General Jiagu was on the Klexis Fortress, and he saw clearly the battle of Qiupu Tepu until the self-destruction.

General Jagu clenched his fists, "Qiupu Depu, your sacrifice will not be in vain."

Next to General Jagu is Princess Garonia.

Princess Garonia saw the death of Qiupu Depu, and a trace of grief flashed in her heart.

So many innocent people have died under the violent rule of Emperor Klexis that the Klexis Empire must be overthrown.Although many people will die in the process, it is worth it.

Princess Garonia's inner pain was perfectly concealed by her ruthless appearance.

"General Jagu, Mary Doron's plan has reached a critical point, and the next action cannot be missed."

Princess Garonia holds a crystal scepter.

"General Jagu, I order you to be the Grand Marshal of the Klexis Anti-Imperial Army, commanding the three armies."

Princess Garonia's scepter pointed at General Jagu, and General Jagu's golden scepter suddenly turned into a golden long sword.

The clothes on General Jagu's body also turned into a majestic battle armor.


General Jagu knelt on the ground.

After living for so many years, General Jagu naturally knew that Princess Garonia's order just now was not a simple appointment, but a blessing.

"Mary Balon, I have ordered you to be the staff officer for the anti-Klexis Empire, responsible for investigating information about the territory of the Klexis Empire, and wooing those families who are not steadfast, and at the same time assassinating those who are loyal to Emperor Klexis family."

The scepter in Princess Garonia's hand emitted a blue light.

The clothes on Mary Balon's body changed, and the feathers on her head disappeared.Mary Balon was wearing a blue battle suit with a special totem tattooed on it.

Mary Balon also knew that the totem on the battle suit was a giant beast representing war—the Ragu beast.

"Bosigang, I already know the situation of your family. Your family has been wiped out by Emperor Klexis."

Princess Garonia said to Bosigang who was standing still below.

"Impossible. Impossible. I have already sworn to serve Emperor Clexis. If His Majesty promises me to take back the Clexis Fortress, he will make me a general. It is impossible to destroy my family. "

Persia, who was waiting for the reward, had just heard the news, and couldn't bear it all at once. Shocked, he revealed his secret allegiance to Emperor Klexis.

"It turned out to be you. I said, how could the Krasis Fortress be sealed by Emperor Krasis so easily."

General Jagu pulled out his long sword and thrust it in front of Bo Sigang.

"Bo Sigang, you are also my favorite general. I know that you have always wanted to inherit my position. But I didn't expect that you actually..., because you have served me for many years, I don't want to treat you Do it, cut yourself off."

Jagu sighed.

Boss just shook his head severely, "Princess Garonia, you actually use illusion."

As soon as Boss looked up, he saw Princess Galonia's eyes turned blue.

"I just induced you. I have already guessed who leaked the escape route of Qiupu Depu. Only General Jagu, Gardison, Mary Baron, you, and I know about Qiupu Depu's escape route. .

General Jagu will not leak information, and Mary Balon will not, of course, leaving Gardison and you, but I didn't expect it to be you. "

Princess Garonia told the story of her process of finding the traitor.

"That's right, I did it. However, the news that my family was destroyed should be false."

Boss just knew that his identity as a traitor was discovered, but he was not nervous. It seemed that there was some way out or a hole card.

"This news is indeed true. I didn't lie to you. This is information from your family. Your family was wiped out on the day the Klexis Fortress was sealed."

Princess Galonia threw the information about the destruction of the Bosigang family to Bosigang.

Boss just cautiously didn't answer, and threw the documents on the ground, spilling out a few photos.

"Dad, sister..."

The photo of Persia just spilled from the ground, saw his dad, whose head had been severed.A large hole appeared in his sister's heart replacement.

Bosi just squatted down, not afraid of any traps in the documents, opened the documents and flipped through the pages, and inside were photos of the family being wiped out.

"Ah. Why."

Boss just roared loudly.

"Because you are worthless."

Gardison next to him walked up to Persian.

"No value, no value..."

Boss just took out a broken bracelet from his body, "It turns out that the bracelet was not broken because of the distance, but because of the separation between life and death. Hahaha. Then what's the point of everything I do..."

Persia just went crazy.

Suddenly, madly, she rushed towards Princess Galonia, and Mary Balon threw a whip to bind Bo Sigang, and threw Bo Si Gang out heavily. .

Before Gardison stood up, Gardison shot four times in a row, crippling both of Bo Sigang's legs.

Jagu picked up the long sword stuck in the ground and approached Bo Sigang.

Chapter 112 Princess Galonia Joins the Battle

"Boss just..."

General Jagu looked at Bo Sigang with a complicated expression.

"General Jagu, I was wrong, so..."

Bo Sigang put his body on the ground with both hands and inserted into Bo Sigang's long sword.

"I will make up for it with death..."

Persia just died.The hidden son arranged by Emperor Klexis at the top of General Jagu's interior has been pulled out.

"Gardison, you are the warlord of the anti-Klexis Empire, and you are responsible for maintaining military discipline. If there are soldiers who take advantage of the chaos and commit crimes, they will be killed without mercy."

The crystal scepter of Princess Galonia emitted a purple light, and the short gun in Gardison's hand became a submachine gun, and the performance of every part of the body was significantly improved.


Gardison knelt and accepted the appointment.

"Next, we'll see Mr. Qinghe and the others."

Shenglong Group.

Although Nagata Yuka was in charge of troop deployment, Li Qinghe had to sign the troop deployment order.

"Nagata Yuka, I hope to start fighting tomorrow. Princess Garonia has already told me Mary Doron's plan. I didn't expect that Mary Balon's brother Marie Doron has such talent, but it's a pity that God is jealous of talents." .”

Li Qinghe said while watching the battle Nagata Yuka entrusted to him.

"Although the battle will start tomorrow, the time is a bit short, but the soldiers are already ready to fight. The number of Orfi Enoch Potion and Leo Knight's Belt has been prepared enough.

There are also compressed food, etc., which have also been prepared, enough for 300 million soldiers to fight continuously for a year. "

Nagata Yuka frowned.

"It's just, are you sure you want to start using the Dragon Knight, Elephant Knight, and Monkey Knight three sets that have only passed the test, and there are still some knight systems that are not perfect?"

Although the three systems have passed the basic test, they have not been tested in actual combat.

Fighting is no different than anything else, one step of losing may lead to losing the whole game, not to mention the battle of conquering the world.

"Well, I have already thought about it, Nagata Yuka, using the new belt system, but the Leo Knight can be used as the main force, and the number of the new belt system is one percent of the Leo Knight."

Li Qinghe planned to use 300 million soldiers, 290 million and 3 of them were equipped with Leo knight belts, and the remaining [-] people were equipped with dragon belts, elephant belts, and monkey belts.

Test the performance in actual combat on the battlefield. If the performance is good and more suitable for actual combat, you can gradually replace the Leo Knight.

The next day, the combat soldiers were ready, and all the tanks and planes were filled with ammunition and gasoline.

"Let's fight."

Li Qinghe gave an order.

A steady stream of Leo knights passed through the passage that could lead from the earth to the demon world.

This big move of the Holy Dragon Group was naturally detected by Klexis.

At least the soldiers of the demon world guarding the other side of the passage noticed that the passage had changed.

Without waiting for those guards to report the situation to Emperor Klesis, Klesis Fortress suddenly appeared on top of the Chap soldiers guarding the passage in the demon world.


A large number of beams of light were emitted from the Klexis Fortress, and the surface of the Klexis Fortress was like dumplings, and many Chap soldiers in red battle uniforms landed there.

These Chapu soldiers in red battle clothes fought bravely, although the Chapu soldiers guarding the passage were also elite.

But there is no harm without comparison, and the soldiers under General Jagu are more elite.

Chap in red carries a weapon blessed by Princess Galonia, which can cut off the weapons of ordinary Chap.

With the help of Princess Galonia, the Chapp soldiers guarding the passageway of Emperor Clexis Shawshank were quickly defeated.

"I am General Jagu."

A figure was projected on the Klexis Fortress.

General Jagu's words made Chapu, who was still fighting to the death, stop attacking.

"Emperor Klexis is fatuous and ruthless. Under his rule, the empire is filled with misery. Princess Galonia ordered to save the people of Liming and build a glorious and prosperous world together.

Are you going to stop this teacher of the king? "

General Jagu has been a general for so many years, and his reputation is still very high, and he has the support of Princess Galonia.Those Chap who were still fighting in the passage dropped their weapons.

"Yes, we welcome all people with lofty ideals who want to overthrow the Klexis Empire, you are willing to join."

Princess Galonia didn't come out of the projection, but walked out of the Klexis Fortress and came to the front of the passage.The words of Princess Garonia undoubtedly increased the influence and persuasion of General Jagu.

Princess Garonia once used the Miracle Spring to awaken the source of the dry river in the Chrysis Empire.

In the Klexis Empire, Princess Gallonia was regarded as a savior by many Klesis people, and Princess Galonia was highly respected.


An arrow pierced into Princess Garonia's body with lightning speed.

Princess Galonia fell to the ground.

The one who shot the arrow was a chap dressed in white.

"Princess Garonia is dead, so the empire can continue. I have completed the order of Emperor Klexis."

After this chap finished speaking, the chap around him squeezed over and pressed this chap to the ground, picked up the weapon at hand, and ruthlessly thrust it into that chap's body.There were many people who used their feet and fists to hit Chap who attacked Garonia.

"your Highness!"

General Jagu also came down from the Fortress of Clesis, and the maid in front of Princess Galonia carried Princess Galonia away and sent her to the Fortress of Clesis.

General Jagu, on the other hand, stayed outside and took control of the situation.

The body of Chap, who attacked Princess Galonia, has been turned into a pulp.

"Listen, Krysis, Emperor Krysis once tried to kill Princess Galonia to maintain his rule, but luckily I saved Her Royal Highness with all my might.

Now Her Royal Highness can't bear to let everyone continue to be exploited by Emperor Clexis, and wants to save everyone from the fire and water, but is assassinated by Emperor Clexis.Are you still willing to work for that stupid king? "

General Jagu shouted loudly.

"I don't want to, I don't want to."

There was a small piece of Chapu soldiers below, followed by a large piece. Even the fleeing soldiers stopped and shouted after them.

"The assassination of Her Majesty the Princess by Emperor Klexis in full view is too hateful, avenge Her Majesty, and overthrow the rule of Emperor Klexis."

Following General Jagu's shout.

The voice of "revenge for Her Royal Highness the Princess" sounded again from the crowd below.

General Jagu asked his men to register those Chapu soldiers who were willing to stay and join him.

So far, the channel is under the control of Princess Galonia.

A large number of Leo knights continued to emerge in the passage, and they came to the Klexis Empire one after another with neat steps.

The first step in the invasion of the Klexis Empire, the plan to open the channel has been successful.

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