"God, you ruined my day, if you have the guts, just hack me to death!"

Li Qinghe looked like a madman, yelling at the sky.

He didn't know where he was going, or where there was a way to go.He didn't know how far he had gone.until--

"Crack! Kick!"

Two bolts of lightning pierced through the night and entered Li Qinghe's body from a height of thousands of miles.

Li Qinghe lost his intuition for a moment.

When he woke up again, he found himself back in the room rented to the truth. .

"I haven't seen you for a while, why are you like this?"

Li Qinghe did not answer the question about the truth relationship.Because, he remembered, he remembered it all.

Chapter 61 old classmates

"Hey, are you alright?"

It is skillful to speak.

Only then did Li Qinghe come back to his senses.

Li Qinghe asked, "I'm fine, how did I get here?"

"You still said that you fainted outside last night. If I hadn't heard noises outside, let Qiao go out and have a look, or you would have slept outside last night."

Truth held a bowl of bird's nest soup and fed Li Qinghe while talking.

"Drink it, I asked Qiao to go out and buy it early this morning. It's delicious."

"Well, thank you."

Li Qinghe saw Qianqiao who was curling his lips aside.

"Truth, why do you only make bird's nest soup for him? You know, I went to buy it this morning."

It's cute to be jealous.

"There's yours too. It's in the pot, spoon it yourself, do you want to wait for me to feed you, and you're not in the rain."

Seeing the different treatment of the ferocious truth, Gan Qiao silently made himself a night of bird's nest soup, and drank it beautifully.

Coincidentally, being able to drink bird's nest today is still a blessing to Li Qinghe.Ganqiao stuck out the cat's tongue and blew hot air. The bird's nest was delicious, but it was a bit hot.

Truth asked, "Where have you been these days, and you haven't called me back."


Seeing Li Qinghe's demeanor, Truth knew that he didn't want to say anything and had something to hide.

"Then needless to say, just come back. I didn't know to make a phone call when I came back last night. I didn't catch a cold."

Truth touched Li Qinghe's forehead, it's okay, it's all right.


Li Qinghe shook his head, walked around, and finally came back here.

What happened to Li Qinghe, they don't even know if Li Qinghe doesn't tell the truth.I don't know how to get to the lost Li Qinghe safely.

After breakfast, Li Qinghe just sat there staring at the ceiling without saying a word.

Because they were worried that Li Qinghe wouldn't be able to think about it, Zhenzhen and Ganqiao sat on the sofa outside and watched TV, looking back at him from time to time.

Then a phone call came, and Truth answered the phone.

"Hey, is it the truth?"

"Well, it's me. Takura."

Truth looked at the call, and it was from a former student of Meteor School.

"Truth, we want to see you."

Truth asked, "You guys? Do you mean there are other classmates?"

"Well, the teacher is here with us, and everyone wants to see you. Do you have time now?"

Expansion said.

"Well, I'm free now."

Kuangcang asked, "Then can you come to the park now?"


Pastoral Truth hung up the phone and picked up a photo of all the students of Meteor Private School.

"Who's calling?"

Qiao asked.

Truth said, "It was my classmate who called and asked me to meet at Bay Park."

"I'll go with you."

These days, when Ganqiao went out to buy groceries, he was attacked by Orfienuo a few times.He was not assured that Truth would go out alone, for fear that he would be in danger.

"No, you're gone, what should he do?"

Truth is worried that Li Qinghe will do stupid things in his current state.

"Well, just take him out together, just let him go to the park to relax."

Ganqiao's suggestion is good, yes, since Li Qinghe is in a bad mood, it's better to go out for a walk while staying in the room alone.

"Wallet, wallet."

Truth starts to pack things up.

Ganqiao also saw that photo, "What is this? It's too blurry."

"Oh, this photo was taken at the class reunion. I enlarged him like this."

Truth found the wallet, and asked with a smile, "How about it, Aqiao, is there any girl you like?"

"If I had to choose, it would be her."

Ganqiao pointed to the girl in red dress in the lower right corner of the photo.

"This person is me."

Truth glanced at Qianqiao.

Gan Qiao quickly said, "No, I pointed out the wrong person, it was this."

Truth looked at it, and the person Ganqiao pointed to was a boy.

"You are too perfunctory."

"Lin Liner", "Lin Liner".

Truth picked up the phone, and a photo of the belt was sent on it.


Truth saw that the belt in this picture was the same as the one her father had given her.

"what happened?"

Gan Qiao put down the photo and looked at Zhen Zhen's phone.

"It's a belt. Let's talk about meeting in front of the carousel in Bajingdao Bay Paradise in a short message. What's going on."

Gan Qiao posted the short message behind the photo.

"His name is Kuancang, and he was sent by a classmate who called me just now. It's the person in the photo."

The truth pointed out to Gan Qiao, who was a sunny boy in a yellow shirt.

"It seems that we have to go."

said dryly.

Coincidentally, Li Qinghe was in the back seat, and Zhenzhen was riding a motorcycle by himself.

Tokyo Kiquan Gym.

A muscular black man is exercising on a treadmill.

The phone rang, and he picked it up.


"Mr. J, it's me, Kimura."

Kimura on the other end of the phone said.

"what's up?"

j asked.

"I want to ask you to do something."

Murakami Kyoer said.

J thought that he had nothing to do recently, so since Murakami specifically requested it, he agreed.

"no problem."

"Later, I will send the information to you."

Murakami Kyoji finished speaking and hung up the phone.

"Belt, it's better to bring it back. Why are you doing this?"

Li Qinghe and the others went straight to the Bay Paradise.

But there are not many people in Bay Paradise today.

Truth asked the staff of the park, and finally found the location of the carousel that Kuocang said.

"I really miss the days when I played with my classmates in the park. Hey, expand the warehouse."

There is a man in black clothes on the merry-go-round, going up and down as the merry-go-round turns.

Although Pastoral Truth has not seen her old classmate for many years, she still recognizes her at a glance.However, the old classmate did not respond to her a word.

Li Qinghe followed Qianqiao closely, and he felt the breath of Ao Fei Enuo here.

It happened to be Ophelia, Li Qinghe knew it very well, but there was still a strange aura of Ophelia here.

Li Qinghe sensed that Ophelia should be ambushing here.However, the current him can't even transform, so he can't help.Fortunately, there is Ganqiao here, and Ganqiao carries a faiz belt with him.Everything is under control.

Seeing that the old classmate didn't respond, Truth thought that he was too far away from him, and he didn't hear it, so he approached the old classmate.

"Expand your position, expand your position, stop playing. I'm here this time to ask you something."

This is, the carousel stopped.

Kuangcang glanced at the truth, pointed behind the truth, and his body was reduced to a pile of ashes.

Li Qinghe understood that it was killed by the nearby Ophelia Enoch. .

"Expansion, what's wrong with you?"

Truth screamed when she saw the expanded warehouse that had been reduced to ashes.

Chapter 62 Luck

When Li Qinghe saw the death of Kuangcang, it was obvious that Ao Feiyinuo killed him.

And Ganqiao soon noticed the aura of Ophelia, which meant that Ophelia was still watching them after they killed and expanded their positions.

"Truth, be careful. I'll take care of that Orfienoch."

Ganqiao followed the sensed breath of Orfienuo, and chased after him.

Suddenly, a crocodile Ofienuo rushed out and knocked Qianqiao to the ground.

The two didn't say a word, and they both knew that they were today's opponents.

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