If Li Qinghe had just walked over, he would have received Ji Lala's final blow, but Li Qinghe avoided Ji Lala's counterattack based on the principle of being cautious.


Ji Lala saw that Li Qinghe didn't approach her immediately, Ji Lala couldn't bear the effect of the anesthetic anymore.

"Ding" sound.

Ji Lala's clenched hands were completely loosened, revealing a small bottle of blue solution.

Li Qinghe saw the bottle of solution all at once, "Keep that bottle of solution safe."

With a wave of Li Qinghe's hand, several engineers in protective suits carefully put the bottle of solution into the safe and left.

Li Qinghe felt that the threat posed to him by Ji Lala finally disappeared.

The moment Li Qinghe saw Ji Lala, he sensed a threat from Ji Lala, that's why Li Qinghe easily dodged Ji Lala's dart attack.

After Ji Lala fainted again, Li Qinghe felt a stronger sense of power.Li Qinghe resolutely didn't go there, but continued to shoot at Ji Lala.

Knowing that Ji Lala really fainted and the bottle of liquid she was covering slipped out of her hand, Li Qinghe felt that the crisis was completely eliminated.

Li Qinghe walked up to Yuezi, "Yuezi, you did a good job."

Li Qinghe stroked Etsuko's hair, and Etsuko happily leaned on Li Qinghe, feeling happy to be able to help Li Qinghe.As for the guilt of betraying Ji Lala just now, it has long since disappeared.

Li Qinghe kissed Yuezi on the forehead, "I will reward you well when I go back."

Li Qinghe hugged the fainted Ji Lala, white healing energy gushed out of his hands, and swam around where Ji Lala was hit by the anesthesia bomb.The bullet casings in Ji Lala's body floated out one by one.

"Dididi" fell to the ground, and there was a crisp sound.However, the effect of the anesthetic was still in Ji Lala's body, and she was not expelled by Li Qinghe.

As Li Qinghe's understanding of the Sage's Stone of Light deepened, the fit between his body and the Sage's Stone of Light became higher and higher.

In order to speed up the integration between the Stone of Light and himself, Li Qinghe temporarily transferred the Stone of Darkness on his body to the Satan Sword. Otherwise, the two opposing energies of light and darkness, no matter which energy Li Qinghe controls, the other energy will cause trouble .

After Li Qinghe and the Stone of Light are 100% compatible, the Stone of Light will be completely integrated into Li Qinghe's body.

After Li Qinghe squeezed out the casing of the anesthesia bomb on Ji Lala's body, he carried Ji Lala away from the Black Hawk helicopter.


Ji Lala opened her eyes in confusion.

"Who am I, where am I"

Ji Lala covered her head, thinking hard.

"I'm Ji Lala, I'm..."

"I remember that I went out to eat with Etsuko, and then..., then Etsuko betrayed me. Then, I fainted."

Ji Lala slowly recalled what happened before, and her body was still affected by the anesthetic, preventing Ji Lala from thinking too much. .

Ji Lala covered her aching head, "Where am I?"

Ji Lala sat up slowly, under her body was a pink Simmons bed covered with pink quilts.A pale pink mosquito net over the bed is tied to the bedposts, and there are tiny mugs on the bedside cabinet.

Chapter 1 Looking for Yuko

In the distance, a white plush carpet is quietly spread on the floor, and there are curtains decorated with pale pink lace in front of the window.

Ji Lala was a little uncomfortable with such a luxurious bedroom, she got out of bed barefoot, walked to the window, and opened the curtains.

The sunlight from outside suddenly came in from the window, and Ji Lala covered her eyes with some discomfort.

Ji Lala found that her room was on a building. Looking down, Ji Lala could see workers in overalls coming and going.

Ji Lala looked at the building below, and there were promotional videos of Shenglong Group everywhere.

"This is Shenglong Group."

Ji Lala didn't understand what the Shenglong Group was doing to arrest her.

Ji Lala still has some understanding of the Shenglong Group. In the previous zombie rebellion, the Shenglong Group independently resolved it.

There is also the water crisis that broke out last time, if it wasn't for the Shenglong Group's water, and it took back the water from Klexis.The earth does not know how many people will die of thirst.

These two incidents caused Shenglong Group to resound all over the world. Of course, Ji Lala's understanding of Shenglong Group ends here.

What Ji Lala understood was exactly what Li Qinghe wanted others to understand about Shenglong Group.

"Yes, this is Shenglong Group."

The door of Ji Lala's bedroom was pushed open, and Ji Lala looked at the person who came in in surprise.

Ji Lala recognized at a glance that the man who came in was the man who avoided his dart attack.

"who are you?"

Ji Lala looked at Li Qinghe warily.

"No need to do this. If I want to do something to you, you can't avoid it."

Li Qinghe comforted Ji Lala's emotions.

"Don't come here, who are you?"

Ji Lala didn't believe Li Qinghe, and ran from the window to the bed.

"I'm Li Qinghe."

Li Qinghe stopped and said.

"Li Qinghe, such a familiar name, I seem to have heard it somewhere."

Ji Lala thought hard, because the effect of the anesthetic in her body was still there, the more Ji Lala thought about it, the more her head hurt.

"If you can't remember, don't think about it."

When Ji Lala was trying to figure out who Li Qinghe was, Li Qinghe had already come to Ji Lala's side and put a hand on Ji Lala's shoulder.

"Ah, let me go."

Ji Lala didn't expect that Li Qinghe had already come to her when she didn't pay attention, desperately trying to pull Li Qinghe's hand away.

After losing the dart and the potion of unknown effect, Ji Lala was as fragile as an ordinary girl.

Seeing that the persuasion was ineffective, Li Qinghe pushed Ji Lala down on the bed,

"If you do this again, I'll touch you."

When Ji Lala heard what Li Qinghe said, she didn't resist, any Li Qinghe was on top of her.

"Tell me. Who are you and why are you arresting me?"

Ji Lala tried to calm down her emotions.

"I am Li Qinghe, the president of Shenglong Group."

Seeing that Ji Lala had calmed down, Li Qinghe sat up from Ji Lala.

"The reason I'm looking for you is because of the g crystal."

"g crystal"

When Ji Lala heard G Crystal, she also sat up all of a sudden, but because she got up too fast, she crashed into Li Qinghe's arms.

"It's alright."

When Ji Lala heard that Li Qinghe cared about her so much, she quickly got out of Li Qinghe's arms.

"I'm fine, is the g crystal in your hand?"

Ji Lala asked excitedly.

The g crystal was brought by Ji Lala's father, Dr. Samar, from the world of demons. For the g crystal, no one knows better than Dr. Samar and Ji Lala.

Li Qinghe shook his head, "G crystal is not with me, it is in the demon world, controlled by Klexis."

"Ah, how could this be?"

Ji Lala clearly remembered that she and her father, Dr. Samar, brought the g crystal to the earth, although the g crystal disappeared after arriving on the earth.

Ji Lala has not stopped searching for the g crystal.It's just that there has been no harvest. I didn't expect that the g crystal had returned to the demon world again.

"Because the only channel to the earth from the demon world is the g crystal, which can still function. In order to enhance the transmission ability of the g crystal, Emperor Klexis has already sent his men to arrest you. However, I found you first. .”

Li Qinghe said.

"Don't there be the Klexis Fortress in Klexis? There is a passage from the demon world to the earth in the Klexis Fortress."

It was because Ji Lala was unable to leave the Klexis Fortress that she came to Earth in a space transfer device that was not yet fully successful, resulting in the loss of the G crystal.

"Because General Jagu and Princess Galonia were determined to overthrow the rule of Emperor Clesis, Emperor Clesis sealed the Clesis Fortress in a different dimension, and that passage could not be used.

Originally there was still a passage, but the key is not with me, otherwise we would not have to be so passive in the battle against the Klexis Empire. "

Li Qinghe sighed, if it wasn't for Yingyue's trouble, the key on Yuko's body would be his own.

In order to attract Yuko to take the bait, Li Qinghe deliberately leaked the location of Professor Aihara and her two children.

Because of Li Qinghe's appearance, many places in this world have changed. For example, after Yuko's fiancé Jim wore a part of the key to the Kleiss Empire, he bumped into Kleiss when he was testing a jet plane. After the unfortunate death of Fortress Si.

Yuko and Professor Aihara got married and took care of the two children born to Professor Aihara's ex-wife.

However, Li Qinghe's plan did not succeed, Yuko did not go to rescue Professor Aihara, so the already worthless Professor Aihara, and his two children have gone to another world with their mother.

After Yuko knew the news, she hated Shenglong Group even more, and vowed to destroy Shenglong Group.

Li Qinghe intensified his search for Yuko, but he still didn't know where Yuko was.

"What passage, I want to avenge my father and overthrow the rule of Emperor Klexis."

Ji Lala attributed his father's death to Emperor Klexis.

"The passage was formed a long time ago, and a key was needed. The key was already found, but it was taken away by a woman named Yuko."

Li Qinghe said.

"Sister Yuko"

Ji Lala didn't expect that it was Yuko, who had been in her home all the time, who had the key to that passage.

"Why, Ji Lala, do you know that woman?"

Li Qinghe heard what Ji Lala said just now, and it is very likely that Yuko is with Ji Lala.Only with Ji Lala can Yuzi not be found by Li Qinghe.

"I did save a woman named Yuko, but I don't know if she is the Yuko you're looking for, it's probably the same name."

Ji Lala knew Yuko's hatred for Shenglong Group.

"Look if it's her"

Li Qinghe put the photo of Yuko riding a motorcycle in front of Ji Lala.

Ji Lala covered her mouth, "How could it really be her."

Hearing what Ji Lala said, Li Qinghe finally let go of the last stone in his heart.

"Ji Lala, can you help me find where she is, I need the key in her hand very much."

Li Qinghe put down his identity and asked Ji Lala.

"If you can promise not to kill sister Yuko, I will tell you."

Ji Lala said.

"Ji Lala, do you want to avenge your father?"

Li Qinghe did not agree to the conditions proposed by Ji Lala, but changed the question.

"I thought, I'm going to avenge my father."

Ji Lala clenched her fists when she thought of her father being killed by Klexis.

"But I need to go through the passage of the Klexis Empire before I can enter the demon world and avenge you. Do you think your sister Yuko is more important, or the father who has raised you up?"

Li Qinghe gave Ji Lala an option.


Ji Lala fell into deep thought, sister Yuko was very kind to Ji Lala, gave Ji Lala the use of darts, and gave Ji Lala a lot of useful knowledge, so that Ji Lala can adapt to the environment of the earth faster .

But Dr. Samar is more important to Ji Lala. If there is no Dr. Samar, there will be no Ji Lala. down.

But Yuko was saved by Ji Lala, and Ji Lala was kind to Yuko in saving her life.

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