Mary Doron already knew it was Daxima by hearing the voice. She originally thought that Daxima was Emperor Kleiss, but after hearing Daxima's words, Mary Doron smiled wryly.

"It's really suffocating to die."

These were the last words of Mary Doron before she died.

Daxima is the trump card cultivated by the anti-Klexis guerrillas at a great price, in order to overthrow the Klexis Empire and establish their own ideal country.

Originally, the anti-Clexis guerrillas developed smoothly, but after Mary Doron served as the intelligence staff, she quickly found the command post of the anti-Clexis guerrillas.

The Klexis guerrillas were forced to fight head-on with the Klexis Imperial Army, and the Klexis guerrillas who rushed to the battle were defeated.

And Daxima received the order from the upper echelons of the anti-Klexis guerrillas to "clear out the minions."

Unfortunately, Mary Doron was shot. After Mary Doron's death, Mary Doron's family completely became history, and there was no living person except Mary Doron.

Mary Balon's heart ached sharply on the Clexis Fortress, and she spat out a mouthful of blood.

"Mary Balon."

General Jagu, who was discussing important matters with Princess Galonia, saw Mary Balon clutching her heart with a very uncomfortable expression, and asked with concern.

"General Jiagu, my parents, my elder brother, and my grandparents are all dead."

Mary Balon could not hide the pain in her heart.

"Don't worry, there is me. I will protect you."

General Jagu comforts the heartbroken Mary Baron.

Mary Balon has performed magic on her close relatives, and can sense their lives. As long as there is no accident, Mary Balon's heart will not hurt.

After exterminating Marie Doron's family, he deliberately pretended to be the scene of the extermination of Emperor Clexis, and pointed the finger of genocide at Emperor Clexis.

Marie Doron's death was really aggrieved. A generation of outstanding people, who could come up with such a shocking plan, was killed by Taxima by mistake.

Daxima didn't know that Mary Doron was plotting against Emperor Klexis.

Daxima returned to her room, and was soon summoned by Emperor Klexis.

"Tasima, you are a member of the anti-Klexis guerrillas, you actually killed my beloved general Marie Doron, and hindered my plan."

The reason why Emperor Klexis left the Marie Doron family was to allow them to refine medicine that could increase the lifespan of Emperor Kleiss and help Emperor Kleiss live longer.As a result, the pill was wiped out by Taxima before it was successfully developed.

The plan to extend the lifespan of Emperor Klexis was blocked. Although Emperor Klexis had also prepared new refining personnel, those personnel were still half-baked, so Emperor Klexis kept using Mary Doron.

Emperor Krasis also had his own intelligence agency, from which Emperor Krasis already knew that Daxima was a member of the anti-Klesis guerrillas, and the central system of the anti-Klesis guerrillas was the sieve.

The reason why Emperor Klexis was not destroyed was so that someone could divert the conflicts of the empire and take the blame for himself.

However, the plan to attack Mary Doron was immediately ordered by the high-level anti-Klexis guerrillas, and Emperor Klexis did not receive any news.

After Marie Doron was killed, Emperor Klexis learned of the news, and he would send a message that the high-level family who opposed the Klexis guerrillas had also been slaughtered.

In the upper echelon of the anti-Klexis guerrillas, there are also people arranged by Emperor Klexis.And Daxima, who the anti-Klexis guerrillas tried their best to hide, was discovered by Emperor Klexis by following the clues.

"Your Majesty, someone is framing me. Please be aware."

Tasima knelt on the ground.

"That's right."

Emperor Klexis moved up to Daxima, and Daxima was dripping with sweat.

"I trust your loyalty."

Seeing Daxima breathed a sigh of relief, Emperor Klexis opened his giant wolf mouth, swallowed Daxima, and chewed.

"It's delicious, it's delicious, and it's nutritious only when eaten raw. Since you are loyal to me, let me eat it."

Daxima forgot that Emperor Klexis was not a benevolent king who was good at listening to advice, but a tyrant.No need for an explanation from Tasima.

Back in the room, Mary Balon used magic to summon her dead brother Mary Doron to come out.

"elder brother."

Mary Balon wanted to hug her, but found that she couldn't touch her brother.

"Mary Balon, I didn't expect us to meet in such a situation. I was killed by Emperor Klexis, and you want to avenge me.

In my basement, there is a list of families who agreed to fight against Emperor Klexis.You want to take it back, and break through the imperial capital of Emperor Klexis under the cooperation of the inside and the outside.

I'm leaving, and I'm very satisfied to see you.Mom and Dad, they have already left, and they say they miss you very much. "

After saying that, Marie Doron's figure suddenly faded, and finally disappeared.

Mary Balon squatted on the ground and cried, clenching her fists, "Emperor Klexis, I will definitely kill you."

Marie Doron knew that Tasima was an anti-Cresis, but she still told Mary Balon that Emperor Cresis killed him.

Because Marie Doron heard the words of Daxima before she died, and knew that Daxima was a member of the anti-Klexis guerrillas, she had already deduced that Daxima must also die, and would definitely be overcome. Emperor Lysis was vented because of Mary Doron's premature death.

So for the future development of Mary Balon, Mary Doron decided to implement the rest of the plan by Mary Balon, and the plan can no longer be stopped.

Once Emperor Klexis was overthrown, Mary Balon contributed a lot to it.This was the last help Mary Doron, a brother, could give to his sister.

Marie Doron's death echoed a sentence, her heart is higher than the sky, and her life is thinner than paper.

Qiu Putru, who was running for his life at this time, had no idea that the person he killed was the clone of Emperor Klexis.At present, Qiu Pu Top found that he could not contact Mary Doron, the person who gave him an idea behind the scenes.

He didn't know at all that Mary Doron had already given up on him after he was discovered by Emperor Klexis.And now Mary Doron was dead.

Emperor Clexis was such a high-minded person. After being killed by General Jagu, he sealed the Clexis Fortress, causing General Jagu's power in the Clesis Empire to fall apart.

After being killed by Qiupu Tepu, Emperor Klexis mobilized his own personal guards, which belonged to the core force of Emperor Kelaxisi. Although there were only 1000 people, they began to hunt down Qiupu Tepu.

But each one was able to defeat a hundred, which reminded Emperor Clexis Shawshank of the woman who had helped him train his personal guards—Sachiko, who would become Granny Baimu in the future.

"I did the right thing. The one who made her like it was not me, but that idiot Jagu. And she can train such excellent soldiers. What should I do if those people are ordered to kill me.

You can obediently be your Baimu mother-in-law, why do you have to come out. "

After losing the life-sustaining medicine of Mary Doron, Emperor Klexis had already started to go crazy.

Emperor Klexis ordered those subordinates who were half-baked compared to the Mary Doron family to hurry up and study the life-sustaining medicine.

If God wants to kill him, he must first make him crazy.

Qiupu Depu was soon surrounded by the personal guards sent by Emperor Clexis Shawshank, and all Qiupu Depu's subordinates had been eliminated by the pro-guards.

Although Qiupu Tepu had many subordinates, dozens of times more than the pro-guards, these numbers obviously did not cause a qualitative change, and after only causing minimal losses to the Klexis pro-guards, they were completely wiped out.

Qiupu Topu's seemingly clumsy body flew into the air.There is no way, if you run slowly, your life will be gone.

Qiupu Tepu has already contacted General Jagu on the Klexis Fortress.As long as you cross this mountain, there will be support from General Jagu.Qiupu Tup can escape to the Klexis Fortress.

"Qiu Pu Top, your life is over."

Dozens of pro-guards appeared in front of Qiu Pu Top.

Each of the pro-guards wore golden battle robes and used the most secret weapon of the Klexis Empire.

Qiu Pu Top quickly turned around and bypassed the guards who were blocking him.

Those personal guards watched Qiupu Tepu leave in other directions without doing anything.

Chupu Top ran in another direction and found that there were more guards ahead.

Qiu Pu Top changed direction and ran again, but in front of him, there were still more pro-guards. more and more.

Qiupu Tepu realized that he was fooled at first, the people in front of him were the first group to stop him, and the people who caught up behind him joined the first group to surround him. .

If Qiupu Topu went straight for the first time, he still had a high chance of being able to pass.

But Qiupu Tepu has wasted several opportunities, and there are already close to a hundred personal guards in front of him.

Chapter 111 The End of Persia

Qiupu Tepu still knows his own ability. The strength of each pro-guard can wipe out hundreds of ordinary Chapu soldiers.

And Qiupu Depu can defeat five hundred chaps at most, and Qiupu Depu's strength is at most comparable to five guard soldiers.

Qiupu Tepu has already looked at life and death, and there is no way not to look at it.Those pro-guards have already said that what they want is their own life, not to capture themselves alive.

Qiupu Depu didn't know at all, and General Jagu was not around to meet him at all. General Jagu learned about Mary Doron's plan from Mary Balon. Naturally, in order for the plan to go smoothly, Qiupu Depu still needs to continue to attract Klexis Emperor Shawshank's attention.

Qiu Pu Tepu pulled out a spike from his body, and that spike turned into a long sword.

Qiupu Depu can be regarded as someone who has seen the Klexis guards take action.

"Let me do it, give me the credit."

A small captain who appeared to be from the Klexis pro-guard came out.

Every member of the Chrysis Guard is the most loyal Chrysis emperor Shawshank, and at the same time the top-notch purebred Chrysis people.

The Klexis pro-guard is divided into small squadrons, squadrons, and large squadrons.

Ten people make up a squadron, a hundred people make up a squadron, and a thousand people make up a commander-in-chief.The current commander-in-chief is Emperor Klexis.

The person who can be the leader of the Klexis squad is naturally not easy, and the strength is very strong.

When the pro-guards encircled Qiu Pu Tepu's army, only ten soldiers died.

Nine of them were all team members of the team leader who came out to challenge Qiupu Depu, and one team member was seriously injured, and it is estimated that he will have to retire when he returns.

The team leader probably will be dismissed when he goes back. When His Majesty Emperor Klexis is in a bad mood, he probably won't be able to survive.

So this small captain stood up to fight Qiupu Topu alone. If he wins Qiupu Topu, he can wash away his shame and may not be punished.

"Say your name."

Qiu Pu Top looked at the masked man in front of him seriously.

"I don't have a name, my code name is 1130."

The captain took out his sword.

Other than that, there was no topic to talk about, and the squad leader took the lead in unleashing his sword.

Qiu Pu Tepu blocked every move with his sword, trying to find out the weakness of the team leader.

However, this team leader's steps are steady, his moves are not greedy for merit, and he is very cautious, so that Qiupu Topp can't find his weaknesses.

As the battle between Qiu Pu Top and the squad leader got longer and longer, more and more guards came here.

The first squadron leader to come here saw the battle below.

"As His Majesty's personal guard, we only need to win, and we don't need to be fair."

The squadron leader took out a special pistol and shot at Qiupu Topu.

Qiupu Topu was so focused on fighting the squad leader that he didn't notice other people around him attacking him, and was hit by a bullet.

There was a blood hole in Qiupu Topu's body, and after a few "bang bang bang", there were more and more blood holes on Qiupu Topu's body.

The gunshot wound on Qiupu Tepu's body made him unable to resist the attack of the squad leader in front of him, and was stabbed into the body by the squad leader with a long sword.

"You don't keep your word."

Qiupu Top fell down unwillingly.

"For credit, all we need is the result, 1130, this time I'll give you his head."

Squadron leader 1100 is the squadron leader of 1130, directly in charge of 1130, so naturally he couldn't bear to see 1130 being punished by Emperor Klexis for causing too much loss in encircling and suppressing Qiupu Tepu.

So 1100 gave this credit to 1130.

"1100, he can't just give him the credit for this matter, we also contributed a lot."

At 1300 and 1500, the captains of the two squadrons also came here and found Qiupu Depu who had fallen.

"Then this credit, 1130 will take my share of the credit, and let you share it equally. I don't want this credit."

1300 jumped down and lifted Qiupu Depu up.Taking out his tiger head knife, he was about to look at Qiu Pu Tepu's head.

Suddenly Qiupu Top opened his eyes, "cough cough"

Qiupu Toppu vomited blood and said with a smile, "If you want me to die, you have to go with me."

Qiu Pu Tepu's chubby body first contracted rapidly, then expanded rapidly, and exploded at once. The countless spikes on his body turned into long swords and shot at the nearby guards.

However, this is not the first time that the personal guards have experienced this kind of thing. Except for the three people near Qiupu Topu, the long swords pierced into other people were all blocked by the golden shirts. The members' heads are covered by helmets and masks on their faces.

Every Clexis pro-guard was armed to the teeth, and even the three people who were too close to Qiupu Tepu were only seriously injured by the impact of the long thorns blessed by the explosion.

Qiupu Top thought he could take away the pro-guards who rounded him up, but the fact was that none of them were taken away.

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