Holding the scepter, General Jagu said solemnly, "I want to cooperate with you to overthrow the Klexis Empire."

"General Jagu, why are you doing this? That's what you've been striving for, isn't it?"

Li Qinghe was a little curious about General Jia Gu's actions.

"My allegiance is to the thriving Krexis Empire, not this decadent dynasty."

General Jiagu thought of what happened to the Baiyan mother-in-law and clenched his scepter tightly.

"General Jagu, I need your promise, and I want to see your sincerity."

Li Qinghe looked suspiciously at General Jiagu in front of him. This time General Jiagu came in real body. If Li Qinghe wanted to, he could be detained here.

General Jia Gu took out a roll of blueprints from his hand and threw it to Li Qinghe, who caught it.

"what is this?"

Li Qinghe didn't open it either, just held it in his hand.

"This is the blueprint for Fortress Clexis."

Li Qinghe looked at the blueprint in his hand solemnly, carefully opened the blueprint and looked at it. Inside were the various steps in the construction of Klexis Fortress.

Li Qinghe looked at it briefly, put it away, turned around, and Li Qinghe inserted the drawing into the vase next to it.

"General Jagu, how do you want to cooperate?"

Although Li Qinghe couldn't confirm if this was the real blueprint of the Klexis Fortress after reading it again, but Yuka Nagata is not in front of him now, so he can only leave it for now, and study it carefully after General Jagu leaves.

Only then did Li Qinghe feel the importance of Nagata Yuka. In the past, Nagata Yuka accompanied him to deal with these matters, and he felt that he could handle these things with ease.

Li Qinghe instinctively felt that General Jia Gu would not lie to him, there was no reason, it was just a feeling.

"I need to welcome back Princess Garonia."

General Jagu said directly.

"Why, I need to know the reason. You must know that last time you were going to capture Princess Galonia. She had my protection, so you didn't succeed."

Speaking of Princess Galonia, that is, the grown up pupil, Li Qinghe remembered that he hadn't visited Princess Galonia for a long time.

"The reason why something like that happened last time was because of Das Mada. Das Mada found out that our Garonian princess does not have the blood of Emperor Klexis, so he threatened us to capture her."

General Jagu explained.

"And now. If I let Princess Galonia go back, will I suffer the same thing?"

Li Qinghe waited for General Jia Gu to explain.

"No, because Darth Motor is dead and there are no other distracting factors."

Li Qinghe didn't have an insider at the upper echelons of Clexis, so he didn't know that Das Mada had been dealt with by General Jagu.

"Solved it? Then do you know the true identity of Das Mada?"

Li Qinghe asked.

"I didn't know it before, but I found out later that he was a clone sent by Emperor Klexis to monitor me."

General Jagu laughed at himself and continued.

"I think I have been working hard since the founding of the Krysis Empire, thinking about how to make the Krysis Empire more prosperous every day.

However, I didn't expect that Emperor Klexis didn't believe me, let it go, and started to attack the heroes of the year. "

Speaking of this, General Jagu clenched his scepter involuntarily.

"But how did you know the identity of Das Mada, I'm curious."

In the original play, until the death of General Jagu, it is still unknown that Das Mada is the clone of Emperor Klexis.

"Thanks to Sachiko, it's the person you suddenly appeared in the Water City last time. She is proficient in black arts, and she saw the true identity of Das Mada."

General Jagu explained.

"Is that so?" Li Qinghe pondered, considering whether what General Jia Gu said was true or not.

"Then why do you welcome Princess Garonia back? Can you protect her well?"

Li Qinghe stared into General Jia Gu's eyes and asked.

General Jagu showed no sign of weakness, "I can guarantee the safety of Princess Galonia. As for my intention to welcome Princess Galonia back, I'm sorry, but I can't tell you."

General Jagu shook his head.

Li Qinghe tapped the table with his hands, thinking.

"Yes, but I need the consent of Princess Galonia. If she does not agree, then this is for you."

Li Qinghe pointed to the blueprint of Clexis Fortress that General Jagu gave him just now.

"Yes, can I meet Princess Garonia?"

General Jagu pleaded.


Li Qinghe asked his men to bring Princess Garonia here.

Princess Garonia is still so beautiful, a beauty that rejects people thousands of miles away.

"General Jagu, what are you doing here?"

Princess Garonia frowned.

Princess Galonia didn't know that General Jiagu was there, but she hurried over when she heard Li Qinghe calling her, thinking that she could meet Li Qinghe who hadn't seen him for a long time.

"Princess Garonia, Wei Chente is here to welcome you back."

General Jagu's attitude was very low. This was the first time Princess Galonia heard General Jagu call herself so respectfully.

"General Jiagu, get up, I'm just a lost princess, thanks to you."

Princess Garonia said indifferently.

"His Royal Highness, I know my mistake. Last time I was coerced by Das Mada, I had to do such a wrong thing. I am willing to accept any punishment, and I only ask you to go back."

General Jiagu knelt on the ground and begged.

"I won't go back. The last time I was coerced, I betrayed me. If I was coerced this time, I would definitely betray me."

Princess Galonia was about to leave.

"Please stay, Your Highness, Your Highness, if my death can make you change your mind, I am willing to die."

General Jagu raised the scepter and handed it to Princess Galonia.

"You can die if you want, it has nothing to do with me."

Princess Garonia said indifferently.

"Your Royal Highness, my life and death are not important, but what about the lives of the people of Krysis? If you don't come back, then the whole Krysis will be in dire straits."

General Jagu's last words made Princess Galonia pause.

Although Princess Galonia is not interested in General Jagu, she loves the people of Klexis very much.

"What happened to the people of Klexis?"

Princess Galonia asked sharply.

It seems like a good thing that Princess Galonia absorbed all the inheritance of the Krysis Empire in the Valley of Miracles, but she was also implicated with Krysis.One prospers all, one loses all.

"Your Highness, after you left the Klexis Fortress, although we tried our best to suppress your news, the news of your disappearance still leaked out.

Within the empire, those anti-Klexis guerrillas began to develop rapidly, and had a fierce confrontation with the men sent by Emperor Klexis.

In the end, the anti-Klexis guerrillas were defeated, and the anti-Klexis guerrillas were ordered by Emperor Klexis, and all participating personnel were killed by the nine clans.On the contrary, this decree expanded the number of guerrillas in disguise. One person participated, and the whole family participated. "

General Jagu said.

"What can I do when I go back? Is it still the puppet from before?"

Princess Garonia sneered.

"Your Highness, as long as you are willing to go back, the government will naturally belong to you."

General Jagu heard that Princess Galonia was a little moved, and said quickly.

"But I still don't believe you. If I go back and you send me to that Darth Mada, what can I do?"

Princess Galonia asked.

"Your Highness, Dasma has been killed by me. If you don't believe me, you can use the Heart-Eating Curse on me. You should know how to use it."

General Jagu told Princess Galonia about Das Mada. .

The Heart-eating Curse is a vicious sorcery that controls all the property and life of the caster, but this kind of sorcery is very difficult to succeed.

First of all, the caster needs to voluntarily accept the spell, and secondly, the spring water of the Miracle Spring is used. The spring water of the Miracle Spring can heal people, and naturally it can also kill people.

Chapter 96 The Return of Princess Garonia

Once the Heart-Eating Mantra is successfully cast, there will be a water drop mark in the center of the forehead of the caster, which cannot be removed unless the caster dies.Once the caster is killed, the life of the caster will disappear with the caster.

Once the caster uses the heart-eating spell, a worm will form on the chest of the caster, eating the internal organs of the caster, making life worse than death for the caster.

Naturally, Princess Garonia would not refuse, she stretched out her left hand, and a drop of miracle water appeared on the index finger of her left hand.


The drop of water entered General Jagu's chest.Princess Galonia cast the Heart-Eating Curse.

General Jagu held back the desire to resist, and a few minutes later, the Heart-Eating Curse was formed.A drop of water appeared on General Jagu's forehead.


General Jagu suddenly clutched his chest and fell down from his seat.

"Ah, huh..."

General Jagu's chest pain stopped, and he sucked in the air with great gulps.

"General Jagu, this is your punishment for betraying me last time. Are you dissatisfied?"

Sure enough, the most poisonous beauty, Princess Galonia naturally held a grudge against what happened last time. If it hadn't been for the need for General Jagu to order his subordinates, Princess Galonia would have killed him just now.

"Thank you, Your Highness, for the reward and punishment."

General Jagu did not reveal a trace of dissatisfaction.

"Well. In that case, you go back first, I will go back tomorrow."

Princess Garonia finally agreed to General Jagu's request.

"Yes. Your Royal Highness, I will leave first."

General Jia Gu was sent out by Li Qinghe's subordinates to the Shenglong Group.

After General Jagu left, Princess Garonia uncharacteristically took Li Qinghe's arm,

"Since I left Klexis Fortress, do you think I'm useless, so ignore me?"

Galonia said a little angrily.

"no no……"

Li Qinghe said quickly.

"That means I'm not as beautiful as other people."

Princess Galonia asked with a jealous tone.

"Your Highness, if you are not beautiful, there will be no beauties in the world. It's just that I've been very busy these days and have been dealing with company affairs. I was going to accompany you in a few days after I finish my work at the company."

Li Qinghe said the reason that he didn't even believe it, without a trace of guilt on his face.

Emoji God is online!

"Hmph, I'm going to Fortress Clexis in a few days, how can you accompany me?"

Princess Galonia knew that what Li Qinghe said was definitely not the truth, but Princess Galonia didn't pursue it.Women often just want an attitude.

"You are General Jagu's boss, so you can naturally come out to accompany me during your break time."

Li Qinghe said.

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