Before his transformation, Minami Kotaro was just an ordinary young man, but Ganqiao became a wolf-type Orfienuo a long time ago.Influenced by the wolf-type Orfienuo, his skillful sense of smell in battle is extremely sensitive, and he can hold down Kotaro Minami.


Seeing that he couldn't push Ganqiao away, Nan Kotaro slammed the spear pressed down by the photon destruction sword.

By coincidence, he stepped back a few steps, and Nan Kotaro took advantage of the situation and drew out his spear.

"I can fly, can you?"

Nan Kotaro spread his wings and hovered in front of Qianqiao.

Ganqiao flicked his right hand, pressed the code "5283", the jet system was activated behind the faiz in burst form, and Ganqiao flew to the same height as Kotaro Minami.

"Not only you can fly, but I can fly too."

As Ganqiao said, he pressed "5214" quickly, and a cannon appeared on his shoulder.


The artillery fired endless compressed energy light bullets, and each compressed energy light bullet was equivalent to 300 rounds of faizone.

Nan Kotaro shifted his position flexibly, avoiding the skillful attack.

Ganqiao saw that Kotaro Nana began to evade his own attack, increased the attack power, and fired compressed energy light bullets more frequently.

"Strengthen the ultimate eye."

Ganqiao activates an ability that is hardly used, and in Qianqiao's eyes, all the positions that Nan Kotaro evades, as well as the positions that may be avoided next, begin to appear in Ganqiao's eyes.


As soon as the words fell, dozens of compressed energy light bullets hit Nan Kotaro one after another. No matter where Nan Kotaro hid, he was still hit.

Nan Kotaro was beaten so badly that he fell from the sky, and the wings on his back were shattered.


Nan Kotaro spread his wings and slapped hard, the bone needles in the wings flew towards Qianqiao.

Ganqiao quickly took off into the air and avoided the attack.Minami Kotaro's fragmented wings gradually plumped up and returned to their original shape.

The wings on the back of Nan Kotaro suddenly emitted a light that could blind people, yes, it is light when it is extremely dark.

Gan Qiao stared at Nan Kotaro's changes, and suddenly his eyes dimmed, "Not good."

The edge of Minami Kotaro's wings became extremely sharp, and Minami Kotaro used the sharpness of his wings to scratch Qianqiao's ribs.

Qianqiao's body's defense was broken, and a line could be clearly seen on Faiz's body, which was caused by Nan Kotaro's attack just now.

Ganqiao was kicked down from the sky by Nan Kotaro.


There is a big hole on the ground, and it happens to be underneath.

"Send you the last blow."

Nan Kotaro raised the spear, the tip of the spear was surrounded by black mist, and threw it vigorously in the direction of Qianqiao.


At the critical moment, Kiba Yuji intervened, otherwise he might be stabbed by this gun by accident. .

"Absolute defense."

Kiba Yuji's absolute defense this time is not as strong as it was at the beginning, and the golden light from his body is a bit dim.

Chapter 1

Nan Kotaro is confident that this shot killed Qianqiao, so naturally this shot is extraordinary.

Yuji Kiba did not block Minami Kotaro's spear, and Minami Kotaro's spear pierced Kiba Yuji's body by an inch. Thanks to Kiba Yuji's use of the Earth Belt as the main defense, otherwise it would not be as simple as an inch.

"Kiba, get out of the way. You actually blocked my death shot, and the breath from it has already entered your body. If you don't do it again, the injury won't get worse."

Subconsciously, Kotaro Minami didn't want to fight Kiba Yuji.


Kiba Yuji shook his head firmly, and still stood in front of Qianqiao.

"Then let's die together."

By the time Minami Kotaro finished speaking, he was already in front of Kiba Yuji, grabbed the spear that had been inserted into Kiba Yuji's body, and hit it hard.

The spear completely passed through Kiba Yuji's body, and Nan Kotaro took back the spear and was about to poke at Qianqiao again.

"I caught you, coincidentally, it was you last time, this time it's me."

Kiba Yuji has already noticed that Nan Kotaro has come to him. Considering Nam Kotaro's speed is very fast, in order to catch Nam Kotaro, Kiba Yuji used his body as a bait and hugged Nam Kotaro.

"You let go."

Kotaro Minami elbowed Kiba Yuji.

Kiba Yuji said to Qianqiao's direction, "Please."

He turned his head and said to Haitang Zhiya, "Haitang, I believe you will do it."

"I can't, I can't."

Hai Tang refused to attack Kiba Yuji who was holding Nan Kotaro.

Ganqiao flew out of the pit that he had just fallen into, knocked Kiba who was holding Nan Kotaro into the air, and hugged Nan Kotaro himself instead.

"Coincidentally, don't."

Kiba Yuji shouted anxiously.

Naturally, Nan Kotaro was not willing to let Ganqiao control himself, a knife grew out of his elbow, and he kept stabbing Ganqiao's body with the elbow knife.

Just when Kiba Yuji and Haitang Naoya made up their minds and prepared to eliminate together with Ganqiao.

Nan Kotaro's body appeared abnormal, "Ahhh."

The Sun Stone and Moon Stone in Minami Kotaro's body suddenly stopped living in peace and collided with each other.

Kotaro Minami's demon prince returned to the prototype and became Kamen Rider Bckrx.

Gan Qiao seized the time, and with a beautiful back fall, Nan Kotaro was thrown out.


Kiba Yuji and Haitang Nao also looked at each other.

"Earth Emperor Slash."

"Heavenly Emperor Slash."

Kiba Yuji endured the severe pain in his body and tried the nirvana together with Haitang Naoya.

"The Heavenly Emperor Double Slash."

The separated Didi Zhan and Tiandi Zhan merged together to form a new unique move - Heaven and Earth Double Slash, and the colorful sword light slashed towards Nan Kotaro.

Without any sound, Nan Kotaro disappeared into the Heaven and Earth Slash.


Haitang also jumped up all of a sudden.


Haitang Zhi also hummed, passed out, and the earth belt a on her body was removed at once.

Qianqiao also fell from mid-air and canceled the transformation by herself.

A big battle with Nan Kotaro would be over, Ganqiao once again guarded the truth, but this time Ganqiao didn't hand over Faiz's accessories to Shenglong Group.

Nagata Yuka also acquiesced to the skillful approach, but Haitang Zhiya immediately handed over the belt of heaven to Nagata Yuka after the battle.

Yuji Kiba was sent to the hospital at the Red Police base and received treatment.

"How is the situation?"

Li Qinghe opened his eyes, the injuries on his body hadn't fully healed, and his body was still aching.

"Minami Kotaro has been killed by Qianqiao, Kiba Yuji and Haitang Naoya."

Changtian Yuhua saw that Li Qinghe had woken up, and quickly brought out the chicken soup that Li Qinghe had prepared.

"Mr. Qinghe, open your mouth, you are hungry."

Changtian Yuhua fed Li Qinghe gently spoon by spoon.

The news that Li Qinghe had woken up was soon known by other women, and they came to visit Li Qinghe one after another.But the scene was naturally not that friendly, and it was almost as if it were described as tense.

Looking at the romantic debts he incurred, Li Qinghe could only settle them one by one with a bitter face.

After finally coaxing all the women away, Li Qinghe lay on the hospital bed alone.

At this time the door opened, and Li Qinghe saw that it was Nagata Yuka.

"Don't look at it, they're all gone."

Jiehua looked dissatisfied at Li Qinghe, a big carrot.

"Nagada Yuka, I think you have become more beautiful. Come, kiss."

Li Qinghe activated the dead skin shameless mode, which made Nagata Yuka smile wryly.

"Speak less, big pervert."

Nagata Yuka said arrogantly.

"Don't you want to know what happened after you passed out? Here, this was recorded after you passed out."

Nagata Yuka opened the recorded video.

Li Qinghe watched the whole battle with Nan Kotaro clearly.

"Qing He, how could Nan Kotaro suddenly be so strong, it's unreasonable."

It's been a while since Yuhua came to this world, so she naturally knows the strength of Nan Guangtaro. From the beginning, she was not Li Qinghe's first-hand enemy, and now she can turn around and kill Li Qinghe.

"You also know the will of the planet."

Li Qinghe continued.

"In the world of 555, because there are no protagonists, they don't have much influence on the world, so the will of the world has not intervened. This world is different, and I have already noticed that the will of the world has made a move."

"This world belongs to Kamen Rider bck and the follow-up Kamen Rider bckrx guardian, if there is no Minami Kotaro, and maybe the earth has been invaded by Gorgom and Klexis.

Nan Kotaro was chosen by the will of the planet, and he has saved the earth more than once, so the will of the planet will definitely take action when Nan Kotaro encounters a crisis.

This time the will of the planet directly intervened, causing Nan Kotaro's strength to grow to an incredible level. "

"That's right, did you say that Nan Kotaro is dead?"

Nagata Yuka saw that Nan Kotaro disappeared in the heaven and earth double slash issued by the knight of the sky and the knight of the earth, but Yuka felt that Kotaro Nan was not dead. This is the sixth sense of being a woman.

"I can't tell, I don't know if the will of the world will continue to shoot."

Li Qinghe was not sure whether Nan Kotaro was alive.

Demon Realm, [-] meters below the Valley of Miracles.

"What a perfect body, it can be used as my carrier, wait for me to go out, hahaha..."

A cloud of black mist happily looked at Nan Kotaro who had fallen to him.

This cloud of black mist is another "god" in the demon world besides Emperor Klexis.

It's just that no one knows that God looks like this, living [-] meters underground in the dark.

"Yuka Nagata, where's the key?"

Li Qinghe finally remembered the main task of this battle.

"I thought you were thinking about that Ji Lala, and the key was still on that Yuko, I didn't expect that."

Nagata Yuka took out a triangle-shaped key.

"I really didn't expect that the two keys that Yuko took out were all fake."

Li Qinghe also lamented Yuko's vigilance, but only in this way, she could survive for so long under the pursuit of the Holy Dragon and the Klexis Empire.

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