Unexpectedly, that G crystal followed Li Qinghe and the others into the demon world, and was found and used by Emperor Klexis.

Li Qinghe cleared his mind and returned to his office. Etsuko, who had a romantic relationship with Li Qinghe, stood dryly, while Nagata Yuka sat.

"Nagada Yuka."

Li Qinghe came in and greeted Nagata Yuka, only to find that Etsuko who was saved by him was standing in front of him.

At this time, Etsuko was wearing a school uniform, carrying a schoolbag, and a red hat on her head, which was quite cute.

"Etsuko, long time no see, how are you doing after you separated from me?"

In order to resolve the embarrassment, Li Qinghe opened up the topic first and asked Etsuko.

Regarding Yuezi's experience, Li Qinghe didn't specifically investigate it. At that time, he thought of seeing her again by fate, and forget it if she didn't.

"I, I'm fine."

Etsuko said with a little stammer.

Etsuko didn't expect that the man she had a one-night stand with would have such a high status now. If she had known that she would not have left at the beginning, staying by his side was much better than being a hip-hop queen.

"That's good. Although the crisis is temporarily lifted, there is a possibility that Clexis will continue to hunt you down."

Li Qinghe said.

"Why am I being hunted down? What is Klexis? Will I continue to be hunted down?"

Etsuko had a lot of questions in her heart.The bee monster has died in the line of duty to protect Etsuko.

Etsuko is now out of protection and needs new protection.

"The reason why you were hunted down was because of me, because you are my woman. I don't know where Klexis got the news and wanted to threaten me through you.

By the way, you probably don't know what clexis are yet.Klexis is a creature from another world who invaded the earth.Stronger and more terrifying than Gorgom.

As for whether you will continue to be hunted down, I personally think it will. "

Li Qinghe answered Etsuko's three questions in succession, feeling a little dry.

"Nagata Yuka, make me a cup of tea."

Before Nagata Yuka moved, Etsuko had already taken the cup from Li Qinghe's table and made tea for Li Qinghe.

Li Qinghe looked at Nagata Yuka who was motionless and smiling at him, and seemed to understand something.

Yuezi made tea, blew it for Li Qinghe, and put it on Li Qinghe's desk.

"Can you protect me?"

As usual, Etsuko asked Li Qinghe directly.

"I gave you my business card back then, don't you know the meaning? But since you want my protection, you should know that if you want to get something, you have to pay."

Li Qinghe picked up the tea, blew on it, and took a sip.

"I know, I can give me to you. I haven't had any man but you."

Fearing that Li Qinghe would be unhappy, Etsuko quickly added.

"Yuka Nagata. Did you tell her that?"

Li Qinghe glanced at Nagata Yuka.

"Oh, I'm so sleepy. I have dark circles under my eyes. Go back and catch up on sleep."

Nagata Yuka took her small bag and happily left the office, leaving behind a dumbfounded Li Qinghe.

"This little girl."

Seeing that Nagata Yuka had left, Li Qinghe had no scruples.

"Etsuko, let's go."

The meat delivered to his mouth was not for nothing, Li Qinghe and Yuezi were vigorously doing shameful things.

After a lot of firewood, Etsuko hugged Li Qinghe but refused to let go.

Chapter 1 Capture Ji Lala

"I'm so scared, you must protect me."

Etsuko said coquettishly.

"Of course, I won't let my woman get hurt."

Li Qinghe is still a bit machismo.

Li Qinghe was flirting with Etsuko, Li Qinghe remembered that Etsuko had already gone to school and was a student.

Since Ji Lala came to Tokyo, there has been no news.

"Etsuko, do you know Kirara?"

Li Qinghe asked casually.

"I know, she is the class flower of our class, and she is the first in all sports, but it seems that she has no parents and was introduced by the teacher.

I can have her with you if you want, and I think she will. "

Etsuko heard that Li Qinghe mentioned Ji Lala, and thought that Li Qinghe was also interested in Ji Lala.

Li Qinghe opened the phone, and there was a photo of Ji Lala in it, which was extracted from the chip of the monster robot Kzakmo.

"Look, is it her?"

Li Qinghe showed Ji Lala's picture to Etsuko.

Etsuko looked carefully for a long time, "Yes, it's her, but her clothes are so special, I've never seen them before, and I haven't seen Ji Lala wear them either."

"Are you sure it's the person in the photo?"

Li Qinghe asked again.

"Well, I'm sure. Mr. Qinghe, do you really have thoughts about her?"

Etsuko asked.

"Yes, can you ask her out for me?"

Li Qinghe inadvertently asked with an orderly tone.

"Of course. Ji Lala and I are good friends, and I often treat her to dinner."

How dare Etsuko refuse to follow, his life is now completely protected by Li Qinghe, once he loses Li Qinghe's protection, he will be tied to the demon world by Klexis, life would be worse than death.

Etsuko returned to school and saw Kirara reading a book seriously.

"Ji Lala, good morning."

Etsuko warmly greeted Kirara.

"Etsuko, good morning."

Seeing that it was her good friend Etsuko, Ji Lala quickly put down the book.

"Etsuko, where did you go yesterday? Why didn't you go to class all day? I'm worried about you."

Kirara asked.

"Yesterday, I had something to do, and then..."

Seeing that Etsuko was unwilling to speak, Ji Lala didn't force her.

"It's good that you're fine. It's okay if you don't want to say it. I asked for leave for you yesterday. Don't worry."

Ji Lala said with a smile.

"Thank you, Ji Lala, you are really a good friend of mine."

Etsuko happily hugged Kirara and thanked her.

Etsuko waited until after school at noon, and grabbed Kirara who was about to leave school.

"Ji Lala, in order to thank you for taking time off for me, let me treat you to a meal, okay?"

Etsuko held Kirara's hand, not letting Kirara leave.

"We're friends, you're welcome, you've treated me to so many meals, let's forget it this time."

Ji Lala seems to be busy, and she shirks Etsuko's dinner.

"Ji Lala, it's not that you don't accept the thanks, but you still look down on me."

Etsuko looked a little angry, and Ji Lala quickly said, "No, no, then I'll go to dinner with you."

"That's good. This time, there is a new restaurant here. The business is booming. The sushi is very delicious, but it's a bit far away. But we're just doing sports."

Etsuko and Kirara trotted towards the direction Etsuko designated.

"Ji Lala, if I cheated you, but it was really for your own good, would you forgive me?"

When Etsuko was about to arrive at the place agreed with Li Qinghe, she remembered Ji Lala's kindness to her, and asked Ji Lala.

"I, I don't know, why do you ask this, but I believe you will not deceive me."

Ji Lala said innocently.

"Look, it's the one in front."

Ji Lala stood on tiptoe to watch, but Etsuko took out the anesthesia gun Li Qinghe gave her, and shot Ji Lala in the back.

"Etsuko, you."

Ji Lala fell to the ground.

"Ji Lala, I'm sorry, but I'm really doing it for your own good."

Etsuko apologized to Kirara who fell to the ground.

"Mr. Qinghe, Ji Lala has already brought it. You have to treat her well."

Li Qinghe came out from the restaurant in front, but Li Qinghe didn't let Ji Lala be followed.

Ji Lala is very vigilant and has stronger anti-reconnaissance capabilities, so as not to let her notice.Li Qinghe didn't look directly at Ji Lala, but just monitored Ji Lala through the locator on Etsuko's body.

When Li Qinghe was about to help Ji Lala who fell to the ground, Ji Lala threw a dart in the direction of Li Qinghe.

The moment Li Qinghe was helping her, he felt a threat, and avoided Ji Lala's dart.

"You, you're fine"

Etsuko looked in surprise at Kirara whose actions were completely unaffected by the tranquilizer gun.

"Etsuko, I didn't expect you to be such a person, and you actually betrayed me."

Kirara looked at the innocent Etsuko angrily.

"I, I'm also thinking about your future, Ji Lala, don't blame me."

Etsuko thought to herself that since she had tricked Ji Lala here, and there was no turning back, she might as well drag her into the water completely.

Etsuko was a very realistic woman from the beginning, Etsuko took out the anesthesia gun and shot Ji Lala continuously.

Ji Lala didn't expect that Etsuko, who was exposed, would not have the slightest repentance to attack her.

Etsuko's tranquilizer bombs hit Kirara who was not trying to avoid it.

Although Ji Lala can bear the effect of an anesthesia bullet, it seems that the anesthesia bullet that Etsuko hit Ji Lala had no effect at first, but for Ji Lala, it is not that it has no effect, but the effect is relatively small.

Several successive rounds of anesthesia bombs entered Ji Lala's body again, and the effects of the anesthesia accumulated little by little, starting to work in Ji Lala's body.

Ji Lala's body shook for a while, and the hand holding the dart and continuing to shoot at Li Qinghe began to lose strength.

After avoiding Ji Lala's attack, Li Qinghe dodged to the side. Li Qinghe didn't expect Ji Lala to be so resistant to anesthetics.

The anesthesia gun that Li Qinghe handed over to Etsuko, the potion of each anesthesia bomb can make an ordinary person of Clexis fall into a deep sleep for at least three days.Unexpectedly, Ji Lala could withstand a sedative bomb from Etsuko without being affected.

Ji Lala looked at Etsuko angrily, and then at Li Qinghe, the dart in her hand finally slipped from her hand.

Etsuko approached Li Qinghe with some fear, she didn't expect that Ji Lala, who always seemed gentle and lovely, would have such a strong skill, completely different from ordinary people.

If it wasn't for Li Qinghe's quick response, he might have been caught. If it was an ordinary dart, it would be nothing to Li Qinghe's Physique of King Ofe Enoch, but seeing that the dart was smeared with other toxins, he was not sure. Li Qinghe would not be willing to test it.

Seeing that Ji Lala had fallen, Li Qinghe ordered his subordinates to fire a few more anesthesia bombs at Ji Lala's legs out of caution.

At this time, Ji Lala was still trying to maintain her final sanity. The fainting just now was half real and half fake.

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