Now, I've lost even your company.Everything is gone from me.Hahaha, hahaha. "

The sky seemed to be responding to Li Qinghe's heart, at this moment there was a heavy rain with lightning and thunder.

Like a walking corpse, Li Qinghe threw a hole in his yard with his hands, and gently placed Fengchen Qingxiang's body in the white jade coffin.

For this coffin, Li Qinghe spent all the assets of the Fengchen family and owed a whole lot of debt.Only Toyotomi Qingxiang's favorite property was not sold, it was her favorite place to live.

After spending so much money, naturally this white jade coffin is also extraordinary. It is said that it can perfectly preserve Toyotomi Qingxiang's body without corruption for ten years.

"This is the last thing I will do for you. Qingxiang, I love you."

Li Qinghe buried the white jade coffin in the yard with his hands.

Li Qinghe's hands were dripping with blood, but he didn't care, the pain in his heart surpassed everything else.

After Li Qinghe finished everything, a phone call came,

"Qinghe, why haven't you come here, you fat pig. Ms. Sasaki can tell you that if you don't come today, you will be disqualified as a law enforcement officer."

Li Qinghe hung up the phone, and the caller was David Yidong, who was also a law enforcement trainee.

"Come right away. You wait for me."

Taking advantage of the darkness, Li Qinghe came to the remodeled training ground of Baishui Company's underground garage.

When Li Qinghe came here, he was touched by the scene. This was the first time he was imprisoned at that time, and it was also the place where he was imprisoned for the longest time.

Naturally, he did not tell others about the elevator entrance to the underground garage.Except for Li Qinghe and Fengchen Qingxiang, no one knew about it.

Therefore, Li Qinghe and the others usually drive here by normal means.

This time as before, Li Qinghe drove Fengchen Qingxiang's favorite red Infiniti q6 to the training ground.

It's just that this time Li Qinghe didn't stop, but ran towards David Yidong and the others who were training.

"Even if I destroy your things, I won't give them to others."

Li Qinghe usually has a humble personality and looks like a good old man.That's because taking care of Toyotomi Qingxiang, there is no time to get angry.

But now Toyotomi Qingxiang has gone.Let the storm be stronger tonight.

"Yeah, you're so bold. I thought I knew Ms. Hinako, so I dared to be so arrogant. Today, Ms. Hinako is not here, so I have to beat you up."

David Yidong saw Li Qinghe, who dared to hang up his phone, come to the training ground.

Li Qinghe drove his car and ran into him.

"Get out of the way, I think something is wrong with this guy today."

Suehiro Maruo, who was next to David Ito, had already moved aside.

"As cowardly as he is, believe it or not, he won't be angry even if I piss on his head. I'll go!"

David Yidong was about to continue blowing when he saw that Li Qinghe's car was less than five meters away from him. This guy had taken some poison today!

David Yidong quickly jumped to the left, dodging Li Qinghe's car.

But Jin Daozhong behind him believed David Yidong's words and decided that Li Qinghe would not dare to bump into him.

As a result, David Ito flashed, and he had no time to react, and was hit by Infiniti against the wall, and he was tightly stuck in the wall.

"Qinghe, are you crazy! Reverse the car!!"

It seemed that Jin Daozhong's words had an effect, and Li Qinghe reversed the car very quickly.

"Slow down, slow down, it hurts."

Ignoring Jin Daozhong's shout, Li Qinghe reversed the car and slammed on the gas pedal, directly crashing into it again.

Jin Daozhong's eyeballs protruded, bloodshot all over them.

After going back and forth twice, Li Qinghe opened the car door, turned into a wild boar, and Enuo chopped off Jin Daozhong's head with a sword.Jin Dao's loyalty was reduced to a pile of ashes.

This kind of fatal injury, even Orfienuo could not recover.This is also the useful knowledge that Li Qinghe has learned in training.Even if it is a fatal injury, there is a big difference.

Li Qinghe turned into a wild boar, Ophelia, and after killing Jin Daozhong, he looked at David Ito.

"Why, it's possible that you, a fat pig, still want to kill me. You don't take a pee and look in the mirror."

David Yidong was taken aback by Li Qinghe's cold eyes, but he thought that he also had Orpheus, so what was there to be afraid of.

David Ito transforms into Ophelia the Bee.Maruo Suehiro transformed into a beetle Orpheus, and another person transformed into a lizard Orpheus.

All three of them are of the third level, according to Orfi Enoch.

But with David Ito summoning a bracelet-like glove.Orfienno the Beetle appears with a shovel-like weapon, and Orfienno the Lizard appears with an umbrella with a sharp edge at the tip.

It turned out that they all hid their strengths.

"How about killing this dead fat pig first, I was upset when I saw him at first sight.".

"Pigs shouldn't exist in this world."

"Maybe I can have pork ribs tonight."

Chapter 60Remember

The strength of these people is seriously inconsistent with what Sasaki Hinako told herself.

Li Qinghe suddenly understood that these people were all hiding their strength.That's right, the world of adults is so complicated, who would tell their true strength.

The reported strength must be lower than one's real strength, which is normal.

The three surrounded Li Qinghe.

Li Qinghe still has one fang, and one is missing.

"Look at you, you've lost one tooth. It's not wrong to be ugly, but it's your fault to be ugly and frightening."

It was David Ito who spoke.

He was the first person Li Qinghe chopped off, and his mouth was not clean.Then use your life to make up for it!

Li Qinghe's samurai sword suddenly appeared on the head of the bee Orfienuo.

In terms of combat experience, especially the experience of fighting Orfienuo.Li Qinghe is much richer than the other three.

David Ito quickly dodged his head, and slashed his shoulder with his samurai sword.

"What are you still doing, come on."

David Ito urged the other two.

Li Qinghe seemed to have spotted him, and kicked David Yidong in the waist.

David Ito was kicked away, while the beetle Orfi Enoch and the lizard Orfi Enoch were still waving their weapons and doing fake moves.

Li Qinghe jumped up and landed on David Yidong's body.

In the face of life and death, David Yidong certainly could not sit still, so he punched Li Qinghe.

Li Qinghe grabbed his fist with one hand, and stabbed at him with a samurai sword in the other.

"Boom" sound.

Li Qinghe was attacked from behind, and the shovel hit him on the back, knocking him off David Yidong.

Li Qinghe felt a gust of wind blowing behind him, and rolled over without looking back, the tip of the umbrella stuck in his original position.

As soon as Li Qinghe got up, he saw the beetle Orfienuo cutting off his head with a shovel.

Li Qinghe quickly raised his samurai sword to resist the shovel.

But at this time David Yidong also rushed over and punched Li Qinghe twice.

Li Qinghe was no match for four hands with two fists, and the lizard Ophelia went around Li Qinghe's back and hugged him.

"Hurry up. This guy is too strong, isn't he. I can't hold it anymore."

The lizard Ophelia hugged Li Qinghe desperately.

Li Qinghe kept waving the samurai sword in his hand, making the other two dare not go forward.

But as the shovel hit Li Qinghe's hand holding the knife, the samurai sword fell to the ground.

Seeing that the threat was gone, David Yidong hammered at Li Qinghe with two powerful fists.

Li Qinghe roared, and the pig's nose let out a breath of white air!The only remaining fang also disappeared.

Li Qinghe swung hard, and the lizard Orfienuo, who was holding him, was thrown aside.

Li Qinghe was possessed by the pig god at the moment, and with a savage collision, he directly knocked the beetle Orpheus into the air.

In Li Qinghe's hand appeared a short katana, also known as Richai.

Li Qinghe held the handle of the knife, and the blade scraped David Yidong's neck.

David Ito used his glove as a shield and tried to grab the ribs.

Li Qinghe held David Yidong's fist and hit David Yidong's head with his right elbow.

David Ito fell to the ground!

Li Qinghe saw the beetle Orfienuo holding a shovel and was about to rush over, and threw the rib in his hand like a dart.

The rushing Beetle Orfieno was repulsed.

Li Qinghe seized the opportunity, and hit David Yidong with his fist like raindrops.

The lizard Ofi Enuo lay on top of Li Qinghe's head, wanting to sneak attack.

But a huge phantom pig hurls him down, tearing him apart.

Seeing the dying David Yidong, Li Qinghe put away his fist and stepped on his head.

David Ito died completely and turned into a pool of white ashes.

As soon as Li Qinghe raised his hand, he grabbed the shovel.Using it as a lever, he threw the beetle Orfienuo, who was holding on to the shovel, directly in front of him and behind him.After going back and forth a few times, the Beetle Orfienuo let go.

Li Qinghe lifted the Beetle Orpheus with one hand and pressed it against the wall.

The other hand was in the shape of a claw, ready to strike, and hit his heart, causing the beetle Orfienuo's body to tremble.

Li Qinghe threw him upwards, bending his left leg in a bow shape.

When the beetle landed on Li Qinghe's left leg.Li Qinghe's two powerful elbows pressed on his chest and legs respectively.

The beetle Orfi Enoch's body was twisted at ninety degrees, and it seemed impossible to survive.

Before the Beatle Orfienuo died, his heart was full of regrets.I have heard a sentence a long time ago, don't provoke honest people.You didn't even have the chance to kneel down and beg for mercy if you angered the honest man, and now he has realized it.

Li Qinghe threw the Beetle Orpheus down, and soon he became a pile of ashes.

The lizard Orfieno, who was ravaged by the wild boar ghost, saw that his companions were all dead, and turned around to run away.

A tiger from Li Qinghe came down the mountain and threw the lizard Ophelia to the ground.

And the ghost pig also disappeared at this time.

"Qinghe, I, I can't help but speak ill of you. I, I dare not, you..."

Li Qinghe turned his head around, not listening to him beeping.

Orpheus the lizard dies!

After Li Qinghe dealt with the three Orfienuos, his body became deserted.

Li Qinghe looked at the three pools of ashes and asked loudly

"What happened to the pig? Did the pig eat your food? Did the pig offend you? What's wrong with the pig! Who dares to eat pork! Don't you know that every pig is a potential stock!"

Every pig is a potential stock, so Li Qinghe's talent that should have been awakened in the fifth stage is - overdraft potential.

Li Qinghe's outburst just now was the use of the ability that should have been comprehended in the fifth stage - the overdraft potential.

Since it should be able to be used normally in the fifth stage, the consequence of Li Qinghe forcibly using the overdraft potential in the fourth stage is that he can no longer transform into the wild boar Ophelia, and his lifespan is greatly shortened.He has now lost the ability to transform into Orfienuo.

Li Qinghe canceled the transformation, but a layer of sand still appeared on his body from time to time.This is the aftermath of this battle.

But at least he survived, right?

Li Qinghe entered Baishui Company through the elevator that no one knew about.Then set a fire and left here.This company is fragrant, and you don't deserve it.

It's all over, it's all over.

Li Qinghe braved the heavy rain and walked alone on Tokyo Boulevard.

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