Nan Kotaro didn't pursue either, but waited quietly at the spot to see what else Shenglong Group could do.

Nan Kotaro's aura is still growing at this time. The fusion of the Sun Stone and the Moon Stone is not simply one plus one. The power of the Sun Stone and the Moon Stone can become the new King of Creation

There was a steady stream of power pouring into Nan Kotaro's body.It gave Nan Kotaro the illusion that he was already invincible in the world, especially when he just punched Takumo Yilang flying.

Emperor Klexis in the demon world was also very jealous of the power in Minami Kotaro's body, but Namkotaro didn't want to go back to the demon world, and Namkotaro easily broke free from the g crystal teleportation.

Emperor Klexis had no choice but to look at the power of Kotaro Minami, and by the way, see the strength of the Holy Dragon Group who dared to be an enemy of the Krysis Empire and defeated the Krysis battle plan time and time again.

The strength of the Holy Dragon Group really stunned the Klexis Emperor Shawshank.

This further strengthened Emperor Kleiss' plan to prevent the Holy Dragon Group from obtaining the key to the Demon Realm.

"who are you?"

Minami Kotaro's flapping wings flew in mid-air.

"Me, faiz. Why are you flying so high."

Ganqiao handsomely shook his right hand and turned his neck.

"Even on the ground, you are not my opponent, get out of the way, what I am looking for is Kiba Kiyokawa, don't stop me."

Minami Kotaro retracted his wings and landed on the ground.

"Feel sorry."

Qianqiao pulled out his own beam saber from the handlebar of the motorcycle.

Seeing Gan Qiao standing in front of him, Nan Kotaro felt resentment towards Li Qinghe in his heart, so Nan Kotaro didn't want to explain any more.

"Then die."

Nan Kotaro stabbed Qianqiao with a long spear. Although Ganqiao hadn't fought for a long time, he still had a keen sense of fighting.

Gan Qiao jumped towards the top of Nan Kotaro's head, dodging Nan Kotaro's spear.

Nan Kotaro saw that Qianqiao was a little close to him, so he quickly returned to defense.

Ganqiao saw the tail of the gun thrown towards him, and Ganqiao used the beam saber to block himself in front of him. .


Ganqiao didn't expect Nanguangtaro's power to be so powerful, the force acting on the gun body knocked Ganqiao away.

Chapter 1 Yuji Kiba and the Battle of Skillful Skills

Nan Kotaro would not be merciful to wait for Ganqiao to get up, he just danced his spear, jumped up, and knocked on Ganqiao's head.


With a crisp sound, Nan Kotaro's spear was grabbed by a knight with a golden appearance who suddenly joined in.

"Yuji Kiba. Are you blocking me too?"

Minami Kotaro still knows Kiba Yuji.At the beginning, it was Yuji Kiba who rescued him and Li Qinghe more than once.

"Why did you hurt the president."

Kiba Yuji raised the spear, threw Minami Kotaro aside, and helped Ganqiao up.

"Almost killed."

Qianqiao is a little scared, he still has a lot of tricks he hasn't used, and he was wronged just now by Nan Kotaro's one-shot kill.

faiz is sart

Among the three belts developed by Company A, the most stable one is in normal shape and not strong.But once Faiz uses the attachment, it will not be at the same level as before.

"What a coincidence, I haven't seen you for a long time. It seems that you are not well."

Kiba Yuji teased Ganqiao.

"What, I was just careless just now, you get out of the way, I can beat him."

Ganqiao's self-esteem is too strong, and he refuses Kiba Yuji's help.

"What a coincidence."

Neither did Kiba Yuji move his hands, nor did he move.

"Yongzhi, you watch from the sidelines and prepare to save Ganqiao."

Yuji receives orders from Nagata Yuka.


Kiba Yuji stood aside and did not participate in the intervention of Ganqiao and Minami Kotaro.

"I don't know, this Kamen Rider bck world's luck son Nan Kotaro is more powerful, or the 555 world's Ganqiao they are more powerful."

Nagata Yuka was on the podium, silently watching the battle between Qianqiao and Nan Kotaro.

Ganqiao picked up the beam saber, "Then let's make a quick decision."

Ganqiao installed faiz's accessory equipment, faizaxel, on his arm.

"Acceleration form."

After equipped, the faiz armor unfolds to expose the core, which can instantly increase the speed and strength of the transformer. After turning on the acceleration mode, it only takes 10 seconds to complete what you want to do at a speed 1000 times the usual speed.

The ultimate skill can be used without reloading power, and can be used continuously, the movement of the faiz's accelerated form becomes almost invisible to the surrounding things, and the enemy who becomes the target has no chance to escape when the faiz attacks .

During this process, Nan Kotaro turned a blind eye to Qianqiao's movements and allowed Qianqiao to use the accelerated form.


When Gan Qiao approached Nan Kotaro at 0001 seconds, Nan Kota Lang pointed in the direction of Gan Qiao.

The skillful acceleration form stopped suddenly,

"time up."

The time for the neat accelerated form is over.

Qian Qiao's body was similar to Li Qinghe's at that time, being restrained.

"It seems that you are not doing well. The devil tramples."

Nan Kotaro said as he walked, and when he came to Ganqiao, he kicked Ganqiao away, smashing through dozens of buildings.

"Kutaro, stop. I don't want to be your enemy."

Although Kiba Yuji said he didn't know what happened, but Kiba Yuji still felt in his heart that Minami Kotaro must have done something wrong.

"I don't want to be your enemy either, but you defended the person who tried to rule the world and killed Shadow Moon. I must defeat him, and I must defeat you before that."

Minami Kotaro's attack just now was so fast that Kiba Yuji didn't have time to catch Ganqiao.

"You're crazy."

Kiba Yuji took out the Didi sword, so he didn't say much.

"Kiba, wait for me."

Haitang Naoya used the belt of the sky and finally came there when Kiba Yuji and Minami Kotaro were fighting.


Kiba Yuji asked while looking at the knight wearing the Sky Belt Syga.

"Yes, my uncle is here."

Before Haitang could finish speaking, she was interrupted by Nan Kotaro.

"If you want to fight, just fight, don't talk so much nonsense."

Minami Kotaro gave priority to attacking Haitang Naoya.

"Why did you hit me first?"

Haitang Zhiya kept dodging Nankotaro's spear.

Naturally, Kiba Yuji couldn't let Nan Kotaro attack Haitang first, and used the Emperor Sword to strike at Nan Kotaro.

Nan Kotaro had no choice but to block Kiba's Jidi sword first, and let Haitang Zhi also escape from the battle circle.

Hai Tang Zhi also escaped from the close combat with Nan Kotaro, and flew into the sky, using the sygahone to launch enhanced light bullets.Constantly harassing Nan Kotaro.

Kotaro Minami was entangled by Kiba, and had no choice but to be harassed by Naoya Haitang.

Kotaro Minami was furious.

"Fist of Hell."

"Absolute defense."

A golden light emanated from Kiba Yuji's body, blocking Minami Kotaro's attack.

"I'll see how much you can block. Devil's Fist, Devil's Fist."

Minami Kotaro threw down the spear like crazy and used his fist.

It can be seen that Kiba Yuji's golden defensive cover has begun to show some broken marks, and the absolute defense has almost been broken.

"Kiba, hold on, here I come. Deep blue electric drill."

Haitang has always seen that Yuji Kiba is in danger, so naturally he can't ignore it.

Haitang Zhiya used the continuously rotating airflow of the Wings of Heaven to unleash his nirvana - the dark blue electric drill.

"I've been waiting for you for a long time. The devil tramples."

Minami Kotaro quickly played checkers and kicked Naoya Haitang who fell from the sky using a dark blue electric drill.


Another bang.

Haitang Naoya's dark blue electric drill did not have the desired effect, and was broken by Minami Kotaro.

"It seems that you can't do it. Demon Fist."

Hai Tang Zhi also withstood the shock wave of the explosion, but did not block the next fist of Minami Kotaro.

Naoya Haitang was sent flying to Yuji Kiba's feet by Kotaro Minami.

"Kiba, you have to be careful, this guy has taken drugs."

Haitang Zhiya endured the injuries on his body, but still stood up, standing shoulder to shoulder with Kiba Yuji.

"Obviously it won't work, so why insist on it?"

At this time, Nan Kotaro had been dazzled by the soaring power, and his behavior was completely different from before.

Ganqiao stood in front of Kiba Yuji and Haitang Naoya.

I took out faiz's final accessory -- faizbster.

This was given by Nagata Yuka to his subordinates when Ganqiao went to Nankotaro's position, in order to avoid being defeated by Ganqiao, and he really had to use it.

Skillfully insert the faizhone into the faizbster, and wait for the system of faiz's belt to respond with an "aakeng" prompt.

Enter the transformation code "555" again to activate, and the powerful energy molecules will be decomposed and recombined, and transformed into "faiz (burst form)" neatly.

"Oh, I've become stronger, so let's fight."

The demon prince transformed by Minami Kotaro had red lasers in his eyes.

Qianqiao blocked the front with his hands, and the laser couldn't break through the defense at all.

Ganqiao pressed "143", (blade mode.)

Ganqiao picked up the photon destruction sword and pointed it at Nanguangtaro.

Nan Kotaro and Ganqiao didn't say much, and started a face-to-face fight. Nan Kotaro's spear was made of unknown material, and it collided with the photon destruction sword, but it was not damaged.

A "chi" sound.

Nan Kotaro intertwined with the long spear and Ganqiao's photon destruction sword, and Nan Kotaro tried to push Ganqiao away with all his strength.

However, the faiz in burst form remained motionless,

"Your strength and speed are about the same as mine, the only difference is combat experience."

Yes, Gan Qiao's combat experience is much higher than that of Nan Kotaro. Combat experience is not only related to the number of fights, but also related to the person's sense of smell for combat.

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