"Extending life is indeed true. Although the Clexis people live longer, the Emperor Clesis has lived for nearly 2000 years. However, it seems that His Majesty the Emperor is very healthy."

Paramura said.

"It's called being strong from the outside and doing things in the middle. The life of Emperor Klexis has long since ended, and now his life is spent on the lives of others.

Do you know the real reason why you failed this mission?Because I told Knight Leo about your plan.

Don't be angry, His Majesty the Emperor asked me to do it. "

Mary Doron saw that Paramura was clearly in disbelief.

"Impossible. If Emperor Klexis ordered it, he shouldn't kill me because of the failure of this operation. Why did he kill me?"

Unknowingly, Paramura's tone towards His Majesty Emperor Klexis was not so respectful.

"Because you are a minister and he is a king. If you are dead, then this matter can no longer be brought up. And after that mission failed, didn't you find that all the chaps you sent were executed?

Their blood, as well as the blood of the nobles of the empire, can prolong the life of Emperor Klexis.According to my news network, Emperor Klexis can start to cultivate a new successor family similar to our family.

do you understand me?I can't go, if I go, the whole family will be imprisoned. "

Mary Doron told Paramula this top-secret news.

Paramura regretted stopping Mary Doron, he would rather he didn't know anything, once he knew it meant he had boarded Mary Doron's pirate ship.

"You tell me why."

Although Palamla is a robot, he was also shocked by today's breaking news.

"To survive."

Mary Doron sighed.

"Did you survive?"

Paramura understood Mary Doron's approach.

"What do you need me to do?"

Paramura didn't want to die, she could live on her knees.The same is true for thinking robots. .

"I need you to hand this over to the Holy Dragon Group, to obtain false information from the Holy Dragon Group, and to delay the attention of Emperor Klexis to the Kleisis Fortress."

When Paramura heard Mary Doron mentioning the taboo subject of Fortress Clexis, she stood up all of a sudden.

Chapter 1 Param's Message

"you're crazy"

"I'm crazy, I'm really crazy, if I'm not crazy, I have to die. To tell you the truth, what you have is the defense map of the Klexis Empire and the location where the key is used, otherwise the passage cannot be opened."

Mary Doron stood up, her eyes were red, and she pressed Paramura to the ground.

Mary Doron's eyes were red, and Paramura couldn't connect the calm Mary Doron in the past with the person in front of her.

Mary Doron also realized her gaffe, "I'm under too much pressure recently, and I can't control myself. It's okay, Paramura."

Mary Balon stretched out her hand, and Paramura avoided Mary Doron's hand with some fear, and stood up by herself.

"I'm fine, fine. It's just that once your plan is leaked, it's not just me..."

Before Paramura finished speaking, Mary Doron stopped her.

"Why don't I know, but for the sake of the family. Don't worry, if it is leaked, you will already be on Earth by then. As long as you do what I say, then at least you will be safe.

My insider received a message from Sklyde, he is doing well in Shenglong Group, you can find him in the past.Hand over the things in your hands to him, so that you will have a foothold in Shenglong Group. "

Mary Doron analyzed the pros and cons for Paramula.

"As for me, once the news is leaked, our family will join forces with those families who cannot stand the rule of Emperor Klexis to resist together."

Mary Doron's eyes were full of murderous intent.

"Since you have said so, I believe you."

Paramura said.

It wasn't that Paramula wanted to agree to Mary Doron. Paramula also felt the murderous look in Mary Doron's eyes just now.If Paramura refuses to agree, it will definitely not be able to get out of here after knowing so much information.

"I also believe that you will hand over these things to Shenglong Group."

Paramura nodded, and put the things Mary Doron gave her into her body. Once Paramura was killed, all the contents inside would be blown up.

After Paramura left, a voice came from behind Mary Doron,

"Is it worthwhile for you to entrust such an important task to the robot Paramura? Will the robots be afraid of death?"

A chubby body covered with spikes, a strange monster like a hedgehog appeared-Qiupu Topu.

"You don't know about this. There may be problems if you hand it over to others, but if you hand it over to him, unless he is dead, there is no problem with the plan in his part.

Robots without thoughts are naturally not afraid of death, but robots with thoughts are more afraid of death than us, because they don't know whether they may be reorganized once they are destroyed.And not like us, when you die, you die.

What they fear is not death, but the unknown after death. "

Mary Doron's expression of Zhizhu holding hands made Qiupu Top believe in Mary Doron's approach.In fact, Marie Doron is not very sure, this plan is interlocking, and if one link goes wrong, the whole game will be lost.

Qiupu Tepu is the nephew of Gaidorion, one of the four dead captains, and he was loyal to General Jagu.

In a short period of time, Emperor Klexis had indeed grasped the military power, but General Jagu had been a general for so many years, how could he not have his own backup.Qiupu Tepu is one of General Jagu's followers.

Paramura used the G crystal to enter the earth with a few chaps around him, disguised as earthlings, and began to approach the Holy Dragon Group slowly.

Paramura opened his eyes in the middle of the night after the guards who protected him fell asleep.

Turning his hands into short knives, he killed the few Chapu who followed him with their knives up and down.

"it's time."

Paramura sent out waves that could only be heard by the Klexis robot towards the Holy Dragon Group.

At this time, Sklyde of the Holy Dragon Group is testing his strength.


Sklyde was also afraid that it was a conspiracy by Klexis, so he informed Li Qinghe's office of the news.

"Nagata Yuka, what do you think?"

Li Qinghe was reviewing documents at this time, asking Nagata Yuka who was free.

"Find the target directly and implement the arrest."

Nagata Yuka said casually.

Li Qinghe called Sklyde.

"Sclyde, you go and take a pair of Leo knights to have a look."

Sklyde looked at the direction of the special wave in front of him, and his brain began to calculate the probability of success, and the success rate showed 100%.

Sklyde drove the car and brought Knight Leo to Palamula's apartment.


Sklyde entered the apartment, and with the induction of special waves, he accurately found Paramura.And Paramla is still emitting waves.


The flimsy anti-theft door was kicked open by Paramura.

"You are"

Sklyde looked at the strange robot in front of him and asked.

"Paramula, I am the warrior formed after you, and I am the new captain of the monster robot team, Paramula."

Paramura stopped spreading waves and also stood up.

"You are the one who asked me. What can you do with me?"

Paramura carefully explored the surrounding environment.

"Yes, I will give you some credit, great credit."

Paramura took the defense map of Klessis and the blueprint of the location where the key was used, which had already been taken out of his body.

"Stop your movements."

Paramla is terrified that there are bombs or something in those two things.

"Go and get it."

A Leo knight carefully took what was in Paramura's hand.

"Take it back first."

Paramura said.


Knight Leo pressed Paramla, who did not resist at all, into the prison prepared by the Holy Dragon Group. After a series of strict inspections, Paramla was disarmed of all weapons and could attack people. parts.

The two blueprints handed over to Sklyde have arrived on Li Qinghe's desk.

Nagata Yuka's eyes looked at the two blueprints with a green light.

For these abilities that Li Qinghe had never known about Nagata Yuka, Li Qinghe was powerless to complain. Anyway, Nagata Yuka would not tell Li Qinghe if he asked Nagata Yuka.

"Nagata Yuka, what's inside?"

Li Qinghe saw that the green light in Nagata Yuka's eyes had disappeared.

"Inside is the defense map of the Krysis Empire, as well as the location where you can use the key that leads to Krysis."

Nagata Yuka threw the drawing to Li Qinghe.

Li Qinghe opened the blueprint, although he didn't quite understand it, but he could learn it if he didn't understand it.

"It seems that this new Paramla is very unusual, you brought Paramla in."

Li Qinghe said to the soldiers outside the door.

"President, Paramura has been brought here."

The subordinate saluted and returned to the door of Li Qinghe's office.

The body of Paramura is now in tatters, and emergency installation parts can be seen, obviously.Paramla's body has been dismantled.

"Palamla, what are your intentions when you come to Earth?"

Paramura wanted to say that he didn't care that the parts on his body were fake, but he heard Li Qinghe's question.

Information about Li Qinghe appeared in Palamula's mind, and he knew that Li Qinghe was the president of Shenglong Group.

"I came to Earth to join the Holy Dragon Group and fight against all enemies for you. I have brought you the defense map of Klexis."

Paramula experienced the experience of her body being dismantled, and her brain was almost dismembered. If Li Qinghe hadn't called in time, Paramula would have been completely dismantled.

Paramura hated that Mary Doron who came up with such a bad idea, saying that she would seek refuge with Sklyde.Who knew that Sklyde might have sensed his intention of coming, so he handed over Paramula to the research institute in order to fear that his status would be affected by Paramula.

"You can't get this defense map by yourself, and this, with your ability, you can't find out where this key should be used."

Li Qinghe said.

"Mary Doron gave it to me."

Paramura wanted to be a greedy one, but he didn't expect to be noticed by Li Qinghe, so he could only tell the truth, he didn't want to be dismantled.

"Who is Mary Doron? Mary Doron is a familiar name, by the way, Mary Balon. What is the relationship between Mary Doron and Mary Balon?"

Li Qinghe asked after listening to the familiar name.

"My lord is wise, Mary Doron is the older brother of Mary Balon.

I am currently the intelligence staff officer of the Klexis Empire, and I am the current robot captain of the Klexis Empire, as well as Qiupu Tepu, the captain of the strange beasts, and Daxima, the captain of the navy orc brigade. "

Paramura told all the latest news about the Klexis Empire, as well as what Mary Doron said to herself, all in one basket.

"This is what Mary Doron asked you to give me"

Li Qinghe rested his chin on one hand, and began to think about the truth of what Paramla said.

"Whether it's true or not, we'll know when Princess Galonia is rescued. Paramura, if what you said is true, then I will let you go and let you join our Holy Dragon Group.

However, if it is false, I promise you will never see the sun tomorrow, go on down. "

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