Li Qinghe asked his subordinates to take Paramura away.

"Yuka Nagata, if what he said is true, if we open the channel now, how sure are we of defeating the Clexis Empire, which is a country similar to Earth."

Li Qinghe will never act emotionally on major matters.

Li Qinghe took out the triangle shape, the key was very common, so common that if Ji Lala hadn't pulled the real key out of Yuko's mouth this time, Li Qinghe wouldn't have believed it.

Whether it is true or not, we will know when the time comes.

"Eighty percent."

"Basically, it's too small. By the way, if those three systems are maturely used in this war, how much chance can they increase?"

Li Qinghe asked.

"Nine percent."

The numbers in Nagata Yuka's eyes were flying, and he quickly came to a conclusion.

"Ninety percent, it's ok. Now can those three systems be used on a large scale in actual combat?"

Li Qinghe asked anxiously. .

"No, the three knight systems still need to be tested, otherwise there may be unexpected situations on the battlefield, which will lead to a disadvantageous battle situation."

Nagata Yuka shook her head.

Chapter 1: The Undercurrent of the Klexis Empire

"Then let these three systems actually fight."

Li Qinghe thought for a while and said.


"No, but, I know that the three systems are immature, but the opportunity cannot be missed, and it will never come again. Now we have the defense map of the Klexis Empire in our hands, and the support of Princess Gallonia and the others.

If Emperor Klexis notices that the defense map changes, then the defense map will be useless.

Moreover, Princess Garonia's stay in that different dimension is different from ours, and she may have already encountered a food crisis, so she can't wait any longer. "

Li Qinghe expressed his thoughts.

"But what if, all this is a trap set by Emperor Klexis?"

Nagata Yuka asked.

"What I said just now is based on the fact that what Paramura said is true. If what Paramura said is false, then it will be enough to save Klexis Fortress from the seal. "

Li Qinghe also knew that once the seal of the Klesis Fortress was lifted, it meant that the passage between Klesis and the earth would be opened.

But if the channel can be opened, it can be closed.If it is really impossible, Li Qinghe will take the key and close the passage after lifting the seal of Klexis Fortress.

"Are you sure you want to do this?"

Li Qinghe nodded, and Nagata Yuka began to help Li Qinghe formulate a battle plan.

Nagata Yuka doesn't care whether Li Qinghe is right or not, as long as Li Qinghe is determined to do it, Nagata Yuka will support him unconditionally.

Noon the next day.

Li Qinghe held the key, followed by Ji Lala.

"Don't you want us to avenge you? It depends on whether this key is real."

Li Qinghe took the key and came to the location where the key was used.

A person-high platform appeared on the ground, and there was a gap on the platform, and the triangular key was just in line with the gap.

Li Qinghe put the key in.

Thunder and lightning flashed in the sky, crackling, crackling.

A black hole appeared on the ground and expanded until it reached the size of an airport before stopping its spread.

Ji Lala took a deep breath.

"This is exactly the aura of Klesis, so the opposite is Emperor Klesis. Dad, my daughter will definitely avenge you."

Ji Lala clenched her fists.

After the earth and the demon world were connected, the seal of the Clexis Fortress located in the gap between the earth and the demon world came into contact with the breath from the earth and the demon world, and the seal was lifted.

Clexis Fortress.

After Princess Garonia contacted Li Qinghe once, the communicator failed to contact Li Qinghe again.

In a different dimension, Princess Galonia and the others couldn't know how much time had passed, but food and water were starting to run out.

In the end, after the 30 Chaps in the Clexis Fortress experienced water shortages and cooking, and with the help of Li Qinghe, after the seal was lifted, there were only less than 10 people left.

"Princess Garonia, the seal has been lifted."

General Jagu, an old-fashioned Clexis, couldn't hide the excitement in his heart.

"Quick, receive new food and water from the Klexis Empire."

Although Princess Galonia can also summon water, the water summoned by Princess Galonia is the fountain of miracles, focusing on quality, while Xiangzi's summoning is different, focusing more on quantity.

Whether it is Xiangzi or Princess Galonia, the sourceless water summoned will not last long.

Princess Gallonia looked haggard, with a sickly whiteness to her face.

General Jagu knew that Princess Garonia hadn't eaten for a long time.Every time I fainted from hunger, I was fed by Mary Balon.

In order to save water, Princess Garonia started from herself, and never took a bath after being sealed.And summon the Miracle Fountain in an attempt to save the starving Chapp army.

Although the results were minimal, Princess Garonia had already conquered the entire Klexis Fortress with her own actions.

General Jagu did not regret his original choice either. What Klexis needs is a benevolent monarch, not a tyrant like Shawshank.

"General Jagu, it's not good. There is no food and water in the place where the food is handed over in the lower realm, and the soldiers there also attacked us. The soldiers we negotiated in the afternoon, except me, were all killed."

The Chap soldier also fell down after speaking, lost his breath, and died of starvation.

General Jagu continued to send messages to his previous contact point in the Clexis Empire.

However, no reply was received, which meant that those contact points were all knocked out.

General Jagu's face turned black, and Princess Galonia saw General Jagu with an ugly face.

"General Jagu, what's the matter, is it not going well to collect supplies from the Klexis Empire?"

Princess Gallonia came in through the door.

"Your Highness, how did such a small matter alarm you?"

General Jagu bowed his body.

"General Jagu, don't be too polite. Get up."

Although Princess Garonia's face was pale, the aura of a queen on her body was getting heavier and heavier.Oppressing General Jagu and the three captains bowed down.

"Is there any latest news about the Klexis Empire? I want to know what happened recently."

Just after Princess Garonia finished speaking, the contact desk in the command room had a message.

"I'll take it."

Mary Balon quickly connected to the monster communication.After some communication, the other party's communication was interrupted.

Mary Balon frowned, "General Jagu, it's the news from Qiupu Depu."

"Is it Qiupu Depu? Has the situation deteriorated to this point during our absence?"

General Jagu sighed.

Qiupu Tepu is a secret weapon of General Jagu, and he will never use it until the critical moment.

But now, Qiupu Depu sent a message, indicating that the crisis that General Jagu was in was already very serious. He could not understand what happened to Klessis and became blind. He needed Qiupu Depu to inform him of the news.

General Jagu stroked the scepter and said in a deep voice, "Your Highness, Klesis can no longer give us any food. Most of my power in Emperor Klesis's territory has been controlled by Emperor Klesis."

Princess Garonia nodded slightly, indicating that she already knew.

Princess Garonia took out the communicator on her body and dialed the communication with Li Qinghe.

"How are you doing?"

Li Qinghe received a quick question from Princess Garonia's princess.

"I'm fine, but we're short of food, so I hope you can help."

Princess Garonia put down her face and asked Li Qinghe for food.

"Yes. But, I need you to help us guide the route when we are fighting Emperor Klexis."

Li Qinghe satisfied Princess Garonia's request, and also put forward his own request.

Princess Galonia didn't hesitate, "Yes, we will launch a counterattack against Emperor Klexis from another direction. Help you restrain part of their military strength."

Princess Garonia is also very dissatisfied with Emperor Klexis now, "It's time to overthrow his rule."

Princess Galonia had agreed with Li Qinghe on the place to hand over the food, and successfully sent food for 10 people to survive for three months to Fort Clexis.

Li Qinghe can now control Klexis Fortress through food.For the strategic position of Klexis Fortress, Li Qinghe is still very fancy.

Although Li Qinghe had the blueprint of the Klexis Fortress, he couldn't make it.Ordinary people want to build the Clexis Fortress as if they were trying to figure it out, but that is wishful thinking.

Although the blueprints of Klexis Fortress are precious, if you have blueprints, you cannot make them without sufficient financial resources.

The Shenglong Group has strong financial resources. With the blueprints, they can quickly study and pass through the Klexis Fortress. It can be manufactured, but if it is made, it will consume a lot of resources, and it will take a long time to complete.

The Krasis Empire also had blueprints, but still only one was produced. That fortress had gathered the efforts and financial resources of all the scientists in the entire Krasis Empire.

Li Qinghe didn't want to build the Clexis Fortress now. He could build it when he controlled more worlds, and the resources and time consumed could be within Li Qinghe's tolerance.

At present, Li Qinghe has no plans to produce the Clexis Fortress himself.Therefore, Li Qinghe tied a chain to the Clexis Fortress through the food.

General Jagu also knew, but the situation didn't allow it, so he could only follow Galonia's approach.

In the territory of Emperor Klexis.

"Qiupu Depu, you dare to betray Emperor Klexis and execute you by order of the emperor."

A man resembling the dead Das Mada walked into the place where Chupu Depu had just sent General Jagu a message.This man is also the clone of Emperor Klexis.

"You little prosecutor, what qualifications do you have to try me?"

Chapu next to Qiupu Depu surrounded the clone of Emperor Klexis.

"Do you want to rebel? Resisting the Klexis Empire is a dead end."

The avatar of Emperor Clexis Shawshank yelled at Chap, who surrounded him layer by layer.

"Kill him, I thought I could catch a big fish, but it turned out to be just a small prosecutor."

Qiupu Tepu ordered to his subordinates who were only loyal to him.

In the end, the clone of Emperor Klexis was outnumbered and was besieged to death by Qiu Pu Tepu's men.

There was too much movement when the passage between the earth and the demon world was opened. Not only the earth, but also a portal appeared in the territory of the Krasis Empire. The news was quickly known by Emperor Krasis, and he immediately sent heavy troops to guard it. Try to block this message.

But the news still came out, except for the newly appointed by Emperor Klexis, except for Paramla who had already arrived on Earth, all the other three captains knew the news.

"Qiupu Depu, it's up to you to attract the attention of Emperor Klexis."

Mary Doron looked at the chessboard at home and said silently in her heart.

In Marie Doron's heart, apart from herself and her family, everyone else can be used.The dispatch of Qiupu Top to send the news at the risk of being discovered by Emperor Klexis was also operated by Marie Doron.

Chapter 1 The Abandoned Qiupu Top

If Qiu Pu Tepu is not discovered, then continue to hide. Once discovered, then directly revolt, try to catch the big fish that caught him, and after killing him, start to lead his men to resist the Clexis Empire.

Mary Doron didn't notice that there was an extra drop of water in the room, and then a drop of water slowly gathered into a human shape, and there was no trace of breath behind Mary Doron.

If Mary Doron turned around, she could see that the person behind her was Taxima, the captain of the navy orcs.

The poisonous dagger in Daxima's hand was directly inserted into Mary Doron's heart from behind.

Mary Doron was about to turn her head, but was held down by Taxima behind her, and a familiar voice came from beside her ear,

"Who told you to be one of the most loyal people of Emperor Clexis? If it weren't for you, how could our anti-Clexis guerrillas lose so much and let those new Leo knights take a place."

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