"Don't resist, it was Emperor Klexis who asked us to save you."

The other Chiaps in the car took the fallen Minami Kotaro and Yingyue away.

"Chasing, without the Klexis Fortress, they can't return to the Demon Realm."

Li Qinghe used the Black Hawk helicopter and sat on the Black Hawk helicopter to command.

Dozens of Black Hawk helicopters were chasing Chapu who was trying to rescue Nan Kotaro and Yingyue from a distance in mid-air.

"who are you?"

Yingyue's limbs were also crippled by Li Qinghe, so she couldn't move for the time being.

"We are the Chap contingent sent by His Majesty Emperor Klexis to rescue you."

Said Chap, who had a golden dragon tattooed on his clothes.

"What do we do now so we can get out of here?"

Shadow Moon asked heavily.

"You just need to stay here and leave the rest to me."

This man is also the doppelganger of Emperor Clexis Shawshank, Shu Ke.

Shu Ke pressed his watch, and a black swirl appeared around the car.The car began to descend slowly, and the Black Hawk helicopter overhead was also affected by the vortex.

"Boom, boom, boom."

The helicopters approaching the vortex disintegrated one after another.

"what happened?"

Li Qinghe also saw the appearance of the vortex on other helicopters.

In the end the car disappeared.

Li Qinghe looked at the disappearing car and remained silent.

For his behavior, Li Qinghe has no regrets.Originally, Li Qinghe was ready to forcibly seize the key to the Demon Realm, take advantage of the situation to break into the Demon Realm, and conquer this world.

However, the appearance of Yingyue disrupted Li Qinghe's plan, and Li Qinghe would naturally think of abolishing him, and take back the Moon Stone from Yingyue's body by the way.

However, accidents happened frequently. When Li Qinghe was about to collect the results of the battle, Nanguang Taro appeared and attacked Li Qinghe. Li Qinghe was not the one who was beaten and refused to fight back.

Li Qinghe's power in this world is already very strong. As for whether he is the strongest, he will know after a battle with Emperor Klexis.

Because of Princess Galonia, Li Qinghe already had the support of General Jagu. At least General Jagu would not intervene in his battle with Emperor Klexis.

In this case, Li Qinghe has a great advantage over Emperor Krasis.

It's just that General Jagu and Princess Galonia are currently sealed in a different dimension.

General Jagu, as the recognized military marshal of the Krasis Empire, is in charge of the military power in the country. General Jagu can't go back to the Demon Realm, so naturally he can't mobilize his military power in the Krasis Empire.

If General Jagu does not go back for a long time, then the military power belonging to him will be replaced step by step by Emperor Clexis Shawshank until he takes charge of the military power belonging to General Jagu.

In the demon world.

Emperor Klexis also seized this opportunity, taking advantage of the fact that General Jagu was sealed by himself and the military power belonged to a vacuum area, Emperor Klexis launched a drastic reform of the troops in the Krysis Empire.

If there were obstacles, there were also factions loyal to General Jagu, all of which were dealt with by Emperor Klexis.

Without the obstruction of General Jagu on the surface, in just one week, most of the forces belonging to General Jagu in the Krasis Empire were wiped out.

Emperor Clexis Shawshank looked at his achievements with satisfaction.

"Jiagu, you want to betray me. All the power that belongs to you has already been in my hands. After a while, I will be in charge of the military power of the whole country.

By then, most of you will starve to death.I can take back Klexis Fortress.Ha ha ha ha. "

"Squeak" sound.

The door of Li Qinghe's office was pushed open, and Nagata Yuka walked in.

"Why, no news about that woman yet?"

Li Qinghe asked Nagata Yuka who came in.

Nagata Yuka also knew from others that Li Qinghe's operation had failed.

"No, it should be the key's ability that made our surveillance unable to find her."

Changtian Yuhua made a cup of tea for Li Qinghe and put it in front of Li Qinghe.

Li Qinghe picked up the tea and tasted it,

"Nagata Yuka, let's not talk about it. As long as that woman is on the earth, she will definitely not be able to escape."

Li Qinghe said.


Li Qinghe wasn't angry either, but instead reviewed himself, he was too slack in the world of Kamen Rider bck, whether it was dealing with Gorgom or Klexis.Li Qinghe always seemed indifferent.

Because Li Qinghe always felt that he could easily deal with them. When he was fighting Golgom, Li Qinghe had no opponent at that time except the Creator King, so Li Qinghe felt slack, basically Passively deal with Gorgom's attack, and the final elimination of the King of Creation was done by the swordsman Birginia.Li Qinghe just took the Satan sword from the sword master Birginia.

After the Golgom organization was shattered, a new enemy, Clesis, came. Although Li Qinghe paid more attention to Clesis than Golgom, he still underestimated Clesis. If Yuka Nagata hadn't sent Kiba Yuji to rescue him, it's very likely that Li Qinghe would have been planted there.

This is very different from the style in the Kamen Rider 555 world. The 555 world is full of beauties, but Li Qinghe didn't bother to do those things, but wholeheartedly wanted to survive and live. Only then did he defeat all enemies step by step and conquer 555 world.

Li Qinghe was reflecting on what he had done in the Kamen Rider bck world, when a phone call came in suddenly,

"Help me, I'm Etsuko, save me..."

A panicked female voice came out.

"Chase, she's here."

The person on the phone hung up the phone before he finished speaking. Judging from the noisy voices around her, she was very dangerous.

Li Qinghe thought for a long time to see who Etsuko was, she was so familiar,

"Etsuko, it's her."

Li Qinghe suddenly remembered that Bihume used her to lure Li Qinghe out, but he did not expect to be caught by Li Qinghe instead.

And Etsuko was the girl who owned the bee monster back then. In order to fight for the hip-hop queen, she was seduced by Li Qinghe and killed Xunzi. .

Although Etsuko lost her first time, but Etsuko's competitor also died, Etsuko got her wish and became the hip-hop queen.

Etsuko also gradually forgot about Li Qinghe, and felt bored after being a hip-hop queen for a long time.Go back to school and start studying.

Chapter 100 grams of Zacmo's new plan

It's just that after school this day, my best friend, Fujiwara Norika, went to a new place by herself, saying that she discovered a secret.

As a result, after arriving at a remote place, that best friend turned into Chap, trying to catch Etsuko.

In desperation, Etsuko used the power of the pendant to summon the bee monster, and beat off all Chap who had captured her.

Etsuko felt that she was caught in a crisis, and felt being spied on every day. Finally, on the way to school one day, a car got out, and a group of chaps got out of the car, as well as a machine monster, stopping Etsuko.

Etsuko's bee monster couldn't resist the monster robot Kzacmo, and was almost torn in half by the monster robot.

The monster robot Kzacmo has extremely long arms, and can freely scale the length of the arms. The arms are loaded with shiny razors, and the arms are hollowed out.

The bee monster spread out its bee wings and roared towards Kezakomo, and the razor on Kezakomo's arm turned.

All of a sudden, the bee monster's wings were torn apart, and the bee monster lost the ability to fly, and lost its greatest support.

The bee monster was lifted up by one of Kezakmo's mechanical arms, and the other mechanical arm penetrated into the bee monster's body.


The bee monster uttered its own sharp scream, its body was torn apart, and the shell-shaped necklace that summoned the bee monster on Etsuko's body was also shattered.

"Ah. Help."

Etsuko looked incredulously at the bee monster, who looked very powerful to her, and was dealt with just like that.

"Catch her. This is the latest order from Emperor Klexis. You must catch her. Whoever catches her will become the new captain."

The monster robot Kzacmo issued orders to Chap beside him.

All Chapu looked at Etsuko eagerly in front of them, and Etsuko was a great credit in their eyes.

Etsuko was surrounded by chaps, and those chaps were pressing towards Etsuko step by step, and Etsuko gave up a little bit, she could only look around helplessly, hoping for a miracle.

But a miracle did happen.

Emperor Clexis Shawshank did not expect that Li Qinghe's monitoring in Tokyo was all-round and all-weather, and the actions of those people sent by Shawshank had already been discovered by Li Qinghe.

Black Hawk helicopters soared into the sky and swept towards Chap around Etsuko.

One by one, the chaps were reduced to ashes.Only the monster robot Kzakmo is left.

"Accept the order and explode yourself."

There was a struggling look in Kezakmo's eyes, "I don't want it, I don't want it."

Suddenly, a black ink missile was sprayed out from the Black Hawk helicopter, hitting Kezakmo's body.

The sparks of thunder and thunder sounded from Ke Zakemo's body, and Ke Zakemo stopped moving.

This is the ammunition specially made by Li Qinghe for catching monster robots.Of course, the experimenter was the monster robot who was captured at the beginning, Ledesky, the traitor of Klexis.

Although there is only one head left for the surrendered Ledesky, the chip in his head still has a lot of knowledge.

Shenglong Group easily read it out, and all the knowledge Ledesky knew belonged to Shenglong.

It stands to reason that Ledesky is no longer of any value, but Li Qinghe considers that Ledesky is the first true defector of Kleiss, and he can serve as a support for other people who plan to defect from the Kleiss Empire in the future. Be an example.

Naturally, Li Qinghe treated Ledesky very well, and this is the first one to get the credit.

Li Qinghe recreated Ledesky's body, gave Ledesky a very bright honor, and publicized it.

In order to show his worth, Ledesky is willing to help develop a weapon that can suspend the monster robot's bodily functions.

This black ink missile was successfully developed with the perfect cooperation of Ledesky.In recognition of Ledesky's contributions, the missile was named the Ledesky Missile.

Ledesky enjoyed the treatment he didn't have in Klexis, and made up his mind to continue to play for the Dragon.

After the body function of the monster robot Kzakmo stagnated, five Leo knights jumped from the Black Hawk helicopter and tied Kzakmo's body with one rope, and the other The rope is attached to the bottom of the Black Hawk helicopter.

And Etsuko was invited to board the helicopter and flew to Shenglong Group.

The monster robot Kzacmo was transported back to the research institute of the Holy Dragon Group by the Black Hawk helicopter.First of all, Kzakmo's self-destruct device was disarmed, and Kzakmo was disassembled into a head.

Anyway, Kzakmo's information was on the chip in his head, so Li Qinghe asked his subordinates to forcibly extract Kzakmo's information.

Li Qinghe was very concerned about how the Emperor Klesis sent his soldiers to the earth continuously when the Klesis Fortress was sealed.

Li Qinghe came to the research institute and saw the information from the chip of the monster robot Kzakmo.

Kezakmo is a more advanced fighter than Ledesky, and the amount of information in it is higher, including how Li Qinghe has always been concerned about how Clesis sent soldiers to the earth.

Li Qinghe directly skipped the unimportant information and focused directly on the key points.

"Thanks to Dr. Samar's g crystal, this time people can be teleported into the earth in a small area. If Dr. Samar is not dead, then the g crystal can teleport soldiers in a large area."

From the information of Kozakmo's chip, a Clexis researcher shook his head while speaking.

As soon as the screen turned, it was after Kezakmo came to the earth.

"Kezakmo, you have three missions when you come to Earth this time. One is to catch that Etsuko who has not been protected. She is the woman of the president of the Holy Dragon Group. We may be able to threaten that person through her." .

Another task is to find Dr. Samar's daughter Ji Lala.Her blood can enhance the teleportation ability of g crystal.This is also the reason why Dr. G insisted on taking her away.

The last task is to see the woman who carries the key connecting the earth and the demon world, and either take the key back or destroy it. "

Ke Zakmo retracted his arms and laid them flat on his chest, "Yes."

After that, the screen suddenly became black.

"President, this is the destruction mechanism that Klexis uses to prevent us from obtaining information by capturing their soldiers. Once captured, the memory in the brain will be forgotten at a very fast speed."

The researchers next to him explained the reason to Li Qinghe.

"Well, go get busy."

Through the short scene just now, Li Qinghe already knew the reason why Klexis could still send soldiers to the earth.

"G crystal?"

Li Qinghe would have thought that when the vortex was pulled into the demon world, it was formed by the G crystal thrown by Flamigulami.

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