Ji Lala thought of her good friend's betrayal of her again, and suddenly made up her mind, rather than waiting until you betray me, why not...

Ji Lala thought it through thoroughly.

"She's at my house."

Ji Lala thought it over and gave Li Qinghe the position of Yuzi.

Ji Lala's location is very close to her school, in a unit building near the school.

Li Qinghe brought his soldiers to the outside of Ji Lala's apartment building. Ji Lala's house was so obvious, why Li Qinghe couldn't find it.

Li Qinghe closed his eyes, perceiving the surrounding environment, and found that he could not perceive the situation of this unit building.

"No wonder, Ji Lala actually shielded everything about this building."

Li Qinghe finally knew the reason.

When Li Qinghe tried to enter, he found that he was actually blocked.A bowl-shaped barrier was dunked above the building.

"Let me come."

Said to Ji Lala who was beside Li Qinghe.

When Ji Lala touched the barrier, her face suddenly changed.

"No, someone else has entered my room."

The barrier set up by Ji Lala can not only block people's perception, but make people ignore it subconsciously.It can also block anyone who wants to enter there.

But the people blocked by Ji Lala's barrier are only aimed at the earthlings, and the Klexis are not taken into consideration.

Yuko lived here after Ji Lala rescued Yuko who was fleeing.In order to prevent others from discovering this place, Ji Lala set up a barrier.Put everyone in this building except Yuko into a deep sleep. .

Yuko has been staying here and never went out again, so she has not been discovered by Shenglong Group.

When Ji Lala had just lifted the barrier, she felt the aura of other Klexis people staying on the barrier.

Chapter 1: Snatching the Key

"Who are you?"

Yuko, who was staying at Ji Lala's house, suddenly broke into the room with several Chap, Kamen Rider Bckrx and Kamen Rider Kagezuki.

"Have you forgotten who saved you that day?"

Shadow Moon said coldly.

"It was you, were you the one who saved me?"

Yuko recalled that when Li Qinghe was about to overtake him, a silver-white figure blocked Li Qinghe and the others, and that figure was Yingyue.


Yingyue still had that cold tone.

"I'm Kamen Rider bckrx."

Namkotaro also introduced himself. At this time, Namkotaro was more murderous than before. I don't know what happened to Namkotaro after he went to the demon world.

"What are you doing with me?"

Although Kagezuki and Minami Kotaro were Yuko's saviors, Yuko still didn't relax his vigilance.

"Give me the key."

Shadow Moon walked towards Yuko.

"The key, I know what the key you are talking about is?"

Yuko really doesn't know that what she holds in her hand is the key to connect the demon world with the earth.

"It's the thing that Shenglong Group wants to take from you."

Kotaro Minami explained what the next key is.

"No, I won't give it to you."

Yuko clutched her chest, looking where the key was.

"You take her away first and return to her command, rx, are you going back, or are you waiting with me for the daughter of Dr. Samar?"

Yingyue didn't care about Yuko's objection at all.

Yuko threw a self-defense dart at Chap who was approaching her.

The dart hit the foreheads of those Chaps, and the Chaps who approached Yuko trembled and turned into ashes.


Yingyue didn't bring too many people with her this time, only five chaps. What she thought was easy to do, turned out that those chaps couldn't handle it, and all of them died.

Yingyue shot it herself, and the darts shot by Yuko all fell to the ground except for the tinkling sound.

Yuko's darts are ordinary darts, but they are not as powerful as the darts in Ji Lala's hands. Ji Lala's darts are coated with special medicine, even Yingyue and the others have to avoid them.

Yingyue lifted Yuko's neck, ready to kill Yuko.Yuko's powerless resistance did not arouse Kagezuki's interest at all.

"Nobuhiko, don't kill this woman, just give it to Emperor Klexis."

Nan Kotaro, who was beside Yingyue, saw Yingyue's killing intent, and said quickly.

Nan Kotaro's kindness, no matter how much he goes through, he can't change, this is his nature.

After hearing what Nan Kotaro said, Yingyue let go of her hand.With a backhand slap, Yuko was sent flying two meters away.

"This is your punishment for shooting me. Rx, since you insist on saving her life, then you can bring her to Emperor Klexis."

Shadow Moon said coldly.

Yuko, who was hit by Yingyue on the ground, finally understood that both the Shenglong Group and the people in front of him were all after what he held.

Just when Kotaro Minami was going to help Yuko up.

A light bullet knocked Nan Kotaro back a few steps.

Li Qinghe's transformed Kamen Rider Delta came in, and Li Qinghe blew on the deltahone in his hand.

"Kutaro, it seems that your strength hasn't improved much."

Behind Li Qinghe appeared the bound Ji Lala.

"Unfortunately, one of the targets you are looking for is here with me."

Li Qinghe's subordinates have sealed off the building, and no one can leave without Li Qinghe's permission.


Yingyue looked at Li Qinghe with hatred, while Nanguang Taro looked at Li Qinghe with some complexity.

"I didn't expect Yingyue, Kotaro, you are both here. It happened to be solved together."

Li Qinghe didn't make a move, and Zhuo Moyilang behind Li Qinghe installed the sky belt syga on his waist, "Transform."

When Li Qinghe and Nan Guangtaro confronted each other.

Yuko stood up slowly, "Don't you guys want this thing?"

Yuko took out the key that was treasured in her bosom, and threw it out forcefully.The key broke the glass and fell out of the window.

After seeing Li Qinghe's instructions, Zhuo Mo Yilang gave up his plan to attack Nan Guangtaro, but rushed out of the window and chased after the key.

Nan Kotaro rushed down following the figure of Zhuo Mo Yilang.

Li Qinghe took out the Satan sword, "Come."

Li Qinghe hooked his index finger, provoking Yingyue.

Yingyue is undoubtedly annoyed by Li Qinghe's provocation, but Yingyue's goal this time is to complete the task assigned to her by Emperor Klexis and get back the key.

Although Yuko threw out the key just now, Kagezuki didn't believe that the key on Yuko's body just now was real, so only Minami Kotaro went to snatch the key thrown by Yuko just now.

But Yuko's current position is between Li Qinghe and Yingyue, no matter who makes a move, it will be stopped by the other side.

"It seems that if you don't make the first move, then I will make the first move."

With what Yingyue can see, would Li Qinghe not think of it?Li Qinghe was betting, he was betting that Youzi would go back and rescue Ji Lala who was tied up by him.

Of course, it doesn't matter if you lose the bet, Li Qinghe has already arranged many plans, and Li Qinghe is bound to get the key to the earth from Klesis.

When Yingyue was still hesitating whether to fight Li Qinghe or control Yuzi, Li Qinghe had already made the first move.

It is better to strike first, and to suffer later.Li Qinghe used the Satan sword to move towards Yingyue's position, mobilized energy, and sent out a sword energy.

When Yingyue realized that the attack was resisting, it was too late, so she forcibly supported the energy sword energy.

Li Qinghe continuously urged his sword energy in the direction of Yingyue.

Shadow Moon crossed her arms, "defense mode".

A silver-white energy shield appeared in front of Yingyue, which bounced back all of Li Qinghe's attacks.

"What an amazing mode, Shadow Moon didn't have this mode in the original drama."

Li Qinghe hurriedly resisted the attack that Yingyue had just bounced back, while Yingyue seized this opportunity and strode towards Yuzi.

Seeing Yingyue approaching Li Qinghe, Yuko took out another key.

"Don't come here, this key is real, if you come here, I'll throw it to him."

Yuko's threat made Kagezuki stop.

At this point of time, Li Qinghe had dealt with the sword qi that had just bounced back. Since the long-range sword qi was rebounded, he would fight in close quarters.

Li Qinghe stopped in front of Yingyue again, preventing Yingyue from advancing.

Yuko ran towards Ji Lala who was bound behind Li Qinghe.

"Kirara, are you okay. Let's go"

Yuko cuts the rope that binds Kirara with a dart.

"Sister Yuko, you don't need to run."

Kirara shook off Yuko's hand.


Before Yuko could react, a pistol appeared in Ji Lala's hand,

"Bang" sound.

Yuko clutched her wound, wanting to say something, but the powerful anesthetic in the bullet made her open her mouth, unable to speak, and fell down.

Yuko is just an ordinary earth woman, so naturally she doesn't have the same special physique as Ji Lala.Ji Lala's body is also considered special among the Klexis.

"how so"

Yingyue didn't expect Yuko to be captured by the person she wanted to rescue.

"Because she is mine."

Li Qinghe had been stalling for time just now, worried that Yuko would be caught by Yingyue. Once caught, Li Qinghe was not sure enough to capture Yuko while Yingyue was teleporting through the g crystal.

Once there is a slight mistake, Li Qinghe may go to the demon world with Yingyue and the others. Li Qinghe doesn't want to go to the demon world now.

Ji Lala dragged the unconscious Yuko away effortlessly.

"End of fun with you. Overdrive."

If it can be solved with one move, Li Qinghe will never use a second move.

Li Qinghe used super speed, he could feel everything around him stagnated, Li Qinghe quickly approached Yingyue.

"It's over."

Li Qinghe directly inserted his sword into Yingyue's belt.

Yingyue felt aggrieved, she still had a lot of tricks to use, but her body fell down involuntarily.

"No, Nobuhiko."

Minami Kotaro took the fake key and flew back to Yuko's room.

That's right, it's flying.Kotaro Minami transformed into a demon prince, with a pair of demon wings appearing behind him.

Minami Kotaro hugged Nobuhiko sadly.

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