Yingyue also broke away from the transformation state, and under the reflection of the light before her death, she recovered all her previous memories.

"Kutaro, I've already remembered, don't avenge me, live on. This is for you."

Yingyue inserted one hand into her waist, took out the Moon Stone, and put it on Minami Kotaro's belt.

The Moon Stone melted into Minami Kotaro's waist at once.After Nobuhiko finished all this, his head tilted down.


Minami Kotaro howled in pain, not knowing whether it was because of Nobuhiko's death or the pain in his body.

The power of the Sun Stone and the Moon Stone merged in Nan Kotaro's body.The belt around Minami Kotaro's waist has actually become the image of a yin and yang fish.

"I want you to die."

Kotaro Minami transformed into a demon prince, his fingers became sharp like swords, his eyes turned red to emit energy beams, and the edges of the wings on his back became sharp.


Nan Kotaro let out a roar, Li Qinghe was hit by the shock wave of the roar, and his body backed up again and again.

Li Qinghe drew out the Satan sword, and a sword split the air wave formed by Nan Kotaro's roar.

"Kutaro, there are many people who want me to die, but I'm still alive."

Li Qinghe's meaning is obvious, those who oppose me can only die.

Nan Kotaro was so rational that he didn't reply to Li Qinghe's words.

Nan Kotaro took out the devil spear from his waist and pointed it at Li Qinghe.

Li Qinghe felt a little uncomfortable, and was panicked by Nan Kotaro's stare.

"President, be careful."

Li Qinghe suddenly heard Zhuo Mo Yilang's voice. .

A spear unexpectedly appeared above Li Qinghe's head from such a long distance.

Li Qinghe hastily activated the super speed, avoiding the thrilling moment, only to find that where he was just now, there were spears all over the top, bottom, left, and right.

Chapter 1: The Battle Between Qianqiao and Nan Kotaro

But Li Qinghe saw the long spear in Nan Guangtaro's hand.


Li Qinghe felt that his speeding stopped suddenly, and the speeding was still there, but the power consumed by each movement was the same as that of using the Hammer of the Fallen Angel once.

Li Qinghe's super speed was cracked by Nam Kotaro using an unknown trick.

Is this the protagonist?This strength is already stronger than the black dragons in the Wu Gengji world.It's no wonder that many traversers are kneeling and licking towards the protagonist, looking like a dog's leg.

Seeing that Li Qinghe was in danger, Zhuanmo Yilang rushed to rescue him.

"The Fist of Heaven."

Zhuo Mo Yilang quickly fell from a high altitude, his fists shone with silvery white light.

"Then let's see who is stronger, and look at my hell fist."

Minami Kotaro immediately felt Syga's lock above his head.

Minami Kotaro's sharp fingers slowly retracted.Minami Kotaro clenched his fist, which was glowing with black light.


Takuma Itachiro's Fist of Heaven and Minami Kotaro's Fist of Hell collide.

The area they fought in suddenly collapsed, and the building where Ji Lala used to live was smashed into ruins by the shock wave, and the people living in the building who were caused to fall asleep by Ji Lala all lost their lives.

Fortunately, Ji Lala has already taken Yuko away, otherwise Ji Lala would have to be buried with this building.

The shackles on Li Qinghe's body were suddenly washed away by this impact.

Li Qinghe was blown away by the huge explosion.

Li Qinghe was thrown far away on the road, smashing several speeding cars.The belt on Li Qinghe's body was automatically released, and Li Qinghe spat out a mouthful of blood.

"Qinghe, Qinghe."

When Li Qinghe was in a coma, he seemed to hear Nagata Yuka's voice.

Nagata Yuka was the first to feel that something was wrong with Li Qinghe, and came here first, and found Li Qinghe who was vomiting blood.

Nagata Yuka jumped off the Black Hawk helicopter and hugged Li Qinghe who had been run over by cars several times.

"Get out of the way in front, you're courting death."

A truck appeared in front of Nagata Yuka, obviously not going to stop.


When Nagata Yuka got angry, a crane-shaped Orpheus pattern appeared on her face, her eyes shone with green light, and she glanced at the truck. It seemed that the truck had hit something. Embedded in the body, the body of the truck stood upside down.

"It's an eyesore."

After Nagata Yuka finished speaking, the truck was blown up by the soldiers of the Holy Dragon Group of the Black Hawk helicopter.

"Call out all the vehicles passing here today, and get rid of all those car owners."

After Nagata Yuka finished speaking, Lianxi looked at Li Qinghe who was vomiting blood, and green energy gushed out of her hands.

It poured into Li Qinghe's body, and Li Qinghe finally stopped vomiting blood.

Nagata Yuka took Li Qinghe to the Sacred Dragon Group's recuperation room in a Black Hawk helicopter.

Nagata Yuka saw the live broadcast of the battle between Takuma Itsuro and Nan Kotaro through the monitor.

After Chuan Yilang's Fist of Heaven and Nan Kotaro's Fist of Hell collided, the power of the shock wave from both explosions turned all the buildings with a radius of [-] meters into ruins.

And because Li Qinghe was under restraint, it was equivalent to being attacked by Zhuo Mo Yilang and Nan Guangtaro.

Nan Kotaro's explosive attack surpassed the power of Chuuu Yilang's Fist of Heaven, which was not as powerful as Nankotaro's Devil's Fist. It was blasted into the sky by the shock wave, and finally landed [-] kilometers away from the battle on a construction site.

Zhuo Mo Yilang struggled to stand up, but the belt on his body was involuntarily removed.

"Xida, go and bring back Takumo, he has tried his best."

Itachi Lang saw Nishida who had transformed into Kaixa walking towards him.

"Your mission is over, go back and accept your punishment."

Nishida said without a trace of expression.

"I know."

Zhuo Mo Yi Lang reluctantly threw Syga to Xi Tian, ​​and fainted from exhaustion.

"Take him back."

Nishida turned around and brought back Zhuo Mo Yilang's belt, and Zhuo Mo Yilang was sent to the hospital for treatment.

The news of Li Qinghe's injury quickly spread among Li Qinghe's women.

"Coincidentally. I am very worried about Mr. Qinghe, can you help me avenge? That Nan Kotaro's strength is too strong now."

Truth was a little embarrassed and asked Ganqiao who had been silently guarding her.

"I will only protect you, I will not care about others."

Gan Qiao shook her head, for Li Qinghe, if it wasn't for the truth, Gan Qiao would never work for Li Qinghe.

"Since you don't come, I'll go alone. Don't follow me."

Truth flung open the door capriciously, leaving Qiao alone.

Qiao raised his head and looked at the cloudless sky,

"I don't have a dream, but I can guard the dream of truth. Destroy all those who make truth sad."

"Transformation. Long time no see, old friend."

Ganqiao asked the mobile Pegasus who turned into an intelligent robot.

Skillfully, the mobile pegasus turned into motorcycle mode again, and drove in the direction of Minami Kotaro.

How could Qianqiao not know about the great momentum created by the battle between Nan Kotaro and Takumo Itachi.

"What, someone actually injured Lord Qinghe."

"Yuka, let me go."

In the world of Kamen Rider 555, Kiba Yuji was warmly at home with Chie, and suddenly received a message from Yuka.

Yuji Kiba knew about Yuka, and rarely sent himself a message. Now if he sends a message to himself, it means something happened.

Yuji Kiba used the newly developed large-scale shuttle to come to the world of Kamen Rider bck and found Yuka directly.

"Kiba, you just got together with Qianhui, and I called you here, disturbing your life with Qianhui, but the situation is urgent, so I can only call you first."

Yuka told Kiba Yuji about Li Qinghe's injury.

Kiba Yuji looked sullen, "Don't worry, I will definitely teach him a lesson."

Yuji Kiba transforms using the belt a of the ground.


Kiba Yuji rode a motorcycle towards Minami Kotaro's location.

"I will use the Belt of Heaven for you temporarily. If you fail, then I will use it."

Nishida handed the belt of heaven that Takumo Yiro threw to him to Haitang Naoya.

"Ah, I, I can't..."

Haitangzhi shook his head again and again, and Haitangzhi was not someone who loved to fight.

"If you don't go, I will, give it to me."

Den was about to take the belt from Nishida's hand, Haitang Zhiya immediately put the belt on his waist.

"I was just joking, how could I not use it. When will I go?"

Haitang straightened her body and asked Xi Tian.

"Right now."

Nishida turned and left.

"Hey, don't be so fast. Hey. Wait for me."

Haitang also followed Xi Tian and ran out.

"Wind, fire, thunder and lightning set off now",

The phone didn't tell Haitang that he had already received a notification from Nagata Yuka.

"Let's go, pondering has failed, we need to do it."

At the place where he had just fought with Takumo Itachiro, Nankotaro was now fighting with tens of thousands of Leo knights.

"Hoo hoo, ha ha."

Minami Kotaro is also running into the new power that appeared in his body through the battle with Leo Knight.


Kotaro Minami shouted in the direction of the Black Hawk helicopter in the sky.

The helicopter closest to Kotaro Minami disintegrated suddenly, and none of the people inside survived.

The closer the Black Hawk helicopter is to Minami Kotaro, the more damage it will receive from Minami Kotaro's sound waves.

With a roar from Kotaro Minami, thirteen Black Hawk helicopters fell from their heads.

Nan Kotaro used his long spear to pierce the five Leo knights in front of him, and quickly retracted it.

Kotaro Minami slaughtered those Leo knights who tried to get close to him with one move after another.

An inch is long and an inch is strong, and no one can get close to Kotaro Minami's spear.

Suddenly those Leo knights surrounding Nan Kotaro dispersed.

"what happened?"

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