"Mulong, do you have any last wishes?"

General Jagu said with his back to Dr. Wood Dragon.

Dr. Mulong nodded calmly, and understood what General Jagu meant. Dr. Mulong followed General Jagu, Granny Baimu, and Shawshank followed General Jagu when they fought together.

"General Jiagu, I have followed you for so many years. Although I am still alone, I am very satisfied. My wish is that I can still be your subordinate in the next life."

Dr. Mulong also knew from copying the corpse of Granny Baimu that if he succeeded, he would definitely be executed by General Jagu, in order to avoid the leak of news.

Dr. Mu Long simply picked up a bottle of poison he developed and poured it into his mouth.

General Jagu wept with his back to Dr. Wood Dragon, who had been with him much longer than Gaidorion.

Otherwise, the entrance to the Demon Realm would not be under the control of Dr. Wood Dragon.This is General Jagu's trust in Dr. Wood Dragon.

General Jagu watched Dr. Mulong's body slowly turn into ashes after drinking the poison, but he still looked at General Jagu with his back turned to him with a smile on his face.

General Jiagu shed tears, and the man did not flick his tears lightly, but he did not reach the point of sadness.

Although I don't know if it is worthwhile to do this for the dead mother-in-law Baimu, but there is no turning back after opening the bow, so I can only continue to do it.

Dr. Mulong and Gaidorion were all subordinates of Jagu finally, and they all died because of this incident.General Jagu can only go on.

After the death of the last insider, Dr. Wood Dragon, who only knew a little.

General Jagu sent a message to blame the Demon Realm, and had a direct conversation with Emperor Clexis Shawshank.

"Your Majesty the Emperor."

General Jia Gu first bowed his body and saluted.

"General Jagu, this is the first time in nearly 500 years that you have come to me on your own initiative."

Emperor Clexis Shawshank only showed a huge wolf head, and said to General Jagu.

"General Jagu, what's the matter?"

Asked by Emperor Klexis Shawshank.

"Reporting to Your Majesty, I am the corpse of Grandma Baimu. She tried to assassinate me. Fortunately, my loyal subordinate Gaidorion blocked the attack, but Gaidorion also died because of it."

General Jagu said with a sad face, only General Jagu knows what sadness is.

"General Jagu, don't be sad, Gaidorion's sacrifice is worth it, the empire can't do without you. Give Gadorion a good burial, the body of this Baimu mother-in-law, um, you can give it to me."

When Emperor Clexis Shawshank mentioned Granny Baimu, he obviously hesitated for a moment, but he continued.

"Follow your orders."

General Jiagu waved his hand, and a crystal coffin slowly came out from the ground, inside was the cloned body of Baimu Granny.

Even though it was Granny Baimu's fake body, General Jagu still felt very uncomfortable seeing it, but in order not to let Emperor Clexis Shawshank see the flaws, General Jagu lowered his head so as not to look at the cloned Granny Baimu's body.

"It really is her."

Emperor Clexis, Shawshank, actually sent the body of Granny Baimu to the past through a monster message.

This time, General Jagu felt for the first time that the strength of the current Emperor Clexis, Shawshank, was not at the same level as that of the previous man who called himself a brother and brother.

"General Jagu, you did a good job. I am very satisfied with your actions this time. You handled the matter of Granny Baimu very well, but the speed of invading the earth is a bit slow.

General Jagu, you need to work hard.But how the Inspector I sent, Das Mada, died, you have to give me an explanation. "

Emperor Klexis Shawshank asked sternly.

"Your Majesty, that Inspector Das Mada privately mobilized my subordinates Gardison and Persia Gang, as well as a large number of senior fighters, to attack the headquarters of the Holy Dragon Group on Earth without my consent.

As a result, except for Gardison and Persia who had just returned from serious injuries, and the prosecutor Das Mada, the rest of the army was wiped out. He should bear the blame.So, he was punished by me.

I didn't expect that Das Mada's physical fitness was so weak that he couldn't bear it.So he died, but this is what he deserved. "

General Jagu put all the blame on the dead Das Mada, because dead people can't speak, even if he is the clone of Emperor Clexis Shawshank, after all, it can't be put on the bright side, Emperor Clexis Shawshank I could only pinch my nose and swallow.

"That's it, then let's forget about it. General Jagu, I am very satisfied with your actions this time, but don't slack off. Although others say that you have the heart of disobedience, I don't believe you will betray I, I believe in you, will definitely rule the earth."

The wolf head of His Majesty Emperor Klexis said.

"My loyalty to Klexis, if you are not willing, I am willing to prove my innocence with death."

After General Jagu finished speaking, he aimed the scepter at his throat.

"General Jagu, I definitely believe in your character, you don't need to be like this."

Emperor Clexis Shawshank threw General Jagu's scepter to the ground through the monster communication

"Your Majesty, do you trust me?"

General Jagu pretended to be surprised and said.

"Well. General Jagu, I will always remember your achievements. Don't worry, no one can impeach you. (Except me.)"

Of course, the second half of the sentence was said silently in the heart of Emperor Clexis Shawshank.

"Then I will resign, and there are still many government affairs that I need to deal with."

General Jagu said to Emperor Clexis Shawshank.


Emperor Klexis took the initiative to cut off contact with General Jagu.

After breaking off contact, General Jagu clenched his loosened hand again,

"Do you think I'm stupid? I didn't expect that she was really made like this by you. Is the emperor's status so important? Do you really think that I can't see the murderous look in your eyes?"

General Jagu thought of what Granny Baimu said to him, "It's time to start acting, not only for me, but also for my subordinates, and all the people of Emperor Klexis."

General Jagu said in a low voice.

After speaking, the cloak on General Jagu turned into a black robe, wrapping General Jagu.

Shenglong Group.

After Li Qinghe successfully seized the console of Water City last time, after deciphering it, Li Qinghe has learned all the information about Water City.

"It can be destroyed."

With Li Qinghe's order, the previous plan to control the earth through water failed. The water capital was ordered by Li Qinghe to activate the self-destruct system, and the water capital disappeared. People on the earth once again drank the sweet water before. .

"Ah, water, we have water again."

"Yeah, water, water. Just as sweet as ever."

People from all over the world began to cheer, jump for joy, and spread the news that there was water.

Li Qinghe also saw the news, "Xiangzi, look, the water on the earth has come back again, you have a lot of credit, if it wasn't for you, I wouldn't be so determined to break with Klexis. "

Li Qinghe said to Xiangzi, who was serving as his secretary again during this period.Because of Nagata Yuka, I went on a trip again. This time, Nagata Yuka is going to Longyuan Country to see the customs there.

"Mr. Qinghe, thank you for allowing me to fulfill my father's wish."

Watching the TV, Xiangzi saw the joy of water returning from all over the world, and his father's love for water echoed in his heart.


Li Qinghe hugged Xiangzi, Xiangzi was a little nervous and didn't know what to do.

"Xiangzi, I like you."

"No, no."

Xiangzi was a little scared and wanted to leave Li Qinghe.

But since Li Qinghe decided to do something, how could he let this little sheep go out of tune, Xiangzi's mother, Shui Hui, was in Li Qinghe's hands, and Xiangzi would definitely not let her go.

"Don't cry, you will be my woman from now on, and I will treat you well."

Although Xiangzi was very unhappy that Li Qinghe had forced himself so domineeringly, but the thing had already happened, Xiangzi could only accept it.

Xiangzi is a woman who fits the characteristics of the island country. After Li Qinghe became his husband, Xiangzi obediently helped Li Qinghe get dressed, and then dressed herself.

"Go back and rest today, okay?"

"Okay, Mr. Qinghe."

Xiangzi said obediently.

"I'll take it to you."

Regardless of Xiangzi's shyness, Li Qinghe took Li Qinghe back to her home.

"Mr. Qinghe, won't you come in?"

Xiangzi asked.

"No, you go back and have a good rest first. Be good."

Xiangzi returned home. Fortunately, Li Qinghe found a job for Xiangzi's mother, Shui Hui, otherwise he would have been exposed.

Ever since Li Qinghe and Shui Hui had some sex, after Shui Hui got off work this week, Li Qinghe and Shui Hui would have a friendly and in-depth emotional exchange.Of course, Xiangzi didn't know all this, and Shui Hui didn't know about the relationship between Li Qinghe and Xiangzi.

On the way Li Qinghe drove back to Shenglong Group, a man in black robe suddenly appeared in front of him.

With a "squeak", Li Qinghe stopped the car.

It's not that he is willing to stop the car. Li Qinghe doesn't care about those who break the traffic rules. The black-robed man in front of him is obviously the one who breaks the rules.

Li Qinghe rushed over. The black-robed man stretched out a golden scepter and pointed at Li Qinghe's fast-moving car. Li Qinghe's car stopped.

Li Qinghe was forced to get down from the car. At the same time, Li Qinghe pressed the red button on his clothes to ask for help. It wasn't that Li Qinghe couldn't beat the man in black, but that Li Qinghe was more cautious in preventing problems before they happened.

"who are you?"

Li Qinghe asked the man in black who stood in front of him.

"It doesn't matter who I am, the important thing is that we have something to cooperate with."

The man in black made a vicissitudes of life sound. .

"Oh, alright."

Li Qinghe replied.

Chapter 95 Heart-eating Mantra

Li Qinghe didn't feel any malice from the black-robed man in front of him, and Li Qinghe deliberately delayed the time so that the Knights of Leo rushed to support him.

"Then let's find a place to talk in detail. The location and time are up to you."

The man in black continued to speak.

"Okay, then go to my place."

Li Qinghe didn't expect the man in black to agree so quickly without any hesitation.You must know that this is Li Qinghe's base camp, once Li Qinghe won't let him leave, he will definitely not be able to leave unless he lies down and goes out.

At this time, a large number of Leo knights had rushed to the vicinity of Li Qinghe, and Li Qinghe's own safety had been guaranteed.

With confidence, Li Qinghe was not afraid of what the mysterious black-robed man in front of him would do.

Li Qinghe continued to drive ahead, letting the man in black sit in the car behind.

That black-robed man was also bold, and really followed Li Qinghe into Li Qinghe's office.

At this time, there were only Li Qinghe and the man in black in the office.

"Tell me, who are you and why did you ask me to cooperate? Or, in what areas do you want to cooperate?"

Li Qinghe asked first.

"It doesn't matter who I am, what matters is what we need to talk about."

The man in black said in a hoarse voice.

"But if you really want to know, that's all right."

After the man in black robe finished speaking, he took off his black robe.

"General Jagu, why are you?"

Li Qinghe did not expect that General Jagu, who was in charge of conquering the earth in Kleiss, would come looking for him.In the plot, General Jagu spent his whole life fighting for the Klexis Empire.

"Then why are you here this time?"

Li Qinghe looked at General Jiagu sitting in front of him and asked.

The arrival of Li Qinghe caused the whole world to undergo major changes because of the "butterfly" Li Qinghe, so some plots were no longer reliable.For example, the hundred-eyed mother-in-law, the hundred-eyed mother-in-law that Li Qinghe saw in the plot is not so strong.

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