"Grandma, what do you mean by being the next you?"

Before Mary Balon could think about it, she had already received a summons from General Jagu.

"Mary Balon, where are you, I heard the reply."

The figure of Mary Balon disappeared from General Jagu's combat command platform, and General Jagu contacted Mary Balon through the communicator on Mary Balon's body.

Mary Balon took a breath, "General Jagu, I just teleported to the demon world. I'm in xxx."

With Mary Balon reporting the location, Klexis Fortress quickly brought Mary Balon up.

As soon as Mary Balon came up, she found Guydorion kneeling on the ground, twitching all over, obviously just accepted the punishment.

"Mary Balon, you should know that if you fail the mission, you will be punished."

General Jagu ruthlessly took out the scepter, ready to punish Mary Balon.

"General Jagu, please be merciful."

The hundred-eyed mother-in-law got out of Mary Balon, her face was whiter than paper, and it seemed that she was not seriously injured.

"Grandma Baiyan, it turned out to be you, but even though you are the previous spy staff officer, you should know that if you fail the mission, you will be punished.

If it is your request, I can forgive you, the empire owed you too much back then. "

Obviously, General Jagu also knew Granny Baiyan.

The conversation between General Jagu and Granny Baiyan made Mary Balon confused. She never knew that Granny Baiyan would know General Jagu.

"Who made this rule. Jagu, it couldn't be you. It wasn't like this when I was here.

Mary Balon is my granddaughter and the next Hundred-Eyed Granny, I will not allow you to do this again. "

Baiyan Granny stood in front of General Jiagu and asked in a blunt tone.

"When you were here, you would be punished if you made a mistake. As for this rule, I also made it. I can't let my subordinates punish them for some negligence. If at the beginning..."

General Jagu said with some nostalgia. .

"It's not the same as before. When we supported Shawshank as Emperor Klexis, there will be no future. He has changed, and you and I have also changed."

Baiyan Granny said coldly.

Chapter 93 The Black History of Klexis

"Although it's you who interceded, I can go online for your sake, but can you pardon all the punishment after going to Mary Balon?"

General Jiagu and Granny Baiyan stood facing each other.

"I can, I use my title of Baiyan mother-in-law to exchange her for a safe life. Is it possible?"

After finishing speaking, Granny Baiyan dug out the eyeballs on her forehead, and pressed them into Mary Balon's forehead with lightning speed.

Mary Balon felt dizzy.

"Grandma, this is..."

Mary Balon fainted before finishing speaking.

After Mary Balon fainted, the hundred-eyed mother-in-law endured the pain of the eyes being stripped from her forehead,

"What I said is very confidential and cannot be heard by others."

The hundred-eyed mother-in-law turned into an eyeball, and sucked Gaidorion, who was still twitching on the ground, into her eyes.

"What makes you so cautious."

General Jiagu couldn't help asking when he saw that Baiyan Granny was so cautious.

"General Jagu, do you know the true identity of Das Mada? Do you know why I kept a clone and pretended not to ask about current affairs, but entered Mary Balon's body?"

Grandma Baimu wiped the place where she had gouged out her eye, and the eye-sized hole was sealed, and the bleeding stopped.

"Why did you leave and never return? Otherwise, the position of the general should be yours."

General Jiagu gave up his seat to Granny Baiyan.

"Jia Gu, 700 years ago, you, me, and Shawshank were the three masters of Clesis. In order to change the chaotic situation of Clesis, the Clesis guerrillas began to be established. Later, they gradually conquered Countless enemies have established the Chrysis Empire."

Grandma Baimu recalled.

"Yeah, at that time I was in charge of combat, you were in charge of collecting intelligence, and Shawshank was in charge of commanding. So many years have passed in a flash, Shawshank became Emperor Krasis, and I also became the general of the Krasis Empire, managing the whole country The army is responsible for foreign wars.

But you disappeared and became the Baimu mother-in-law that is widely rumored outside. Although I have looked for you, you have been avoiding me.Why exactly.Sachiko. "

General Jagu said with some excitement.

"Jia Gu, on the night when the Klexis Empire was founded, I was called back by Shawshank to attend the founding ceremony, but halfway through, I was attacked by a large number of unknown people. Do you know who sent those people? "

Grandma Baimu sneered, "Those people are the personal guards I trained to protect Shawshank. They are powerful. Although they try their best to hide their attack methods, can I still not see it?

In order to deal with me, five alien beasts were also sent out. All the spies I brought with me were sacrificed to cover me.

But those people were still chasing after me, and I accidentally walked to the forbidden area of ​​the Klexis Empire, that place, and I escaped the pursuit, but it was not without a price.Just now the eyes were brought out from that place by me, and as soon as I went to that place, the eyes entered my forehead.I will also become the mother-in-law of Baimu in your eyes. "

Grandma Baimu laughed at herself.

"Xingzi, what did you say, you were hunted down, why didn't you tell me, why didn't you come to me. I can help you avenge."

General Jia Gu said angrily when he heard that his old comrades were chasing after him.

"You can't take revenge, and you can't come to you. I'm doing it for your own good, otherwise you won't be able to live. You should also guess who is chasing me."

Grandma Baimu said wearily.

"is it him?"

General Jagu grasped the scepter tightly and asked nervously.

Granny Baimu nodded.

"How could it be him, he is our brother who lives and dies together."

The scepter in General Jagu's hand fell to the ground without realizing it.

"After I became Baimu's mother-in-law, he has been sending people to watch me. In order to reassure him, I took him there and stayed there until the arrival of the child Mary Balon."

Grandma Baimu looked at the fainted Mary Balon, with a kindness flashing across her face.

"He once gave me a promise, that is, as long as I don't say anything about it and stay there, Grandma Baiyan can live forever.

But my lifespan is coming to an end, and I can't let that child Mary Balon follow my old path like me. "

Granny Baimu's voice became deeper and deeper.

"How could he be like this, no, Sachiko."

General Jagu sat down in his seat when he heard the news.

"Jiagu, people will change. I didn't expect him to be corrupted by power. Even we didn't believe it. But Jiagu, you should be prepared, otherwise you will be like me."

Grandma Baimu persuaded.

"Prepare? Prepare for what? Does he even want me to..."

General Jia Gu fell silent when he thought of what had happened to Granny Baimu.General Jiagu still believed in Granny Baimu's words, because she had never lied to herself.

"Jiagu, you've noticed it too, right? He started to think of ways to take away your military power, but fortunately your military power is still there, which made him have scruples.

Jagu, do you still remember that Inspector Das Mada that you killed? "

Grandma Baimu has always been attached to Mary Balon, and she knows what Mary Balon has experienced.

"Dathmada, that one is extremely arrogant, holding a chicken feather as an arrow, I found a chance to kill him. Sachiko, is there something wrong?"

General Jagu asked puzzledly.

"Jagu, do you know the true identity of that Das Mada? Do you know why he has such great power and why he dares to intervene unscrupulously?"

Granny Baimu went on to say, "Because it's Shawshank's avatar, just like him, can you say that you don't have much power? It's normal that you can't see him. But my eye can see through his true identity right away. "

"Then why didn't you say it in advance."

General Jagu asked.

"Say it ahead of time, once Dasmada finds out, neither you nor I will survive. This is only after you kill Dasmada before I can say it.

Otherwise, why do you think that the identity of Princess Garonia can be known by Das Mada.Because Princess Galonia does not have his blood in her body.

You have killed his clone, which is almost the same as killing him. He will definitely not keep you, and will definitely kill you if he finds a chance.Now it's just pretending not to know. "

Granny Baimu fell limply to the ground.

"Sachiko, what's wrong with you?"

General Jiagu quickly helped Granny Baimu up, and when he touched Granny Baimu, he found that Granny Baimu was cold all over.

"There's my life in that eye, and I just gave it to Mary Balon, so I'll be gone in a minute.

However, before that, Jagu, listen to me, welcome Princess Garonia back and fight against Emperor Klexis.He is no longer the Shawshank who shared weal and woe with us.

This time I took action to protect Mary Balon.He should have noticed the message of my appearance. After I leave for a while, you should be able to stabilize him by giving him my body.Otherwise, you will not escape this disaster. "

Grandma Baimu closed her eyes wearily.

"No, Sachiko."

General Jagu yelled loudly.

"Jagu, that Gadorion in my eyes, I have already killed him, he can't stay, if he asks, you can say that Gadorion and I died together. Don't be sad."

Granny Baimu touched General Jiagu's masked face.

"I still remember the scar on your right face, which was caused by blocking a sword. Therefore, you have always been inferior and dare not see me. There is one last thing, you must promise me."

Grandma Baimu asked.

"Speak, I will agree to whatever you say, don't keep me."

General Jiagu, a cruel man for thousands of years, shed tears.

"Don't tell Mary Balon about my death, I don't want to make her sad, I hope she can live like a normal girl, not like this.

Jiagu, you know, I actually like you..."

Granny Baimu caressed Jiagu's hand, and she dropped it all at once.

"Sachiko, Sachiko."

General Jagu hugged Sachiko and cried.

After the death of Grandma Baimu, Gaidorion's body was removed from Grandma Baimu's eyes.

General Jiagu picked up the body of Baiyan Granny, pointed at the blank space, and a crystal coffin came out.

"Sachiko, I like you too. I always thought he would marry you, so I never confessed my love to you. Unexpectedly."

General Jagu clenched his fist, his fingernails inserted into his palm, and the blood flowed out without feeling any pain.

"Don't worry, Mary Balon, I will take good care of her, and I will avenge you, even for him."

General Jiagu held the body of Grandma Baimu and gently put it into the crystal coffin.Not caring about Granny Baimu's ugly face now, she smoothed out Granny Baimu's wrinkled clothes.

"Zi." With a sound, Grandma Baimu's crystal coffin returned to its original position again.

As for the body of Gaidorion next to General Jagu, General Jagu felt that he was obstructing his footsteps, so he kicked Gaidorion's body aside without hesitation.

It's not that Gedorion is not important in General Jagu's heart, but that there is no harm without comparison.

Gaidorion has served under General Jagu for so many years and is loyal to General Jagu, but compared with Granny Baimu, Granny Baimu must be more important.

Granny Baimu was the person General Jagu had a crush on before, and General Jagu had worked with Granny Baimu for many years, much longer than Gaidorion.

Just like a dog who has dressed the owner for many years is compared with the owner's wife, there is no doubt that the wife must be the most important.In the same way, Gaidorion acts as a dog in General Jagu's heart, while Granny Baimu acts as a wife.

Therefore, General Jagu's attitude towards Granny Baimu is completely different from that of Gaidorion. .

"However, I will not let you leave me. As for what you said, I will do it."

General Jagu returned to his usual indifferent expression, and his clenched hands were loosened.

Chapter 94 Strange visitor

After General Jiagu hid Granny Baimu, he ordered Dr. Mulong to extract a cell from the dead Granny Baimu and clone it.Dr. Mulong made a body that looks exactly like Granny Baimu.

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