative.However, grandma wants to destroy her happiness, grandma doesn't know how important Li Qinghe is to her.

The lights in the emergency room went off.

"Doctor, how is my grandma?"

Seeing the doctor coming out, Toyotomi Qingxiang asked anxiously.

The doctor sighed, "Although the person has been saved, he is not out of danger. You have to prepare for the worst. If the patient does not wake up within 48 hours, he may not wake up again. Although , was sent to the hospital early, but the patient was already old."

Hearing the bad news from the doctor, Toyotomi Qingxiang was heartbroken.She exchanged the poisoned wine that should have been given to Li Qinghe to grandma.Does she regret it, no regrets.

If she doesn't do this, grandma will definitely find other ways to kill Li Qinghe, and it is not impossible to take away her company.

Chapter 58 leave

In the hospital, Toyotomi Qingxiang didn't close her eyes all day and all night.

"Qingxiang, go and rest for a while. I'll watch over here."

After coaxing Fengchen Qingxiang away, Li Qinghe opened the door and came to Fengchen Qingxiang's grandma's ward.

"Don't you want me to die? Why don't you go down and wait for me first."

It seemed that they sensed the approaching danger.

Toyotomi Qingxiang's grandma, who hadn't woken up after a day and a night, woke up now.

Li Qinghe unplugged Feng Chen Qingxiang's grandma's oxygen mask.

"Old guy, since you blocked my way, then go to hell."

After Li Qinghe saw that the heart rate monitor showed that Grandma Toyotomi Qingxiang's heart rate wave was a horizontal line, he put on an oxygen mask for her.

In the end, the person who blocked Li Qinghe's entry into Baishui Company also died.

After that, things went on in a logical manner.

Li Qinghe married Fengchen Qingxiang, and the president of Baishui Company also changed hands.It seems that Li Qinghe has become a big winner in life.

Before the perfect honeymoon period after marriage, Li Qinghe was called to Zhinao Group.

These days, Li Qinghe's memory has recovered a lot, and he already knows that he is either Kageyama Shun or the real Kiba Kiba Kiyokawa.

It's funny to say that a person who questioned his identity, after finding out the truth, found that he was himself, and he didn't replace anyone's name.

Li Qinghe also vaguely remembered a familiar person—Yuji Kiba, but he hadn't completely remembered him yet.

Li Qinghe came to Zhinao Group and met Sartdy who greeted him.

"Oh, long time no see Mr. Qinghe, I miss you so much."

Li Qinghe didn't feel disgusted at the woman who acted artificially.Everyone has their own way of survival, and perhaps sartdy has survived in this way so far.

"Have you met me before?"

Li Qinghe didn't recall all the memories of the past.

"Hey, he's so sad, how can you forget him."

Sartdy covered his eyes and pretended to cry.The expression is too fake, sister, you have a little bit of acting skills, okay?

Seeing her performance, Li Qinghe guessed that he might have met her before, but it must be the kind of meeting by chance.

Seeing that Li Qinghe was indifferent, Sartdy stopped crying.He said with a natural expression, "What an idiot who doesn't understand style! The president is waiting for you in the office, follow me."

This is when Li Qinghe saw Murakami Xia'er.

Kyoji Murakami sat at her desk with her hands folded.

"You are here. Zhinao Group welcomes you to join."

"Thank you."

As soon as Li Qinghe met, he had these two innocuous conversations with Murakami Kyoer.

"I want you to join the Law Enforcement team. It seems that you don't want to, do you?"

Kyo'er Murakami cuts to the chase and cuts directly to the topic.

"I don't want to. I'm living a good life now, why should I add discomfort to my life?"

Li Qinghe said.

Murakami Kyoji said, "Then do you know that you can live such a peaceful life now because someone has been protecting you from the wind and rain."

Li Qinghe asked back, "Then why, don't let them keep me sheltered from the wind and rain. I will be very grateful to them."

"Interesting, interesting."

When Murakami Kyoer heard Li Qinghe's answer, she clapped her hands and applauded.Then he said, "This is the first time I've seen such a selfish and eloquent person."

A purple energy ball appeared in Murakami Kyo'er's hand.

Li Qinghe's pupils shrink slightly, what kind of ability is this, no, it seems that he can speak well.

"No, I accepted their protection, so I am naturally willing to pay for it."

Seeing that Li Qinghe changed his mind, Murakami Kyo'er was very satisfied. He liked this kind of talented person who knew current affairs.

"Very well, your sister came to me and said that you don't want to join the Law Enforcement team because you want to manage Whitewater?"

Li Qinghe didn't expect that he was the person his sister Yazi Yingshan was looking for, but now it seems that the results have been minimal.


Li Qinghe did not deny it.

"Since you can't let go of that company and want to serve Zhinao Group. I thought of a good idea, so be it.

Merged Baishui Company into Zhinao Group and became a subsidiary of Zhinao Group.The training of the law enforcement team will be held at Baishui Company.Do you have an opinion? "

Can Li Qinghe say he has an opinion?cannot!

Just looking at the energy ball in Murakami Kyo'er's hand, Li Qinghe suppressed his opinion.There is no way, the enemy is powerful.Go ahead and develop first.

"No, of course I agree."

Li Qinghe said.

"That's good. I heard that you have an older brother, Yuji Kiba. He seems to have some opinions on the Intellectual Brain Group. If you have time, you can persuade him to integrate him into our Orfienuo family."

On the screen of Murakami Kyo'er's computer, there is information about Li Qinghe's brother Yuji Kiba.


Li Qinghe didn't remember that he had an older brother, but Murakami Xia'er said that if he had one, he would have it first, and everything would be discussed after leaving here.

Li Qinghe felt more tired than a battle after just a short exchange, mainly because of his heart.

Li Qinghe didn't expect that Zhinao Group was full of talents, and when the president gathered the energy ball, his life felt a great threat.

Li Qinghe had already been dragged onto this thief boat, so naturally he couldn't get off the boat.

With the "help" of financial personnel and management personnel sent by Zhinao Group.

The process of WhiteWater's merging into Zhinao Group went very smoothly.

And the leader of the law enforcement team Hinako Sasaki came to the training ground of Baishui Company, a branch of Zhinao Group.

Like Li Qinghe, there are five people in the same batch of trainees of Orfienuo.

"The fact that you can come here means that you have become a part of the future and pride of Orfi Enoch."

Hinako Sasaki started the daily teaching of "washing" thoughts.

Speaking of which, everyone in the law enforcement team has a different form.If you want to teach them in the true sense, you can only find the common shortcomings in all of Aufienuo and train them.

But mental brainwashing is necessary.The law enforcement team is a sword in the hands of the president, and it must be swung wherever the president points it.

The world's most powerful Orfienuo can still be found, but those who are loyal to Zhinao Group and Murakami Xia'er need to be cultivated a little bit.Loyalty is more important than strength.

Li Qinghe wasn't having a good time these days. He didn't know that Ao Fei Enuo also looked at his face in addition to his strength.He turned into a pig-type Orfienuo, and was always ridiculed by the other four people who were training in the same group.

These four people are also the original Ophelia, and their strength is slightly weaker than that of Li Qinghe.Li Qinghe didn't want to cause trouble, so he endured it.

Sasaki Hinako saw all this and didn't stop her.Since the victim is indifferent, why is she in a hurry.

Moreover, his new wife, Toyotomi Qingxiang, passed out not long ago, was sent to the hospital and was found to have advanced gastric cancer, and has been receiving treatment in the hospital.

Li Qinghe didn't understand why Toyotomi Qingxiang, a young girl in the blooming season, got this disease, and it shouldn't be her who got it.

After Li Qinghe finished training every day, he would visit his wife in the hospital and encourage her to persevere. .

Although Li Qinghe is not short of money, cancer does not mean that money can be cured, it can only be said that money hangs his life.

Until one day, Li Qinghe received the news of Toyotomi Qingxiang's death.She committed suicide.

Chapter 59 Metamorphosis

Toyotomi Qingxiang couldn't bear the side effects of daily chemotherapy, and her beautiful hair fell out.He was also suffering from pain all the time.She chose to die to end all of this, but she couldn't forget Li Qinghe who was always by her side.

Before dying, Toyotomi Qingxiang left a letter to Li Qinghe.

"Qinghe, I know you are hiding some things from me. I don't blame you, I just hate why we couldn't meet sooner. I am very content to meet you.

I know you don't want me to leave, but I really want to sleep well and sleep until dawn.Forgive me, selfish fragrance.Please don't forget me in the end, please. "

These days, Li Qinghe, under the guidance of Sasaki Hinako, also knows that being an Orpheus can transform a human being into an "Orpheus".

But I don't know if the dead can do it.

Seeing Fengchen Qingxiang lying in the cold mortuary, there was always a voice in Li Qinghe's mind bewitching Li Qinghe to transform the dead Fengchen Qingxiang into Ophelia Enuo.She's dead, why don't you make her Offienoch if you love her.

Li Qinghe brought Toyotomi Qingxiang's body back home, and he awkwardly helped Fengchen Qingxiang change into her favorite clothes and put on lipstick on her.

"Qingxiang, you may not believe it, but your misfortune is largely caused by me.

I lied to you and killed your grandma and your father. I just want to climb higher and live better.

But what did I get in the end, the company was taken away, and you were also taken away by the disease!Why!Why!You thief god, don't you like me living a good life! "

With a roar, Li Qinghe turned into a pig-shaped Ophelia.

He summoned his own samurai sword, as long as, as long as he stabs this sword, Toyotomi Qingxiang may be revived as Orfienuo.

However, he put down his samurai sword.Because the chances of ordinary people wanting to become Orfienuo are very low.Because of loving her, Li Qinghe didn't want Feng Chen Qingxiang's body to become a pile of white ashes.

Li Qinghe held Feng Chenqingxiang's cold hand.

"Speaking of which, as your husband, I haven't fulfilled my duty at all.

If, wouldn't it be great if I brought you to check it earlier?If, if I wasn't Orfi Enoch, I would have more time to accompany you.

And if they insist on me training, I will stop you and not let you leave me.

If, if I can be stronger, I will not be bound by others.

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